defaultImage: '', entityId: 51521, defaultImage: '', Orion's Telescope Buyer's Guide is a great place to start. Starting from the bottom up, we gave the SkyQuest XT6 PLUS a redesigned, streamlined Dobsonian base with weight-saving cutouts. }, { layers: 'Artimg-WhatWillYouSee' }, { Cassegrain telescopes, such as Maksutov-Cassegrains, "fold" incoming light using two mirrors and a front "corrector" lens. This best selling kit includes a Star Target planisphere, Orion Telescope Observer's Guide book, Orion MoonMap 260, and more! Standard mirrors are made from material such as Soda-Lime Plate glass and BK-7 glass. height: 90, height: 90, Orion offers a rugged, fully padded case to fit just about every telescope we stock. You can have the world’s best telescope in terms of everything else but if the optics are bad, the rest doesn’t matter. This is not one of those cases. layers: 'Artimg-DobStory' height: 90, Click for live chat. }, {"clickFunction":"function() {$(\'#_widget798232167097\').widgetClass().scrollNext(\'#_widget798232167097\');}","widgetClass":"ButtonWidget"}, {"snapClosest":true,"bindings":{"bind0":{"fn":"function(event, pageNum) { PagedDataSetFilmstripLoaderWidget.loadPage(\'#relatedItems\', Math.floor(pageNum)); }","type":"scrollend","element":"#_widget798232167097_trigger"}},"unitSize":230,"widgetClass":"SnapToScrollerWidget","scrollSpeed":500,"scrollAmount":1150,"afterScroll":"","animateScroll":"true","beforeScroll":"","direction":"vertical"}, {"emptyItemViewer":"
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For complete warranty details contact us at 800-447-1001. If a motor drive is attached to an equatorial mount, even a small lightweight mount is capable of capturing some planetary detail. An eyepiece rack is included that can hold up to three 1.25" eyepieces, making it easy to store and swap between different oculars to vary the magnification of your observations. defaultImage: '', entityId: 102785, The Orion SkyQuest XT6 Classic Dobsonian Telescope is no exception. entityId: 5825, The solar filter rejects all harmful light from the Sun, while allowing a very small fraction of light to pass through, so you can safely enjoy the fun of daytime solar astronomy. Check out our colorful catalog, filled with hundreds of quality products. }, { In addition to the EZ Finder "red dot" reflex sight for aiming the telescope at your target object, we replaced the typical secondary mirror collimation setscrews with big thumbscrews, for easier, tool-free adjustment when a collimation tweak is needed. On a good night (a night where the air above is steady and the stars aren't twinkling), the practical upper limit of a large telescope is 300x, even thought the theoretical limit may be much higher. defaultImage: '', sourceSelector:'' }, { }, { Starting from the bottom up, we gave the SkyQuest XT6 PLUS a redesigned, streamlined Dobsonian base with weight-saving cutouts. Orion SkyQuest XT8 Plus completes the lacking, standard XT8 and improves upon it. It is not intended to remove or restrict your other legal rights under applicable local consumer law; your state or national statutory consumer rights governing the sale of consumer goods remain fully applicable. defaultImage: '', sourceSelector:'' width: 160, DeepMap folds up just like a road map for easy packing, and it's printed on durable dew-proof material for worry-free outdoor use. An upgraded altitude axis tensioning knob improves control of the telescope's altitude (up/down) motion compared to the XT6 Classic's fixed-tension springs. sourceSelector:'' layers: '10280' sourceSelector:'' }, { SKU : OR-10280 - Read. Add to Cart. entityType: 'product' Eyepiece rack Intermediate Level - These scopes offer higher performance and more advanced features than Level 1: Beginner models. entityType: 'product' It is a joy to use. height: 200, The Orion SkyQuest XT6 PLUS Dobsonian features cool design enhancements and an expanded accessory package compared to our standard XT6 Classic Dob. These handy screws allow you to quickly and easily adjust your mirrors without the use of any tools or addons. This modern makeover and upgrade to our SkyQuest XT6 is a fully loaded, wonderfully affordable telescope for anyone seeking a quality first telescope or a step-up from a smaller one. entityType: 'product' entityType: 'product' entityId: 102125, }, { Perfect for the casual astronomer, beginner or avid stargazer alike this telescope will be a fantastic addition to any telescope collection. width: 90, sourceURL:'/catalog/community_content_viewer_placeholder.jsp?productId=99813&isPDP=true', height: 90, The large 6” aperture gives this telescope ample chops to collect a ton of dim light allowing you to see farther than other reflectors on the market. height: 160, Each colored filter brings out different details in the planets allowing for a totally different view. }, { You can find astrophotography "how to" tips and share your best astronomy pictures here. Please send me email about sales, new products, and astronomy. entityId: 99590, Cassegrain telescopes routinely use spheres in addition to other lenses in the optical path to correct for residual spherical aberration. defaultImage: '', The highest practical limit is different from the often used "highest theoretical magnification" specification. layers: 'VID258' This eliminates the need for frustrating moments with the screwdriver as you try to open up and adjust your mirrors. width: 160, With 56% more light-grasp than an 8″ telescope, you’ll enjoy a significant increase in ability to observe the more subtle structures in faint galaxies, nebulas and other deep-sky objects. }, { defaultImage: '', This charge varies based on the shipping method. entityId: 99861, defaultImage: '', layers: '05768' height: 90, layers: 'VID099' The atmosphere above us is constantly in motion, and it will distort the image seen through the telescope. Plus, we've added one more accessory to the package that lets you use the XT6 PLUS during daytime hours - an Orion Safety Film Solar Filter for viewing the Sun's ever-changing sunspots! Printed on completely dew-proof durable plastic. sourceURL:'/catalog/community_content_viewer_placeholder.jsp?productId=99809&isPDP=true', height: 160, The SkyQuest XT6 PLUS Dobsonian reflector telescope features a 1.25" PTFE-lined rack-and-pinion focuser built to accept any 1.25" size Orion eyepiece or accessory. layers: '10110' sourceSelector:'' sourceSelector:'' }, { entityId: 15189, entityId: 15160, entityType: 'product' This doesn't mean the scope will never be able to reach those higher "theoretical" powers - there will be that rare night where the atmosphere is perfectly still and the scope can be pushed past it's practical limit, but those nights will be few and far between. Some initial assembly may be required. If you are looking for top-notch views for a reasonable price, few telescopes are able to offer what this one can. The Moon and planets of our solar system like Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars shine brightly in the Orion SkyQuest XT8 PLUS, allowing you to inspect them in high-resolution detail. entityId: 4150, defaultImage: '', SKU : OR-10279 - Read. Orion 1.25" 10mm Sirius Plossl telescope eyepiece Now an employee-owned company, we pride ourselves on an unswerving commitment to best quality products, value and unmatched customer care. This is a revolutionary addition that allows you to easily readjust the internal focus of the telescopes with a few turns of a knob. A white trim band around the base enhances visibility in the dark. Glass filters are more durable and offer a more natural color than film. Great for families, young people, and folks who don't want to mess with equipment but just want to take a look. The performance is great. entityType: 'product' height: 160, The 3x Orion Tri-Mag Barlow Lens delivers a 3x magnification boost to your eyepiece. }, { The drawback is this is a larger telescope. }, { Descriptionกล้องดูดาว Orion SkyQuest XT6 PLUS Dobsonian Reflector Telescope รายละเอียด. Note that the formula is independent of the telescope type or model, and is based only upon the aperture of the telescope. defaultImage: '', }, { }, { 8985 XT6 PLUS telescope pdf manual download. }, { sourceURL:'/catalog/community_content_viewer_placeholder.jsp?productId=99861&isPDP=true', layers: '10109' defaultImage: '', entityId: 103188, div.kids_pdp img.Fleft {float: left;width: 100px;margin: 0 20px 0 0;} Plus, we've added one more accessory to the package that lets you use the XT6 PLUS during daytime hours - an Orion Safety Film Solar Filter for viewing the Sun's ever-changing sunspots! sourceURL:'/catalog/community_content_viewer_placeholder.jsp?productId=99799&isPDP=true', Please note this product was not designed or intended by the manufacturer for use by a child 12 years of age or younger. Everything from top to bottom is of superior quality. sourceURL:'/catalog/community_content_viewer_placeholder.jsp?productId=99819&isPDP=true', Advanced Level - These scopes provide the best performance but may require more skill to master and appreciate. }, { Color-coded symbols identify more than 500 galaxies, nebulas, and star clusters - including all 109 Messier objects - as well as some 100 of the most interesting double and variable stars. The limiting stellar magnitude is a measure of the faintest star you can see through the telescope. height: 90, They typically take a bit longer to learn and need some set-up or adjustments. height: 160, The Orion SkyQuest XT6 Classic Dobsonian also includes a quick collimation cap for easy mirror alignment, and dust caps for the reflector telescope tube and focuser. An easy way to transport and store your telescope. View and Download Orion 8985 XT6 PLUS instruction manual online. }, { entityType: 'product' Its 1200mm focal length (f/8) means this telescope delivers some serious magnifying power - the included 10mm Sirius Plossl eyepiece will have you studying the Moon's cratered surface, Jupiter's cloud bands, or the Hercules Cluster's dense core at 120x. height: 160, Come with extra filters as seen in photos, special moon filter really helps give an extremely good view, clearly see individual creators. entityType: 'product' Orion binoculars are known for quality optics at a great price. The Orion 6" - 10" Dobsonian Telescope Cloak will help protect your telescope while it's idle from dirt, moisture and sunlight. The SkyQuest XT8 is simply the bigger brother to the other highly recommended telescope in the SkyQuest XT6 and much like the XT6 the XT8 also uses reflector based optics to contribute to your visual experience with the system.. width: 160, }, { height: 160, height: 90, entityType: 'product' With this handy laser collimator, you'll get fast, dead-on alignment (collimation) of your reflector telescope's optics. height: 160, }, { It is not too large. so you'll continue to be the first A white trim band around the round baseplate of the XT6 PLUS base enhances visibility in the dark. layers: 'VID043-Stargazers' Extended Backorder: 2-3 Months. }, { entityType: 'product' }, { layers: 'Artimg-Choose_Scope_Astronomy_square' entityId: 102109, height: 160, Orion ® SkyQuest ™ XT6 & XT8 Dobsonian Reflectors #9960, #9980. entityType: 'product' width: 90, Dobsonian base Advertisement In addition to the 8-inch, f5.9 Dobsonian, it includes a 28mm DeepView 2-inch eyepiece, 10mm Plössl 1.25-inch eyepiece, 1.25-inch 2x Barlow lens, full-aperture solar filter, red-dot finder, collimation cap and the planetarium program Starry Night. Referring to the manual is highly recommended. width: 160, Dust cover for optical tube width: 160, }, { Orion has crafted a masterpiece here and it deserves ample consideration. }, { My favorite of these added features is the inclusion of integrated collimation knobs. But distance isn’t everything. height: 160, The Orion SkyQuest XT6 PLUS Dobsonian features cool design enhancements and an expanded accessory package compared to our standard XT6 Classic Dob. entityId: 100119, height: 160, entityType: 'product' They offer a 52-degree apparent field with clean, high-contrast images. For safely observing and photographing the sun, this Orion solar filter fits your Orion SkyQuest XT6 Dobsonians, Orion AstroView 6 EQ, Orion StarBlast 6 and 6i Mini dobs. Short focal ratios (f/5, f/4.5) produce wide fields of view and small image scales, while long focal lengths produce narrower fields of views and larger image scales. }, { }, { defaultImage: '', defaultImage: '', sourceSelector:'' Fully coated optics provide crisp and bright views of the cosmos. layers: '05514' height: 160, Check out Orion 8944 SkyQuest XT6 Classic Dobsonian Telescope reviews, ratings, features, specifications and browse more Orion products online at best prices on This modern makeover and upgrade to our SkyQuest XT6 is a fully loaded, wonderfully affordable telescope for anyone seeking a quality first telescope or a step-up from a smaller one. Visit the Orion Community Center for in-depth information on telescopes, binoculars, and astrophotography. height: 90, }, div.kids_pdp {float: left;width: 90%;clear: both;margin: 20px 5% 20px;} With everything else this telescope has to offer, this works really well with the overall design. They are a joy to use and give off clear and amazing sights. We gave our XT6 Classic an upgrade! width: 160, We recommend starting with the 25mm Sirius Plossl eyepiece to obtain 48x views to scan the night sky for celestial objects. Collimation cap Standard achromatic refractors routinely use Crown and Flint for the two elements, but more expensive apochromatic refractors can use ED (extra low dispersion) glass for one or more of the lenses. This effect may not be noticeable at lower powers, but at higher powers the atmosphere will dramatically blur the object, reducing the quality of the image. Standard Delivery: $0.00Standard Delivery to Canada: $25.003 Day Delivery: $175.002 Day Delivery: $175.00Next Day Delivery: $220.00, SHIPPING RESTRICTIONS APPLY FOR THIS PRODUCT. Reflector telescopes use a pair of large and small mirrors to direct incoming light to the eyepiece. layers: '51521' Includes Ultra Brush Dust Remover, Dust Pro Compressed Air, Cleaning Fluid, 2 Booklets of Premium-Grade Lens Tissue, and Ten Cotton Swabs. }, { It won’t matter if you can see to the edge of the universe if the image comes back poorly, you won’t be able to decipher the views. These are all pretty standard but everything together gives you a super wide range of different magnification levels to try out which only further enhances the versatility of the optics of this excellent telescope.
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