- action: shell echo {{item}} with_items: - 1 - 2 register: task - debug: var=item.stdout_lines with_items: "{{task.results}}" I have displayed variable and message in the debug same task. the output in 1.9.4 means that ansible could not find the var [('a', 1), ('b', 2)] so it equates it to itself, in 2.0 this would be undefined, but debug is now smart enough to see a list and print it. For our first example, let’s try a simple hello world playbook. Now, I want to checkout repositories and afterwards build docker images only when the source has changed. This module is part of ansible-base and included in all Ansible installations. Debugging tasks¶ Ansible offers a task debugger so you can fix errors during execution instead of editing your playbook and running it again to see if your change worked. Let us … Getting Started. In most cases, you can use the short module name fail even without specifying the collections: keyword. The message is nothing but any variable values or output of any task. with_items) the registered value will contain a key results which holds a list of all results of the loop. You have access to all of the features of the debugger in the context of the task. You can set up the 1_debug_example.yml playbook file: Many people that use Ansible are very familiar with the loop construct. In most cases, you can use the short module name dict even without specifying the collections: keyword. register: "src_{{ item }}" I am new to Ansible and I am trying to create several virtual environments (one for each project, the list of projects being defined in a variable). Note. I want to execute several commands using the "with_items" construct in Ansible. I have made a minimal example to illustrate the problem. Despite that, we recommend you use the FQCN for easy linking to the module documentation and to avoid conflicting with other collections that may have the same module name. I've tried using loop|dict2items (the structure isn't a dictionary, & it … A loop (previously known as with_items) is very simple and powerful and allows you to iterate over a list or dictionary in an easy fashion. Since getting the source and building the image is the same for all items except the name I created the tasks with with_items: images and try to register the result with: register: "{{ item }}" and also tried. Ansible Task - name: Report the /boot/initramfs file status for latest installed kernel debug: msg: "{{ ansible_hostname }} = {{INITRAMFS_LAST_KERNEL.stdout}}" Output Ansible Debug Module with Examples Ansible debug module is used to print the message in the log output. Despite that, we recommend you use the FQCN for easy linking to the module documentation and to avoid conflicting with other collections that may have the same module name. Ansible debug module is a very helpful tool for playbook developers and for administrators who work on need to update a playbook frequently on per need basis. Ansible debug module is easy to use. If a command failed I want to print its standard output. Note. In the following examples I will show how to use debug module to print variable values, … You do not need to register your result with the item salt. (See docs). I'm getting different results when using loop vs with_items when trying to iterate over a list of dictionaries. This module is part of ansible-base and included in all Ansible installations. When you register the result of a loop (e.g. Also, while working in a team where others also have the same stakes as you, using the debug module to add more information is always beneficial and can avoid confusion and dependencies. Instead of looping over your original device list, you can loop over the registered results of … However, I find that many people are not aware of the until loop.
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