Pennywort is called rau ma in Vietnamese, you can almost find this in all vietnamese restaurant. The plant is also known as a mild diuretic which can aid in releasing the excess … This herb works by averting a disorderly manner of the absorption of nutrition and corrects this process through an improved progression of digestion of nutrients. FREE EBOOK Neck and back pain can be so debilitating. Then I remembered my very large tub of healthy Pennywort. Do you get this plant anywhere in New Zealand? All my neighbors and myself are having to fight it hard. :). :-). The bulb and root are used to make medicine. It is truly something wonderful. Pennywort has been associated with a few Asian legends. Dollar weed, or pennywort, is widely despised by homeowners who are irritated by its excessive growth and invasive nature. It's an easy to grow plant in the tropics. I am from India.On a visit to my elder daughter in Australia her mother-in-law recommended Pennywort leaves,in Bengali,an Indian language,it is known as 'thankuni pata'.I have been taking it regularly every morning on an empty stomach and my knee pain due to arthritis, is no longer felt.I have not felt any side effects though I am close to eighty and am able to walk very freely.Sujoy Ghosh. Thanks so much for taking the time to read my article. I m now a little concern after reading your article about the negative effects it has on the liver, sugar levels n cholesterol. I have started blending pennyworts as a juice i drink daily after i saw a video that showcased d fantastic benefits the leaves including the lowering of cholestrol and being great for the liver n diabetes. Half crippled with arthritis in knees. Would Asian shops have it here and if I got seeds do you know would it grow in our wet cold climate. It sounds like a wonder plant! Garden centre never heard of it. In Malaysia we called it as daun pegaga and we eat it raw with rice. Thanks for taking the time to read my article :). The comment by Baz definitely makes this more interesting. Indian Pennywort is a common creeping herb, rooting at the nodes. The benefits of pennywort tea are numerous and many people use this tea as a health tonic. In Ayurvedic practive, it is known to be a blood purifier. Good thing you have a hearty supply of it! I'm sold. By accessing or using this website, you agree to abide by the. :). Pennywort is effective for stress, anxiety, fatigue, and also for those who suffer from insomnia. rls8994 (author) from Mississippi on January 20, 2014: Yes, they really are amazing! HEALTHSTYLE TURNAROUND. In a movie. It is effective in bringing down fever and treating dysentery in children, which is a severe form of diarrhea. I planted them in a 12-16 quart planter in my yard and they grew hogwild after a slow start. I will also take a visit to a local Homeopathy clinic, a place where I was able to get amazing results and remove a condition of incontinence. I never knew of its health benefits and I thank you for writing this article to inform us of how healthy and helpful it is to our well being. The pinkish red flowers are in clusters of 3-6. Pennywort is used as a herb in Ayurvedic medicine, particularly in traditional Chinese and Indian medicine practices. Pennywort likes wet climates so you should be able to grow it without a problem. It is an important medicinal plant in Ayurveda as it helps to improve the brain function and slows down aging. By the way, Centella means “little coin” because the leaf surface is shiny and reflects light (and why all of the money names.) My skin tone improves, the heaviness on my shoulders disappear and on a particular day I had it a cut that was bleeding healed totally by end of day with no scar. As a herb from the family Apiaceae, Indian Pennywort is a herb that grows close to the ground. A paste made from the plant is applied externally to wounds and boils. Very beneficial and healthy it aides quickly in loosening up hard stool adding fiber to it and makes it more liquid. Thanks for publishing such an informative article on pennywort. Thanks for all this information. The plant is boiled to extract its juice n mixed with either pineapple or coconut juice although these days, the few street merchants that are left selling it, mix it with sugar. Many thanks. IV. You may have heard of the herb brahmi or Indian pennywort when talking about memory boosting foods or hair growth. This herb can be ordered many places on the internet if the Asian shops do not have it. It can be utilized as a nerve tonic when coping with mental stress and fatigue and encourage sleep due to a nervous condition. Pennywort … Cygnet Brown from Springfield, Missouri on January 13, 2014: The leaves remind me of nasturtiums. It is a mild adaptogen and has been used as a medicinal herb for thousands of years in India, where it is commonly used in antiaging preparations for the skin. rls8994 (author) from Mississippi on February 11, 2012: From what I have read I'm pretty sure that it does. But now I'm having a hard time finding in Austin TX. Voted up+ and shared. It is used to help improve memory and mental function, prevent cognitive decline, enhance blood circulation, promote wound healing or skin regeneration, and relieve stress. Young kids don't drink it anymore n prefer soft drink to it. rls8994 (author) from Mississippi on March 09, 2015: It seems to be a very beneficial plant that has apparently helped many with various ailments. There are possible side effects of this herb and it should only be taken under the advice of your doctor. Pennywort Juice is loaded with vitamins and minerals: B, K, calcium, zinc, and magnesium. Pennywort is beneficial to blood cell development, wound care, and for reducing edema. This is done by increasing the amount of nitrous oxide available in the blood. It may help relieve joint pain. It is effective for Cold, Cough and Swine Flu, H1N1 and Tuberculosis. Voted up, interesting, and so very useful. rls8994 (author) from Mississippi on September 24, 2012: Hi BC, I think that would be a great habit to have :) Thanks so much for reading and I'm glad you found it useful. Overview Information Gotu kola is an herb in the parsley family. Many here in the Blue Ridge use herbs as medicines. Drugs, supplements, and natural remedies may have dangerous side effects. rls8994 (author) from Mississippi on September 24, 2013: rls8994 (author) from Mississippi on May 13, 2013: So glad that you found this information useful. Research has confirmed that pennywort (gotu kola) is effective for treating many conditions, including swelling and joint pain as well as anxiety, fatigue, and memory issues. Studies have shown it to be beneficial in healing and preventing phlebitis, leg cramps, and blood clots as well as decreasing the appearance of varicose veins. Just had a pennywort juice made fresh and the local supermarket, might have to make a habit of it, thanks for the info on this page. We operate it by blender for syrup for elixir. James A Watkins from Chicago on May 09, 2012: I must confess that I had never heard of pennywort. So glad that this herb did that for you. It really is an amazing herb. People with liver disease, or who take medications that affect the liver, should avoid this herb. Can you clarify? Thanks for the article. Thanks for your comments as always :). It’s a little plant that can. Add green apples for that little natural sweetness. In India, Centella (“little coin”) has been used for that purpose for some 3,000 years. Thanks so much for reading and your comments :), I've been consuming this herb for years and i was told that its good for facial skin. It has a number of medicinal uses. :), Thanks so much for reading and leaving your comment! Among alternative practitioners, gotu kola has attributed with many health benefits, ranging from the treatment of infections (such as the common cold, shingles, swine flu, and cholera) to the prevention of Alzheimer's disease, blood clots, and even pregnancy. With the Centella it attaches on the edge. Mary Craig from New York on May 01, 2012: Like those above, I've never heard of pennywort but after reading this hub I want to learn more. It grows wildfire in St Augustine! Medicinal use of Water Pennywort: Depurative, febrifuge. It is the best remedy for skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis. 28 REMEDY RECIPES rls8994 (author) from Mississippi on March 30, 2013: Thanks for the other suggested uses for this herb. Repairs Skin. It looks like an herb well worth checking out. Thk you for the above info. Studies have indicated that consuming 2-4 raw pennywort leaves a day may help sharpen alertness and memory and rejuvenate the brain. Many years ago I came across an item in a magazine, an elderly couple had been crippled with arthritis and told how Pennywort had given them back their pain free life. I find it delicious and drink 5 large glasses of it per day (between 40-60 C per mug. rls8994 (author) from Mississippi on February 19, 2012: I too believe these plants are not utilized as much as they should be and that we are just now starting to see how beneficial they can be to our health. Terms of Service Full Disclaimer Privacy Policy Affiliate Disclosure Comment Policy. It's a traditional Myanmar herbal medicine and used for various diseases as well as tonic good for brain and eye power. Thanks Daren Grech, a naturopath, you gave me back my life. Pennywort has properties of being antibacterial, anti-viral, and anti- inflammatory. My mom always use it to lower my temperature whenever I have hight temperature in my body , we make juice out of pennywort and then mixe it with young fresh coconut water. Have been trying to find this in Ireland. Sellers are getting rate too. A powder can be made from the leaves of this plant and applied to the eruptions on the skin.,html,,, English name = Pennywort, Asiatic Pennywort, or Indian Pennywort. The central nervous system can receive amazing benefits with the consumption of pennywort. I found a plant in a local nursery and bought it home, planted in my shade house alongside orchids etc. I really want to maximize on the use of this herb. The information on this website has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. Thanks so much for your sweet comment! It is beneficial for Varicose Veins. Find a way to grind it into a paste then add water and sugar. Eat raw in salads, juice, steep for tea - hot or cold, or in soda. I live in MS and we have to poison it out of our Lawns. Medicinal use of this product has not been approved by the FDA. The plants grow profoundly in India, Sri Lanka, and North Australia. It provides nourishment to the Nerves. Thanks for your comment :). The plant has a host of other properties as well from affecting blood cell development to wound care to reducing edema. Health Benefits The benefits of the pennywort tea are numerous and many people use this tea as a health tonic. Can a sweetned ice tea variation be created? I love this drink but im pre diabetic got to think twice now if I should continue drinking this stuff. My parents also use it for soups, helps extract the leaves. Holds up well to cooking. I wonder if it grows in Southern California. The leaves of dollarweed are round, bright green, fleshy and look like miniature lily pads measuring 1-2” in diameter with a scalloped edge. He believed it gave him the energy and stamina necessary for his harem of 50 women. This was interesting and learned something new, I like the thought of organic healing methods and believe Mother Nature has a cure or remedy for every need on the planet. General info - Gotu kola— also known as Centella asiatica, Indian pennywort—has been used for centuries as a medicinal herb, as far back as 3000 years ago in Indian Ayurvedic medicine, 2000 years ago in Chinese medicine, in the late 1800s in French pharmacopoeia. Suzette Walker from Taos, NM on September 27, 2014: Fascinating hub on pennywort. pennywort has antibacterial, anti-viral, and anti-inflammatory properties. Like celery, pennywort (dollarweed) helps the aorta and blood vessels relax - which can significantly lower blood pressure. It's an amazing herb with so many healthy benefits for our health.
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