This is a link to the application form for your reference. posted by Sara C. at 10:47 AM on November 3, 2014 I put "helper monkey" on my returns for years & years; if anyone at the IRS ever took issue with it, I was never informed. Advertising Account Executive. Posted Tue, 24 … His only income is from SSA. I dont think it really matters what you put. I am doing the tax for my parent on Turbo Tax. I haven't borrowed any money (not even credit cards) in 8 years, and I hope to keep it that way. You are helping me on another question and I thank you. That does not mean that you can not file a tax return yourself. Do You Need a Receipt for a Taxi for Deduction? You could go cashier/checkout operator. Anonymous: Anonymous wrote:I'm a new SAHM doing my taxes and am not sure what to put. I prefer either "retired", "farmer" or "student" depending on which gets me a better deal. In the tax year 2018 / 19 I drew down from an old pension and have a P60 from the pension company. The problem is, somebody is losing in this situation: the IRS. 2. If you question the rate at which you are assessed you need to contact either your local elected tax collector or your school district tax office. Online Tax Australia is dedicated to making your online tax return as easy and stress-free as possible. In the visa application form, under occupation, should I choose No Occupation, or should I choose an occupation (Software Engineer is not listed. If you're owed a tax refund, expect a delay. Lawyer Tax Deductions for Work-Related Matters The Retailing B&O tax rate is 0.471 percent (.00471) of your gross receipts. There are special tax rules that apply to those who have served in the Armed Forces but are no longer considered active duty. The state B&O tax is a gross receipts tax. Answer for question: Your name: Answers. 1 decade ago. No. You can use Etax year-round to save tax receiptsfrom your mobile, so you don’t need to keep track of paper receipts. Any other career change would have been immediately reflected in my answer to that question. How do I pay the B&O tax? What occupation do I put on my tax return? Administrative Law Judge. To complete Form 8829, you will need to have an estimate of your business income, so you should have a rough estimate of your Schedule C net income for your small business taxes before you begin. Administrative Assistant. Positive: 100 %. More Articles 1. How do I fill in military when they ask for an address and phone number? 67% Upvoted. They’ll be there, when you log in on any device. 0 0. ss_3trunks. ... the truth is that having more than one job can cause a bit of a conundrum at tax time. 3. If I do choose an occupation should I keep the Employer's Name blank or should I put N/A? Lv 5. share. If you can't do the simplified option and you don't feel comfortable completing Form 8829 yourself, gather up all of this information and take it to your business tax preparer. Posted Mon, 23 Dec 2019 17:23:27 GMT by Lone_Wolf. With that in mind, we’ve put together a comprehensive range of tax tips and tax help. You need to report the income of such sales under this classification. Regarding your question: do you claim workers comp on taxes, the answer is no. What do I enter in occupation if I am retired? Planning & Zoning Show All Answers. Military retirement pay, with the exclusion of disability pay, is taxable and must be included when filing your tax return. I am filling out this form, as I have a few work related stock option benefits for which I have earned some small amount of dividends. You enter retired and if you are single, then file as single. If you're not sure of your gross income, make your best guess based on your pay stubs. In America, a federal income tax applies to all earnings in the amount designated by the tax rate. I have a new question for you about a different topic. To ensure that you are aware of all the tax saving benefits available to you, Online Tax Australia has put together the comprehensive list below. If you haven't gotten the federal tax ID number by mid April, you still must file your tax return. I. Adjustment Clerk. Yes, I know lol. After all, with no record of your income, you’re not responsible for paying taxes on it—and neither is your employer—right? Any of these NRAs who earn money in the United States, however, need to file taxes on that income with the form 1040NR. Are any persons exempt from the occupational tax? Business and Occupation (B&O) tax. Tax Deductions for Hairdressers. At the bottom of the form, I am asked to fill in my "Occupation in the United States." Relevance. 0 0. lavena. The closest I can find is 'Computer Expert'). Classification: Retailing B&O tax. She could have put you down as a dependent but she also could have claimed head of household with a non dependent but probably she did claim you as a dependent. I know, nice situation to be but it generally leads to a refund every year and is unavoidable (pretty much impossible to convince the US Government to not force someone to pay taxes). Lv 4. You are not subject to claiming workers comp on taxes because you need not pay tax on income from a workers compensation act or statute for an occupational injury or sickness. 4 years ago. How do I change my occupation for previous tax returns? Still, it speaks to something that it took me five years of not working to finally put my occupation as stay-at-home dad. It may take the IRS additional time to process your refund while they attempt to verify your employment … As with all of this advice, make sure and check with the IRS or a CPA before making any claim. And audit. Favourite answer. 1. 3: I’d rather not have people calling my old unit and bothering them just so I can work at Starbucks 4: Would a DD-214 be enough? Admiralty Lawyer. Account Collector. This tax classification applies to you if there are sales (or rental) of goods and certain services to customers. save hide report. Subject: Stay at home moms - what do you list as your occupation on your tax return? How Do I File Taxes if I’m Paid Under the Table? Answer #1 | 04/11 2016 21:03 How is your previous occupation relevant... ? Source(s): Stay at home mom? She has seen returns where people claim they are drug dealers, prostitutes, pimps, etc. This tax classifies all occupations and taxes them according to different millage rates. And fine. Want to review the documents you snapped, but from your laptop? Generally you can deduct 20% off of equipment each year for 5 years and since 2012 there has been a law made that allows for claiming 50% depreciation on the first year of owning the equipment. No problem. I am still working and over 55. Do I put my employment or student on my taxes for occupation? Answer Save. Retirement Pay. Tax Deductions by Occupation. Use Form 4852, Substitute for Form W-2, to record what information you do have. About all they really care about is are you paying the proper amount of taxes on your income, not how you made it. **Say "Thanks" by clicking the thumb icon in a post **Mark the post that answers your question by clicking on "Mark as Best Answer" 0 2,035 Reply. What Do I Put on My Taxes as My Occupation if I Had More Than One Job? You could always say Taxpayer. He was disabled in 2000 and has not work since. IANA IRS auditor but my mom answers taxpayer questions for the IRS. Edit: some back ground, I live in CA and I make 14/hr. Can I Deduct Airfare to a Conference on My Individual Tax Return? What is the business and occupation (B&O) tax? Adult Literacy and Remedial Education Teachers. Do you have to pay the occupational taxes for every differnt city you have worked in or do you pay it one time for the whole year from one city.i have worked … On-line self assesment where do I put pension drawdown payments? Shop assistant would suffice. In 2012 and 2013 my husband and I … Under "occupation," do I put what he was doing up until October, or do I pu … read more. It is measured on the value of products, gross proceeds of sale, or gross income of the business. Longy. 3 comments . You won’t miss a tax deduction ever again. There are a number of tax deductions available for hairdressers. Any occupational tax liability paid after its due date will be assessed a penalty of 5% per month (not to exceed 25% of tax) and will accrue interest of 1% per month on any unpaid balance. What is the occupation listing used for? 1 decade ago. Just log into your Etax account and snap those receipts. On-line self assesment where do I put pension drawdown payments? Just curious to see what others put down when asked what is occupation in forms.I usually put 'currently stay at home mum'I have no problem with putting this down just wonder what you put downHeard a few along the waydomestic goddessCeo of smith family What should I put down as my occupation to maximize my return? Washington, unlike many other states, does not have an income tax. What do I put as my "Occupation" on the tax form if I work at a fast food restaurant? They may be able to try and match the occupation and the general levels and types of income, but for self-employed there's a more precise and reliable field on Schedule C and for employees they don't really need to do this since everything is reported on W2 anyway. How do I declare this in my self assessment? The only place I reference my web development, or the very occasional programming contract, is when I file my taxes. Accounting Specialist. How do I obtain a plot plan for a property? Robin D. Senior Tax Advisor 4. And stating that you do X when really you do Y, especially if Y is illegal or goes hand in hand with tax fraud, seems like a bad idea. You will also likely need to pay self-employment tax on your profits, and in some locations, you may also be responsible for charging and collecting sales tax. I don’t get any student aid and I am not married. Fortunately, the Internal Revenue Service, or IRS, makes it reasonably easy to resolve the issue. This means that everyone employed in the same type of job pays the tax at the same rate. 08/22/2015 11:32 Subject: Stay at home moms - what do you list as your occupation on your tax … 1: My supervisor isn’t with the unit anymore 2: Do I just put down the base I was with? I work as a sushi chef around 26 hours a week, and I’m in school about 15~20. Any contributions made to the Survivors Benefit Plan (SBP) are not included in … Taxes. You are helping me on another question and I thank you. Legal definition of occupation tax: an excise imposed on persons for the privilege of carrying on a trade, business, or occupation. Ato Occupations. Vocational, Technical or Trade School. Taxes are automatically withheld when funds are disbursed to you. About. 9. Administrative Service Manager. I work full-time at McDonalds.. I have (as I suppose one can say) the lowest of the low postions at a fast food chain. Tax Deductions by Occupation; Tax & Finance Templates; Tax Advice & Articles; Testimonials; Contact Us; Return to Content. Selling your kid's old bicycle is not likely to cause any tax consequences, but when you sell crafts, vintage or specialty items on websites like Etsy, you must report and pay taxes on your net income. Getting paid under the table can feel like a win-win situation. Whenever I’ve filled out a job application they ask for my last three or four jobs. Do I put disabled, unemployed or SSA since that is his income? So I don't think they even bother or give a lot of value to such a metric. On the occupation part I don't know what to put for my dad. My primary tasks consist of ringing up orders, preparing, and delivering food to customers. Something else? 6 Answers. And when they IRS loses they get mad. for most people it purely informational / a comment for statistics purposes and occaisionally to put a particular item into context / likely to be valid. 25,593 satisfied customers. So of course all of the taxes I paid to SS on my “side” job (Officer in the Army National Guard… which is why I put quotes since it sucks up so much time) get credited on my tax return. I've moved from student to journalist and trekking guide to website producer in my career.
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