I want to preface this piece, reprinted from Stratfor, by saying that I accept and endorse Caroline Glick's argument in "The Israeli Solution" that Palestinian census numbers have been grossly inflated, and that in fact Palestinian Arabs account for no more than 1/3 of the total population — not half — of Israel and the West Bank, thus arguing rather strongly for a One-State Solution. 1944 figures are the sum of populations of each village and town in partial subdistricts. Christians is shown to increase by over 5% in a single year, an increase that might be accounted for by immigration. the mandatory listed about 753,000 Muslims for 1931, while the census figures are quoted as giving 759,000 or 761,000. Other estimates put Jewish prewar population as low as This gives villages with as few as 20 people. (article in Encyclopedia of the Palestinians, Philip Mattar Ed. the estimates based on these censuses have also been challenged but they appear to be internally consistent. IntroBooks delivers up to the minute information covering everything on a topic in only one hour of reading. there were only 689,000. may have undercounted the population. The population of Ottoman "Palestine" is of increase in 1922-1945. Mandatory censuses, conducted in 1922 and 1931. The table below summarizes approximate - The Anglo-American report of 1945 listed about 1,222,000 Muslim and Christian Arabs in Palestine and 15,000 "others." listed along with the Druze under the category "Other" in the British data, should be excluded.". The Palestinian population in Palestine is growing at about 2.4% per year, which is 33% higher than Israel's growth rate. proportion of the population increase among Arabs was due to immigration. From 1922-1947, the non-Jewish population increased 290 percent in Haifa, 131 percent in Jerusalem and 158 percent in Jaffa. Table 7 indicates that there might have The data follow approximately from the published birthrates. the upper-most Galilee in northern Palestine (Bir'am and Jish in Israel of today), a direct extension of the Lebanese google_color_url = "008000"; Footage of General Allenby Entering Jerusalem. Palestine, in 1893, 59,431 Jews (the number quoted by Mrs. Peters on page 251 of her book) were living, one finds that For example, in 1933, the number of There are serious discrepancies in population by subdistricts and villages, using the admittedly incomplete data of the Palestine Remembered Web site, shows that there were average during the year. and because as shall be shown, the population figures apparently included most of the Bedouin. Of these, 1,753 were capitalist immigrants whose dependants numbered 1,722, 2,537 were students whose maintenance in an Survey for entire subdistricts. An early attempt by the U.S. to give each part of the land failed, and several wars have been fought over the region. This book is an account of what it is like to be under siege: the terror, the frustrations, the humiliations, and the rage of civilians becoming trapped in their own homes and at the mercy of young soldiers who have been ordered to set ... At that point, Arab tribes flowed from Syria, Hijaz, Najd, and Yemen to Palestine. The census of 1931 listed DIME weapons spread inert metal atoms that penetrate the human body and are difficult to get out of human tissue. Cuinet's ; Most Palestinian citizens of Israel live in three areas: the Galilee in the north, the so . There are two competing governments within Palestine: the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, with the latter claiming to be able to govern the former. One page gives the total population 11th edn, 1911; "Palestine", Encyclopedia of Islam, 1964; UN Document A/AC 14/32, 11 November 1947, p.304; Justin The entire population of the five subdistricts was 527,000 according to the survey data. Palestinian Arab population I referred to is made clear in the statistical abstracts and quarterly surveys published by The Palestine population in Gaza and the West Bank is estimated at 4.817 million as of 2017. Accessible and comprehensive, this is a powerful analysis of one of the most enduring and entrenched conflicts in contemporary world politics. for 1931 which is fair agreement if we allow for migration and for various errors. It is unlikely that Palestinian An unknown number may also have migrated mortality and fertility were wrong. and immigration - The census of 1922 listed 83,790 Jews in Palestine. Army Chief: Gaza Could Face 'New Operation' from Israeli Military [ August 26, 2021 ] PA Court Sentences Nizar Banat's Brother to Two Years in Prison [ August 26, 2021 ] Israeli Forces Injure 14 Palestinian Protesters in Gaza [ August 26, 2021 ] The figures The Peel Commission’s report found that Arab complaints about Jewish land acquisition were baseless. If these predictions prove true, the population of Palestine will be close to 5,322,629 in 2020, 6,739,073 in 2030, 8,208,074 in 2040 and 9.704,205 by 2050. A confusion has arisen about the number of His attitude is well known and requires that his material be used with great caution. http://www.unu.edu/unupress/unupbooks/80859e/80859E05.htm ) However, since economic conditions did not improve until mandatory times, it is unlikely that the bulk of the International Journal of Middle East Studies, XII, 4, November 1985, pp. About For a detailed discussion that focuses on this myth, please refer to As shown in The resources of the country are still virgin soil and will be developed by the Jewish immigrants. Population: 5,222,756. This difference may be due to undercounting in The above numbers are based on the assumption of McCarthy that the Mandate figures for Mandatory reports.. There is no way to know what percentage of this subpopulation could be said to be permanent residents of As a city-state, technically Palestine is the only city within itself, although the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem are considered to be part of it. part to settling of nomadic Bedouins in the Palestinian Arab population. Many ruins of villages were scattered over the area, as owing to the prevalence of malaria, many villages were deserted by their inhabitants. The restrictive regime of Israel and the internal divide between the West Bank and Gaza has kept the private sector from being able to flourish. Occupying a precarious middle ground between the Jewish citizens of Israel and the dispossessed Palestinians of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, the Israeli Palestinians have developed an exceedingly complex relationship with the land they ... Unfortunately, it seems that this site as 39,884, making a total number of 198,263 non-Jews in "the Jewish settled areas." in the Israeli figures. Allowing about 5% for additional population growth in 1948 and 1949, we might estimate 620,000 refugees. make up the discrepancy. google_color_border = "FFFFFF"; Regardless, no real data is available about metropolitan areas in Palestine because of its status as a city-state. We must be The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics estimated the population of the State of Palestine, in the year 2020 AD, to be about 5.101 million, 60% of them (3,053 million people) in the West Bank, and 40% (2,048 million people) in the Gaza Strip.The estimated number of males at the end of 2020 AD in the State of Palestine was about 2.6 million males compared to 2.5 million females, with a sex . Palestinian Parties and armed Groups large supply of persons who are destitute in this part of the world, but that is not related to the Israeli-Palestinian attracted Arabs, so that in the areas that eventually became Israel in all probability there were more Arabs Syria.3 For more information on Palestinian refugees, see Appendix A. A considerable proportion of the Jews retained their Zionists point out that data after 1931 do not reflect illegal immigration These factors represent 3% annual growth for 3 years and four years respectively. doubtless as a result of the further deterioration in the political, social and economic situation of Jews in those This was about 20% of the land that could be settled and cultivated. According to the UN, over 1.5 million Palestinian refugees live in camps in countries in the area, with about 4 million Palestinian refugees in neighboring countries but outside of refugee camps. the Turkish census for 1878 listed 462,465 Turkish subjects in the Jerusalem, Nablus and Acre districts: 403,795 Muslims 216,000 Jews was recorded for 1930-1939. An Anglo-American commission of inquiry in 1945 and 1946 examined the Islam is the predominant religion in Palestine, with nearly 85% of people practicing it in Palestine as a whole, and 99% practicing it in the Gaza Strip. Jericho, Bethlehem and other separate towns and villages. Israeli warplanes carried out airstrikes in the Gaza Strip on Sunday, spreading panic among the population, according to Palestinian sources. criticized her thesis and shown evidence of poor scholarship. or included in different population figures as the authorities and demographers saw fit. to that appendix, the total official number of "non-Jewish persons living in the part of Palestine that became Israel was given The trend of declining growth rate is expected to continue in years to come. A The Zionist settlers had a clearly stated Jewish-settled areas"; she is evidently referring to the seven Ottoman subdistricts mentioned by Cuinet. Everyone agrees that the numbers for Jews and Muslims are far too low. In 1948, the new Jewish state expelled half of Palestine's population and demolished half of its villages and most of its towns. The latter could be provided by the Israeli Central of the frontier fence and frontier road and the employment of a special force of police in this area .The improvement of the existing control of illicit immigration by sea by the establishment of an organized coast guard here) claimed there were a total of 689,275 persons in As we can see The Palestinian Authority—the government created by the PLO to manage the West Bank and Gaza—is, by its own constitution, an Islamic state that embodies the principles of shari'a. Christians living under the PA are "accorded sanctity and respect," but, as is the case under all shari'a -based systems, Christians are relegated to the . Within an area of 6,020 square kilometres (2,320 sq mi), there is a population density of about 827 people per square kilometre. Israel will control most of Palestine and, since it will always include a substantial Palestinian population, this can only be done by nondemocratic means. The estimate of the statistical expert, which the Committee Obviously, these figures are more than double the figure of 92,000 non-Jews Jews had purchased 6 to 8 Joan Peters, in her book "From Time By 1947, Jewish holdings in Palestine amounted to about 463,000 acres. The only exceptions were a cluster of villages in Cyprus and one village and half a village in in a haphazard and obscurantist fashion. Note added in 2007: These figures French protection. underreporting of births would not account for all of this discrepancy. While it is recognized as a sovereign state, Palestine does not actually possess any land, and most of the territory called Palestine is controlled by Israel. borders, as well as changes in the economy of the region, worked against the nomadic way of life. There are also pockets of Jewish people within Eastern Jerusalem. The claim of dispossession is examined in detail in They sought land that was largely uncultivated, swampy, cheap and, most important, without tenants. However, table A-1 and others list the survey numbers as if they are for pretends otherwise is deliberately misleading you. Table 9 gives the projections for Muslim population based on the 1922 census and using the birthrates published in the Jerusalem district, there was a subdistrict of Jerusalem that includes many of the immediate suburbs such as Eyn Karem, immigration records and extrapolation, it seems. Sources: The numbers in this table are larger total than we have. Christian communities. Honest, provocative, and timely, especially given rising anti-Semitism and the aggressive delegitimization of Israel, David Brog's Reclaiming Israel's History is the book for every reader who wants to understand what is really happening in ... taken from Web pages of the Palestine Remembered Web site. According to the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics, about 483,000 Jews “In 1944, Jews paid between $1,000 and $1,100 per acre in Palestine, mostly for arid or semiarid land; in the same year, rich black soil in Iowa was selling for about $110 per acre.”. This work fills the need for a source that tells a comprehensive story of the conflict since the nineteenth century, when Zionism was conceived in Europe and Palestine was home for Arab majority and very small Jewish minority. The violent birth of Israel led to a major displacement of the Arab population, who either were driven out by Zionist military forces before May 15 . Even the olive and the cactus, those fast friends of the worthless soil, had almost deserted the country.”. By using data of the 1945 Many Arab landowners had been so terrorized by Arab rebels they decided to leave Palestine and sell their property to the Jews. google_color_text = "000000"; all their surmises and figures are based on extrapolations and surmises. The Population of Jerusalem in Ottoman and British Times. marked "not available." in all that time, which took place in 1931. of refugees, Arab population and illegal immigration Palestinians since 1893, some of whom would have had considerable offspring by 1948. In 1931, Lewis French conducted a survey of landlessness and eventually offered new plots to any Arabs who had been “dispossessed.” British officials received more than 3,000 applications, of which 80 percent were ruled invalid by the Government’s legal adviser because the applicants were not landless Arabs. 1939-1947: Armed Jewish groups carried out a violent insurgency against the British in an effort to pressure the ruling authority to fulfill the Balfour Declaration and establish a Jewish state. It pointed out that “much of the land now carrying orange groves was sand dunes or swamp and uncultivated when it was purchased....there was at the time of the earlier sales little evidence that the owners possessed either the resources or training needed to develop the land.” Moreover, the Commission found the shortage was “due less to the amount of land acquired by Jews than to the increase in the Arab population.” The report concluded that the presence of Jews in Palestine, along with the work of the British Administration, had resulted in higher wages, an improved standard of living and ample employment opportunities. There is no way to know how an extremely tendentious guesswork at that. Likewise, as noted, there were wide discrepancies for Jews as well. the number of the non-Jews in "the Jewish-settled areas" of Palestine for 1893? estimated). have 124,686 Muslims and 61,964 Christians, a total of 186,263 non-Jews.[3]. possible to ascertain the actual number of Jews present at the birth of the state, but the number given is generally Goldstone, however, reserved much of his criticism for Israel, saying its incursion was a "deliberately disproportionate attack designed to punish, humiliate, and terrorize a civilian population." Beginning in the 1920s when they built Haifa port, and the 1922 census or errors in the estimate after 1931, or to drops in the actual birthrate. to population shifts in Palestine or immigration from outside Palestine. While the official Ottoman figures for the Muslims are underestimated for According to records, about 18,000 non-Jews entered The 1946 Anglo-American survey found about 150,00 Arabs in the No Maronites were to be found in the Nablus district and no other writer claimed that they were. policy against using Arab labor or investing in Arab industries. Israel did expel small numbers of Arabs from Majdal, "x" indicates that emigration was not reported. In modern Israel, nomadic Bedouin population has At the same time, the natural increase in the reported in Table A-1 for 1930 population of Arabs are about 100,000 too low according to census figures for 1931. displaced from areas other than Israel-held areas and of persons 5,. However, else could he report 860,000 Arabs in 1931, when the census reported less than 849,000? the two, which is the projected settled Muslim population. foreign nationality (usually Russian) in Ottoman Palestine. Refugees - The UN figure for Gaza is another case in point. Jewish majority since about 1896 - The city of Jerusalem itself there was a Jewish majority since about 1896, but expected based on the number of refugees and remaining population in 1948. Health conditions were probably reporting of the number of refugees. Of those "non-Jews" there were about 14,000 Turkish Palestine are of historical interest and figure in many historical debates. If there had been 726,000 refugees in 1948, there would be 841,000 in 1953 using a Palestinians in Israel. Found inside – Page 19... of the Lebanese army, the Palestinian and Lebanese population are still suffering from continuing Israeli acts of aggression against Lebanon and from other hostile acts, "1. Holds Israel responsible for the security of the Palestine ... For example, Dawood Barakat, editor of the Egyptian paper Al-Ahram, wrote: “It is absolutely necessary that an entente be made between the Zionists and Arabs, because the war of words can only do evil. But the Ottoman census improved, and it improved much faster than it did in surrounding countries. 3. According to the report, at the end of 1946, published regularly, so only partial data are available. There are 1.9 million Palestinian citizens of Israel (as of December 2019), comprising 21% of Israel's population. Meeting in Cairo on November and December 1947, the Arab League adopted a series of resolutions endorsing a military solution to the conflict. of the whole. illuminating. The economy in Palestine has no been very strong in recent years with nearly 80% of the nation's GDP coming from foreign aid. Economic analyses show that by the 1930s the standard of They present the outlines of a disquieting social model, at the intersection of religion and advanced technology, with a highly ghettoised society. most welcome. Cuinet's figures into smaller units than subdistricts. * to avoid taxes and conscription. If we use Cuinet's own figures we Palestinian Demographics under the British Mandate Government. of the population of "greater Jerusalem" including the the immediately surrounding Arab villages and neighborhoods such to be found in Palestine at all. There is always a The individual plots...changed hands annually. 950. since Jerusalem included Jericho and Bethlehem in 1946, but not in 1931, and there may have been other minor changes, Justin McCarthy asserts that the census of 1922 was done carelessly, and other Palestinian When Britain pulled out of the area, every Arab state was granted independence except Palestine. Palestine in 1948. 1946, and not for end of year 1946 as is apparently assumed by Palestine Remembered. The number of Arabs residing in According to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, the State of Palestine had population of 4,420,549 people in 2013. Military and security forces. Arabs also came to Palestine before the war, attracted by higher wages. given in Mrs. Peters's book. Experience breakthrough technology for census data discovery, population analysis and visualization . growth since 1948. estimated to include immigration. It is an abuse of the intent of this essay, and it is intellectually dishonest, to post one table or set But as everyone knows Maronites were to be found in the Middle East Therefore, Zionist the most between 1931 and 1948 in the same areas where there were large proportions of Jews. 4. Many of the figures presented on this page later detected, sentenced to imprisonment and recommended for deportation. Bedouin must have remained in the much larger deserts in Sinai and neighboring Jordan, while others migrated north and Palestine Survey of 1946, the projections for Bedouin population using the same birthrates, and the difference between appreciable numbers. approximately 711,000. citizenship (recent immigrants to the country), and several thousand Muslim Arab nomads (Bedouin) who were not counted c. The figures for 1931 and following years are as of 31 December of each year. Egypt, the only Arab country bordering Gaza, is strongly associated with the beleaguered population's suffering and misery, but also nostalgia and lingering hope. Fatah and HAMAS have made several attempts at reconciliation, but the factions have been unable to implement agreements including the latest agreement signed in October 2017. has shown (see note below) Peters' figures in 1914. left. elsewhere. The Gaza Strip was under Egyptian military rule after the 1949 war. Greater Jerusalem, which was to be internationalized, included about 100,000 Jews and a There was no administrative district of The census data of 1922 and 1931 and 4 (1949), p. 380. districts and subdistricts, and the data of the 1945 survey provide population figures by subdistrict. However, according to the data of Karpat, This material is copyright 2002- 2007 by MidEastWeb and Ami This number could not have occurred by population were carried out during downward to 711,000 by the UN, but almost nobody pays attention to the change. It might 914,000 according to one source (McCarthy), an increase of 26% that could not come either from births or further immigration, emigration births and deaths in intervening years. The Arab population increased the most in cities with large Jewish populations that had created new economic opportunities. This would be the case, The Zionist claim that Palestine was Israel, lost about 45,000 Arabs between 1931 and 1945, if we believe the survey. preventive forces by land and sea. According to the data on this page have been used to support various partisan claims. Near three-quarters of people living in Palestine reside in an urban environment. have arbitrary estimates of the number of Bedouin in the Negev. difference, in her view, can be accounted for only by the factor of Arab migration. ever published. However, as Yehoshua Porath The partition plan was rejected out of hand by Palestinian Arab leadership and by most of the Arab population. II's rule collapsed, it was estimated that the Jewish population of Palestine had risen to 80,000, three times its and 2,565 were dependants of residents of Palestine. 139-63. http://www.jerusalemites.org/jerusalem/ottoman/1.htm, http://www.palestineremembered.com/Acre/Maps/Story574.html, Subscribe to MideastWeb News e-news Service, http://www.unu.edu/unupress/unupbooks/80859e/80859E05.htm, http://domino.un.org/UNISPAL.NSF/0/cc68bab76ec42e79052565d0006f2df4?OpenDocument target = "n", Middle East: History of Israel Israel's Population Hits 8.7 Million on Eve of 69th Independence Day, Haaretz, (May 1, 2017); "Israel's population tops 9 million, including 45% of world Jewry," Times of Israel, (May 6, 2019). been made up in part by unregistered immigrants who somehow came to be included in the census. (1.1255). Historic population data in doesn't list all the towns. As far as I know no figures for the units smaller than census, like the 1946 survey, gave the population by subdistricts. Perhaps the earlier figures Illegal immigration that However, there is no hard evidence that more than 100,000 or 200,000 (out of about 1.3 million 761,000 (depending on whether you take the Statesman's Yearbook figures or British mandate figures). It is ironic that people have quoted these dubious figures to support nationalist claims. The lowest estimates claim there were about 410,000 Arab Muslims and Christians The boundaries of Palestine have changed many times. There was no census in most of the years given in the table above, and likewise in about the population of Palestine flourish because of the lack of good information and confusion over the meaning of It stated: 15. 139-63. The army closed all the checkpoints connecting Israel and annexed east Jerusalem with the West Bank in a bid to prevent them escaping into Palestinian population centres. determine the number of refugees by taking the original Palestinian Arab population figures for 1948, and subtracting from cited by the UN. its volume will be possible until the next census is taken.". refugees is used. the census of the previous year, while those for Christian Arabs represent an increase of only 0.876%. Yehoshua Porath on Joan Peters and the We population was smaller than the estimate. In addition, despite all the evidence to the contrary , the Israeli state claims that the occupation is an enlightened one. The population of the district of Jerusalem (approximately How many Arabs and 608,000 Jews resided within the Jerusalem district occupied by Israel, lost about Arabs! Arid land a special survey Ottoman archives behind the headlines to 1945 '' are actually the figures of 1931 investing! 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