Found inside – Page 256... uva - ursi Carpenteria californica Festuca californica Ceanothus griseus var . horizontalis ' Yankee Point kinnikinnick California bush anemone California fescue creeping blueblossom TOP : Tree ceanothus ( Ceanothus arboreus ) . Found inside – Page 861Ceanothus americanus L. (Ceanothus americanus Mill.; Ceanothus americanus var. intermedius (Pursh) Torr. ... McMinn; Ceanothus griseus var. horizontalis McMinn; Ceanothus thyrsiflorus Eschsch. var. griseus Trel.; Ceanothus thyrsiflorus ... Height: 1m (3'). Ceanothus griseus horizontalis 'Yankee Point' Wild Lilac Boething Treeland Farms grows over 1,000 varieties of trees, shrubs, perennials and specialty plants on 10 California nurseries to serve the wholesale landscape and nursery industries throughout the Western United States and beyond. The following is from the San Marcos Growers: The varietal name " horizontalis " for this form of Ceanothus griseus was described in 1942 by Howard McMinn when he found … Category. The description of these plants has been written based on numerous outside resources. Found inside – Page 214thyrsiflorus buckbrush : Ceanothus cuneatus Carmel : Ceanothus griseus var . griseus creeper : Ceanothus griseus var . horizontalis Catalina : Ceanothus arboreus chaparral whitethorn : Ceanothus leucodermis coast : Ceanothus ramulosus ... Little-No. Carmel ceanothus. Propagate by softwood cuttings of firm young growth. horizontalis 'Yankee Point' - Yankee Point California Lilac. Ceanothus griseus horizontalis 'Yankee Point' is the most commonly planted selection of ceanothus in California. Ceanothus griseus var. Ceanothus thyrsiflorus var. Many are native to California, some endemic … horizontalis 'Yankee Point' (Californian Lilac), Great Plant Combination Ideas with Ceanothus - California Lilac. Conversely, Ceanothus griseus horizontalis 'Yankee Point', a selection native to the Central Coastal areas of California, may prefer less extreme conditions than C. tomentosus; it is more likely to be tolerant of humidity, slightly more ground water, or shadier conditions. This was a sport selected by Barry Lehrman in 1985 from a planting of Carmel Creeper (Ceanothus griseus var. Ceanothus griseus horizontalis 'Yankee Point' - Yankee Point Wild Lilac Medium growing evergreen broadleaf groundcover. It has clusters of light blue flowers and glossy … Growing no more than 18-30” tall and spreading 5-15’ wide, the Carmel Creeper is a superb evergreen, with textured, dark-green leaves. horizontalis 'Yankee Point' Yankee Point Ceanothus . Create a beautiful garden with this colorful and... Use our interactive toolsto design your dream garden. Deleting this collection CANNOT be undone. 62944-105. It is the most commonly grown selection in California gardens. Glossy, oval, 2in bright green leaves. horizontalis 'Silver Surprise' Refined from Ceanothus griseus var. California native plant. Ceanothus griseus horizontalis 'Diamond Heights' Diamond heights carmel creeper. To create additional collections, you must be a paid member of our site. griseus is a variety of flowering shrub known by the common name Carmel ceanothus. Powder blue flowers in the spring. Found inside – Page 11Ceanothus griseus horizontalis ' Yankee Point ' This is the original parent plant 3 ' . 4 high x 12 ' across , growing at the Saratoga Horticultural Foundation BY MARJORIE G. SCHMIDT Los Gatos create WO WOODLAND shrubs. This refined-looking, fast growing evergreen is one of the best ground covering Ceanothus. Found inside – Page 45Figure 3.20 Alexander Calder's TheJousters (Big Knight) [#4] surrounded by Dymondia margaretae with Ceanothus griseus horizontalis 'Carmel Creeper' in the background. of the adjacent road. Plants had to be able to withstand heavy deer ... Browse pictures and read growth / cultivation information about Ceanothus, Carmel Creeper, Carmel Mountain Lilac, Yankee Point (Ceanothus griseus) 'Yankee Point' supplied by member gardeners in the. Extremely drought tolerant. Botanical Name: Ceanothus griseus horizontalis 'Carmel Creeper' Common Name: Wild Lilac; Exposure: Full Sun Only 4 left in stock - order soon. This is one of the most commonly used California native plants. The tiny, light blue flowers are abundant and form 1" clusters. Synonyms: [C. thyrsiflorus var. Plants need more frequent watering in hot climates. Found insideVitis 'Brant' Vitis coignetiae WALL SHRUBS Ceanothus 'Autumnal Blue' Cotoneaster atropurpureus 'Variegatus' Cotoneaster horizontalis Parthenocissus henryana Best for berries, fruits and seedheads CLIMBERS Actinidia deliciosa Billardiera ... Pruning young, deciduous Ceanothus. Leaves are a dark shiny green, with short spikes of deep blue purple blooms in the spring. Horizontalis 'Yankee Point') is an evergreen plant that's known for its fast growth and dark green colored leaves. Ceanothus griseus horizontalis Yankee Point's foliage color is … $10.00. Deep … or so high, but cultivated clones grow taller, to about 3 ft, much more in width. common Yankee Point Ceanothus. Species Name: Ceanothus thyrsiflorus var. 100% organic beautiful California Lilac (Ceanothus Horizontalis) cuttings to help relieve stress and purify the air. In the spring, delicate blue-violet flowers rise up and attract many pollinators, including native bees. It is often used as a large-scale groundcover, and will stabilize slopes nicely. Ceanothus griseus var. Blooms clusters of small blue flowers. Found inside – Page 354Figure 4 - Ceanothus americanus , New - Jersey- tea : seedling development at 1 , 5 , and 15 days after germination . ... Carmel ceanothus - C . griseus var . horizontalis McMinn - a spreading , low - growing ( to 1 m ) variety ... Drought tolerant, ground cover shrub blooms most profusely in spring-summer. A brightly colored, low-growing evergreen with exceptional chartreuse and dark green variegation, accented by clusters of pale blue spring flowers. Found insideCeanothus “FIT02' griseus var. horizontalis. Ornamental. Shrub. The parent of 'FIT02' is an unnamed plant from a population of plants that resulted from vegetative propagation cycles of the branch sport from Ceanothus griseus var. Share by Email. griseus 'Yankee Point' Yankee Point Carmel Ceanothus. Flower color among the varieties can range from white (which is rare), through pale blue, to deep . 3. Ceanothus griseus horizontalis 'Yankee Point' - Yankee Point Wild Lilac Medium growing evergreen broadleaf groundcover. Ceanothus is a large genus of diverse, versatile and beautiful North American species in the buckthorn family, Rhamnaceae. Available. Grows 10 to 12 inches high and spreads 4 to 6 feet wide. horizontalis 'Silver Surprise' (patent pending) 'Silver Surprise' is an exciting new ceanothus cultivar with striking creamy-white margined … Cold hardy to 25° F, this plant thrives in full sun with very little to no water once established. SKU: UPC: Availability: The quantities available online are less than the total that we have available. Its typical form makes wide mats only 6 in. Propagate by root semi-ripe cuttings in mid to late summer and hardwood cuttings from late fall to midwinter. 00. horizontalis 'Yankee Point' by Brand and Sons nursery in England during 1995 and further refined to be released in 2000. Frost hardy to 20 degrees F, and drought tolerant once established. Found inside – Page 26CUPLEAF : Ceanothus greggii var . perplexans . FELTLEAF : Ceanothus arboreus . ... MOUNT TRANQUILLON : Ceanothus papillosus var . roweanus . MOUNT VISION : Ceanothus ... Ceanothus griseus var . horizontalis ' Hurricane Point ' . Propagate. Drought tolerant, ground cover shrub blooms most profusely in spring-summer. 'Yankee Point' can quickly cover an area with its lush, glossy, dark green leaves that back rich blue 1" clusters of flowers. Lean well-drained soil is best and little summer water once established. $1000. Ceanothus Horizontalis. Flowers bloom in clusters of light blue. It grows slowly but … The flowers are so profuse that they literally cover the shrub, transforming the plant in an explosion of blue. A good looking ground cover Ceanothus with large clean, glossy leaves. nipomensis (Arroyo Grande Lilac), Helianthemum 'Henfield Brilliant' (Rock Rose), Philadelphus coronarius 'Aureus' (Mock Orange), Want Garden Inspiration? Found inside – Page 60Along the coast south of San with red - stemmed types , the effect is very Francisco , Ceanothus horizontalis , the Car colorful . C. griseus has clusters of jet - black mel Creeper , forms solid mats on wind fruits following the ... Ceanothus × delileanus 'Gloire de Versailles' (California Lilac), Ceanothus 'Pershore Zanzibar' (California Lilac), Ceanothus impressus var. Yankee Point Ceanothus is one of the most garden adapted selections from our native wild lilac plant group. Frost hardy in upper USDA zone 8 handling the latest . 'Diamond Heights' Ceanothus Ceanothus thyrsiflorus var. Yankee Point is a very garden tolerant spreading groundcover, with glossy green leaves and 1' blue flowers. 2. Unit price / per. . Low water needs once established. To use the website as intended please More payment options. One of the best low-growing ceanothus for use as a large-scale groundcover. Found inside – Page 149Shrub improvement by breeding Recent activity in shrub breeding is illustrated by progress with ceanothus , fuchsias ... in gardening are Ceanothus gloriosus , the Point Reyes creeper , and C. griseus horizontalis , the Carmel creeper . This hardy shrub makes superb ground cover for a sunny border, coping particularly well with coastal conditions and dry conditions. This makes the correct name for this plant. spread 6 - 8 Feet. Found insideIn as yet unpublished works , a primary identification of tinea Ceanothus was made by Dr. Torrey . This is manifest by a circumpistel pallor . It appears to be primarily manifested in the somewhat immature Ceanothus Horizontalis ... Develop a framework of branches on free standing shrubs by shortening all stems in the first year by two-thirds to an outward-facing bud. Found inside – Page 4L O 0 Ceanothus ' Frosty Blue ' California Wild Lilac e Mounding shrub to 8-9 t . tall , $ 10 to spread . Light bluu nowens in spring , Short lived . Do not water in summer . 14 O 0 Ceanothus griseus horizontalis ' Yanlone Point Best ... long (5 cm). horizontalis - The carmel creeper ceanothus is another great groundcover plant that reaches about 2 ft (0.6 m) tall and up to 15 ft (4.5 m) wide. Add to Favorites 20 White NEW JERSEY TEA Hummingbird Flower Ceanothus Americanus Shrub Seeds . Skip to the beginning of the images gallery. Boething Treeland Farms grows over 1,000 varieties of trees, shrubs, perennials and specialty plants on 10 California nurseries to serve the wholesale landscape and nursery industries throughout the Western United States and beyond. Shorter than Ceanothus 'Yankee Point' this shrub grows eventually 1 to 3 feet tall, 15 foot spread … It is a terri Also known as California lilacs, which tells us their country of … The evergreen leaves are ribbed and have slightly … The most common variety of Ceanothus grown in Seattle is the one shown above, Ceanothus impressus or Santa Barbara Ceanothus. Found inside – Page 249Ceanothus griseus var. horizontalis 'Yankee Point' is extremely useful for the front of a rockery or above a retaining wall as it is a low-growing variety that spreads to about 3 m in width. All ceanothus are tolerant of frost and most ... 1 Gallon - Sold Out 4 Inch - Sold Out. species griseus_horizontalis. Ceanothus griseus horizontalis (Carmel Creeper) - A fast growing groundcover to 2 1/2 feet tall by 15 feet wide with 2 inch long oval, glossy green leaves and light … Found inside – Page 5Baccharis pilularis ssp. pilularis, dwarf coyote bush Ceanothus griseus var. horizontalis, Carmel creeper Ceanothus maritimus, Hoover ceanothus Ribes viburnifolium, Catalina currant ... Color. Attractive to birds and butterflies, 'Yankee Point' is regarded as one of the best low-growing Ceanothus for use as a large-scale groundcover. Maintain a generous mulch around plants to conserve water use. horizontalis 'Yankee Point' (Californian Lilac) is a low-growing, evergreen shrub noted for its abundant clusters of … It is also useful on banks and slopes or in the foreground in mixed borders. Grows to 2-3 feet tall and can spread up to … horizontalis), that was found in the Diamond Heights … horizontalis 'Yankee Point'. Found inside – Page 8-31... Baccharis pilularis var . prostrata and B. pilularis ' Twin Peaks , ' Ceanothus gloriosus , Ceanothus griseus ' Horizontalis , ' Heteromeles arbutifolia , Rhus integrifolia , Umbellularia californica , and Washingtonia robusta . Ceanothus griseus var. The blooms are borne on horizontal arching branches clad with shining dark green leaves, 2 in. We use cookies on this website, you can read about them here. Plants bear 1 1/2 inch long, glossy, dark green leaves and bright blue flower clusters in winter through early spring. This low-growing, densely spreading form is best as a large scale ground cover or bank planting. Found inside – Page 7Plant culture Cutting materials of Ceanothus griseus var . horizontalis were collected from a mature shrub growing outdoors at the Department of Environmental Horticulture , University of California , Davis . Cuttings were taken in the ... Found inside – Page 27... nervosa Asarum caudatum Polystichum munitum Baccharis pilularis Ribes viburnifolium Ceanothus gloriosus Salvia leucophylla Ceanothus griseus Satureja douglasii var . horizontalis Woodwardia fimbriata Ceanothus purpureus Zauschneria ... If planting inland, provide some shade and some water through the summer. Not sure which Ceanothus - California Lilac to pick? Can handle the sun or shade. Found inside – Page 9090 CEANOTHUS SPECIES (CEANOTHUS OR WILD LILACS) Rhamnaceae (Buckthorn Family) ... Leaves tend to be small to medium in size, Ceanothus griseus horizontalis, Carmel creeper SHRUBS Ceanothus hearstiorum, Hearst ceanothus Ceanothus ... The lovely Carmel Creeper, Ceanothus griseus horizontalis 'Yankee Point´ with large glossy leaves and large clusters of medium blue flowers, is a magnificent groundcover but useful only where . Endemic to the coast of Santa Barbara and San... View All Our Ceanothus - California Lilac. It grows 1 and 1/2 to 2 feet tall, and can grow as wide as 10 feet. 1 of 1 Images & Videos. Creeping blueblossom is somewhat similar to Carmel creeper (Ceanothus griseus var. C. griseus var. Found inside – Page 95... Symphoricarpos albus Xerophyllum tenax Juniperus communis Aster conspicuus Juniperus horizontalis Berberis repens ... Smooth woodrush Solomon's seal Snowbrush ceanothus Spreading dogbane Spruce Starry false Solomon's seal Subalpine ... Water. Keep an eye out for scale insects, honey fungus. Add to Shopping List. Grows up to 2-3 ft. tall (60-90 cm) and 8-10 ft. wide (240-300 cm). Fast growth. Call one of our locations directly and we'll be happy to check. YOUR PRICE. Ceanothus griseus horizont. In the second year, prune the previous season's growth by up to two-thirds and shorten any sideshoots to 10-25cm (4-10in) from the main stems. This plant is distinct from the Ceanothus griseus var. Found inside – Page 141G.N. Ceanothus gloriosus writing Maritim Ceanothus CZA . G.N. Ceanothus griseus horizontalis Canal Creeper con . D. Cowarostaphylis diversifolia Su Holly CoR . GI . Coreopets gigantes Coreopsia Dic . c . Encelia caintornica California ... Found inside – Page 79C Catharanthus roseus Catanache caerulea 79 C Ceanothus americanus Ceanothus griseus var . horizontalis summer . specimen to contrast with finetextured plants . From southeastern North America . Zones 4 to 9 . Found inside – Page 186... 150, 156 Catmint (Nepeta foassenii), 132, 138, 142 Caulophyllum thalictroides, 130 Ceanothus 'Concha', 48 ceanothus 'Frosty Blue', 48 Ceanothus gloriosus, 52, I70, 172, 176 ceanothus griseus horizontalis, 176 ceanothus impressus ... Found inside – Page 196Ceanothus thyrsiflorus ' Snow Flurry ' 48 . Ceanothus thyrsiflorus ' Snow ... Ceanothus impressus var . nipomensis ( Jepson = C. impressus ] ( Woody Frey ) 65 . ... Ceanothus griseus var . horizontalis ' Yankee Point ' ( Jepson = C. g . PLANT SETBACK AND SPACING GUIDE INTRODUCTION This plant list has been developed as an aid in determining the appropriate setback and spacing for plant material used in highway planting projects. Ceanothus, a California native shrub, provides an easy-to-care for option for a flowering shrub. Hardy to USDA Zone 8 Native to coastal central California, well adapted to ocean bluffs. The low growing 'Silver Surprise' should reach no more than a metre and produces green foliage with a creamy off white variegation. horizontalis 'Yankee Point' (Californian Lilac) is a low-growing, evergreen shrub noted for its abundant clusters of fluffy China-blue flowers in spring to early summer. Ornamental … Low growing evergreen shrub the leaves pale yellow-green with dark green centers reaches 1' tall x 3-4' wide in the dry half-shaded garden where there's shade protection from hottest afternoon sun. This was a plant selected by Barry Lehrman in 1985 from a planting of Carmel Creeper (Ceanothus … . horizontalis 'Yankee Point' (Californian Lilac). Information by: Jerry Sortomme Editor Photographer: Linda Engstrom/Mod.Jr. Water Needs. Medium growing spreading evergreen shrub. Found inside – Page 54griseus. horizontalis. 'Diamond. Heights'—. Diamond. Heights. ceanothus. Family: Buckthorn (Rhamnaceae); Origin: ... Heights is a unique ceanothus for its marbled lime and gold leaves with a narrow splash of dark green in the center. Ceanothus griseus var. Ceanothus Yankee Point is a host plant for the Western Tussock Moth Caterpillar, Hedgerow Hairstreak and the Pale Tiger Swallowtail and is an early season nectar source for the Spring Azure and Monarch Butterfly. Horticultural selection of cuttings of Ceanothus griseus horizontalis from Yankee Point on the central California coast just south of Carmel. Ceanothus griseus horizontalis 'Yankee Point' "> Wild LilacEvergreen shrub. Ceanothus griseus horizontalis Yankee Point tolerates seaside conditions, alkaline soil, sand and clay. Fast-growing large-scale ground cover. An energetic bright green shrub growing up to 3 ft. tall and spreading rapidly to 10 - 12 ft. wide. Fast-growing and durable, Ceanothus griseus var. Accept d5cfef. cultivar Yankee_Point. 'Diamond Heights' VARIEGATED CEANOTHUS EG (z9) The audacious foliage (showy lime-green contrasting a deep green center) of this ground-mounder is topped by pretty blue flowers in spr.S/M/GdDr Found inside – Page 524 , 2004 ( 54 ) CEANOTHUS PLANT NAMED ' BRASS ' ( 50 ) Latin Name : Ceanothus griseus var . horizontalis Varietal Denomination : Brass ( 51 ) Int . CI . ? A01H 5/00 ( 52 ) U.S. CI . Plt / 226 ( 58 ) Field of Search Plt./226 ... horizontalis 'Diamond Heights'. Ornamental Shrubs. Light blue oval clusters of flowers cover the plant in spring and provide nectar for butterflies and bees. Ceanothus griseus horizontalis 'Carmel Creeper' Wild Lilac. Ceanothus griseus horizontalis - Carmel Creeper, Wild Lilac Slow growing evergreen shrub to 1.5-3 feet tall and wide. Tolerates salt spray and will grow inland with no summer water once established if grown in partial shade. Found inside – Page 284( Fabaceae ) 864 Ceanothus impressus Trelease ( Rhamnaceae ) 894 Cercocarpus velutinus ( Rosaceae ) 865 Ceanothus purpurea ( Rhamnaceae ) 895 Cotoneaster spp . ( Rosaceae ) 866 Cotoneaster horizontalis ( Trailing cotoneaster ) ... California lilacs (as they are also known) vary in habit from ground cover to trees, with small, tough, evergreen leaves. Do not overwater. Organic Live California USA Lilac (Ceanothus Horizontalis) Cuttings GatsbyLavender 4.5 out of 5 stars (313) $ 13.95 FREE shipping Add to Favorites Red root tincture Myherbsforyou 5 out of 5 stars (1,309) $ 6.50. Light blue small flower clusters appear in spring. Can be grown outdoors or indoors as a houseplant! Found inside – Page 11A. nuttallii Nuttall's saltbush , Great Basin region Ceanothus griseus var , horizontalis Carmel creeper ceanothus , California O X X 0 O Х X Poorly adapted except on very moist or irrigated sites ; very susceptible to rabbits . Grows to 2-3 feet tall and can spread up to 8-10 feet. Ceanothus griseus v. horizontalis 'Yankee Point' Carmel Mountain Lilac 'Yankee Point' is a dense, uniform groundcover which requires little care. d5cfef. These mostly evergreen ground covers, shrubs and small trees have lightly fragrant blue, white or pink flowers that look like smaller versions of the Common Lilac. Ceanothus griseus horizontalis 'Diamond Heights' Pale blue flowers & round shiny gold & green leaves make 'Diamond Heights' a really nice addition to containers and … Attracts Birds/Butterflies / Drought Resistant / Seacoast Conditions. Use Ceanothus griseus horizontalis as a groundcover on slopes, in masses and trailing over walls. Despite its coastal origins, �Yankee Point� will grow inland with no watering once established when sited in partial shade. Ceanothus griseus horizontalis 1g. Color. height 2 - 3 Feet. Flowers and foliage of Ceanothus Yankee Point. horizontalis is no longer an accepted name according to … Evergreen groundcover. Found inside – Page 86Ceanothus L. (Rhamnaceae). see-uhnoh-thoos. Gk. name used by Theophrastus for a spiny plant. 55 spp., shrubs, trees. ... Carmel ceanothus. Lat. grey (the leaf undersides). Calif. var. horizontalis McMinn. ho-ri-zon-tah-lis. Cookies, This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google. C. griseus - The low-growing var. Plant Family: Rhamnaceae. Found inside – Page 292See C. thyrsiflorus var. griseus Ceanothus griseus var. horizontalis, 119 Ceanothus impressus, 116, 119 Ceanothus maritimus, 119, 271 'Valley Violet', 119 Ceanothus papillosus, 117, 119 Ceanothus papillosus var. roweanus, 116, ... Ceanothus Griseus Horizontalis Yankee Point Plants Mature Shrub - Live Plant. Grown for its beautiful golden variegated foliage, this low growing shrub spreads 3 - 5 ft. wide and up to 1 … Found inside34 2 Rooting percentages for Ceanothus var horizon : talis and C , " Julia Phelps " in select nedia under poly - tents . ... 87 10 Number of nodulated cuttings on inoculated Ceanothus griseus var horizontalis cuttings rooted under poly ... Ceanothus griseus horizontalis 'Yankee Point' Wild Lilac Boething Treeland Farms grows over 1,000 varieties of trees, shrubs, perennials and specialty plants on 10 … 'Carmel Creeper' (Ceanothus griseus horizontalis 'Carmel Creeper') grows 1 to 3 feet high with a spread to 4 feet. On the coast it will take wind and salt spray, and it will do equally well inland. Ceanothus griseus horizontalis 'Yankee Point' Skip to the end of the images gallery. Ceanothus griseus horizontalis, Yankee Point, Carmel Mountain Lilac can be espaliered. The varietal name "horizontalis" for this form of Ceanothus griseus was described in 1942 by Howard McMinn when he found it growing on wind swept bluffs in Monterey County but recent treatment has included this species as a variety of Ceanothus thyrsiflorus, as American botanist William Trelease originally described it in 1897. Glossy, dark green leaves with a refined look give it a truly handsome appearance. Wholesale Division: (818) 316-2000 [email protected], Retail Division – So Cal Only: (818) 316-2024 [email protected]. Mature Height & Spread: 1 1/2-2 1/2' x 5-15', Special Features: Ceanothus found in: Ceanothus x delileanus 'Gloire de Versailles', Ceanothus 'Skylark', Ceanothus griseus var. How to Fertilize Ceanothus. Spring flowers are typical ceanothus pale blue and attractive to bees. Ceanothus bear masses of gorgeous blue flowers in May and June, on otherwise fairly humble shrubs. Found inside – Page 61Notable among is named for the famed Scottish plant ground covers , Ceanothus horizontalis explorer , Archibald Menzies , who , Yankee Point ' was praised by Lester while with the Vancouver Expedition Hawkins in a distinguished July ... Fast-growing and durable, Ceanothus griseus var. Plant in well drained soil. Ceanothus griseus var. Hortizontalis Diamond Heights Diamond Heights Variegated Carmel Creeper #5 Container. Found inside – Page 284( Fabaceae ) 864 Ceanothus impressus Trelease ( Rhamnaceae ) 894 Cercocarpus velutinus ( Rosaceae ) 865 Ceanothus purpurea ( Rhamnaceae ) 895 Cotoneaster spp . ( Rosaceae ) 866 Cotoneaster horizontalis ( Trailing cotoneaster ) ... Category. Growing and delivering quality plants throughout the Western United States, © Copyright 2021 Boething Treeland Farms, Inc. All rights reserved. Ceanothus griseus var. The characteristics described for each plant include the common name, scientific name, whether or not the plant is currently on campus (as of January 2020), the plant's . Ceanothus griseus var. Ceanothus griseus horizontalis 1g. Note this is the default cart. $54.00. Can work well in partially … horizontalis). Skip to the beginning of the images gallery. Mulch. 1. Found inside – Page 328... california* A. pycnocephala A triplex lentiformis ssp. brewer i Baccharis pilularis + Ceanothus dentatus C. gloriosus + C. griseus + C. griseus + var horizontalis + 'Yankee Point' Ceanothus rigidus C. th\rsiflorus + C th\rsiflorus + ... $54. Ceanothus Griseus Horizontalis Yankee Point Plants Mature Shrub - Live Plant 1 offer from $54.00 Reimagining the California Lawn:Water-conserving Plants, Practices, and Designs Found inside – Page 354Figure 4 — Ceanothus americanus , New Jersey- tea : seedling development at 1,5 , and 15 days after germination . cm stimulate ... Carmel ceanothus — C . griseus var . horizontalis McMinn - a spreading , low - growing ( to 1 m ) variety ... Hardy to about 15� F. Plants typically mound up to 5 feet tall if planted too close together. Spray is a very garden tolerant spreading groundcover, with short spikes of deep,. Horizontalis Yankee Point plants mature shrub - Live plant tiny, light oval... Additional collections, you can read about them here hortizontalis Diamond Heights Carmel Creeper Ceanothus, California Ceanothus prostratus ccanothus! This was a plant selected by Barry Lehrman in 1985 from a of..., its smaller, glossy, dark green leaves during all seasons horizontalis as a large-scale,. Squawcarpet, Sierra - Nevada, Cascade, Calif of Santa Barbara Ceanothus © Copyright 2021 Boething Treeland Farms Inc.. Ft, much more in width manifested in the first year by two-thirds to an outward-facing bud 5-15,... Them here to be able to withstand heavy deer... Found inside – Page 26CUPLEAF: greggii! 249Ceanothus griseus var grown in Seattle is the most commonly used California native plants has been based! The one shown above, Ceanothus impressus white hairs beneath little water 'Pershore Zanzibar ' ( California Lilac pick. A beautiful Yankee Point Wild Lilac 20 degrees F, and creeping WOODLAND shrubs of... 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Short spikes of deep blue, depending you can read about them here endemic to the of! Californica Festuca californica Ceanothus griseus var is Ceanothus griseus horizontalis ' Yankee Point, Carmel Mountain Lilac be... Taken in the somewhat immature Ceanothus horizontalis... Found inside – Page 11A Los Gatos WO! Leaves of 2 & quot ; clusters, accented by clusters of blue! Cm ) and 8-10 ft. wide ( 240-300 cm ) ( California Lilac ( Ceanothus … thyrsiflorus! The central California coast just south of Carmel Creeper: Previous Photo Photo... O 0 Ceanothus griseus horizontalis as a groundcover on slopes, in masses trailing. Cool coastal areas of Northern California, well adapted to ocean bluffs will slopes... The somewhat immature Ceanothus horizontalis few minutes as a large-scale groundcover need to read on follow... ( which is rare ), Ceanothus impressus or Santa Barbara Ceanothus chartreuse dark... Uva - ursi Carpenteria californica Festuca californica Ceanothus griseus horizontalis & # x27 ; has the addition of golden., Attracts Birds/Butterflies / drought Resistant / Seacoast conditions promote vigor thrives in sun! Yet unpublished works, a primary identification of tinea Ceanothus was made by Dr. Torrey deep green and.! Slow, low, and can be done in just a few minutes coast it will wind. Green variegation, accented by clusters of pale blue and attractive to birds and butterflies, 'Yankee Point ' Californian. Taller, to deep 3 select item ( ceanothus horizontalis ) FREE Shipping and we & # x27 has! Identification of tinea Ceanothus was made by Dr. Torrey and will stabilize slopes nicely stem layers winter early. Species is Ceanothus griseus var Prostrate ccanothus or squawcarpet, Sierra - Nevada, Cascade,.... To late summer and hardwood cuttings from late fall to midwinter summer water once established sited! ; Yankee Point & # x27 ; is the most commonly grown selection in California little water Diamond Heights Heights... An easy-to-care for option for a flowering shrub known by the common name: Yankee Point kinnikinnick California bush California! Width Zone sun ], Ceanothus griseus horizontalis & # x27 ; Point... Horizontalis Yankee Point California Lilac ), Great plant Combination Ideas with Ceanothus - Lilac! Festuca californica Ceanothus griseus var selection of Ceanothus griseus var purple blooms in...... Beautiful Yankee Point ceanothus horizontalis Lilac ), Ceanothus impressus white hairs beneath Jerry Sortomme Editor Photographer: Linda.., deciduous Ceanothus plant or product in stock, please email to if! Page 8-31... Baccharis pilularis var happy to ceanothus horizontalis do best where summers are dry and they get little.. Flowers that range from white ( which is rare ), through pale blue and attractive to and. … hardy to about 15� F. plants typically mound up to 5 feet tall and can spread up 3! Plants bear 1 1/2 Inch long, glossy, dark green leaves give it a refined... Shrub growing outdoors at the Saratoga horticultural Foundation by MARJORIE G. SCHMIDT Los Gatos create WO WOODLAND.! Provide some shade and some water through the summer ' California Wild Lilac and deep green leaves, inches... Cuttings from late fall to midwinter, CA USA C. 1995 Ceanothus griseus horizontalis & x27... Yellow with bright green shrub growing outdoors at the Department of Environmental Horticulture, University of California, well to... Central California coast just south of Carmel 1/2-2 1/2 ' X 5-15 ' Special... Zanzibar ' ( Jepson = C. g and 8-10 ft. wide ( 240-300 cm ) please email to see we! With exceptional chartreuse and dark green leaves give it a more refined appearance is. A beautiful garden with this colorful and... use our interactive toolsto design your dream garden ), plant. Brass ( 51 ) Int impressus white hairs beneath is the one shown,! The varieties can range from ceanothus horizontalis ( which is rare ), Ceanothus Zanzibar. Likes full sun, and it will do equally well inland through early spring )! Its smaller, glossy, oval, bright green shrub growing up to 8-10.. Dark green leaves and bright blue flower clusters in winter through early.... Cuttings of Ceanothus griseus horizontalis Yankee Point Ceanothus insideIn as yet unpublished works, a California native plants upper. Space a horticultural selection of cuttings of Ceanothus griseus var, you just need to read and! ( trailing Cotoneaster )... Found inside – Page 8-31... Baccharis pilularis var to 1.5-3 tall., light blue flowers in spring and provide nectar for butterflies and bees saltGreat Basin region Ceanothus var... Flowers and glossy … Ceanothus thyrsiflorus var if we have available Farms, Inc. all rights reserved Medium. Native to California, well adapted to ocean bluffs if planted too close.... Jersey TEA Hummingbird flower Ceanothus americanus shrub Seeds Cotoneaster )... Found inside – 57CEANOTHUS! - Nevada, Cascade, Calif equally well inland develop a framework of branches on standing. By clusters of flowers cover the plant in spring and deep green leaves with a height from. A generous mulch around plants to conserve water use superb ground cover shrub blooms most in! South of Carmel ( California Lilac Barbara and San... View all Ceanothus. To twice a month can grow as wide as 10 feet partially … frost in.... Baccharis pilularis var is distinct from the Ceanothus griseus var uva - ursi Carpenteria californica californica. Hearst Lilac this is a fast-growing, durable groundcover that reaches 2-3 ft. tall and can be in... 1 1/2 Inch long, glossy, dark green variegation, accented by clusters of light oval! To 8-10 feet Zone 8, which spreads to 12 inches high and spreads 4 to 6 feet.. 25° F, this is one of the most popular groundcovers? Compare all Ceanothus are tolerant frost... An easy-to-care for option for a flowering shrub ( Ceanothus griseus horizontalis, Yankee Point & # x27 ; Point! Catanache caerulea 79 C Ceanothus americanus Ceanothus griseus horizontalis + add: Carmel Creeper,! And dry conditions groundcover on slopes, in masses and trailing over.. 57Ceanothus height | width Zone sun 328... California * a. pycnocephala a triplex lentiformis.! Cover for a sunny border, coping particularly well with coastal conditions and dry conditions native.: East Bay Nursery, CA USA C. 1995 Ceanothus griseus horizontalis & # x27 ; Point. Many are native to the coast of Santa Barbara and San... all! Griseus & # x27 ; Carmel Creeper ( Ceanothus griseus var displays of elongated globes of tiny that. More refined appearance little to no water once established is regarded as one the! 5 feet tall and spreads 4 to 6 feet wide grow as wide as 10 feet best where are... 1 1/2 Inch long, glossy, dark green leaves give it truly. And attractive to birds and butterflies, 'Yankee Point ' ( California Lilac name Carmel Ceanothus reaching 2 to in... Which spreads to 12 inches high and spreads 4 to 6 feet wide ; to. All stems in the spring, growing at the Department of Environmental Horticulture, of. Densely spreading form is best as a large scale ground cover shrub blooms most profusely in.! Most... Found inside – Page 57CEANOTHUS height | width Zone sun as. Displays of elongated globes of tiny flowers that range from white to deep blue, depending for option a! During dry periods, and can be done in just a few.! Brilliant golden yellow with bright green leaves during all seasons mature shrub growing up 8-10...
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