what do you think about your primary school

Is there anything else you can tell me about your child that you think would help me support his/her learning? Sign up for our free weekly newsletter and receive. Compassion Focus on the school improvement agenda. Making friends for life is probably the best thing about primary school. Bit biased as a primary teacher, but everything? How To Enhance Your Skin’s Beauty – Naturally and With Simple Tips! Online speaking recording. How do you think this policy or rule affects the students at your school? Professional Development I don’t see my friends from back then very often nowadays, but if I bump into them we talk as though we had just seen each other a few minutes earlier. It’s heartening to hear how much students care about their education, the fact that they appreciate its value and how they genuinely want to improve it. Those are just a handful of the comments that members of our Principal Files" team shared with us. Your School’s Identity is More Important Than You Think. 2. Even better, Pawlas suggests that school administrators should commit their lists to memory. What I like the most about school is reading and learning about history or S.S. They continuously look for opportunities for their own professional growth, and they support that in their colleagues", Vetere told Education World, Our teachers work hard when the public is watching and harder after their official day is over; and harder still into the private hours when they are at home with their families. Young people consistently noted that they didn’t just see that one thing in education needed to improve but many parts did – together. Read our article on developing a vision and strategy, which promotes an inclusive culture to help you take your … You and your friends could make up any kind of games you liked. In school, little things take on such large significance. Or care what anybody thought either, for that matter. 1. ", The students and staff are helping to improve the public perception of the school, added Kostick. Students Are Voicing Their Opinions, But Is The World Listening? Take Them Out to That’s a bit young for my liking. If it is important for your child to learn a second language in his primary grades, choose an elementary school that includes foreign language as a core part of the curriculum. understanding statistics. Japanese school system consists of: 6 years of elementary school, 3 years of junior high school, 3 years of senior high school and. learning maths language. Nicola Wiggins – Mummy Wales I am hearing about parents who want to send their children to our school. Please say - Why do you think they were useful? Molly was getting homework from nursery when she was two. 8. Our mission is Learning Together for a Very Bright Future Every Single Day, and we all enthusiastically work together to create a productive, positive, and rewarding atmosphere in which our students will learn and grow. Adam Parkhouse – You’ve got all this to come What sort of schools would you like to work in? ROTC cadets at the school raised a chunk of money for the Toys for Teens campaign for needy teenagers. Why? For primary grades, try dot-to-dot, matching, or drawing activities. Ann Hickman –  Rainbows are too beautiful They are committed to the schools educational programs for students of all abilities -- from Advanced Placement to Life Skills and other support programs, and to its extra-curricular programs. As part of our data analysis, I speak to each student about his or her grades. A parent. This indicates that they’re well aware of inequity in the world and the power of opportunity and are conscious that some children don’t have the opportunities they have, and therefore do not take their education for granted. • How valuable do you think the school and/or staff website can be in improving the quality of teaching and learning in this school? These days you get it too early in my opinion! I don’t think I liked many of these things! If you have more than one child, encourage them to work on projects and tasks together at home. With those lists of great things about my school" in mind, Education World asked members of our Principal Files" principals team to share what the Number One item on the card in their wallets might say. ", That sense of responsibility permeates Parham School in Cincinnati, where Henderson is an assistant principal. We have the most beautiful, interesting, interested, and talented children from all over the world," Haws told Education World. Is it just me, or is the homework kids get these days really quite excessive? 4. We had a program that included student speakers, and the vets received awards, ribbons, and certificates. (They are designed with this Avery (8577 using Template 8387) Postcard template, so you could also buy the Avery cards and print on them to make it easier). The best thing about school was in the afternoon when the teacher wheeled in the telly! 3. This school is your favorite celebrity’s alma-mater and you’ve only heard good things about the school. Our work is made possible by ambitious companies and organizations, both big and small that share our mission and values. It’s therefore surprising that so many young people picked up on this as a major need for improvement. I am not emotionally prepared to have a child in real school. I still have really good memories of my primary school teachers. You can get more information about this process on our website at link. (This is really dependent on your own individual class. Making School Inclusive Let everyone join in. It can feel safe because ultimately, you never feel entirely responsible for your fate. First, to teach students such that they become capable of dispensing with me qua professor in … What to do if your child doesn’t get a place at your chosen Primary school. I never understood those who said they hated school! School is a great idea executed very badly. First let me tell you why it’s a great idea. 1. You get to meet new interesting people,get new friends... Talk your way through your learning as if you were one of the children. Communication planning. In grades K-2, classrooms have computer mini-labs for student use. X #familyfun, The tv being wheeled in was the most exciting time of the week I think haha x, My little girl is starting school next year too, argh!! Questions to ask at teacher training interview. What have you learnt from your teaching work experience/shadowing? Principal Les Potter is always pleased when he asks students if they like school and they say yes. You have likely already noticed the differences between the youngest 5-year-old and the oldest 12-year-old. Playtime was fab, wasn’t it? The special assemblies when our headmaster would crack out the guitar and lead a rousing rendition of ‘five blind jellyfish’. I was always the first one to have my hand up if they offered seconds on that. According to Carol Robertson, a positive and nurturing climate is the greatest thing about her school, Lewis Vincent Elementary School in Denham, Louisiana. It’s about finding passion, and I think this school does a really good job of that—allowing you to really search out what you want to do and find your … “Key for looking at a primary school is the relationship between the kids and the teachers. The first thing to look at is if the teachers are paying individual attention to the children.” “It’s really important to have a chat with the head teacher. Good leadership is key, and the head teacher is a really important figure. The school was selected to house the areas pilot Blue Cross/Blue Shield Blue Sky Program aimed at teaching professional ethics and preparing students for the business world. You’ve heard of the amazing frat parties student throw and you want to experience that scene. I’m so pleased they still do it. Environmental protection. Curriculum The Ball Game It is argued that the importance of children studying non-academic subjects at primary schools is no less than studying other academic ones. When the biggest problems were who was who’s best friend, and who was sitting where on the carpet for story time. Take time right now to share something great about your school. Ask them about the worst part of their day. These are what some of my fellow bloggers and I think the best things about primary school were: I used to complain about the food in school when I was there, but looking back now, I only have good memories. It’s not all about being prepared for the future though, improving their present day-to-day experience of education also featured highly throughout the survey. School classes and subjects; Pick a class or subject you enjoy and explain what it’s about. I played the Cornet in the brass band which I absolutely loved. A big part of starting school is about getting along well with others, completing a task or project through teamwork and treating others with respect. Claire Casswell  – The Happy Weaner Even if the positive news does not make its way into the media this time, that principal has taken advantage of an opportunity and planted a seed that might lead to another news story with a more upbeat spin. You get to meet new interesting people,get new friends and experience a lot of things like embarrassment and happiness 2. In their comments, students were also extremely humble about having access to education. When you think of Bollywood Its Entertainment Entertainment And entertainment. When you think of schools It is Awesome Awesome And awesome. School... First let me tell you why it’s a great idea. When you’re choosing a primary school, you can also look at things like before-school and after-school care. Asking young people their opinion on education doesn’t seem like a radical idea, considering they’re the ones actually in the midst of the system, but few research papers and governing bodies actually take the time to include student voice. It is usually a small part of school life and there are other features of school life that affect their children’s development, like getting down to learning, making friends Make 'breadth and balance' more than a … Write about what you like about and what you don’t like about it. School-based careers work has been found to have a number of positive impacts, including supporting increased attainment and engagement with school. They are greeted by staff members who are truly glad to see them -- and tell them so.". Could be an issue with 2 hours each way travel to school each day on public transport. script! 4 years of University. With that list of six great things always in mind, when the talk turns negative or the questions turn difficult, a principal will have ready access to a list of great things about my school." Even that was too much for me. 2. Molly jumped straight into talking to her which is unusual for her. I was in the choir, part of the netball team – though I was the substitute player because I was pretty naff, and I also joined the chess club just so I didn’t have to play out in winter. Maria Hughes – Happy Mummy And what does the actual primary school teacher think the best things about primary school are? showing numbers as numerals, groups of objects, dots on dice and so on. Our variety of academic and extra-curricular programs has helped us to increase enrollment quite a bit these last two years -- to the point where we had to hire additional teachers. Best Books for Teachers, Students and Parents, Share the Pride: Six Statements of Pride Get Year Off to a Great Start, Something FISH-y at Providence Day School, Learn how to be part of the Education World Principal Files" team. The happy feeling when your crush smiles at you. Without that, we are as a pea vine sprawling in search of a trellis. Cornflake tart. Claire Casswell – The Happy Weaner Talk about math lessons at your elementary/primary school. Check out our Needs Improvement Report Card Comments for even more comments! Submitted by devabe2005 on Wed, 02/06/2013 - 12:08. For tomorrow. Allen School, Aurora, Illinois, Tony Pallija, principal, North Canton Hoover High School, North Canton, Ohio, Dr. Les Potter, principal, Silver Sands Middle School, Port Orange, Florida, Carol Robertson, principal, Lewis Vincent Elementary School, Denham Springs, Louisiana, Phil Shaman, principal, Neepawa Area Collegiate Institute, Neepawa, Manitoba (Canada), Rose Vetere, principal, Abbot Elementary School, Westford, Massachusetts, Charlemeine Zemelko, principal, Chicago (Illinois) International Charter School. Programs that reach all levels of students, and free tutoring and academic assistance for all, help enhance that reputation. Ayse Erdin – Arepops I can still feel my excitement all these years later. top education news, lesson ideas, teaching tips and more! 61% of students want better learning environments, which was the second largest concern for students. First, don't argue with the teacher in front of your child. Votes Do your research into the maths interventions available and which will work in your school. You’re welcome. /en/articles/what-do-kids-think-about-school-the-answers-might-surprise-you, https://cdn.hundred.org/uploads/article/cover_image/801/wide_Stocksy_txp5488c9c1RL2200_Small_1178641.jpg, Connections-Based Learning Should Be The Future Of Education, Connections-based learning increases motivation, creates engaged students and prepares them for the, Lene Jensby Lange: Children Shouldn't Have To Leave Their Dreams At The Doorstep Of School, Lene Jensby Lange is an Education innovation consultant and learning space designer. If you're looking for your school to become 'outstanding', you should focus on the school improvement agenda, driven through self-evaluation, rather than concentrating on Ofsted criteria. 6. Then there is the fact that the school has been around for such a long time: that means there are lots of great traditions at the school that help make it a special place to learn and work. Playing with my friends. Making friends for life is probably the best thing about primary school. Which assignment/activity did you feel most confident about today? By the end of this Unit of study, you will be able to: We are making great strides in all areas of school life, including programs, and our community is taking note of our accomplishments.". Our school is a perfect example of how different people can live together, work together, and learn together," said Mink. ‘Good’ and ‘outstanding’ schools know where they are and what they need to do to improve. I agree with the latter statement, but each coin has two flips same in that case. Who you truly are and what you believe about yourself at the core is defined by what you do. How did you go to your primary school? The fifth and final reason why one should go to school is because school helps develop interest for extracurriculars. 7. Blushing when you catch the eye of your crush while passing him or her in the corridors. How would you describe the feel of the school? Therefore, it’s no wonder that students are aware of this and want their education to prepare them for a world going through a rapid transformation, where the future is an uncertain thing. The philosophy has also made its way into classrooms, where High reports children being rewarded with FISH Notes for their random acts of kindness, good attitudes, and positive work ethics. Emma Jones – Ready, Freddie, Go! The Christmas postbox was one of the most exciting things at school in the run-up to Christmas. Chocolate toothpaste. Parents are often worried about bullying. This finding isn’t entirely surprising if you take into consideration the world that children are currently living in. The special assemblies when our headmaster would crack out the guitar and lead a rousing rendition of ‘five blind jellyfish’. Why did you choose to study…? Used to love sports day – just a fun day and lots of shouting. However, the way … That doesnt happen by accident. Coming back to school after being on holiday with a hair braid/shaved patterns and feeling way … Rose Vetere, principal of Abbot Elementary School in Westford, Massachusetts, also feels her school is a great place for kids because of its dedicated teachers. 5. They keep their expectations high for all students. The staff at O.P. Over the past few years, besides academic readiness skills, growing attention has been focused on social-emotional development … Always a nerd eh! 2. about free knowledge.- we know that is not true, but you earn more knowledge than you pay money. Remember to make mistakes; the children will pick up on these and provide you with a good assessment opportunity – children can both recognise that what you are doing or saying is wrong, and tell you how to improve or put right those mistakes. The Christmas postbox! When is it on? Education Events • What role do you see for I T/DT in the planning and delivery of your work as a teacher in this school? There was always an opportunity to get involved with something at primary school. Our schools community environment is a trellis that gives staff and students support and direction," added High. It is a privilege for me to be a part of the Jefferson Davis High School community," Kostick told Education World. When I interview prospective staff members, I expectantly wait to hear them elaborate about how they love children," Robertson said. I didn't like school itself – and I don't trust anyone who says he did – but I remember having a lot of fun with my clique and acting up in class. Parents sometimes think that school readiness means being able to read, write and do basic maths before starting school. Watch for the time and place when your child feels safe and has the energy to reveal him or herself to you. Fingers crossed we get that school so I won’t be worrying as much about how Molly is getting on every day. Though my mum didn’t love listening to me practice! Actually, this goes both ways, but there were a couple of teachers that really did a fantastic job and made learning fun.Â. What did you do in your leisure time in your primary school? At the end of the week give yourself a grade on how cooperative you have been. Shaman points with pride to the fact that of the 27 staff members, only four are not directly involved in some after-school activity and [the after-school efforts are] all voluntary. And maybe texts will be even more exciting because you aren’t seeing them 24/7. If there was one thing about their school that they most wanted the world -- and members of their community -- to know, what would that be? Bloody security taking the fun out of school!! Vikki Evans – Family Travel with Ellie Decisions about where your child goes to school depend on where you live, your personal values, your child’s needs, school-specific factors and more. Teenagers have watched as older members of their generation have graduated before them and entered an increasingly competitive and tough job market. I won't opt out, obviously it's every parents right to do so but I can't think of a reason why you would need to do so, unless as you said they are already weighed / measured regularly. How can we protect the environment? Jemma Willson – Mayflower Blogs The utter joy of it being opened on Friday and getting all the cards out. If you could do any moment at school over today, what would it look like? Oh, and I have to give a shout out to the obstacle course. Our students and staff are a community of learners, and community is the heart of what we each strive to establish," High told Education World. Whether you are currently a School Principal or a Head Teacher, there will be material in this Unit to help you think about your role and how you can move forward as an effective leader and manager of a successful school. Younger millennials have witnessed these struggles, so it’s no wonder that they’re concerned about having the skills they need to succeed. Environmental Education Student Voice and Agency, Over the last few days, we have received 102 innovative solutions to meet the challenges raised by COVID19 pandemic head-on! Leyla Preston – Motherhood Diaries  I was such a little joiner and always liked to get involved with as much as I could. When did you begin to think about becoming a teacher? Charter-school parents report fewer social problems than do district-school parents. Moving up reading books and being proud of how well I was doing! DO YOU AGREE OR DISAGREE? School is a great idea executed very badly. Learning Environments You can ask your local council to carry out an assessment if you think your child needs additional support with their educational, health and social needs. Of course, globalization has its positive effects, connections-based learning can present fun, real-world learning opportunities. I got good grades, but I wasn't the teacher's pet! Hint: It probably isn’t when they, or you, walk in the door after school or work. Normal primary school admissions are at 4+ into the reception class. Pink custard and being called up for seconds. 10 things every new primary school teacher needs to know. The fact that youth saw fit to choose this as their second largest concern should bolster the importance of this issue in education, and leadership bodies and individual educators should perhaps be seriously looking at what they can do to improve the learning environments they’re creating. TheHouseofMirth Wed 06-Oct-10 13:54:25. They were all so lovely. Principal Karen Mink expresses similar sentiments about the students of the Allen School in Aurora, Illinois. 2. Community Partnerships To do so we acknowledge the important part that parents play in supporting the school to achieve our aim. One vet said it was the first medal he had been given in 50 years," added Pallija. In Kirbyville, Missouri, principal Addie Gaines could never see her school -- Kirbyville Elementary -- without its emphasis on technology integration. They keep lines of communication open with families through newsletters, telephone calls, or emails -- whatever works for families. Why? Parents who want to give their children a headstart often choose to enroll them in a primary school program. I recently wrote a post about the fact that my baby girl will be starting school next year. 1/22/2016 12:30:26 pm. Earle Elementary has adopted the FISH philosophy. The headmaster read it out in assembly and those mentioned got a certificate. “If you say you’re interested in primary care, the first thing people are probably going to say is, ‘You’re too smart for that’ or ‘Why do you want to waste your career?’” says Robert M. Centor, MD, the former regional dean of Huntsville Regional Medical Campus of the University of Alabama School of Medicine. Sinead Latham – Sinead Latham Set up a meeting to talk about the issue. Read articles about our work from different sources. I don’t think I remember Through the Dragons Eye. Take, for example, the reading program at Oakleaf K-8 School in Middleburg, Florida. Positive Pick-Me-Ups: Cleaning The Classroom Can Be A Fun And Important Part Of The School Day (Yes, Really! A 4/10. Public school is horrendously under-equipped to teach the next generation. Private schools are too expensive and exclusionary for most fami... What to do if your child doesn’t get a place at your chosen Primary school. Every adult and child is enriched by just being part of our school," added Haws. Also, it is best if you just take inspiration from the above topics and come up with your own writing ideas for school. Davis High has been recognized for achievements in state sports championships and the Battle of the Bands competition. 2- Annual Days 1. Haha. I was in deep fear of not passing or dropping out of high school. In some cases, staff members put in more than 100 hours of involvement after school.". I am a student that my professors know about and I like knowing that my professors can watch my progress. Beth Law – Twinderelmo The playground; we had a bar that you could pop your leg over and hold onto and swing right over – used to love doing that!Â, Emma Tustian – Bubbablue and Me What’s unique is that no one is really asking them about it in any meaningful way. They suggested that the whole system needed to be developed, instead of singling one area out and improving it independently, as they thought this was ineffective. As a part of their report, the team conducted a student survey, questioning 322 students who were educated in 19 countries and identified as 56 different ethnicities. Do you agree with this list? https://planbee.com/.../the-ultimate-lesson-planning-checklist-for- My school is incredibly unique. We are an international school that lives and learns together in our own world of Oakridge like the rest of the world should live -- with joy, understanding, and delight in what each of us offers each other.". Chocolate toothpaste. X Factor, eat your heart out. No thanks, I don't need to stay current on what works in education! X. In third grade, we have a cart of laptop computers in each room -- one computer for every two students. It was such a small school that there were 7-11 year olds all in the same class and the teacher had no chance of figuring out what we were all up to!Â, Emma Maslin – The Money Whisperer The best thing for me was not having homework! If you don’t tell your own stories, you may not like the stories others tell about you. She is the foun. ", Bonita Henderson echoes the sentiment that the staff at her school is the glue that holds it together. What, in particular, appeals to you about teaching in a primary/secondary school? The huge hit of globalization has also shifted the way the world works and how careers are formed. Get your facts straight and don't rely on anger to win your argument. With that in mind, all principals should be prepared to spread the good news about their schools. I loved playtime. We used to sit on the carpet with our carton of milk and an apple. For example, people who attend school have the capability to participate in after school activities. Those were the days eh? Reply. Parents sometimes think that school readiness means being able to read, write and do basic maths before starting school. Included: What is the greatest thing about your school? ", This one really works," added Zemelko. Thanks for joining us at #familyfun, Oh yes, the milk. What other careers have you considered? I’d love to link it up to the #SchoolDays linky. What was the funniest thing that happened in your class today? Plan up front how you’re going to measure and report on the effectiveness of the intervention. Sar40nvf. As for my teaching philosophy, I follow to main ideas. My 9th grade year was a big blur. Lolli Haws is principal at Oakridge Elementary School in Arlington, Virginia. French skipping, playing mass netball games, British bulldog, conkers and massive ice slides. 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