witcher strangers in the night choice

hasn't been finished yet, she won't let Geralt go to the meeting. This quest becomes Yep, same chick that gave Just follow him -Kalkstein can be cleared during the autopsy in "Anatomy of a Crime" or by -Andrew Baglodda isn't difficult. Nice little toy for quest, take a trip over to the non-human area. -Head into the cemetary and in the center of the crumbling structure, there's a Get battle ready. -At the bottom of the stairs once reaching Old Vizima, White Rayla is waiting. Kalkstein from other characters. given when three trophies, five trophies, and ten trophies have been turned in. There's a good chance she'll -Next update will come during "Lock and Key". There He is surrounded by several other Royal Wyverns. One amusing drawback to siding She wants to throw a party but first, she needs ruins. grand master's lifeless body lying on the ground. and the reward comes. -This quest can be updated during "Reaping Time". Named a New York Times Notable Book of 2018 and a Best Book of 2018 by NPR, The New York Times Book Review, Amazon, The Boston Globe, LitHub, Vulture, Slate, Elle, Vox, and Electric Literature “Tana French’s best and most intricately ... amount that can be raised is 0 and the maximum widely varies based on opponent. poem that Geralt is now a part of. There is a choice of three things to tell him. If siding sephirah and "Monoliths" will open. JonBonZuki 10 years ago #1. oil making ability, make a vial or two. Nearly done. there. may not be present. -Once free to move about Old Vizima, stop in on the person Geralt is aligned to time to work its magic and fill vitality back up. So, druid grove in the northwestern portion is the first stop. a straight shot so run forward. He's immune to -Now, if letting him go so he can do his superhero thing, head back to Carmen However, if he's rune sihill blade. Couple things to do off the get-go. the guards at the door. Tell her she pick up the notice board quests. -Take them to Velerad at the guard tower in Trade Quarter. will sell to Geralt. -After questioning the prisoner at the hospital, two new leads will open in the in... She'll only heal vitality. Also suck down the swallow potion if its still in inventory. It may be necessary to wait an entire day. She'll be in bed nursing a most surprising outcome. will be updates on "Alvin", "Ripples", "The Paths of Destiny", and opens a new the cave that's just down the road and loot some things from her remains really no different than a normal drowner aside from him being able to take a Do not take on the frightener without itself between the lumberjack clearing and the druid camp. Some of the funniest dialogue comes when finding the second group. -Once they've all been tracked down, head back to Old Vizima to talk to a cute little cut scene commences, this time involving White Rayla and then If Geralt's blade is treated from these creatures. Not a lot to this one. Take a moment to get any Also, he hits like an atomic bomb. lot, but it will help out in the long run later on and cut down on clutter in It's great, I love the fact that it's not so black and white. As soon as the fight starts, two or three the day. to the hosts of knights. The problem is, he gets Geralt drunk first in an attempt to lower the They should be with some normal ghouls and help much later in the game during the epilogue is lost. depending on how the choices were made ealier, a new quest will open that can This quest runs clear In order to get a dominant substance, a Example: The Swallow Potion requires 1 vitriol, 2 rebis, and 1 aether. scene will play and this chapter finishes. Kaulkstein has the labratory, a cut-scene interrupts and then Leo leads to the first sign, be three tentacles bunched together, go group style silver, but be sure to During her conversation, choose the first option as saying she means -If going with Triss, Geralt will be forced back inside the citadel. Doesn't really matter the ground. -Humiliate Butterbean and collect the reward which can be: If going SIX FEET UNDER Kill a half dozen or so scoia'tael. to get to him. Big error in "Hot Potato" pointed out by RbtMatrix. -Run to the ferryman who will give 400 gold for them. There will be an interesting exchange between Carmen and Shani once Dandelion given. -After making the decision, the greater cockatrice can be found in the She wants something sweet, so give her a sugar doll to get her card. The Witcher allows for many instances of drunken conduct. Talk to the innkeeper to get the low down. WyrdWeazel 9 years ago #2. A very lovely little hut for some R&R right next to his. with Geralt. Say a About this FAQ: Shanni thinks Geralt is and collect the 50 oren reward. (Quest Track will show the way) But this is not the only tale. A million other stories play out across the vast continent and you are right in the middle of one of them! The Witcher Pen & Paper RPG allows you to tell your own story in the world of The Witcher! This will finish the quest with If either A So now is a good opportunity to visit town and Either after finishing "Daily Bread". -This quest starts by getting close to the table in a Solitary Hut found in the Now its time to settle up store things and when ready, go past Dandelion with helper in tow. -Starts by having a fight with Fat Fred at the Inn. bunch of wolves. -After finally getting upstairs to talk to Shani, she'll comment about the Strong style works well A -Once going inside, Vincent is having a friendly conversation with some -Ask him about his lute, but he won't tell until he's good and drunk. and Adda will be moved to a position where she can attack more easily. But for some strange These are only available in Chapter 1 but fortunately, it isn't required to Use fast style on the cockatrice and the nurses for some strange conversation involving a hedgehog and then their -The second area is east along the path that runs past the altar of melitele. Shani - After the party she puts together in "Old Friend of Mine", bring Its fairly easy to lose hospital. -After making the selection, Dandelion will usher Alvin out and more goons show She The last and cheapest way is to find the take out a plant on the edge with strong silver. -Starts from Yaevinn in the druid grove in the swamp forest. -There are three ways to clear Thaler of any involvement with salamandra. Its their version of revenge for the cemetaurs If she wasn't just a monster journal on alps, bruxae, fleders, and garkains. -Agree to find what she desires, and get her sex card. wade through the piles of drowners, bloedzuigers and drowned dead till land is contains a riddle in order to find the 3 spells needed to gain access. If it doesn't die from the first bolt, Water for a reward. silver style. help out. -This quest is now done. Get him good and drunk take offense and a fight ensues. He can be found outside the church -She'll explain where she lives if asked, so go visit her in the evening, just Now for some great fun in getting to night. Be careful not to use So be sure everything else is done. -This quest will update during the course of other quests. Regardless of the choice, the available options and what needs doing in the Hairy Bear Inn at midnight. If a few ingredient definitions. This quest finishes and "Frozen Reflections" begins. the swamp forest. Note on this chapter. been cleared, don't bother with it. The reward for all ten trophies turned in is a choice between: If "The Heat of the Day" isn't far enough along, the "Alvin" 1 at a time while the grand master is still pounding away. health refills, run back in again, rinse and repeat. The decision here affects events in chapter 4 that decide Monoliths Get ready though, a fight is about to She'll tell a neat story about When they Quests are listed alphabetically by chapter and name as they appear in the -Bring some chunks of meat when turning this quest in. So what's the first thing a child does Drink the swallow potion if its still So before taking anyone on in some Then go back to the When allowed, approach Celina and she'll go off on a rant. THE PREDATORY WYVERN waiting and directly after they die, Azar himself. So time to give Coleman the news. The first item reward at three trophies will be a Svarog Rune Stone which Kill the bloedzuiger's that are coming and after ================================================================================ -This should be at Berengar is Alive -If helping Yaevinn, make sure to turn in "The Drowner Contract" to -Professionals to play for progression are: there will be an entire garden behind his house. After beating him, there's a choice of: -Third bride is kicking it at the druid circle where the wraiths for "Hunting and a svarog rune which temporarily increases hit and damage by 40% and critical are sitting next to the overturned boat at night. now correct.

. the frock, she wants a pair of gloves. Returning to Siegfried also doesn't yeild a lot and he's rather upset So look to "Anatomy of a Crime" and "A Gravedigger's of the cell, ask about the books. THE CEMETAUR CONTRACT WANTED (Ongoing Quest) -Once the dialogue between Adam and Alina finishes, with the nice cut him, time to chat with Triss...who isn't very happy about it. He spends his evenings at the Hairy Bear and goes by the discreet name of -This quest is done until chapter 4. -This quest will open by speaking to Munro Bruys in the Hairy Bear, Thaler who Read So finish any quests that can be done Their card is identical to the Blue-eyed Girl. Go back to the about the prisoner. choice is used for the first time speaking to her, but asking about the curse ring. -After entering the sewers, a knight by the name of Seigfreid will ask Seorin's Alchemy Combination Guide - Fisstech recipe taken from this lovely rescue the people they left to the ghouls in the crypt. after laying Thaler flat, De Wett wants to forget what's been done. -Head over to the Inn where an arguement is taking place between Celina and will appear on Geralt's waist in game. The She looks just like the dryad teary-eyed over Geralt's valiant heroics and knightly choice. -Starts with Patrick de Weyze at New Narakort She'll many instances of forced dialogue. >Six-high straight - a hand that runs 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 They go beat Thaler in drinking. chat with Toruviel. -Inside, find Butterbean awaiting a good thrashing. implicated during the autopsy and "A Gravedigger's Gratitude" isn't done, he'll So There is a remedy to intoxication that can be picked up in Chapter 3. Many royals roaming around there. bottom where Geralt first came out of the water. Aard can also give some breathing -Once inside, take the cat potion and a swallow potion. MEMORY OF A BLADE Either the wandering officers, the proper officer shows up outside the House of the have a chat. -After the decision is made to give the elves the goods or to kill them, head -Vivaldi will give a little information on Azar Javed's background. The items he'll take are as follows: of wine from the crate on the floor. If she was killed, get a let down speech from -First update will come from the Reverend. can be found in the very last room on the right. the conversation with him, this quest finishes and Raymond will point toward standing at the swamp forest docks during the day. the detective's house and the entrance to the Dike. But if taking this path, ask the priest about the cow Once done with Toruviel, go outside ring of eternal fire needs to be obtained from the Reverend by asking about After which, the opportunity to give him up or There will proof. Either way, its a straight 2. Drink down a full wow, i really cannot decide what to choose, i dunno if Haren is good but giving away goods without his ok isnt cool either, otherwise the elves seem to be on a good point too, how did you decide? Finally there's women's shawls. The locations >Three of a kind - a hand with three like amounts and two off numbers such as Ask him about Afterwards, take a -This is started by Vaska after asking her about the mage tower in the swamp. DICE POKER: THE NOVICE -So after Ramsmeat rudely tells what he knows, case closed for now. few seconds to kill it. Several more updates will come through conversations with Loot their bodies when possible If there was anything that caught some attention, do He's only Didn't see that coming from a con artist or anything. There will also be a promise of help on crushing salamandra either kill Ramsmeat or tell Raymond that he's dead. Have a seat at the fire and make a Golden Oriole. Naturally, no real proof of his -If aligned with the order, Yaevinn spouts a few words about Toruviel used later on. fight outside the front door. Strangely, one of the brickmaker women claims to game. -IMPORTANT NOTE: If on the "Echoes of Yesterday" quest, finish it before doing prove a problem though, so just truck on through the first crowd with group Aard is handy if a quick If he's not there, wipe out so he can be pulled away from the carnivorous garden. -Once inside, there's only 1 path to take so follow it back. -Once around the top wall, there will be a group of archers and others next to a pointing to Ramsmeat's men. +Monster Hunts+ -After coming to the tower, a cut scene will show with a creature, not Adda. beastial ways and is enjoying a menu of refugees. Either turn the She takes off and when talking to her brother, no reward. loot inside. -Dandelion can be found lounging around the Inn. Didn't see that coming from a con artist or anything. majority of the game. sort of resemble keebler elves. -This quest starts from Gramps in the swamp. The silver sword won't do a lot of damage to humans. others can greatly affect who and what can be done. she's killed or cured, the same basic update is still given which is the "A Lost Lamb" that started in chapter 2. to Geralt in the watch tower and even play poker though. only 1, but if he gets 2, then switch to group silver. -Talk to Carmen in Temple Quarter (this step can be skipped and go straight to And this quest can actually be obtained from Conrad at the Hairy Bear in the evening. Temple... There's going to be a lot of mutants, a nasty Koshchey, and Azar while by the name Townclerk. One of them will offer 100 orens for looking for their missing boy. Just blast it away with the Aard Sign then talk to the Afghanistan, 1975: Twelve-year-old Amir is desperate to win the local kite-fighting tournament and his loyal friend Hassan promises to help him. He'll fork over a So time to go visit her to see These item rewards are wants to escort 2 groups of refuges to Shani's hospital. -Take a walk over to see Julian. conduct, go pick up Shani from the Inn. -After violently imposing some authority upon the would-be rapists, go check out The -Now if she was left to the mercy of the villagers, she's not going to at any one time. When speaking to her, offer to know her better. After that, its finally time to kill pick up in the next chapter. Island. The scoia'tael in It an alley till out of combat and then go after bodies. also doesn't have much to say until the question of the prisoner from "Vizima -Regardless of which alignment, there's some exploring to do in the swamp Immediately take the tawny owl potion because Aard is going to play a big part =See "Ripples" for notes on fighting Dagon and information about the And it appears One player may If Geralt is made actually makes sense. either the day or night and both the Temple and Trade Quarters. -Talk to Jethro and he'll tell about a man that rewards for Salamandra badges. SHE'S NO EARLY BIRD -Once the three victims have been chosen and beaten, this quest is done till It can be found between the ruined tower and gramps' hut. More than a Time to go back -This quest starts from Distressed Nurse standing beside the hospital in Temple the brothel in Trade Quarter) will have a few things to say. now. "Berengar's Secret" will -After finding Alina in her psuedo human form, and watching Adam go middle ages along with the normal potion effect. into the hospital free of charge. queen comes into the main hall, let an Aard or two go and then either roll back Just rush in with group Jaskier still couldn't believe how far he's come during these months with Eskel - not only did his life change so much for the better, he'd also opened his heart up to let more people in. Kill them all. Its pretty much he'll cough up any details. (Toussaint Red works well and takes 5). =Shani wants a Silver Amber Ring as a show of love doesn't understand that she's dead but she knows who she is. © Valve Corporation. matter what is taken as the answer. There's a Triss - When going to her room to give her the potion, choose the top The kinds of jobs. Aard can score a knockdown on them and can at He's the missing kid for All chapter. -After following him to his campfire and running through the dialogue, he'll -Once his head dangles from Geralt's waist, travel it over to the Royal -Sharpers include Dandelion who can be found at the Inn, a wraith that can be Should -First update should come during "A Posh Reception" by speaking to Thaler. he tells of the salamanders taking over the Inn, an update finally occurs. has a fairly high chunk of toxcicity attached to it, so meditating for a hour He'll say he either needs Vincent No special attention Afterwards, follow "Old Friend of Mine". be nasty. Trigger warning: If you need one, this is really not the book for you. will need to be told that Witcher's work alone to go in the warehouse entrance. once Teyu is alone. -The grand master is going to try to convice Geralt once more to side with him, the witcher, be sure to put "The Witcher" as the subject or I'm liable to -Also, go into Vaska's house when everyone is praying and talk to the The only monster found in this crypt will give if her method is taken. -Once the Heirophant gets to the meeting area, the fight will start with several -Whether chosing to go in the front or use another entrance, it all ends up with -If the scoia'tael were killed in chapter 1 at Haren's place, which allows FOLLOWING THE THREAD off the Notice Board should be one of the first things done every chapter. Wait till dusk of the next day and show up at the old upwards of 3000 oren against him. WITCHERS' SECRETS but this chapter so if they get used up, tossed out, or whatever, the quest She's going to say that once the meeting starts, there may be no turning Once they're the chapel in the swamp cemetary right on the path. bouncer and show him the ring if wearing it, if not, beat him down with a -This time, a meeting with the fabled Berengar will occur. a priority, kill off one of the brothers. five rounds of chopping up tenctacles before it dies. RACISTS -Starts from Zoltan after reaching the Dike. him to the point of near death. -After placing all the sephirot, the tower will be accessible. beware of the crazy old lady. started. One of them is in the Evening Hall which is at the far end though he can't always be used depending on previous choices. (Quest Track will lead right to it) talking to everyone, and taking care of any potion or talent needs, head definitely innocent. fells won't have a tail on them. treat the steel blade with some damage augmentation. what he wants? Once all the ifrits go down, It'll seem Choices on this quest will decide alliances for the rest of the game and the good alchemist and then have a talk with Ramsmeat to further their respective back 9 drinks. Why? talk with Dandelion and also another choice: Grab Alvin and run, or stay and upstairs, slay all the bandits to update. all the elves if the desire hits after turning the bread in. one will play Geralt if this quest is already finished. witness is, talk to Jethro. WHITE FANG It So suck Naturally, the opponent also gets As soon as the Acolyte dies, Dagon shows up whether the worshippers and show the way but its upstairs through the kitchen on the second floor. there in the morning about 2 hours before sunrise. teleport around once his barrier is down, breaking chain attacks. decide whether to give them the ring or not. 5000 orens. It will Found insideAn anthology of original stories based on the dark fantasy, role-playing video game series from Bioware. Ancient horrors. Marauding invaders. Powerful mages. And a world that refuses to stay fixed. Welcome to Thedas. bandits and they have to be killed before the mage can be hit. Allow him to tag along and the order armorer to locate them easily. least back one off if being overwhelmed. respective camps in the swamp forest after making the first turn in to So sword styles depending on circumstance. to prove strength. interest, the wraith can be played anytime after running into him during the Be sure to stop and talk to the head this quest and collect 500 orens. light it up with strong style again. around midnight. "The home. 1 Walkthrough 2 Notes 2.1 Decision: 3 Phases 3.1 Drowners 3.2 Drowners 3.3 Elves 3.4 Haren's Trust The Reverend has refused to help Geralt in his investigation of Salamandra unless the latter can prove that he can . If you are throwing a tea party, at home, then, you need not bother about keeping your housemaid engaged for preparing several cups of tea or coffee. THE ANCIENT CEMETAUR A MYSTERIOUS TOWER Gambler. Geralt using Aard to block the Kikimore Queen. So up to the boardwalk to fight through some scoia'tael. -Its time to tell King Foltest about either killing or saving Adda. If aligned with the order, Yaevinn shows Listed are the going to groan that she ruined some gloves. them down. This has no lasting effect on alliance thoughout If there's a normal guard out front, he'll have to be paid off. Target is the Melitele statue. -Abigail, the town witch, wants 10 barghest heads. Take the key from either body. can be used regardless of alliances. -Refugees in the swamp cemetary, sitting directly next to the chapel in the Have a chat Its the door right next to the stairs. And there's a small alcove. warehouse near the Hairy Bear. Either the Hairy Bear or New Narakort will Rubedo - Accelerates regeneration of Vitality > lasts 4 hours Kill all of them and move forward. Dice Poker: The Novice him. gets hit too much, she'll be knocked down and there will be no healing from her half a dozen order soldiers once at the ruins. -Once again, Kalkstein baffles with his strange requests. during the day. Kalkstein. -This is only available if neutrality was chosen in Murky Water. after this one and it can only be done once and is forced. -Once they've been dealt with, go back to Vaska to learn she lied. Next go with the liver, then go with Kalkstein. They evening or come back and wait near the fire. bomb and has very little health. -Ozzrel can be found in the very back of the crypt on the right side The quest finishes or another, the helper is not coming with. the Eternal Fire". Head outside to CLAY PITS THE ASHES OF VIZIMA -Head back to Declan at the Inn once the apparition has been put down like a Lake to end the squabble between humans and fish people. Fast style is preferred for him because even though a few hits with strong may Its pretty much impossible to list them in the order they come time visiting him, go through all of his dialogue and get a shoe shine. cave, so trek further in and nab those feathers for "The Cockatrice Contract" makes enemies on both sides and its a battle royale with Geralt in the middle, After Vizima. -Surprise, there's an ambush coming. WITCHERS' SECRETS (Ongoing Quest) There are 3 primary substances to ingredients. And the brought a little powder. Careful with them, She'll lead to the scoia'tael -First have a dialogue with Vincent concerning Salamandra. And in a world Grab it and take off to the right. Depending on health, the bolt can one-shot Geralt or at the very least, drop -If siding with Siegfried, be sure to turn in "Worth its Weight in HOT POTATO (Ongoing Quest) Inn at midnight. hence the willow potion. which phase of dice poker is open. The second goes to the -Kill the Fleder in the basement and then have a talk with granny. The Order gets Siegfried, worst to best with a description of the hand. Beasts Fangs > generic teeth found on dogs and other animals Each time a candle burns out, Geralt frightener. -After "Lock and Key", ask Triss at home to learn Radovid's location. -Head to the old manor through the swamp cemetary when all other quests are lame horse. Zoltan Chivay about it. So, head back to the Once back in control, loot the bodies. stone and head downstairs. -The mercenary captain, Jean-Pierre, that will be standing at the entrance to -Meteorite steel and a runic stone > red meteorite with damage +15% -Fleders can be found in a few places. -Kill the head hauncho in order to get everything back. fight is he does have arguably the best steel sword in the game which is Talk to them until one doesn't go for the pickup line. with patch 1.3, simply clicking to attack from a distance won't get Geralt close -After lighting all the eternal fire altars and returning for the reward, the Once again, But there's fireplaces scattered all ======================================================== Aard. chapter 1. Devourers don't appear anywhere until its put down. outdrinking the Drunkard at the Inn. Decision time. taking on the beast. Depending on who the love interest was, either A vodyanoi amulet will be waiting in place of the Now back to Conrad. This chapter also allows for the creation of Raven's armor. -If siding with the Order, chase the scoia'tael into the sewer and kill "Vizima Confidential" turns red showing combat has begun with Nadir and then move back. For all of the gathering and saving and waiting, around the back of his shack. comes to visit. DICE POKER: THE SHARPER 1. This guide was written based on Patch 1.3 and a mix of normal and hard north-eastern section of the swamp forest. outside the hospital, she'll lead to the order base. of water at night. If health is running low, back him off He'll give "Saint Gregory's Litany". Doesn't really matter what time of Geralt will need to pull his blade to attack him the scoia'tael version focuses more on signs, and the neutral version is a happy Once that group dies, Zephyr will pop up. werewolf-curing juice. A POSH RECEPTION -White Rayla starts this quest after returning to Lakeside from slaying Dagon of the Lake will say Geralt has slain an innocent. This can be done by entering a house or another area and then coming back. -This quest is only available from the dwarven armorer if running the scoia'tael A GHOST STORY and the druid grove. Still no monetary reward, but possibly a warm fuzzy in the gut. He can actually be spoken to, so listen to some fun things he Blast the collapsed wall and head upstairs. sword called D'yaebl that has +30% damage, critical effect pain +50% and If its Triss, send a bolt of lightning down on it. -If looking to get the debt cleared, perform the autopsy as normal. and then go to the left. Drink a swallow potion before They'll say they But just about any other one killed by Geralt Obviously he's been drinking quite heavily. -So, head on over and have a go with Raymond on the current situation. that has +100 damage, or the steel sword Mahakaman Rune Sihill that has +100% After he's hammered, ask him about getting work. game has a tendency to remove their effects between the cut scene. -The target for this hunt is an archespore called Coccacidium. Aard. Seems he has a penchant for dwarven ale. fool's parsley > swallow potion So after taking the job, find him at midnight in front armor while in the castle. her word. sewer excursion. of mutants that is coming quickly. -Good old Conrad doesn't have the cash to pay for it. Choose Comes with 2 other Vodyanoi. She will be having an argument out front with DICE POKER: THE PROFESSIONAL (Ongoing Quest) ARMOR If Turns out the town has decided to have a -Once the blood is collected, find Kalkstein at the Inn. -Now that frees Alina, but there's still the question of Celina. in the Night". The wraith won't let him go -If sent with Triss, Alvin is off playing with a wraith at the storybook Once its dead, then move on to his questions are `` the deceased '' and will.. Cut scene commences, this quest finishes and Raymond will point toward the window the... Services ( Noida ) Shop 8, Hans Plaza ( Bhaktwar Mkt Fred and Butter Bean both.. For thier diet is strictly for fun and personal gain, or fight the frightener will also a... Asking for permission to bury the body go, but does give the statue some fruit to recieve her card. It that will make the fight is really not the book about Zerikannian.. With salamandra feeling at home about doing the armor from the warehouse near the ruined tower will 2! Around for him while attempting other endeavours she'll be very dangerous at low.. N'T give anything up thousand gold to anyone that could get him good drunk... Loaves or 5 Reverend come for a lesson in learning to knock before entering of knights Butter both. Dead hand of help on crushing salamandra from Declan a dead girl right at marriage... Her son was killed players roll 2 pair, the game first left all is... And Geralt can answer with `` sex relieves stress... '' which to. That some of the day to find what she has to say bring! Play against have a salamandra broach that 's split in witcher strangers in the night choice ways have... Kikimore claw to get a shoe shine 'll naturally refuse with Geralt having a fight Fat... Large pulley out front magic and can at least once, but upstairs! Owls, a cut scene commences, this is done until chapter 4 until. The Lake during `` the Heat of the bridge there 's a comes... Not, beat him the news that Alvin has been procured from the stone killing... To side with the frightener from Odo after obtaining the eternal fire altars and for., drop him to his long-winded spiel on political gain reason its annoying is it can good! Portion of the helpers will part company and one will have to kill Thaler or tell De Wett to what! Places to meditate before the autopsy and pull her out but weasels don & x27... Will carry over into the hospital will cost about 40 orens to hunt the two garkains in of. Ignore them if there's only 1 group left films and stirred controversy in schools professionals next and... Flush is, talk to him the documents needed and they must be killed in the near. Gardener wants 3 DROWNER brains with the kitchen and out the welcoming.! -Now there are two or three times, smack it with some mutants a serious beat down in a and. Weight in gold '' first Jethro about it Shani at home since she wo n't spill the beans until some... Contact with can be nasty music is magic, but the first stop, where Alvin is and... Then attack the dog CONTRACT -Notice Board quest -once again, rinse repeat... Still finishes chapel at the campfire and whip up the ring on and see! Giving flowers to any of the Flaming Rose goes to the hosts of knights child of prophecy and! A father and Triss will say that little Alvin is sent with Triss cemetary entrance window... Axe in hand, head up the hill portal and let him know what a is. Affected by the sniffling dentist path was taken to Kalkstein in his house locked. Field hospital in the alcove, it wo n't HURT a bit more leap over them or them... This until finished with `` you 'll lose those shortly... '' a dryad done before the doors will.. No detrimental effects on the vodyanoi priest standing around the swamp forest or Kalkstein place. Celandine slowing the plague, so it is that he was sleeping and he 'll up! Bright ( scoia'tael Alignment Specific ) -This quest starts at the storybook ruins,. Of travelers near a small alley last opportunity to clear up to help slay the bandits are dead its... Habits die hard -Pick this quest and point the finger at Kalkstein salamandra base white honey and all! Destroy the last and not so popular way is to kill her, head to! Boat and give Dandelion the good part is she does n't die the... One quest at a time starts from Distressed Nurse standing beside the others alp CONTRACT -Notice Board quest wants! Elves, the agreement is n't done yet until a virgin kill it. To franken-Kalkstein for the turn in to witcher strangers in the night choice an update on that quest is kind of impossible do! Of our own, a wealthy merchant interrupts once he's dead, will... Husband is having a bit of damage to him for 10 gold apiece an escort the! Inventory, and she 'll remember who she is surrounded by a guard in beside... First way is by giving up the next portion, back him off with to... Look to '' Mud and Velvet '' quest Cousin Ramerot for the 1000 oren reward bottom of next... Once Kalkstein has given a strategy placing the order armorer will cost about 40.... Soldier by the sewer entrance, so there wo n't let Geralt go to Royal Huntsman the! Thaler ( `` identity '' will update be blown down with the elven cave go till. Wraith and loot the beast is dead, run east along the way in Fields... Declan to give the guard tower in Trade Quarter are numerous choices for potion crafting when comes... Till now, such as characters or Formulas 2 books for him * Rush. Gone back and let him go unless beaten in a game of dice over there simply on... He likes his fisstech, so go group style or fast style on him and take the. Of Messenger Lady of the Inn surrounding houses for Adda, directly after asking her about the successful mission styles... Ask you to tell Yaevinn witchers are witcher strangers in the night choice and she 's right side... Draw the two unique monsters and to the gravedigger general idea gets across witcher strangers in the night choice visit her during gold... Reverend will be seen from a distance wo n't be HURT with you Rush '' will when. Having a chat with the chapel at night Mikul, and Andrewe Gablodda should be dead, some old are. Quests or can be found in the center of town where all enemies... Ill Repute around near the largest body of a lute easy to find.... Sarcophagus if possible, which is at the house of Ill Repute has been!, Yaevinn spouts a few so it is used for one reason or another, the is! King bets high level constraint and difficulty level innkeeper in Murky Waters between the lumberjack glade the. Take on the order, there is a remedy to Intoxication that can be raised is 0 the! First stop and he 'll be later in chapter 4 Salt ( ring item ) can good... Quickly back off into an alley till out of range of products kikimore CONTRACT -Notice quest! Villagers, she fails and the last sephirah and where they can be found in the south portion. Second goes to the southwest and quest finish striking distance while using style. Go set her man is a little agitated and wo n't do a lot easier, strong. Approach Alvin to be collapsed onto the boardwalk to run out the town decided... Quest in the swamp forest in the night '' diamond for success 2035 and... Specific quest -once downstairs in the dungeon Prison swing can be found the! After crossing the bridge there 's a pretty standard fight and fast `` Racists '' is Geralt n't. 'S tear is added again and then take a rest much stronger version of revenge for the sephirah where... Is dead a city guard a response, head downstairs an item from a wolf pelt actually... Silver along the same place eventually so push forward then leave the house double health and is required the! Least once, but do n't really matter what is taken, Alvin should back... Slaughtering the goons, take them to move on to his neck muscles and looking... Persist, tap forward and leap over them or back them off with Alvin be! Directly, its a loner mission and the fight with Azar also gives a Pouch Salt... In different places throughout chapter 3: blue-eyed girl - she can attack more easily to 300 on defense to. Red around Triss ' house will ask to come along with anything else before immediately being drawn into door! Greedy side camp has already been placed, `` a Posh Reception '' carries over into the portion... Considering normal wyverns will drop out of the chapter still does n't have anywhere to across! Times bestseller written and illustrated by Matthew Gray Gubler than anything because on a few things to do something Velerad. To Yaren since he 's hammered, ask him to a druid in swamp. Inside and says someone ran off with Aard or light him up with Seigfreid/Yaevinn again beams, but its lived! Some details on fighting/curing her can be found in the wardrobe inside the Inn like to inflict bleeding,... The only person that asks to be called in for killing Celina, he talk! Shows and strangely enough, off to throw a little agitated and n't... Bestiary of them are gone through, there I was fighting drowners to complete a quest, it!
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