W.S. Egypt's entry into the regional geopolitical scene - a powerful negotiating factor with Israel - could be credited to the weakening of the Arab camp and the Palestinians. In 1945, while British troops withdrew from the country, there were signs that Moscow would not comply with a March 1946 deadline to also withdraw its troops from Iran. This is the situation regarding Syrias claim to a sphere of influence in Greater Syria and the competition for hegemony in the Persian Gulf. author of a series of monographs on Middle Eastern issues. The American power will also play in the Middle East against French and British interests. 58- 64. The American strategy is to separate Israel's neighbours from the Gulf countries in order to incorporate the latter into a new geopolitics. Even before the Ottoman collapse, Arabs had started identifying themselves as a distinct national group rather than as subjects of the empire. The axis must be strengthened with the Turkish regime on the basis of particularly significant military aid. Oil Diplomacy or Petroleum Politics has been an important aspect in the geopolitics of the Middle East since the early 20th century. The problem with best-sellers is that this kind of work diffuses simplistic perceptions. consolidation of the hard core of market democracies: the United States, Canada, Japan and Europe. Synthesized from the . Israeli wars began in 1949 with the Arab-Israeli conflict. Found insideOn the other side, the geopolitics of energy supply is influencing Turkey's energy policy choices. ... Taking into consideration the previous analysis, we can conclude that the energy norm diffusion to the Eastern and Southern EU's ... Before the Arab uprisings in 2011, Iran and Saudi Arabia were already engaged in a new regional Cold War, with the Saudis aligned with Egypt, Jordan, and the Arab Gulf states, and Iran with Syria as well as with the Palestinian and Lebanese Shia factions, Hamas and Hezbollah. , August 30, 2020 5:42 pm. Found inside – Page 156... in the Middle East and Russia, and this allows it to be more assertive in these bilateral relationships. ... The most significant conclusion stems from the fact that the CT is most effectively understood as a discursive construction ... Jihadist groups have primarily targeted local authorities and Western powers, whom they see as the perpetrators of their humiliation. The Arab Cold War of the 1950s and 1960s divided the Arab World between pro-Western Arab monarchies including Jordan, Saudi Arabia, pre-1958 Iraq, and non-Arab Iran, and the pan-Arab and Islamic socialist states such as Egypt, Syria, Algeria, Libya, North Yemen, and post‑1958 Iraq. In 2011, millions of protesters in places like Egypt, Syria, and Tunisia rose up to demand political, economic, and social reforms from their highly repressive … In a suffocating political environment, and feeling culturally demonized by the West, their quest to return to Islam’s past glory led to a politics of reaction and extremism. The fundamental structure of Middle East geopolitics is changing, and in ways that would have been unthinkable just a couple decades ago. A strengthened UN role in democratic change and economic development à la the Marshall Plan, focused on the middle class and the working people, may be required. Though renewable energy sources have not used by majority of the developed countries as most potential and viable source of energy, India's energy sector is a mix of both non-renewable (coal, lignite, petroleum and natural gas) and renewable energy . to be an anchor in diplomacy and the peace process with Israel. The surge in U.S. domestic oil production through shale extraction and other technological means makes the United States less dependent on Persian Gulf oil—a dependency that for decades has been a vital U.S. national interest that justified the projection of military power in the region. In 1993, he published an article in The Clash of Civilizations; his thesis: Le monde se divise en civilisations: occident, tao-confucéenne, islamique, Hindoue, orthodoxe, latino-américaine. His latest publications include: - The US policy in the Middle East in the context "Arab Spring" … To think of the pivotal State is therefore to think of stopping any domino process. That debt was owed primarily to the United States, which chose not to write off any upon conclusion of the war. Across the Islamic World the radicalization of Islamists occurred quite unevenly. But while Irans revolutionary Islamic doctrine is an ideology seeking regional leadership, Turkish and Israeli nationalism do not have this goal. Fear of regional destabilization for Iran's benefit has strengthened the U. S. in the preservation of Saddam Hussein's regime - the principles of realistic school -. Middle Eastern Studies provide the most up-to-date academic research on the history and politics of the Arabic-speaking countries in the Middle East and North Africa as well as on Turkey, Iran and Israel, particularly during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries ". It has long understood Libya, Sudan, Iran and more recently Iraq. Like the Gulf Arab monarchies, the smaller states were ready to seek U.S. and other Western support to guarantee survival against their Arab brothers. The game had become too dangerous. Yet there is no interest in claiming any other places and no illusion that Israel could dominate a region so much more populous, ethnically different, and even now fairly hostile. . Today, Palestinian exiles and groups in Syria and Lebanon are largely under Syrian control. 4 Thom Shanker and Steven Lee Myers, "U.S. Planning Troop Buildup in Gulf Afer Exit from Iraq", The ; 2 A fresh look at US geopolitical priorities and a shift away from Middle Eastern military adventures seems a wise foreign policy approach indeed. However, in the years following World War II the region became increasingly unmanageable for the weakened colonial powers. . Of course, despite theoften surprising for outsiderspower of continuity, a number of significant global and regional events have changed the Middle East in recent years, opening a new era there. The overthrow of the Iraqi regime becomes a necessity which is being revived after 11 September 2001 with the ambition of destroying the Iraqi regime. The current geopolitics in the Middle East has all along revolved around oil. Properly understanding these factorsand integrating them with other featureshelps us better grasp the present and more ably assess the future. The concept of Rogue State was applied to Iraq until the last years of the 20th century. Kennedy's strategy is to provide economic aid, food aid, but we are not going to push too much on military aid, since Egypt poses a problem with the military aid that is the presence of the Muslim Brotherhood. Realpolitik, not ideological enthusiasm, is the foundation of Gulf politics. Reference to the Iran of Khomeini and the Islamic Revolution. But Nassers long effort to play this role led to disaster for his own country. Since its 1979 revolution, Iran has used revolutionary Islam toward the same end, though one could argue that a nominally religious doctrine is also used as an instrument to further Iranian nation-state ambitions. The geopolitics of oil explains very well that from the 1920s onwards, the major oil companies emerged with economic and political . Build an effective argument based on cogent reasons and evidence. 163-177. This is an important strategic approach, but it will be based on a major divorce of the American position which is an anti-colonial position. In June 2012, U.S. media published leaked information about an alleged U.S.-Israeli cyber-attack on Iranian nuclear facilities with the Stuxnet virus, first discovered in 2010. He is author of The Political Economy of Iran Under the Qajars: Society, Politics, Economics and Foreign Relations 1796-1926; and Revolution and Economic Transition: The Iranian Experience. The most significant regional development was the formation of the State of Israel and the resulting first major Arab-Israeli war. The Oslo Accords of 1993 are behind the 1978 Camp David Accords and place the Palestinians in a hopeless situation, particularly with the establishment of new Israeli settlements. 2 No. PART II: GEOPOLITICS OF ENERGY . Found inside – Page 110... economies in Africa, the Middle East and South-East Asia, expanding its geopolitical influence significantly. ... Conclusion. In the light of Russia's current position as a major hydrocarbon exporter and consumer, any notion of a ... The Arab‑Israeli conflict exacerbated external interventions and local distresses caused by war and human displacement. From the moment we open up States to a market economy, the idea is that we will achieve political liberalization that will create a great global market and bring about world peace. Admiral Mahan militates for the development of a fleet that ensures military supremacy to expand its power and capture the resources to guide a military strategy. It is no longer a question of containing the enemy or its allies, but rather of producing enlargement through a market economy that is itself open - and which opposes the command economy. Geopolitics is the link between a territory and politics. States that are in the process of economic liberalization, including China and Vietnam, are states with a developed market economy, but with authoritarian regimes; or some states in the Middle East are generating more benevolence than hostility. In the week between March 24-30, Chinese State Councillor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi visited six countries in the Middle East, anm: Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Iran, Bahrain and Oman. As Europeans gradually withdrew from the region, the United States and the Soviet Union filled the vacuum. During the years of 1919 to 1922, Greece and Turkey fought a war against each other. . Found inside – Page 258Conclusion: patterns. in. grand. strategy. today. What, then, are the patterns in grand strategy today? ... to pick but one example, is a watery crossroads connecting Asia, Europe, southeast Africa and the Middle East. For decades, too, Arab states have been retreating from active involvement in the Palestinian issue. In this IISS Manama Dialogue 2020 Special Publication we explore the regional and global implications of the pandemic, including essays on Gulf defence economics, global and great-power politics, the Gulf states' development models, strategy and geo-economics. It is a question of countering the USSR by means of a strategy of containment, that is to say that policies will be put in place to contain the political power of the other by consolidating other states. Support CaspianReport through Patreon:https://www.patreon.com/CaspianReportIn the 14th century a Muslim historian named Ibn Khaldun wrote about the pattern o. Davies. The Wests task is to show the Arabs that it is not against their aspirations. In Egypt, Arabic displaced Turkish as the language of the local government and the governing elite. The turn to the Middle East makes sense as a long-term option, as the region holds over 50 percent of global hydrocarbon reserves. Found insideOn the other hand, the sweep of the Red Army across Eastern Europe announced a dramatic change in the global military ... Conclusion: A Political Geography of Pyrrhic Victories Rather than providing definitive results or conclusions, ... The civil war, Palestinian involvement in internal politics, and Israeli interventions made it vulnerable to a Syrian occupation and takeover. Middle Eastern rulers, aided by foreign powers, destroyed all nationalist, reformist, and socialist opposition. Therefore, there can be no alliances for the purpose of sharing information. These are strategic reasons, because the stakes of the Second World War will also be played out in the Middle East. Found inside – Page 155Conclusion. It is difficult to know how the relationship between energy and U.S. strategic interests will evolve by ... First, it may make military and economic sense to reduce its presence in the Middle East as fossil fuels wane in ... 464-494. Embracing Arab nationalism, and with the support of Britain, Arabs thus revolted against the Ottomans in the midst of World War I. The Middle East has always been a strategic space. Its geographical coherence and relative homogeneity, large population, and long history as an independent entity allowed it a freedom of action and influence beyond that of any other Arab country. Other international organizations should also become involved in the promotion of democracy in the region. Concern that this may lead to a transfer of wealth from the former pro-Western dominant classes to new pronationalist categories that run counter to their own interests. His books include the forthcoming The Transformation of Palestinian Politics: From Revolution to State-Building (Harvard University Press) as well as: Essays on The Middle East's New Era; Revolution Until Victory: The Politics and History of the PLO; Cauldron of Turmoil: America in the Middle East; Islamic Fundamentalism in Egyptian Politics; Modern Dictators: Third World Coupmakers, Strongmen, and Populist Tyrants; and Paved with Good Intentions: The American Experience and Iran. On April 20, 2018, POMEPS and the Harvard Middle East Initiative convened a workshop with a dozen scholars from around the world to discuss theoretical and policy issues related to social policy in the Middle East. On the other hand, we must think of the military presence that will lead to the permanent parking of the Fifth Fleet in the Mediterranean to secure the transit routes for strategic supplies, but also to intimidate or react in the event of threats to its nationals. Certainly, both the motive and technique of Iraqs invasion of Kuwait, an adventure that cost the Gulf Arab monarchies over $150 billion and severely damage Iraq itself, was the most recent manifestation of this drive. No other major power, whether it be Russia, China, the European Union, or even the United Nations, is willing or able to fill the gap that will be left by America’s retreat. The USSRs collapse and U.S.s rise to sole superpower status has greatly weakened radical forces, as has Iraqs defeat in Kuwait and breakthroughs in ArabIsraeli peacemaking. As an outsider to the largely Arab and Sunni Muslim makeup of the Gulf, Persian and Shia Muslim Iran has several options to find a rationale for its subregional role. Such factors have shaped Syrian political life since the 1930s and under sharply different regimes. Back. It is going to manufacture an enlargement', producing an opening through a market economy. . Supplies from the Middle East are elaborated with regard to Iran's huge and Iraq's emerging potentials in terms of natural gas reserves and foreign direct … Found inside – Page 67The purpose of this hearing is to summarize the most important conclusions that have emerged from the committee's ... Over the past 4 months the committee has examined the geopolitics of oil and of the Middle East in particular in great ... 2. Free enterprise and the pursuit of economic development have become higher priorities. Thus, Syrias general policy is conditioned by its geopolitical situation. Domestic and foreign powers continue with authoritarian and militaristic policies, as witnessed in the violent suppression of the Arab Spring and the purely military approach to dealing with the challenge from ISIS. Introduction: Embodying Geopolitics in the Middle East and North Africa 1 • Female Respectability and Embodied National Sovereignty 2 • The 1967 Defeat and Its … An Introduction to Middle East Politics engages with questions of democratisation and political reform in the region. Brainia.com . Military aid could play into the hands of enemies from within. Autocratic rulers and foreign powers must bear responsibility. In the midst of the Cold War, the discourse legitimizing the independence of the colonies - "coming out" and sacrificing the British and French from the Middle East, because the fear is that in the midst of the Cold War, the anti-colonialist model developed in the colonies would be a Marxist model. It is interesting to note that the inability of two universalist religionsChristianity and Islamto accept that Judaism was a far less ambitious faith focused exclusively on one people and one land has been a major source of antisemitism historically. N.p., n.d. Found insideConclusion. In this volume we attempted to determine the role Iraqi Kurdistan has been playing and has the potential to ... The chapter's contributor claims that a combination of postArab spring geopolitical changes in the Middle East, ... Iran and the Arabs will always be neighbours, but we can change and re-shape history and politics. 1 Issue 3. Web. He is the founder and president of the American Iranian Council and a Senior Associate Member at Oxford University. In Africa and South America, such efforts has only a limited effect on post-colonial history. The region’s authoritarian rulers, often the stooges of foreign powers, share responsibility for the plight of the Middle Eastern peoples. Ironically, this view accepts the claims of pan-Arab nationalism (or radical Islamic groups) that all Arabs (or Muslims) want to unite and that they set their policy mainly based on the Palestinian issue and inter-Arab (or Islamic) solidarity. Geopolitics will consider the fact that it is interesting to study political systems not simply as a system, but as a relay for territories that have strategic stakes in order to explain policies. Part of the story here is that the Indo-Pacific region will become increasingly reliant on the Middle East for its oil: By 2030, 80 percent of China's oil will come … He based a new theory on the ashes of the theory of the containment of bipolarity of the Cold War. According to Kennedy, U. S. aid to Egypt must be contained in strict terms of economic aid and food aid. As old conflicts continue and new ones emerge, they may assume troubling new dimensions. Russia's return to Middle Eastern and Mediterranean geopolitics and implications for West-Russia relations Marco Siddi [Cite as: Marco Siddi, 'Russia's return to Middle Eastern and Mediterranean geopolitics and implications for West-Russia relations', in Andrew Futter (ed. contain the Islamist wave and through it any revolutionary demands in the region. For about 20 years since the end of the Cold War, the regional power dynamics of the … But with the advent of alternative sources of fuel and concerns regarding climate change, the balance of powers regarding Oil Diplomacy is likely to change in the 21st century. American policy also calls for a so-called pivot to Asia, whose growing economies offer opportunities for huge trade deals. Geoffrey Kemp, who served as a Middle East director on Ronald Reagan's National Security Council staff and has witnessed decades of American policy in the region, told a Capitol Hill audience in April 2019 that 'I can't remember a time when US influence in the Middle East was so weak'. The second wave of geopolitics, in the context of the Cold War, then emerged. However, regional geopolitics leads to more protraction overall, where neither side is poised to win decisively. No less a loss of innocence, a better parallel is Hurricane Katrina. There is a double paradox of the American position in the 1950s with a doctrine that aims, on the one hand, to support the national liberation of peoples, and, on the other hand, to support revolutions that are in progress, but whose outcome is unknown and which often turns against the Americans and their allies such as, for example, France in Algeria, which is rebelling against arms trafficking from Egypt for the FLN. *: Global Forecast (9-6-2021) Forecasts - September 6, 2021. When we talk about geopolitics, we are talking about strategic issues related to the presence of resources, important elements of economic and political development. Equally, the stronger stateswith the exception of Egypt which sees itself as managing the processare far more reluctant or even hostile to better relations with the United States. The problem remains complex in countries such as Iran, which is classified and downgraded from the Middle East. For most of its modern history, the Middle … One in every three barrels of exported crude petroleum still comes from the Middle East. Finally, US interference in local affairs in the name of a strategic imperative. They redrew the Middle East map based on the Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916, which did not fulfill the plan for Arab independence. author of a series of monographs on Middle Eastern issues. It is also a concept that allows the United States to define this geographical and political area. The Two Pillars of Middle Eastern Geopolitics. Know Your Enemy: How the JIC Saw the World. The nation-state concept was a European one hardly applicable to the Arab lands of the Ottoman Empire. 2 No. It’s the Treaty of Sèvres That Explains the Modern Middle East.. Retrieved 11 August 2015, from. The COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 will have enduring effects on geopolitics and geo-economics in the Middle East, the Gulf and beyond. Israel appears to be an important lever for controlling Arab socialism. When we talk about geopolitics in the Middle East, we point out that this region of the world cannot be immune to major strategic issues and major conflicts. containment strategy: produce alliances to counter communism, such as the Baghdad Pact of 1955, which brings together Great Britain, Iran, Turkey, Pakistan and Iraq. In the North, according to some, it can include Turkey and the South of Yemen. Iraq is close to the edge of disintegration while Syria's brutal civil war . According to some, it was the American strategist Alfred Mahan who used the word first in an article in the National Review in 1902. In general, though, a largely rhetorical commitment to Arab solidarity, coupled with financial payoffs by those who could afford them, was their defense against the claims of stronger states and revolutionary movements that they must devote all their resources to the cause, be transformed socially and politically, and even be absorbed by more powerful neighbors. The geopolitics of oil explains very well that from the 1920s onwards, the major oil companies emerged with economic and political interests in the regions of the Middle East. A new dispensation arrived for Arabs, who had been a marginal population within the empire. The essays, discussions, and analysis from this year's Energy Security Program offer a wide range of perspectives on Asia's booming oil and gas demand, as well as on … Found inside – Page 122CONCLUSION. Given the high level of regional volatility after the Arab Spring, terrorist threats to the Coptic Church have ... ISIS's Libya attacks are yet another articulation of this fraught regional history caught in the geopolitical ... We are not going to weaken Iran, but we are trying to build a regime through a different strategy; more active dialogue with Europe on the policy to be pursued in the Middle East. This applies not only to the West, but to remaining authoritarian regimes within MENA with little appetite to see democracy flourish in their immediate neighbourhood. R.J. Aldrich. This book offers diverse debates on the possible manifestations and meanings of the term "Middle East." This conception is similar to that of the British historian and strategist Paul Kennedy, who testifies to the danger for the United States of abandoning any privileged axis with Turkey. Found insideHow Military Technology Shaped Geopolitics and Economics Jimmy Teng. great distance from the Parthian core area and the decentralized administrative structure of the Parthian Empire, this farflung province soon declared independence and ... A comprehensive Middle East peace, which would bring Israels emergence as a relatively normal regional player, would be devastating for Syrias national interest. The question that is raised is what is the extent of Barbary? Web. The peace process is therefore seen as a process of legitimizing the American presence in the Middle East. We must take advantage of the conflict between the two systems of government to weaken each other and avoid a leadership position for one of them, which is considered dangerous for regional balance and American strategic interests. To understand the diplomatic and political consequences of 9/11, we must understand this autistic position. That's no small feat for a part of the world that has . The common interest must therefore lie in ending the period of conflict and moving towards co-operation and regional security. As long as the root causes remain, movements like ISIS will feed on them. Information and knowledge go hand in hand. Ideologically, the delinkage strategy is implemented by addressing each partner's concerns. During the Golden Age, the Islamic World was ruled by a caliphate, enjoyed political superiority, and made important advances in science and philosophy. It might well have invaded Jordan in 1970 if not for U.S. and Israeli counterthreats. Without a pivotal state as a bridge state, this diplomacy would be doomed to failure. A new polarized world emerges which is no longer that of liberalism opposed to dirigisme, but that of democracy against barbarism. Found inside – Page 194Conclusion. Climate change possibly provides the central “threat” through which a rearticulation of the ... of the consequences of continued military operations in the Middle East and Central Asia, or of the imperative to change ... Found insideConclusion: “Crossing. the. River. While. Feeling. for. the. Stones”? Thus, while it is apparent that China is becoming more active in defense of its interests in the Middle East than has been the case in the past, the question remains ... Found inside – Page 22It is estimated that about 25,000 South Koreans reside in the Middle East, including Iran.36 While a State Department ... Conclusion. Along with fraught reports on climbing tensions in South Korea-U.S. relations, explicit or implicit ... While ISIS justifies violence on the basis of narrow religious doctrine, its prime motivation seems essentially political—a drive for territory, resources, trade routes, and human traffic, as well as dignity, identity, independence, and self-preservation. Watergate Essays; Appearances The Middle East is reeling from domestic battles between progressive and repressive visions, the impact of globalization, and an exploding youth bulge. Afghanistan, Tajikistan and the New Geopolitics of Southwest Asia. ISIS and other groups will benefit from the coming demise of American global power and the diminishing interest of the United States in the Middle East. While Syria does have ambitions over fellow Bathist Iraq, its search for a sphere of influence focuses on those who are weaker or whose legitimacy it does not acceptLebanon, Israel, Jordan, and the Palestinians. Democracy can only be an alliance with the United States. Back. The fact that Syria lacks a geopolitical or historical rationale on its own is a key reason for its relatively strong pan-Arabist and anti-status quo bent. Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahhab was a scholar of the conservative Hanbali school of Islam. 2. Found inside – Page 84Conclusion. The above study of Tunisia highlights the prospects, opportunities, and challenges offered by this post-conflict ... A critical understanding of Tunisia from the geopolitical, security, social, economic, and higher education ... During the last half-century, however, the Middle East was the part of the world where belief in the prospect of regional hegemony played the greatest role in both public opinion and in the ambitions, actions, and relations of states. The first wave began with the collapse of the Ottoman Empire after World War I. Refuge in Religion While there is evidence for this standpoint in the regions political rhetoric, there is far less proof of these concepts in its history. The Palestinian cause, supposedly the focus and beneficiary of Arab cooperation, became a playground for this competition which added to Palestinian suffering and delayed any solution. ISIS is a movement with the political goal of overcoming the humiliation that Muslims have suffered at the hands of foreign powers and local dictators. Found inside – Page 64... This is in a way depicting Turkey as the geographic pivot of a vast geopolitical super-complex from the Greater Middle East to the Balkans, from the Caucasus to the Eastern Mediterranean and from the Black Sea to Central Asia. In addition, there has been an implementation of the Delinkage strategy in international relations which are operations will seek to separate states from the same space to transfer them to the American area. The Middle … The Geography of the Middle East Essay The Middle East is a large and diverse geographical area located in southwest Asia and northeast Africa. Since the Gulf War, the United States has refocused its strategy on Saudi Arabia as the only pivotal state. In contrast, major elements of Asian and European history are related to drives for hegemony over the centuries. 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