Asia comprises the eastern 4/5 of Eurasia, bounded by the Pacific Ocean on the east, the Indian Ocean on … Download dataset . ・Austria 2 cases ・Croatia 1 cas... the Change of Total Number of (COVID-19) Cases for TOP16 countries. These operations provide emergency financing for the purchase of medical and laboratory supplies, training of medical staff, and strengthening national public health systems based on country needs. 23: An Ocean of Discontent? The craniofacial variations suggest that the generalized Asian populations (Negritos, Dayaks, Lesser Sunda Islands, etc.) In north-east and East Asia, this proportion will be more than one in three people. For me, every visit left some pain deep in my heart. In the other major economies, output remained on average around 5% below pre-pandemic levels, with the smallest gap in Indonesia (2.2%) and the largest gap in the Philippines (8.4%). Our data portal has the answers. We provide a wide array of financial products and technical assistance, and we help countries share and apply innovative knowledge and solutions to the challenges they face. East Asia and the Pacific is the epicenter of the double burden of stunting and obesity—both forms of malnutrition. Country profiles with introduction, short history, language, capital, population, religion and currency information. Stunting significantly reduces the physical and mental capabilities of children, imposing enormous human and economic costs. Includes statistics. The project introduced an insurance scheme where payments are based on the total number of livestock lost by species and soum (district) rather than on households’ actual, individual losses. This site uses cookies to optimize functionality and give you the best possible experience. We face big challenges to help the world’s poorest people and ensure that everyone sees benefits from economic growth. In the same period, 2,160 infrastructure and service delivery workers had been trained and 111,600 labor days created (of which 50% went to women and 44% to youth), with each participant working an average of 30 days. That is why the World Bank is building on its initial COVID-19 response with US$12 billion to help countries purchase and distribute vaccines, tests, and treatments, including financing for Mongolia and the Philippines. Available online at: http . Labour income shares, by region and subregion, 2004-17 (percentages) 6 4. PIP: Close examinations of population trends shows that the new trends reflect demographic changes that have occurred in many developing countries in Asia and the … The Bank’s expanded partnerships with non-borrower member countries in recent years has continued in our Korea, Malaysia, and Singapore offices, which generate and share development knowledge, lessons, and solutions with countries in the region and across the globe. Supported by a range of development partners, the Mindanao Trust Fund (MTF) aims to improve prospects for peace and development in conflict-affected areas in Mindanao. The ANU EngageAsia program provides programs and courses for school teachers and school students looking to expand their knowledge . The Asia-Pacific is home to 60% of the world's population but it has only 36% of its water resources. The project is also improving financial resilience to natural disasters through insurance mechanisms and the development of a national disaster risk financing strategy. Did poverty go up or down? Most recently, the Bank supported the government’s COVID-19 response to poor households through US$98 million in additional financing for Indonesia's Social Assistance Reform Program for top-up of cash transfers to existing PKH beneficiaries under a new temporary emergency scheme. Global Ministries currently has partners and projects in Mongolia, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan . The population in Asia and the Pacific is growing at less than 1 per cent per annum In 2013, the total population of the Asia-Pacific region stood at 4.3 … Because the index system relies on verifiable statistics, estimating losses is a much simpler process that leaves less room for error. Study with the best. Despite the constraints imposed by COVID-19, the project benefited about 11,000 households across three provinces by June 2020. Middle East & North Africa. This book provides examples of possible triple-win solutions for simultaneously reducing poverty, raising the quality of the environment, and adapting to climate change. Wide-ranging in scope and clearly written to help students get to the bottom of important issues, the book addresses many key areas including: * the Anglo-American powers * Japan * independence movements * the politics of economic ... Other challenges remain. The lowest point on land, the Dead Sea, is also in Asia. Our College brings together one of the world's largest collections of Asia Pacific experts. Publication in Economics, Politics and Public Policy in East Asia and the Pacific population growth. To provide relief for vulnerable populations, low- and middle-income countries need fair, broad, and fast access to effective and safe vaccines. Addicted To Data; Facebook; Twitter; Pocket; Feedly; Population in East Asia and Pacific Ver.2020 (1960-2018) Source: World Bank. International Comparison Program & Purchasing Power Parity, International Household Survey Network (IHSN), Trust Fund for Statistical Capacity Building, Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty lines (% of population), GNI per capita, Atlas method (current US$), Statistical Capacity score (Overall average). The World Bank Group works in every major area of development. By 2030, the region will represent around 55 percent of the total global population in the 15-to-34 age group — a generation that is increasingly better educated and more integrated into global . 113: The Growth of Skilled Migration in the Asia Pacific Region. For example, a behavior change communications initiative called “Family Development Sessions” has expanded to help mothers gain a better understanding of health and nutrition, parenting practices, education, and household financial management. The World Bank is also working with countries to restructure existing projects to fight the COVID-19 pandemic by reallocating funds, triggering emergency components of existing projects, and activating Catastrophe Deferred Drawdown Options (CAT DDOs). Population prehistory of east Asia and the Pacific as viewed from craniofacial morphology: the basic populations in east Asia, VII Am J Phys Anthropol. Today, thanks to our popularity and spotless image with users, our servers are overwhelmed with clients' desperate . Asia's population is currently increasing at 1.7 percent annually. The location of Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, just off the coast of mainland China, creates an industrial environment that has awakened the human entrepreneurial spirit of the realm. Building human capital and inclusion: Investing in human capital is key to ensuring long-term sustainable growth and reducing poverty in the region. Manufacturing has fueled the high-tech engines of the . More than 211 million people aged 65 and older lived in East Asia and Pacific in 2010 - including 130 million in China alone - accounting for 36 percent of the global … For example, in Lao PDR, the Bank is supporting improved resilience to natural disasters. Examines health system challenges of responding to population aging in East Asia and Pacific by (1) providing an overview of population aging and health services delivery challenges; (2) discussing Universal Health Coverage, which will likely exert major pressure on the region's health care systems in the context of population aging and noncommunicable diseases (NCDs); (3) examining whether . The Delta variant is wreaking havoc in the poorly vaccinated region, which has recorded 38,522 deaths in the . The series reflects diverse disciplinary and cultural perspectives on population issues. A newborn is taken care of in a hospital in Wuhan, China, in March 2020. The Asia-Pacific ( APAC) is the part of the world in or near the Western Pacific Ocean. 49: Gendered Migration in Asia Case Studies of the Philippines Indonesia and China. Average annual growth in labour productivity, by economy, 2000-09 and 2010-19 (percentages) 5 3. EngageAsia. What would the situation become by 2030, when the urban population is expected to reach 72% in East Asia and the Pacific? With 1.4 billion people, China is the world's most populous country and has more people than every other country in the region combined. East Asia is home to one-fifth of the human population. » find out more. This report argues that the appropriate policy responses are to ensure macroeconomic stability, and in particular, a regulatory framework that encourages small- and medium-sized enterprises where most people in the region work. The report has guided government action in the sector, leading to expanded, cheaper, and faster internet access. Many couples in East Asia are putting off having . East Asia & The Pacific. Stock markets in Southeast Asia have performed better than other bourses in the Asia-Pacific region in 2010, . Table. Novel Coronavirus / Change of Total COVID-19 Cases for TOP 17 prefectures in Japan / 2020 June 7th. In 2016-2017, UNICEF's health teams visited many urban poor communities throughout the region to help reach more urban poor with basic health services. The World Bank Group continues to build partnerships with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), the Pacific Island Forum, Asian Development Bank (ADB), the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), New Zealand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT), and others to maximize development impact. With these, nearly 30,000 people now benefit from clean water, better roads, more post-harvest facilities, and better access to farming and fishing equipment. This book argues that the "population problem," rooted in low fertility, has thus far been largely considered in a linear way: low fertility leads to population stagnation and rapid aging, so fixing low fertility should correct the problem. In Solomon Islands, the Community Access and Urban Services Enhancement (CAUSE) project is improving basic infrastructure and services for vulnerable, urban populations in the country. To the Asia-Pacific overview page. Overall, more than 7,500 children between 5-10 years, 15,000 parents, as well as 500 teachers and soum officials have benefitted from the project. This innovative product benefits herders and makes good business sense for insurance companies. Enhancing resilience and sustainability: In a region highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, the Bank works with countries and partners to enhance resilience, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and support clean energy. With a three-meter rise, these estimates would increase to more than 71,000 square . Issued three times a year, the Asia-Pacific Population Journal is an invaluable resource containing opinions and analysis by experts on important issues related to population. Access to adequate healthcare is also hampered by 1 United Nations World Population Prospects, the 2010 Revision. Asia comprises the eastern 4/5 of Eurasia, bounded by the Pacific Ocean on the east, the Indian Ocean on the south and the Arctic Ocean on the north. In Fiji, the World Bank Group supported the issuance of the first sovereign green bond by a developing country, which raised US$50 million to support climate change mitigation and adaptation. The Asia Pacific Region covers 21% of the world's land area and is home to 53% of the global population. Population density (people per sq. 2021 has already seen two severe Tropical Cyclones in the Pacific. The Reconstruction and Development Projects, Phase II and III (RDP/2 and RDP/3), funded by the MTF, have improved social and economic recovery, promoted social cohesion and participatory governance through a community driven development approach in conflict affected areas of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao. Latest Post. This project helps to prepare Vietnam as a clean and green destination for tourism in the post-COVID-19 period. In a second phase of the COVID-19 response, the Bank is working with countries to strengthen social protection measures for the poor and vulnerable, support businesses and safeguard jobs, and advance the reforms needed to shorten the time to recovery and build conditions for broad-based and sustainable growth. China and Vietnam are projected to grow by 8.1% and 6.6% respectively in 2021, while the rest of the region, reflecting deeper crisis scars, is projected to grow by about 4.4%, according to Uneven Recovery, the World Bank’s April 2021 Economic Update for East Asia and the Pacific. In some countries, children of households in the bottom two-fifths of the distribution are 20 percentage points less likely to be engaged in learning than children of the top one-fifth. In 2016, the population of Asia is estimated at 4,434,846,235. Red Cross sounds vaccines alarm as Covid deaths in south-east Asia soar . East Asian and Pacific countries are growing rapidly. East Asia and the Pacific is also the largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, accounting for one-third of the world’s carbon dioxide emissions and 60% of its coal consumption. The economies of East Asia and the Pacific began to bounce back after a severe economic shock in 2020, but recovery has been uneven. A similar CCT program in the Philippines, locally known as the Pantawid Pamilya Pilipino Program, covers over 4 million households with children under 18, providing incentives for parents to invest in their health and education. 93: LABOUR MIGRATION. In the People's Republic of China, more than half the population lives in rural areas but only about 10% are covered by . In the East Asia and Pacific (EAP) region, emergency operations have been approved under the COVID-19 fast-track facility in a number of countries, including Cambodia, Mongolia, the Philippines, among others. 8 Table 1. Per capita water availability is . School enrollment, primary (% gross) CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita) Poverty headcount ratio at … ADB published a similar summary. This important new text examines the crucial social and cultural factors associated with the rise of the Asia- Pacific region at the end of the Twentieth Century. Global and regional GDP growth . Europe. In some countries, rates of overweight/obesity among women are alarming, ranging between 40% and more than 80%. Curbing emissions in the region is critical to advancing the global climate change agenda. The rate of urbanization is highest in East and Southeast Asia and is less pronounced in areas of only moderate economic growth . This book is the outcome of the Conference on Population Growth, Urbanization, and Urban Policies in the Asia-Pacific Region, held in Honolulu during 8-12 April 1985. South & Central Asia . In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, RDP/3 also supported the construction of health stations across six communities servicing around 13,000 individuals. The South China Sea is a major body of water that acts as a separator between the mainland and the insular region. China is the most populous in the Asia-Pacific region and the world, with about 1.44 billion people. Ver.2020 Apr 6th Wuhan Coronavirus Outbreak COVID-19 ( 2019-nCoV ) / t... Imports in Latin America and Caribbean Ver.2020 (1960-2018) Source: Wo... Ver.2020 Feb 26th / the Change of Total Number of (COVID-19) Cases for TOP16 countries. Population in East Asia and Pacific Ver.2020 (1960-2018). Recent issues are available without charge as Adobe Acrobat (pdf) files on the East West Center website. The World Bank provides free and open access to a comprehensive set of data about development in East Asia and Pacific countries and around the globe. In the northern part of Vietnam, 13.7 million people—many of them from remote areas—have better access to quality health care. If you continue to navigate this website beyond this page, cookies will be placed on your browser. These impacts have significant economic consequences, affecting economic growth as . The impacts of this demographic transition are multifaceted and far-reaching and include declining tax revenues, leading to fiscal imbalances, and possible increases in government expenditures for coping with care expenses and pension schemes. These facilities provide communities in geographically isolated areas the necessary medical care and services such as isolation facilities, and in the longer term also birthing room, midwife station, small pharmacy and basic medical equipment. Asian countries by population, 2018 . Children were living and playing in dirty, hazardous environments . How Can East Asia and Pacific Move from COVID-19 Containment Toward a Resilient Recovery. KEY INDICATORS … The challenges in many areas of public health, such as equity, human resources, health promotion, health service delivery and the social determinants of health, cannot be adequately described by numbers alone. East Asian and Pacific countries are growing rapidly. Find out more about our undergraduate, graduate and PhD study options. The East Asia and Pacific region grew at an unparalleled rate in the past 50 years. This economic boom is partly attributable to unprecedented demographic changes in East Asia during this period. But demographics are only part of the story. In addition, a roads sector project finances the incorporation of climate resilience in vulnerable and critical sections of the Lao road network, including the road asset management system and maintenance procedures. Southeast Asia is located between the Indian Ocean on the west and the Pacific Ocean on the east. To learn more about cookies, click here. Asia's large and growing population, coupled with rising incomes and a burgeoning middle class, will continue to drive demand for . EngageAsia. Many economies in East and Southeast Asia are progressing toward becoming aging or aged societies. The economies of East Asia and the Pacific began to bounce back after a severe economic shock in 2020, but recovery has been uneven. Population in East Asia and Pacific. This book examines the increasing integration of Pacific Rim countries, especially in East Asia and Southeast Asia, and the creation of 'new geographies'. The interaction of local and global forces is examined. Graph, map and compare more than 1,000 time series indicators from the World Development Indicators. In 1998, Asia Pacific Population & Policy received the Global Award for Media Excellence from the Population Institute. "Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander" includes Native Hawaiian, Samoan, Guamanian or Chamorro, Fijian, Tongan, or Marshallese peoples and encompasses the people within the United . Take a look at the results the World Bank-supported projects have achieved in the region. Asia-Pacific varies in area depending on context, but it generally includes … The Asia region is a decisive component in the global food chain, accounting for 19% of total global food and agriculture exports and 31% of total food and agriculture imports. Populations from East and Southeast Asia achieved in the asia-pacific region in 2010, the absolute and size... Acadenia Sinica in Taipei, June 1998 graduate and PhD study options insular region quality health care countries, of., Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar and Singapore and inclusion: Investing in human.! Of what works, and social safety net global climate Change 3.5 million families in improving their children ’ success. 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