This study examines the fiscal, efficiency, social, and environmental impact of power sector reforms in seven countries in Europe and central Asia (covering Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Moldova and Poland). The USAID Mission to Central Asia On one end of this diverse region, the countries of Central and Southeastern Europe aspire to accession to the European Union. Prevention of unsafe abortion in countries of Central Eastern Europe and Central Asia Int J Gynaecol Obstet . The suffix "Stan" means land of; so that means that Kazakhstan is the land of the Kazakhs. Critical Connections examines how trade, investment, migration, and other linkages among countries drive economic growth in the Europe and Central Asia region. 2021 8 The list is by no means exhaustive and only covers supply-side initiatives, but it does provide an indication of the growth of open data in the region, as . Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People. School enrollment, primary (% gross) CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita) Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty lines (% of population) Life expectancy at birth, total (years) GNI per capita, Atlas method (current US$) Statistical Capacity score (Overall average) Europe & Central Asia. According to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, 684 taxa (species and subspecies) in the ECA region are threatened with extinction. DAI first worked in Eastern Europe and Central Asia in 1976, and since the breakup of the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, we have joined donors and governments in the region to promote democratic practices and enterprise economies, strengthen farming and business practices, and encourage responsible resource management. Europe and Central Asia * The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. Asia is the largest continent in the world in terms of both land area and population. New firm entry has been fundamental for job creation in the transition economies. June 2020. Recent developments: The COVID-19 pandemic has adversely affected Europe and Central Asia through the collapse in global commodity prices, disruptions to global and regional supply chains, and heightened risk aversion in financial markets. The region of Europe and Central Asia embraces 29 countries and is highly diverse in terms of size, location, population and social development. Road trade rou te connecting Europe to the Far East via Central Asia . Open full screen to view more. Western Asia is a subregion of Asia situated west of Central Asia and South Asia, south of Eastern Europe, east of Southern Europe, and north of Africa. While the reasons are manifold and complex, corruption is central to the story - both the failure of governments to properly address corruption and their complicity in corrupt or client list schemes. We face big challenges to help the world’s poorest people and ensure that everyone sees benefits from economic growth. It is jointly implemented by OECD/ACN and the Open Government Partnership (OGP). Countries of Central Europe [show] (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine) There have been no major improvements in civic space in Europe and Central Asia since the previous report. The Central Asia nations still approach the issue purely as an engineering problem rather than one of managing multiple political, social and economic factors. ; the highest point on the surface of the Earth, Mt. From Spain to the UK and Turkey, support for populist and nationalist movements is on the rise in Europe and Central Asia. Economic activity in the emerging and developing economies of Europe and Central Asia is estimated to have contracted by 2 percent in 2020, in the wake of disruptions related to COVID-19. The recent international financial crisis has significantly affected Governments' ability to invest in infrastructure in Europe and Central Asia, with no counterbalancing effects by the private sector. Where programs are more mature, a range of advanced and innovative measures are now in place. Who We Are. The region is also known for the presence of some of the most iconic large mammals, such as Siberian Tiger, Snow and Persian Leopards, Polar Bear, European Bison, Saiga Antelope, Argali Sheep, Orca or Beluga Whale. UNICEF in Europe and Central Asia Learn how UNICEF works to protect the rights of every child What we do. Government responses to COVID-19 threatened a wide range of rights in Europe and Central Asia and exposed the human cost of social exclusion, inequality and state overreach. In that sense, the EU can be a useful partner for Central Asian countries in terms of job creation with a view to lessening labour migration or in helping to increase local cross-border trade. Stretching from Panama to northern Canada, North and Central America is the only continent where you can find every climate type. In May 2020, UN Women initiated online consultations with gender equality mechanisms from 14 countries in the Western Balkans and Turkey, Eastern Partnership and Central Asia sub-regions to discuss challenges and priorities for the gender dimensions of the short- and long-term COVID-19 response. The ILO Decent Work Technical Support Team and Country Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia ILO activities in ten countries - Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. However, the outlook remains challenging. The IFRC's European Regional Office works in support of 53 National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. The bodies of water that border Western Asia are the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea, the Red Sea, the Persian Gulf, the Gulf of Oman, the Gulf of Aqaba, the Gulf of Aden, the Caspian Sea, and the Aegean Sea. Russia is the world's biggest hydrocarbon producer. The pandemic is expected to erase at least five years of per capita income gains in about one-sixth of the region's economies and raise the poverty headcount. Following the classification of natural terrestrial ecosystems, the region falls within the Palearctic Ecozone, and encompasses 8 of the 14 Biomes in the world. The crisis threatens the welfare of about 160 million people in the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) region who are poor or are just above the poverty line. The total area of land in the ECA region accounts for about 15% of the world landmass, and has an approximate total population of 303 million people, constituting about 4.17% of the global population. countries in the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) Region and analyzed their findings in this report. The Regional Office is also responsible for preparing the biennial FAO Regional Conference for Europe, where Member Countries establish priorities for FAO's . It hosts 4 million persons under international and temporary protection, the world's largest number of refugees. Europe and Central Asia /file/eu-ambassador-sven-olov-carlssons-address-occasion-europe-day-and-victory-day_enEU Ambassador Sven-Olov Carlsson's address on the occasion of Europe Day and Victory Day . © Over the last decade, significant global and regional forces including changes in technology, trade patterns, and business practices, with a steady shift in value added production and employment toward knowledge-intensive activities and ... ; most populous democracy in the world, India. This region is one of the most mysterious and intriguing that we will study. This report produced by the UNDRR Regional Office for Europe offers a snapshot of the aggregated data reported by Member Countries across the Europe and Central Asia region. Central Asia is often known as the land of "the Stans" because most of the countries there end in -stan. This is a global as well as national issue, which ought to be addressed in terms of energy efficiency, diversification of energy sources and types, strategies to manage price volatility, and also environmental implications. Emerging challenges are climate change and environmental risks, such as water scarcity, flooding and land degradation, as well as the migration crisis. Jump to a region. From across the region Statement. Asia is divided into 48 countries, three of them are trans-continental.Given its large size, Asia has been subdivided on the basis of many factors including cultural, political, etc. 8 The list is by no means exhaustive and only covers supply-side initiatives, but it does provide an indication of the growth of open data in the region, as . Found insideFor a region with high educational attainment, a shortage of skills in Europe and Central Asia has emerged as one of the most important constraints to growth. There is considerable scepticism in Central Asia about foreign involvement in resolving the water issue. The World Bank Group works in every major area of development. 22% of Volunteers serve in this region. The EU adopted a New Central Asia Strategy in 2019, which focuses on the following three pillars: increased resilience, regional cooperation and prosperity.. Everest, and the deepest, the Mariana Trench. The countries in the ECA region are included in the following geographical sub-regions: Eastern Europe (Belarus, Moldova, the Russian Federation and Ukraine), South Eastern Europe (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia), South Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia), and Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan). If you continue to navigate this website beyond this page, cookies will be placed on your browser. With coverage extending from the end of central planning to the capitalist varieties of the present, this text provides a comparative analysis of economic transformation and political-economic diversity that has emerged as a direct result. Many problems still . Countries continue to struggle with multiple human development challenges related to skills gaps, high unemployment, social exclusion and widening income inequalities, translating into the highest inequality ratios in the region. Eastern Europe and Central Asia includes 18 countries of the IUCN Statutory Region East Europe, North and Central Asia: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, the Russian Federation, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. And in some countries, conflicts and governance issues persist, exacerbated by weak social cohesion, ethnic tensions and violent extremism. Development in the Western Balkans continues to be affected by legacies from recent conflicts and persisting inter-ethnic tensions within and across borders, and only slowly improving sub-regional cooperation. 187) and and the Violence and Harassment Convention, 2019 (No. Worldwide experience highlights public finance policies that promote economic growth while meeting the need for fundamental public goods. Find a country Test. We also have programmes to respond to the needs of refugee and migrant women and children in Austria, Germany, Greece and Italy, as well as engagement with institutions across many more countries to uphold the rights of children. What this means is that a quarter of people in this region are living in countries where governments do not respect the freedoms of association, peaceful assembly and expression. For more information on UN cooperation in Europe and Central Asia, visit their website. READ MORE. The Belt and Road Initiative has provided impetus for a major transport infrastructure upgrade. The physical landscape is dramatic, ranging from vast steppes to high, rugged mountains, formidable deserts to large rivers, lakes, and seas. The RCP is chaired by the Deputy Secretary-General and co-chaired by two Vice-Chairs, the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the Regional Director of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). GDP (current US$) Population, total. The Eastern Europe and Central Asia Constituency (EECA Constituency) is one of the 10 constituencies representing implementing countries at the Board of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (TGF). Statement by UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore on unaccompanied and separated children Read now. Through its Country Cluster Support Teams and Country Offices, it provides coordination, financial and technical support for disaster operations and longer term development programmes throughout the region. The pandemic is expected to erase at least five years of per capita income gains in about one-sixth of the region’s economies and raise the poverty headcount. Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Armenia is a republic in the South Caucasus in West Asia. It is also colloquially referred to as "the stans" as the countries all have names ending with the . Central Asian countries are also dismantling barriers to trade and travel. Of these, 138 are in the category Critically Endangered (CR). "This paper analyzes the differential impact of climate change policies on employment in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan) The World Bank invites consultants to express their interest in conducting assessments of the energy sector decarbonization pathway for as many as possible of the following countries in Europe and Central Asia: Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, Turkey, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. Development in the South Caucasus and Western Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries continues to be affected by weak democratic practices and increasing income inequalities and bleak job perspectives and intra-regional disparities. Crisis Group's research illuminates many of these challenges in Belt and Road countries across South East Asia, South Asia, Central Asia, the Middle East and North Africa, and the Horn of Africa. ILO in Europe and Central Asia. Europe and Central Asia covers 51 countries across the subregions of Central and Western Asia, Eastern Europe and Northern, Southern, and Western Europe. Eastern Europe and Central Asia. This book situates these migrants within the broader context of Chinese globalization and China’s economic "rise." It traces the origins of Chinese migration into the region, as well as the conditions that have allowed migrants to thrive. This book covers important issues such as the creation of international gas pipelines, the challenges of building crucial transcontinental roadways that must pass through countries facing insurgencies, the efforts of the US and China to ... The EECA Constituency represents 22 countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia region. Climate change is already exerting pressure on shared natural resources and triggering devastating weather events. Covering 55 countries, UNDRR Europe and Central Asia supports the development of policies and actions towards a more resilient future. 1992-1997, 2003-present . Europa's comprehensive survey of the countries and territories of the region, providing expert analysis and commentary and containing up-to-date economic, socio-political and directory material. The purpose of the effort is to improve the ability of ECSSD to ensure that lending projects are in compliance with World Bank Operational Policy 4.01, "Environmental Physiographically, there are five major . Note: Most countries do not recognize Taiwan as an independent country, but consider it part of the People's Republic of China. The Central Asian countries and EU-Central Asia relations For years, relations between Central Asian countries were generally poor, owing to border and resource disputes. Read More. Measures to enable a continued tradition of providing old age security will include • raising retirement ages such that pensions are provided in the last 15 years of life, when work capacity traditionally diminishes • encouraging ... Data and research help us understand these challenges and set priorities, share knowledge of what works, and measure progress. Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Central America and Mexico, Eastern Europe and . Nevertheless, the situation has changed rapidly following the change of leadership in Uzbekistan in 2016, opening up new possibilities for regional cooperation. Womenâs participation in the workforce and politics remains limited. On 30 August 2021, the Government of Greece deposited with the Director General of the ILO the instruments of ratification of the Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 2006 (No. Europe has seen a surge in recent years of support for populist and nationalist movements - from Spain to the UK to Turkey. Geographically, Armenia is often considered to be in Asia, but the country's political and cultural ties to Europe mean that it is often included among European countries. Economic activity in the emerging and developing economies of Europe and Central Asia is estimated to have contracted by 2 percent in 2020, in the wake of disruptions related to COVID-19. The results presented in the report show that countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia are no longer facing higher corruption or regulatory burden than firms in comparable non-transition countries. Pandemic Recovery is an Opportunity to Step Up Climate Change Action in Europe and Central Asia. Europe & Central Asia. Since the early 1990s the transition economy countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia have had to adapt their pension systems in minor and often very major ways. Using EMIS-2017 data, we present the difference between self-reported use and expressed need for PrEP in individual countries and the European Union (EU). The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights' (OHCHR) Regional Office for Central Asia (ROCA) was established in 2008 in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan and currently covers all five countries in the region: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. The book ties in with much of the work done in the World Bank on the business environment, trade facilitation, economic diversification, and enterprise innovation. Economies have been picking up, but jobs continue to be scarce. In June 2007, the Council of the European Union (EU) adopted The EU in Central Asia: Strategy for a New Partnership, highlighting the growing importance of Central Asia to the EU. This book examines the EU's policy towards the five Central ... Two of the world's top ten remittance-receiving countries relative to gross domestic product are in the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) region - Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. But the most valuable contribution Europe can make to Central Asia's development probably lies in the sphere of education. This site uses cookies to optimize functionality and give you the best possible experience. Where there are immense forests, the climate is harsh.To assist the Bank's client countries in ECA with sustainable use of natural resources, this volume identifies the various challenges, provides a history of the Bank's regional natural ... In line with the mandate of the United Nations High . With 189 member countries, staff from more than 170 countries, and offices in over 130 locations, the World . Inward remittances to . We provide a wide array of financial products and technical assistance, and we help countries share and apply innovative knowledge and solutions to the challenges they face. On the 18th of August, we officially launch the 2021 edition of the #EUBeachCleanup . 2010 Jul;110 Suppl:S34-7. The Europe and Central Asia regional economy is forecast to expand 3.9% in 2021. Global data and statistics, research and publications, and topics in poverty and development, The World Bank in Europe and Central Asia, World Bank Support for Country Access to COVID-19 Vaccines, Environmental and Social Policies for Projects. The Index covers a total of 30 indicators in six legal categories: legal gender recognition, asylum, bias-motivated speech and violence, non-discrimination, health, and . The overall institutional framework for the EU's cooperation with the region is as follows: A Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA) governs the EU's bilateral trade relations with Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. The development of policies and actions towards a more resilient future in and... Located extremely in the 'Distortions to Agricultural Incentives from a global perspective research! While meeting the need for fundamental public goods 3.9 % in 2021 we do ). 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