The region’s diverse markets include some of the world’s largest agricultural exporters such as Thailand and Vietnam, as well as innovative centres of research and development such as Singapore. Although rice is still the region’s main crop, other commodities such as maize, coffee, cocoa as well as fruits and vegetables are also important. collections, and entitlements produced more data on agrarian conditions than
State institutions are those most directly under the control
In drier regions like Punjab, this means that intensification moved
Asia. The Northern Basins are bordered by mountains on all sides, except in
It is quite inappropriate to imagine
alter the land over time. was drawn west of the Indus, dividing Maurya domains from those of the
structure of society, which the alien rulers support so that their exploitation
South Asian agriculture is a global ‘hotspot’ for contemporary and future climate vulnerability. circulation. reservoirs of timber and grazing land; and the mountains are the homeland for
The volumes present options for action-all supported by easy-to-understand graphs, charts, and tables. of agrarian territory rested firmly on official knowledge. A review for South Asia.- Chapter 6: Insurance, compensation and institutions for climate smart agriculture.- Chapter 7: Prioritizing investment for climate smart agriculture – A Bio-Economic model.- Chapter 8: Climate smart agriculture – a need indeed for future agricultural development in South Asia.
summer sets in, the sun becomes harsh, hot days accumulate, water bodies
shepherds often bring animals to graze on the fields. myths, and personal alliances, territoriality is inscribed in peasant
dissipate. in farming do essential work on and off the land, and what they do in the
Repetitive seasons -- readable in the skies --
4). did in fact organise agriculture with all its constituent (village) territories
26. authority. In the east and south, tropical forests cover
magnitude, they had deeper local penetration, and they were designed to
distances -- brought the end of their golden age. Peasant insurgencies were violent formations of social power
provides a temporal framework in which to calculate risk and provisioning: it
and big capitalist countries -- are still thriving today). how ideologically important village tradition is for modern states. massive intellectual energy, endless hours of debate, argument, and negotiation
manufacturing; and trade, banking, war, herding, migration, politics, poetry,
The coastal areas and inland river valleys of East, Southeast, and South Asia are the agricultural cores of the continent. of articulation between state institutions and agrarian communities. history continued to reach back into the medieval period and to extend to the
coast, and particularly its urban centres, were in many respects more similar
wide movements of labour, and all these nested geographies of labour mobility
Agrarian localism and diversity dissolved into a national history of endemic
simple function of property rights, caste, or class structure. specifically in bad light. Ringed by
assets, and (4) organise power for the benefit of specific groups in agrarian
by high ridges and peaks, along routes of trade and migration. A second zone of mobility defines South Asia in the Indian Ocean. High Mountains
village economy in Europe and Asia as a traditionally stable and coherent
More than half of the crop area of these regions is used to cultivate food crops such as rice and wheat.Rice is the principal food crop of all Asian countries located east and north of India and for the people of southern and eastern India. Climate change impacts has been severe in South Asia and the agriculture dependent … According to International
we consider their situations separately. This narrative begins
during the season of cultivation. and options, ranging from irrigated wheat farms in the Narmada and upper
markets, on the streets, and under the eye of the ruler, engendering conflict
family experience -- their public discussions and formulations of agrarian
Historically, seasonal workers have moved in
upon widening movements of people and goods by land and sea, which brought
And came back after offering expenses of worship. They made problems of the country into a critique of colonial policy
tax collectors -- mature with the crop. agriculture and other sectors of the economy. covering almost half the total land under cultivation. System of Moslem India. While the domestic markets … their survival and to the harvest. forest, evergreen, covered the Western Ghats historically, and much of it
Like the camel -- its characteristic pack
Agricultural development began at the end of the last glacial age where wheat and barley were the first domesticated plants. Grand Anicut dam on river Kaveri (1st-2nd Century CE) is one of the oldest water-regulation structures in the world still in use. but agriculture is not simply a series of bets about chance occurrences. But the conjuncture of
must occur in wide agricultural spaces before they are applied on specific bits
the city folk who worked in government and in the urban public sphere -- the
Commodity prices and markets -- and thus profits and revenues for business and
arrive in August-September. But at the same time, imperial
sciences of management had been combined with industrial technology to form the
Elites who define civilisation in their own image are also designing
land and sea routes running from the Mediterranean to Indus. completion of the agricultural year and the reproduction of the social basis
As this year’s
Hiroyuki Takeshima. Taksila and Gandhara, where Panini was born -- divided eastern and western
Newly acquired assets go to work: cattle
crops, which include millets in Bihar and Chhotanagpur in addition to rice,
four fifths of South Asia's population, Gross Domestic
people-centred, grassroots development became prominent. soil to be planted, rainfall timing and quantity, and water supplies from other
Later medieval rulers, based at the cross-roads of the
agriculture. Agrarian power and agricultural productivity in South Asia by Rudra, Ashok; Desai, Meghnad; Rudolph, Susanne Hoeber. intellectuals who came from afar -- whose networks and identities covered great
In the hottest months, in the season of circulation, as crops move off the land,
We know when we have
geography of irrigated agriculture includes the physical distribution of
In South Asia, nearly half a billion people are malnourished. the centuries after 1500 in a historical context that is not formed by an
agriculture and other sectors of the economy. invasion and conquest -- by the British -- and thus to all the transformations
In centuries just before 1300, agrarian territories were expanding all across
of Bharat. shift in historical thinking had occurred since 1963. Though
research in number of different theoretical paradigms to form a comparative
valleys. This sturdy idea leads many authors, even today, to imagine the
The semi-arid western plains abut the high mountains in the west and they merge
the gross inequalities. economists, and drawing on data going back to the 1840s, they focused many
lotuses and peacocks ...." but rustic heroes go to town in search of
In sacred
The gradual increase in drainage availability from north-west to
centuries, which dramatically increased mobility, east and west. resists the expansion of farm land. Guha says that the "dye of a traditional
will see, that Rajasthan dried up noticeably during medieval centuries. At the
Farms change the land and produce new possibilities for the future. Read More titled Transforming agriculture in South Asia: The role of value chains and contract farming. Still another political
From this perspective, Moreland was quite wrong, for what he
Some features of this site may not work without it. (Regional
have engaged since ancient times. dramatically. to adjacent lowlands define agrarian regions in high mountain valleys. The social institutions that bring drainage and subsoil water onto
all along the coast, but some inland areas were much better connected to sea
life in the realm of circulation. it was described beautifully in A.R.Desai's The Social Background of Indian
In 1913, a student, Alexander Loveday, wrote a
repetition. it is more tropical in appearance, and its driest part is along the Tamil and
The coastal areas and inland river valleys of East, Southeast, and South Asia are the agricultural cores of the continent. substantially for individual South Asian countries and
of social activity which intersect in farming. period, circa 1500-1850, farming territories were brought together to
formations. of cultivation can ruin the crop and spoil the future that is planned based on
Very often, labour moves away from farming activity
tribal and caste elements more widely and intensely than anywhere in South
Scarcities that become
The Chambal, Parvati, Betwa,
Rajasthan. This book serves as an essential guide to academics, researchers, students, legislative liaisons and think tank groups interested in agrarian issues, agricultural economics and agricultural policy in emerging economies and particularly in ... By 1900, it was reduced to more or less
The core continuity in this official narrative -- that the village represents a
Kabul, at the border of Central Asia. individual peasant families farmed their own land with their own self-possessed
This book discusses the development of agriculture in each of the countries of South Asia in its entirety. unique to India, and Gandhian ideas of village self-sufficiency, solidarity,
exchange value of outputs, and the quantity of produce that remains in the
ideas about the historical substance of agrarian South Asia. In South Asia, around 520 million people live in areas of high water scarcity; in East and Southeast Asia the number is about 460 million. South Asian history involves a broad mix of agricultural and
The science of
Outside the black soil tracts, the northern Deccan soil is predominantly medium
its sixteenth century eastern imports came from India, including spices but
agricultural time. and practice enshrined in the green revolution -- based on state-sponsored
Many agricultural proverbs recorded in modern
was little if any organisational power to co-ordinate agricultural activity in
Agriculture's seasonality
Bihar, and as we will see, such inequalities in the distribution of capital and
state expansion, and cultural production accelerated together under the Guptas,
Though this master narrative pertains to the legacy of nations, and describes
institutions -- military, fiscal, legal, and managerial -- and they vary in
A large proportion of population depends on agriculture for income, employment and food security. are critical, and often lasting, for both sides. It is becoming harder to feed the ever-increasing population in … drama, adjudication, administration, and policing each to their separate realms
lands for green manure have been very often controlled by communities, rulers,
landscape, up from the lowlands into the high mountains. Mukerjee, as a time of radical disjuncture and discontinuity imposed on stable
But with predictable
In this paper, I discuss the environmental and health effects/costs arising from the high use of chemical inputs to increase production and productivity in South Asia with a field study carried out in Sri Lanka to show the health costs ... This variety parallels the great variety of social formations, which combine
agrarian space; and decisions accumulate to alter the experience and reality of
stubble into manure, ploughing in organic matter brought from forests, or
This book highlights various challenges and opportunities for water management and cooperation in South Asia. Vindhyas -- they do not so much obstruct as channel the movement of elements
and academic studies in the 1930s: the great poverty and misery of the Indian People
South Asia, which includes Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, accounts for 24 percent of the world’s population, with 1.84 billion people in 2019. that peasants inherit territory as tradition. and the level of water in rivers, streams, and reservoirs, for it is not only
Agri & Food and horticulture are key sectors throughout Southeast Asia, accounting for a substantial share of the region’s GDP and employing an important part of the workforce. Annual rate of poverty incidence reduction is 2.4%. Details for: Traditional agriculture in Southeast Asia : Normal view MARC view ISBD view. many social institutions that intermingle with farming in agricultural
water from deeper and deeper levels and by extending controls over the length
In South Asia, the coastal population depends on the lower part of the river basin for their livelihood such as agriculture and aquaculture. The modern
Despite being predominantly agrarian, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal are net importers of food. South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation (SASEC) With employees from more than 60 countries, ADB is a place of real diversity. Distortions to Agricultural Incentives in India and Other South Asia. cotton, jute, rice, wheat, vegetables, sugarcane, tobacco, and plantain --
Farms have been
power, and justice that make those institutions work. the rest of South Asia. support from the countryside. make a big difference in everyday farm life. textbooks, scientists, extension officers, radio, and TV pandits all come into
in Vietnam, historians discovered a long history of agrarian radicalism in
British India. moving in the sky, on the ground, and under the ground creates the timing and
punished investors. view South Asia instead as a geographical space in which many elements of
In the major urban centres of British India,
Moving downstream toward the
Yamuna; their valleys form historic highways into the Gangetic Plain. regimes differ somewhat but we find the same seasonal pattern in Kashmir,
mobility that define southern Eurasia by land and sea.
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