league of legends terminology

Party - A player can invite other players from their friend list to form a team before joining a match. Mid-top At the beginning of Dominion, a player declares to capture the nearest middle capture point then rushes up to top. Gank - To ambush one or more unsuspecting enemies with one or more champions. You have to aim the spell at your intended victim - a bit like throwing a dodgeball in someone's face. Riot says they are an indie company, but there are over 1,000 workers. Unique - An aura or ability that does not stack, common to item effects. Without wards in an area your team will see the fog of war, meaning you can see structures and walls but not enemy locations. Some cases of AoE damage, such as. If you want to fit in with your friends in League of Legends, communicate efficiently in the game or closely follow the competitive scene, you need to keep up to date with the latest jargon. Suppress or Suppression - A stronger version of the debuff stun which cannot be alleviated or actively broken out of by most methods except Quicksilver Sash. It’s the little brother to Summoner’s Rift, and its name speaks for itself. They can choose from three main trinkets to place here; the warding totem (allows you to place a stealth ward for free), the oracle lens (which summons a drone that follows you for 10 seconds to reveal stealth wards and hidden foes) and the farsight alteration (allows a champion to reveal a small location a significant distance away for a couple of seconds). Assist - To help an allied champion in killing an enemy champion, gaining a part of the bounty. 上路 – I’m going top lane. Wet Noodle Fight: When two champions with very little damage, often tanks, fight each other. To advance down a lane apart from the rest of your team. Elo: A rating system for a player’s rank. The mode focuses on seizing capture point. areas outside of a champion's immediate vision radius and what their wards can see. Not the worldwide super cute yellow animated phenomenon seen on everything from packets of tissues to car dashboards, but computer-controlled non-player characters (NPCs) that spawn in each lane every 30 seconds. Reliability: To stay undetected bot imitates human play and don't use any third party software like API or any other memory injection. Poke: Damaging enemy champions while staying back at a safe distance. Chrono Shift. W - Second champion ability which is bound to the "W" key by default. Read about our approach to external linking. The fun part comes in the spending, of course, which you can do by heading to the fountain and visiting the shop (see above). Map Awareness - To be conscious of the events occurring around the map by using abilities or items (e.g. Disable - A form of Crowd Control that prevents the enemy from taking particular actions. A game so addictive and stupid, that you cannot quit no matter what. Snowball - Situation that occurs when a champion or team starts building up an advantage, and as a result, becomes nearly impossible to stop. Trolls are also referred to as Griefers. Silence - A debuff which prevents any activated abilities from being used by the target champion. If you destroy, say, the mid-lane inhibitor, the minions you spawn from that lane will become stronger. Missing the words 'Peel' and 'Spell Vamp', You can add those in now, Janitsu, as you're an editor :). Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Atmallet - A build that utilizes Atma's Impaler and Frozen Mallet. Found inside – Page 328... Riot Games/League of Legends, 311–312 Ubisoft Entertainment and, 309–310 Omnichannel retailing, 101–102, 201, 215, ... 103–104 relationship with other retailing channels, 100–103 terminology, 98–100 Omnichannel retailing approach, ... Browse other questions tagged league-of-legends terminology or ask your own question. A champion can push a wave by helping the winions kill enemy minions so the winions have the strength advantage. Blink - A type of movement ability, similar to the Flash Summoner Spell. Juke - The act of tricking the enemy pursuer(s) into chasing the wrong way, which is most often accomplished by utilizing the brush and/or the fog of war to break the enemy's line of sight. We’ve all seen how useless a Lee Sin, Olaf, or Udyr are late game. So, grab a pen and paper and take notes as we explain all the terminology you need to know in League of Legends. The literal what is happening on screen. Bruiser - A champion with high effective health and damage per second. Can also be refered to as "root" and "immobilize". In all four, you have to master different roles, understand how to play against and with them, adapt to having random players on both teams, execute your strategy perfectly, and be fast enough to make your move first. This website stores data such as cookies to enable essential site functionality, as well … This could refer to an individual or the entire team. Pages modified between June 2016 and September 2017 are adapted from information taken from EsportsWikis.com. The list will serve as a guide for beginners to get into the common lingo of the game in order to communicate better with experienced players. Blind Pick - a type of match where all participants select their champion simultaneously. "Miss" (along with "ss") is more common than "MIA" in the European server. Microsoft and partners may be compensated if you purchase something through recommended links in this article. Screenshot of the Week Looking super serious in a super serious Dark Souls 3 cutscene by arghtype. (Don't feel too sorry for the players - they re-spawn; otherwise it'd be a pretty short game!). This is often said in chat when the Nexus is destroyed. Annie). Fog of War: areas outside of a champion's immediate vision radius and what their wards can see. Here's a guide for getting started in this massive community game. Taunt - A disable which forces the target to attack the taunter. $85.00. I'll update this the more things that I've found. It’s often unorthodox and generally comes as a surprise. Main: A player’s favorite or most-played champion. Co-op - Co-op vs. AI, the player versus A.I. Each champion has distinct abilities with a variety of effects. League of Legends® is a free-to-play, session-based, multiplayer online battle arena computer game developed by Riot Games, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the “ Game ”). Vent: Ventrilo, a voice chat software that’s no longer popular. It's important for teams to decide who'll take each trinket. Each batch of freshly spawned minions will feature three melee (attack) minions, three magic 'caster' minions who can attack from range. Lag - Slow response during the match due to high network connection latency, usually over 300 milliseconds. Steroid - An ability that increases one or more of a champion's base stats. Bloodthirster - 饮血剑. Nerf - An official modification to the game mechanics which makes something less powerful, as opposed to a "buff". He has a large number of hit points, so take caution when engaging. To learn about ideal skill orders, I recommend using online guides for a specific champion. For those of you who aren’t familiar, Elo is the old system for League of Legends ranked – it was used before Season 2013. Ok, that's the simple part over. Last hit: Securing the kill on a minion or an enemy champion. Leash: When a player assists a teammate (usually a jungler) with killing a monster. For any questions, e-mail us at [email protected] League of Legends (commonly abbreviated "LoL") is a multiplayer online battle arena … This is regulated by the Leaver Buster system. Minion Wave - A large accumulation of minions. these are items that allow you to see areas of the map that you or your team-mates are not currently in. Double Buff: When a player collects both the blue and red buff. But scrap the dictionary. controlled champion match mode. Vision Hack - An ability which allows a player to see through the fog of war, such as Twisted Fate's Destiny. Trinkets: every champion has a 'trinkets slot' in their inventory. 2. Having wards around the dragon and baron pits is always a good idea, so your opponents are unable to sneak in unnoticed. Executed - Being slain by a tower or a creep with no enemy champion receiving credit for the kill. SS: A shortened version of “missing.” This is typed in team chat when an enemy champion is missing from a lane. Gank: To flank and surprise and an enemy champion in their lane. There are League of Legends terms that are used in and outside the game, with some terms being used to simplify and facilitate rapid communication. This is a list of these terms and their definitions. They were formerly called Bruisers. Learning League of Legends vocabulary. This is a much harder term to understand, as there are so many things that go into Macro.It is basically any game decision that isn’t based around Micro.. Imagine if league was turned into a game where you could only see the map. Support - A category of champions whose forte is to support his/her allies' performance. These types of spells can be interrupted by certain crowd control spells. Fans will thrill at these newest protagonists, especially the women warriors, who are equal partners in the play for power." —Publishers Weekly "This novel has it all—romance, conflict, danger, and humor. There are League of Legends terms that are used in and outside the game, with some terms being used to simplify and facilitate rapid communication. Increased attack damage and ability power. Fear - A debuff which makes target champion walking around randomly and uncontrollably. Baron: Baron Nashor. Join the leading League of Legends community. Lane: Different maps have different types of lanes, including ARAM which features a single mid lane, Twisted Treeline which has a top and bottom, and Summoners Rift which has a top, middle and bottom lane. In this book, you will discover: - An extensive introduction to the game and how to play - League of Legends champions and champion classes - Base statistics and bonus statistics - League of Legends abilities, runes, summoner spells, items ... Although you'll need to destroy one of their inhibitors first. Categories. GG: Goodgame - usually said at the end of a match. Tank - A champion designed to take high amounts of damage. Back in Season 7, League of Legends introduced a new statistic. Also see here. If your champion dies, you don't lose anything except precious, precious time. This is a teaser spotlight of Nightbringer Kayn with ingame gameplay! Kiting: Backing away behind an alien and dealing free damage, deceptive, for hyperlinks embedded in messages or happy any results obtained from the military of the information contained in the Forums. If you have a question about League of Legends this is the book with the answers. League of Legends: Questions and Answers takes some of the best questions and answers asked on the gaming.stackexchange.com website. Terminology (League of Legends) Terminology (Teamfight Tactics) Terminology (Legends of Runeterra) Categories. Only the user who asked this question will see who disagreed with this answer. This glossary provides a definition of popular League of Legends terms and how they are used. While a lot of people would use Strategy and Tactics interchangeably, there is a big difference. Hextech Chests are little treasure chests full of goodies from League's store. Peel - Keeping enemy champions off your carries by "peeling" the enemies off them with your body or abilities. Creep Score (CS) in League of Legends is the amount of creeps a champion has killed. spawn in league of legends terms or visibility to league of legends terms. Additional Terms and Their Meanings in League of Legends. Please contribute to the page by adding more terms and definitions alphabetically. Snowball: When a champion secures an early advantage and quickly gets out of control. Download Animated Wallpaper, share & use by youself. Cheese: An unusual champion build or team strategy that allows a player to gain momentum in the game. Found inside – Page 307See also Chinese livestreaming industry; gameplayers Llanso, Emma, 282, 283 Lobato, Ramon, 9, 25, 33–34, 217 LOL ... 283–84; creator terminology adoption in, 2; decentralization of, vii; feminist content on YouTube contrasted with ... The term MOBA that League of Legends uses hints towards a game more focused on the concept of tactics instead. Found inside – Page iiiThis book tells the intriguing and often colorful stories of the medical words we use. To mushroom or activate a bunch or effect. REQUIREMENTSIn using the Site, you acknowledge that you have read, understand and agree with the terms of this Agreement. Some veteran players from the time still refer to it as BP though. Kiter - A champion that is particularly good at kiting (e.g. This mainly refers to a particular item build, as any champion can become high in defense through defensive items. usually the domain of two players, often marksmen or 'attack damage (AD) carry' characters and support champions. MIA - Missing In Action: an enemy champion who was laning does not show up in the original lane which may result in recalled to base, preparing to gank the other lane and/or hiding in the brush. League of Legends is a Moba - a multiplayer online battle arena - where two teams try to outdo each other by destroying each other's nexus. River - The water crossing between lanes on the Summoner's Rift. By remaining on this website you indicate your consent. Kayle 's Righteous Fury are referred to as dealing " splash " damage, because they have a primary target and then do additional AoE damage to other nearby targets. Toxic people on both teams, autistic people on your team specifically, bull crap hitboxes, easy champions, and tons of other bugs. ADAM - All Draft All Mid - a custom game type. Skillful outplays. Can also be refered to as "snare" and "immobilize". To kill a champion in literally one-shot of an ability or attack. Focal areas explored in this book include: • aspects of videogame textuality and how games relate to other texts • the formation of lexical terms and use of metaphor in the language of gaming • gamer slang and 'buddylects' • the ... Instructional words only! It is also commonly referred to as the Turret. Sustain or Sustainability - A champion's capacity for staying in a lane without having to go back to the base. GP5 or GP10 - Items/masteries/runes that generate extra gold over time, usually per 10 seconds. E - The third champion ability which is bound to the "E" key by default. These acts may include writing offensive messages or intentionally feeding the enemy. Team Fight - When multiple champions, from each opposing side, gather in one area to do battle. Mana - Mana OFM - Out of Mana Malph - Malphite Mao - Maokai Map Awareness - To be conscious of the events occurring around the map by using abilities or items (e.g. Ragequit: Leaving the game prematurely out of frustration. Typically, tanky champions will be based in this lane. R - Fourth champion ability (usually the ultimate ability) which is bound to the "R" key by default. Pushing power is the ability of a champion to quickly help winions push into objectives. Having wards around the dragon and baron pits is always a good idea, so your opponents are unable to sneak in unnoticed. While a lot of people would use Strategy and … Fountain - The starting position of the champions when the match begins, where they can regenerate health and mana, and where they will respawn after they die. BG: Bad game. Que Dodge - To leave the champion selection phase to avoid playing the match. They can also take the form of skill shots, which can be cast anywhere. Shop - The location where items can be bought. This can be a very risky action to do. SS Enemy champion missing, shortened form of "miss". Pages that were modified between April 2014 and June 2016 are adapted from information taken from Esportspedia.com. Shen for example, can block damage, heal teammates, shield teammates, and taunt causing enemies to attack him. Fog of War - The darkened area in the map which is out of the vision range of allied champions, minions and structures. To learn about a specific champion's abilities use the League of Legends wiki. The wards themselves are placed on the ground, giving vision of the area to your whole team, but enemies can destroy them if they spot them. Laning Phase - The first part of the match on Summoner's Rift and Twisted Treeline. Zoning: Preventing an enemy from gaining experience or gold. While some players will get on Vent together, it is much more likely that they will be communicating via text in the chat box. Possibly the worst game of the millennium. Channeling - The casting time needed before certain spells can be performed. Mouseover the Chinese characters to display pinyin. attack speed). Solo Queue - As opposed to a "Party", a player allows the automatic matching system to assign a team for them. To stay in a fight until the battle is over, or until your champion is slain. A channel is a period of time a champion must wait uninterrupted from initial cast to channel completion in order to use certain abilities. Newb: A player that is new to the game. Commit - To not retreat. A common term across a wide number of games, C.C. II. Terms Fulltext Full License Text TERMS OF USE AGREEMENT (TOU) LEAGUE OF LEGENDS® Last Modified: October 23, 2012. Solo Queue - As opposed to a "Party", a player allows the automatic matching system to assign a team for … This website stores data such as cookies to enable essential site functionality, as well as marketing, personalization, and analytics. How do you say popular League Of Legends terms slang words in japanese . Fountain: this is where champions re-spawn (remember when we said champions come back to life?) This is where you can find tankier champions, but you might find carry champions here too. Jungler: A role where a player typically roams around the jungle and contests jungle camps. Jungling - To kill monsters in the jungle. Miss - Enemy champion missing in action. Peeling: Using crowd control or snaring to stop enemies from attacking a teammate. An object that benefits champions with increased statistics, vision of the map, healing, etc; each champion can hold an amount of up to 6 items; bought from the shop. controlled champion participation and the password for limited access. This glossary of League of Legends was created to be a dedicated reference for current and future players who are looking to keep up with discussion both in-game and out of game in places such as forums and Discord.. It was designed to operate on the Microsoft Windows operating system. Dive - To pursue a specific target while there are enemies around the target. Kiting - Continuously backing away and attacking a pursuing enemy champion in such a way that the enemy is damaged while unable to deal damage back. Shop: The in-game location where items are bought. Priority banking. literally the top of the map. Stun A debuff which prevents the target champions from moving, attacking or casting abilities. Dominion - A game mode that differs from the classic MOBA-style gameplay. This role is expected to do a lot because it influences the center of the map. Can also be referred to as Fratma's. Accounts come in many forms, if it is your first time purchasing, an explanation is given in the following: A Botted Account is an Account levelled by an automated program (a bot) up to level 30. A player-controlled unit that has four abilities in addition to an autoattack. Glass Cannon - A champion that is high in damage but low in defenses (e.g. Meta: The current best playstyle, strategy, or champions in the game. Martyr - A … (No. There are League of Legends terms that are used in and outside the game, with some terms being used to simplify and facilitate rapid communication. An A-Z of League of Legends terminology A. AA: Your basic attack or auto attack. In this book, you will discover: - An extensive introduction to the game and how to play - League of Legends champions and champion classes - Base statistics and bonus statistics - League of Legends abilities, runes, summoner spells, items ... If a team successfully knocks down a turret they will earn gold. Strategy defines your long-term goals and how you’re planning to achieve them. In Dominion mode, each minion wave already contains one super minion. Kamikaze - A suicidal attempt to destroy/kill a target under an extremely unfavorable situation. Toxic: A player who’s negative or offensive. You could rotate from mid lane to the baron pit, for example. A player that does this is a Feeder. League of Legends® (the “Game”) is a free-to-play, session-based, multiplayer online battle-arena computer game developed and operated by Riot Games, Inc., a Delaware Corporation (“Riot Games”).For purposes of this Agreement (defined below), “you” and “your” … The patch is … Spell Vamp - Stat that allows champions to gain health when dealing damage with their abilities. BP - Blue Pill (obsoleted). The term is a portmanteau of the words "metagame" and "golem". Root - A debuff which prevents any movement by an enemy champion. In the context of the Riot Games IPs, currently terminology is divided for separate games, each with their own unique term definitions, such as: League of Legends, Teamfight Tactics, and Legends of Runeterra. Blue - Blue Buff: Crest of the Ancient Golem. Terms Fulltext Full License Text TERMS OF USE AGREEMENT (TOU) LEAGUE OF LEGENDS® Last Modified: October 23, 2012. Speed: For ensuring that bot plays as fastest as possible for ingame we used most basic logic that provide very fast gameplay without interruption. Similar forms include "nub" and "n00b". Stealth - An ability to conceal the user from being seen or detected by the enemies. To Nuke is also a commonly used term. Scrub - An insult indicating that the player has a low skill level for the game. Go Orange. Elixir Bot version: V2.125 Our goals: Reliability, speed and satisfied customer. KS - Kill Secured: preventing a severely weakened target from surviving by doing an excessive amount of damage to the target. 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