ACCT 8290 ADVANCED FINANCIAL AUDITING (3 credits). MKT 3360 DIGITAL MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS (3 credits). ECON 8326 NATURAL RESOURCE ECONOMICS (3 credits). An examination of marketing functions and the institutions which perform them, choice of criteria for marketing strategy decisions, marketing structural relationships, and the role of marketing in society. This course will provide students with the opportunity to learn, understand, and apply techniques for effective individual and organizational problem solving. For more information about this major download the printable degree requirements. Students will recognize how the strategy, structure, and culture of an organization can be used to identify and prioritize complex projects. Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): ACCT 3030 and ENGL 1160, each with a "C" (2.0) or better. Offered by College of Business and Technology. ECON 8010 SEMINAR IN PUBLIC FINANCE (3 credits). This course will focus on the integration of internal and external systems designed to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of supply chain networks developed by industrial organizations, government agencies, and not-for-profit organizations. UNO's School of Public Administration offers a Master of Public Administration degree. The course is designed to alert students of the legal considerations when an employer-employee relationship is established. FNBK 3400 INVESTMENT PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES (3 credits), A study of the market for investment securities, an introduction to the field of security analysis, and selection and management of a portfolio of securities. Boost your business acumen with UNO's five-session Mini MBA Certificate program. In addition, the economic analytic tools such as microeconomic theories and economic evaluation methods also will be reviewed and introduced. Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): ENGL 1160 and MGMT 3200 or MKT 3200 each with a "C"(2.0) or above, and a 2.5 cumulative GPA. Overview of real estate brokerage and sales principles, to include buying and selling, leasing, brokerage business operations, contracts, closings, legal requirements, Fair Housing, advertising, and career opportunities. (Cross-listed with ECON 4850). (Cross-listed with SCMT 4380, BSAD 8386.). This team-based course provides students with the opportunity to practice the basic tools of business discovery and validation, both as an instrument for new venture formation and as a core capability for addressing challenges in competitive landscapes. At the UNO College of Business Administration (CBA), we are preparing students to become professionals with sense of social responsibility. Electrical Engineering ENG. Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): Senior standing. Not open to non-degree graduate students. Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): MKT-MGMT 3410 Sustainable Supply Chain Management and GPA of 2.5 or better; or by permission of the instructor. LivePlan normally costs business owners. Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): LAWS 3930 and ACCT 2020 both with C+ (2.3) or better; 2.5 GPA, LAWS 4220 LEGAL ISSUES IN MANAGEMENT (3 credits), Overview of the general nature of legal knowledge in human resources administration. This case study course examines product, price, promotion and channel of distribution policies. Targeting, initiating, and acquiring client relationships, expanding business opportunities, and maintaining long-term client relationships are the course's focal points. ACCT 8210 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING THEORY (3 credits). Equipping students and professionals to excel in the business world. At the UNO College of Business Administration (CBA), we are preparing students to become professionals with sense of social responsibility. Cumulative upper-division Accounting GPA of at least 2.5. ENGL 1150 and MATH 1310 or MATH 1220 with 'C-'(2.0) or better. BSBA students are also required to complete a second 3-credit speech course (beyond Public Speaking Fundamentals) from the following list (all courses must be completed with a C (2.00) or better): Students must complete at least six hours of course work beyond the general education diversity requirement with a global perspective (i.e., history, political science, literature or geography of foreign countries, foreign languages, international business, etc.). This course will focus on modern development in portfolio management including efficient markets, stock selection, and hedging procedures. Not open to non-degree students. MKT 4210 SELLING FINANCIAL SERVICES (3 credits). NOTE: Students cannot receive credit for both RELU 2410 and RELU 3410. Students engage in part time employment in the human resource management discipline to gain relevant business experience and to practice the skills and concepts learned in the classroom. business administration (busi) carolina health informatics program (chip) catalan (cata) cell biology and physiology (cbph) cell and development biology (cbio) chemical biology and medicinal chemistry (cbmc) chemistry (chem) cherokee (cher) chichewa (chwa) chinese (chin) city and regional planning (plan) classical archaeology (clar) classics (clas) The course will include lecture and lab time, and labs will be focused on teaching students how to implement the models discussed in lectures. MKT 4220 GLOBAL STRATEGIC ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT (3 credits), Throughout this course, the management of strategic account programs at national, multi-country, and global levels will be addressed. Lots of examples, sourced from case studies and current events will be provided. This course will use your economic knowledge, a bit of psychology (behavioral economics) and game theory to answer questions like "Why does everyone hate the cable company?" The course is designed to educate future managers and leaders on the importance of utilizing effective human resource methods that comply with federal laws and provide the organization with high-quality talent that provides a competitive advantage. Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): MGMT 3490 and MGMT 4030 with a C+ or better and a 2.5 GPA; or permission of instructor. This course examines the decisions involved in marketing goods and services to the industrial buyer as opposed to the consumer buyer. Offered by College of Business and Technology. Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): MGMT 3490 and MGMT 4030 with a C+ or better and a 2.5 GPA; or permission of instructor, MGMT 4030 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (3 credits). UNO's Executive MBA program offers a Master of Business Administration degree accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) and the American … MGMT 4690 EMERGING TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION (3 credits). (Cross-listed with ECON 4300). Ethics is a discrete subject area studied and its analytical tools are applied to all of these areas of law. (Cross-listed with ENTR 4690, BSAD 8696). This course introduces students to the economics and management of Earth's natural resources. Correlation of theory and practice through part-time employment and weekly seminars; required readings. This course will review economic theories of entrepreneurship with special emphasis on Schumpeter's theory of creative destruction. ENGL 1160 with a grade of 'C' (2.0) or better or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1160. (Cross-listed with ACCT 4020). Work assignment must encompass duties related to the field of supply chain management (i.e., purchasing, scheduling, supplier relations, materials management, or logistics). Degree-seeking students must follow the admission process of each program. The course applies basic financial theory to the unique environment of incubating and growing new ventures. Popular and Commercial Music. Students interested in pursuing the bachelor of science degree with a major in business administration are to complete 24 hours of 300/400-level business coursework for … Some concentrations or secondary concentrations require students to earn a “C+” or better in a specific foundation courses. Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): Admission to MAcc or MBA program or permission of instructor. Elementary Education and Early Childhood Education CEHS. This team-based course provides students with the opportunity to practice the basic tools of business discovery and validation, both as an instrument for new venture formation and as a core capability for addressing challenges in competitive landscapes. The specific undergraduate foundation courses are from the areas of accounting, economics, finance, management, marketing, and statistics*. Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): MATH 1310 or MATH 1220, ENGL 1150. Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): At least junior standing. FNBK 4500 SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN FINANCE AND BANKING (2-3 credits). This course provides an introduction to the basic concepts and principles of federal income tax with an emphasis on concepts unique to individual taxpayers. ACCT 8090 INFORMATION SYSTEMS AUDITING (3 credits). Attention is paid to how intermediaries (e.g. Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): ECON 2200 with a "C" or better, ECON 3320 INTRODUCTION TO ENVIRONMENTAL AND NATURAL RESOURCE ECONOMICS (3 credits). ECON 8310 BUSINESS FORECASTING (3 credits). Keynesian, neo-Keynesian and neo-classical models are developed. ... UNO). StrategyU is a course designed to merge strategic thinking with personal and professional growth. ACCT 4080 with a grade of "C" (2.0) or better. Students will explore topics such as unionization in sports, discrimination, amateurism, monopoly power, game theory, and more in the context of sports, giving the student a deeper understanding of how these topics apply to real-world problems. The course covers foreign exchange markets, management of foreign exchange risk, international working capital management, and foreign portfolio and direct investment. The book explains not only the sensory/motor pathways that are familiar to most educators (visual, auditory, and kinesthetic), it also explores the lesser known pathways--reward/survival, language, social, emotional, frontal lobe, and ... Not open to non-degree students. Completion of MGMT 3200 or MKT 3200 with a minimum grade of ''C' (2.0). Not open to non-degree graduate students. Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): Students must register for ECON 4990 in the term in which they plan to graduate. (Spring), Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): MGMT 3490 with a C+ or better, MGMT 3510 or MGMT 4030 with a C(2.0) or better, and a 2.5 GPA, LAWS 4500 SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN LAW AND SOCIETY (1-6 credits), Individual investigation of specific problems in the field of business law. ), Prerequisites for Upper Division Core Courses. PDF Grounded in a strong academic curriculum that is AACSB Accredited, we are also a business school that believes in collaboration with the community. Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): MGMT 3490 with a C+ or better and a 2.5 GPA, or permission of instructor. ACCT 3030 INTERMEDIATE FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING I (3 credits). FNBK 4210 SELLING FINANCIAL SERVICES (3 credits). Online. Not open to non-degree graduate students. ECON 8200 SEMINAR IN MICRO ECONOMIC THEORY (3 credits). Business Administration Bachelor's Degree Requirements. College of Business Administration . Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): ENGL 1150 and MATH 1310 or MATH 1220 with 'C-' (1.67) or better, or permission of CBA advisor, ECON 2220 PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS (MACRO) (3 credits). Programs of Study at SCC. (Cross-listed with ECON 4570). This course takes a very hands-on approach with real-world databases and equips students with tools that can be used immediately on the job. Students must choose at least one area of concentration. This effort is led by the UNO School of … Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): MGMT 3490 or SCMT 3410; GPA of 2.5 or better; or by permission of instructor. Not open to non-degree graduate students. Upper-level survey course in real estate principles, concepts, and their applications. LAWS 3940 exposes students to business organization law and ethics. Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): ECON 3220, or permission of instructor. Online and On-Campus Doctor of Business Administration. The instructor will ensure equal participation. Through Economics of Public Issues, however, students will explore the real ways in which economics can be used to understand, explain, and answer tough questions that affect everyone. Entrepreneurship. Students develop an Analytics Mindset for the accounting profession, which includes the crossover competencies of accounting and business knowledge, data modeling and analytic abilities, and communication skills. Key concepts in this course will include contemporary opportunities and challenges in creating customer value via the supply chain with a focus on globalization, sustainability, and risk management. ECON 3200 ECONOMIC THEORY: MICRO (3 credits). ECON 3600 INTRODUCTION TO INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS (3 credits). MKT 4760 SELLING IN AN ENTREPRENEURIAL CONTEXT (3 credits), Successful entrepreneurs are able to identify unmet needs in the marketplace and then design and sell products or services that fulfill those needs. MGMT 4500 SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN MANAGEMENT (1-3 credits). Professional and Continuing Education (PaCE), Liberal Arts, Education & Human Development, 2000 Lakeshore Drive New Orleans, LA 70148, bachelor of science in business administration. SCMT 3500 OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT (3 credits). Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): MGMT 4030 with a C+ or better, a 2.5 GPA, and junior level standing; and permission of instructor. This course will address the societal benefits of entrepreneurship, factors influencing entrepreneurial success, the policies that best encourage entrepreneurship, and how firms can survive and prosper in an entrepreneurial environment. Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities, Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Policies, Student Success and Academic Support Services, College of Communication, Fine Arts and Media, College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences, College of Information Science & Technology, College of Public Affairs and Community Service, Banking and Financial Markets Concentration, Investment Science and Portfolio Management Concentration, Logistics & Supply Chain Management Concentration, Real Estate and Land Use Economics Concentration, APPLIED ALGEBRA AND OPTIMIZATION WITH DATA ANALYSIS, CALCULUS FOR THE MANAGERIAL, LIFE, AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, PRESENTATION & INTERVIEW ANXIETY REDUCTION TECHNIQUES, SPEECH COMMUNICATION IN BUSINESS AND THE PROFESSIONS, GPA of 2.50 or above for all upper division accounting courses (excluding, Must earn a "C" or better in classes, for it to count towards the BSBA degree, The grade of "C-" or better will be accepted in General Education courses (Natural Science, Humanities, & Social Science (except, This program is available for undergraduate students pursuing a BSBA degree and desiring to pursue an MBA, Students must have completed no less than 60 undergraduate hours, Students must have a minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.0, Students must complete the Fast Track Approval form and obtain all signatures and submit to the Office of Graduate Studies prior to first enrollment in a graduate course, Students will work with their undergraduate advisor to register for the graduate courses, A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 is required for graduate coursework to remain in good standing. The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) at American Military University (AMU) builds your knowledge in today’s business fundamentals. ACCT 8050 FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS (3 credits). Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): ECON 2200 or equivalent. Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): ECON 2200 and ECON 2220, or BSAD 8180, or permission of instructor. UNOH is a private, not-for-profit University founded in 1920. An introduction to auditing, Standards, responsibilities, professional ethics, the audit framework, evidence and reports are studied. Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): ACCT 3050, ACCT 3030, and ENGL 1160, each with "C" (2.0) or better. Take a tour of campus or visit the Career Advising Center if you're not sure where to begin. From employers, industry experts, and communication along the value CHAIN for! And direct sales techniques, psychology, and culture of an organization can be taken more than.... 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