Here one has a constant negative energy density...". In this study, we have developed a model . Alcubierre's warp drive would use this negative energy to create the spacetime bubble. Found inside – Page 77Finally , what of the Starship Enterprise's warp drive ? ... Miguel Alcubierre had suggested that a space warp bubble could theoretically be made , although it would require more energy than exists in the whole Universe to make it . Last year, Sonny White revealed a new design (pictured top) for the Alcubierre drive that reduces the energy requirement from the total mass-energy of a planet the size of Jupiter, down to the . the negative energy density requirements for the Alcubierre warp drive and they arrived at the conclusion that in order to sustain a warp bubble able to perform … In a flat 2D representation, the ring of positive and negative energy, initially very thin, becomes a larger, fuzzy donut shape. How do submariners contribute to the surface-world? By some estimates, the entire energy in the known universe would be needed (though later work brings the number down a . There are a number of flaws with idea: 1. . But in this case, the Alcubierre drive vessel can only travel routes that, like a railroad, have first been equipped with the necessary infrastructure. [4] Moreover, according to Serguei Krasnikov,[16] generating a bubble in a previously flat space for a one-way FTL trip requires forcing the exotic matter to move at local faster-than-light speeds, something that would require the existence of tachyons, although Krasnikov also notes that when the spacetime is not flat from the outset, a similar result could be achieved without tachyons by placing in advance some devices along the travel path and programming them to come into operation at preassigned moments and to operate in a preassigned manner. However as stated by both Alcubierre and Natario themselves the Warp Drive violates all the known energy conditions because the stress energy momentum tensor(the right side of the Einstein Field . Found inside... ( 1993 ) ( 8 ) Alcubierre , M . , “ The Warp Drive : hyper - fast travel within general relativity " , Class ! ... The Ehrenhoft - Mikhailov Effect Described as the Behavior of a Low Energy Density Magnetic MonopoleInstanton ” ... A ring-shaped warp drive device could transport a football-shape starship (center) to effective speeds faster than light. An Alcubierre Drive is a theoretical (and I mean very theoretical) device that would enable faster than light travel without specifically breaking relativity. Pfenning and Allen Everett of Tufts hold that a warp bubble traveling at 10-times the speed of light must have a wall thickness of no more than 10−32 meters—close to the limiting Planck length, 1.6 × 10−35 meters. March 4, 2021 by Brian Wang. I need to know how Speed, field size, duration effects energy consumption. For example, in its original incarnation, you would need an incredibly large amount of negative energy to create a "warp bubble;" Alcubierre himself estimated that a modest size (100 m) bubble would require the mass of the entire visible universe. I think your question is not so bad, it is a specific feature of this community that they unlike the - anyways mainstream -, but unconventional GR applications. The Alcubierre warp drive is an exotic solution in general relativity. Similar constraints apply to Krasnikov's superluminal subway. For example, if one wanted to travel to Deneb (2,600 light years away) and arrive less than 2,600 years in the future according to external clocks, it would be required that someone had already begun work on warping the space from Earth to Deneb at least 2,600 years ago: A spaceship appropriately located with respect to the bubble trajectory could then choose to enter the bubble, rather like a passenger catching a passing trolley car, and thus make the superluminal journey ... as Krasnikov points out, causality considerations do not prevent the crew of a spaceship from arranging, by their own actions, to complete a round trip from Earth to a distant star and back in an arbitrarily short time, as measured by clocks on Earth, by altering the metric along the path of their outbound trip. J. Gardiner, "Warp Drive - From Imagination to Reality", AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum and Exposition, "Scientists Are Starting to Take Warp Drives Seriously, Especially This One Concept", "Wormholes, Time Machines, and the Weak Energy Condition", "Warp Drive May Be More Feasible Than Thought, Scientists Say", "Bringing balance to the universe: New theory could explain missing 95 percent of the cosmos", "Astrophysicist claims "dark fluid" fills the missing 95% of the Universe", "Can a negative-mass cosmology explain dark matter and dark energy? �ҌB����K��P���:����Y���B 8��.H[Bq�|�������iq�%�$��h�P��a_ ��J��)��c%���Bp~x'[��z�3a�Bx�X0�03�^ He created a bubble within space-time that would twist distances … The Alcubierre drive, at its core, is just a deformation added on flat spacetime as a bump function (it is everywhere flat except for a compact region of spacetime). %PDF-1.4 Alternate View Column AV-81 Keywords: Alcubierre Warp Drive FTL spacewarp solution Einstein's equations general relativity Published in the November-1996 issue of Analog Science Fiction & Fact Magazine; This column was written and submitted 4/15/96 and is copyrighted ©1996 by John G. Cramer. Physical Warp Drives. Originally Posted by dgavin. @David-Z It's not really on topic. [30][31], Krasnikov proposed that if tachyonic matter cannot be found or used, then a solution might be to arrange for masses along the path of the vessel to be set in motion in such a way that the required field was produced. Found inside – Page 135When we apply Einstein's Equation to the geometry of the Alcubierre Warp Drive, we discover that the matter required to generate it will violates the classical energy conditions. Thus, no material which humankind has ever discovered can ... Miguel Alcubierre, a theoretical physicist in 1994 developed a theory called the Alcubierre drive. Chris Van den Broeck constructed a modification of Alcubierre's model that requires much less exotic matter but places the ship in a curved space-time "bottle" whose neck is about 10−32 meters. 5,082. [11] Farnes found that Albert Einstein had explored the idea of gravitationally repulsive negative masses while developing the equations of general relativity, an idea which leads to a "beautiful" hypothesis where the cosmos has equal amounts of positive and negative qualities. It can be shown that negative energy requirements within theAlcu-bierre spacetime can be greatly reduced when one introducesa lapse func-tion into the Einstein tensor., i also recommend learning the math of general relativity, but again it is a Sci-Fi universe it doesn't need to mimic reality perfectly. where g is the determinant of the metric tensor. It allows for superluminal travel at the cost of enormous amounts of matter with negative mass density. x��\[oǕ^ oD~�>���"Ӫ��~�8��"�x�8)Qv(��$ His e-mail address is on the paper if it's. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. [8] White proposed to thicken the extremely thin wall of the warp bubble, so the energy is focused in a larger volume, but the overall peak energy density is actually smaller. In 1994, Miguel Alcubierre proposed a method for changing the geometry of space by creating a wave that would cause the fabric of space ahead of a spacecraft to contract and the space behind it to expand. What is a good and bulletproof private key for ECC curves? Here is a report of NASA research on the drive: Last year, Sonny White revealed a new design (pictured top) for the Alcubierre drive that reduces the energy requirement from the total mass-energy of a planet the size of Jupiter, down to the mass-energy of Voyager-1 (700 kilograms). A possible type of effect that would accomplish this is a buildup of vacuum fluctuations on the border of the region of spacetime where time travel would first become possible, causing the energy density to become high enough to destroy the system that would otherwise become a time machine. How much capacity does the fuel take up ?!?!? Does a ship going 1c and 1ly take 80 times less energy? How efficient is it ? Found inside – Page 296[51] [52] [53] [54] [55] [56] [57] [58] [59] [60] [61] [62] M. Alcubierre, “The warp drive: hyper-fast travel within ... arXiv:gr-qc/9707024; C. Van Den Broeck, “A 'warp drive' with more reasonable total energy requirements”, Class. It allows for superluminal travel at the cost of enormous amounts of matter with negative mass density. Vini x Y = Vapa where Vini is initial velocity Y is the the higher dimensional boost field value and Vapa is apparent velocity so at 0.1c in order to go 10c you need a boost field value of 100 so 700 kg (62.9 EJ) = a boost value of 100 i dont know how to calculate for any other values the best i can give just use the the percentage like a boost field of 50 is 50% of the 100 so just divide 700 kg by 2 (or times by 0.5) but i am not sure if that would be accurate or not i also dont know how fast the energy density would be ossilating In regards to the hypothetical Alcubierre Drive (hear me out), are energy costs consumed immediately, or during transit? How do I determine if my cassette is worn. The Alcubierre drive is, of course, still highly speculative. Warp Drives: The Alcubierre warp drive is an exotic solution in general relativity. NASA scientists are working with small-scale models in an effort to produce localized distortions in space, but this new Aussie . Alcubierre developed a model (metric) within the domain of general relativity that uses this physics loop hole and has almost all of the desired characteristics of a true interstellar space drive, much like what is routinely depicted in science fiction as a "warp drive". A potential disadvantage of this, is that unlike the Alcubierre warp drive in the canonical form, which requires low energy levels, in part due to the overall … I show how a minor modification of the Alcubierre geometry can dramatically improve the total energy requirements for a `warp bubble' that can be used to transport … It allows for superluminal travel at the cost of enormous amounts of matter with negative mass density. Later in 2003, by slightly modifying the Van den Broeck metric, Serguei Krasnikov reduced the necessary total amount of negative mass to a few milligrams. It's supposed to work by bending space around the spacecraft, effectively leaving it standing still. Essentially, an Alcubierre drive would expend a tremendous amount of energy—likely more than what's available within the universe—to contract and twist space-time in … Stack Exchange network consists of 178 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Found inside – Page 145Alas, spacetimes such as the Alcubierre warp-drive spacetime are excluded in known classical physics. As we will see in Chapter 22, Problem 14, they require matter or fields with negative local energy densities. All the classical fields ... The proposed mechanism of the Alcubierre drive implies a negative energy density and therefore requires exotic matter or manipulation of dark energy. This might explain the widespread misconception that this spacetime is a solution of the field equation of general relativity. But the basic mechanism behind it can, it works out, work at any speed. @�Iيp��mЩSl�M[ ��(��dj�c�n�T azW,Ȅ��Z��ELEW�(�T��[~�7aTOVՍu�*�[�e�FdţTEnM�֪PU��d�'�. What would an above-ground residential apartment designed to negate the effects of a one-kiloton nuclear surface burst at 500 meters look like? At the close of his original article,[5] however, Alcubierre argued (following an argument developed by physicists analyzing traversable wormholes[6][7]) that the Casimir vacuum between parallel plates could fulfill the negative-energy requirement for the Alcubierre drive. Some suggested methods avoid the problem of tachyonic motion, but would probably generate a naked singularity at the front of the bubble. [12], As Farnes' theory allows a positive mass (i.e. Alcubierre has also shown that for the Eulerian observers in the warp drive metric, and for their 4-velocity , the following relation holds : which implies that the energy density is negative everywhere for any choice of the shaping function and, therefore, the WEC is violated (also the dominant energy condition, DEC, and the strong energy . The Alcubierre metric defines the warp-drive spacetime. Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. "Frontiers of Propulsion Science" is the first-ever compilation of emerging science relevant to such notions as space drives, warp drives, gravity control, and faster-than-light travelthe kind of breakthroughs that would revolutionize ... A short video clip of the hypothetical effects of the warp drive. Is the idea that "Everything is energy" even coherent? Just as the other answerer, I am nowhere near a proper physicist, much less a quantum physicist -- but in essence, it has to do with the way vacuums interact. A Universe Of Energy. �=>~�G�ʓ�d8Gu�Q6+�u�*rd�Z�&���� �� .�AQ˜f�#���B��ϼvb�V���N��pV.,�'�3�nƭ�W"�`BD������q�+E�G��~ԡ3 ӕ�e��H�����C�Ns{�@�8���m��}�(��Ã�'?븛�[��dt2r����l��3�\�k����� %g�k�& �ZSo[���%(�!�r2���7�,)��)���x�,��� ��'���������m�]W�Ͼ�h��*)�!��Լ=��B�1���iE�}�"�&ሞ�^��>~�f���i�=��@}=�?y*��tZ�=I�z�o�I����X4�ƹ�7uO���hÖ; �G��S�7���i�3/�����14w>l�� Alcubierre drive Main article: Alcubierre drive In physics, the Alcubierre drive is based on an argument, within the framework of general relativity and without the introduction of wormholes , that it is possible to modify spacetime in a way that allows a spaceship to travel with an arbitrarily large speed by a local expansion of spacetime . The Alcubierre drive remains a hypothetical concept with seemingly difficult problems, though the amount of energy required is no longer thought to be unobtainably large. How do I round this shape without serious clipping issues? [citation needed] Metrics in ADM form are adapted to a certain family of inertial observers, but these observers are not really physically distinguished from other such families. I'd prefer a simple equation that I can input into Google Sheets, or write a small JavaScript program so that I can mess around with the variables to use for my purposes, but I don't know if that is possible. Neither the Alcubierre theory, nor anything similar, existed when the series was conceived—the term "warp drive" and general concept originated with John W. Campbell's 1931 science fiction novel Islands of Space. [19], The metric of this form has significant difficulties because all known warp-drive spacetime theories violate various energy conditions. [citation needed] According to writer Robert Low, within the context of general relativity it is impossible to construct a warp drive in the absence of exotic matter. The Alcubierre drive is a speculative inertialess drive system with possible FTL (faster-than-light) applications. [17][18] Allen Everett and Thomas Roman comment on Krasnikov's finding (Krasnikov tube): [The finding] does not mean that Alcubierre bubbles, if it were possible to create them, could not be used as a means of superluminal travel. rev 2021.9.10.40187. � �K ���N���>j��K܄OjK����{KI�cD��L�H "�u���Ѵ��[v��z��u��갫f����$���bc�6&A��o (��S��C*��T� �����s�v��� �H�E��1f�ES���"3�ZYI1��Gs��|��E���I�t���b� ����� v���1h�9af���ѕ�2��ag�>5:�p�lu�c����c3��� �g��c�c�ͬ�0a��������+ z��4X2��_vU}>�޸�K꯸�k��h�mz�s���@�u�hw v��"���̋��)�RF>-b���8��?��؇�pql�9�?o�}�@�0�k�O�� Worse, the negative energy requirements of Alcubierre's device are immense. The Alcubierre drive, Alcubierre warp drive, or Alcubierre metric (referring to metric tensor) is a speculative warp drive idea based on a solution of Einstein's field equations in general relativity as proposed by theoretical physicist Miguel Alcubierre during his PhD study at the . Alcubierre estimated that a warp drive with a 100-meter bubble would require the mass of the entire visible universe. Coule further argues that an analogous objection will apply to any proposed method of constructing an Alcubierre drive. However, as this less energetic warp bubble also thickens toward the interior region, it leaves less flat space to house the spacecraft, which has to be smaller. [32], A 2009 article by Carlos Barceló, Stefano Finazzi, and Stefano Liberati uses quantum theory to argue that the Alcubierre drive at faster-than-light velocities is impossible mostly because extremely high temperatures caused by Hawking radiation would destroy anything inside the bubble at superluminal velocities and destabilize the bubble itself; the article also argues that these problems are absent if the bubble velocity is subluminal, although the drive still requires exotic matter. [36] While it is possible that the fundamental laws of physics might allow closed timelike curves, the chronology protection conjecture hypothesizes that in all cases where the classical theory of general relativity allows them, quantum effects would intervene to eliminate the possibility, making these spacetimes impossible to realize. [33][34], The amount of negative energy required for such a propulsion is not yet known. What it does is cause a pocket (bubble) of space time … ���h�!-R��.�����Ap� G%~#�ΥN�4�����D�`�(���*W�:9��Պ �rk�D��9��U�3���X�u��8�eMjiCɁs0�E�x�›�=mH�מ2�f����v�iޗ�M�ǞE�.u�D�5���.���9s����> The Alcubierre drive, Alcubierre warp drive, or Alcubierre metric (referring to metric tensor) is a speculative warp drive idea based on a solution of Einstein's field equations in general relativity as proposed by theoretical physicist Miguel Alcubierre during his PhD study at the University of Wales, Cardiff, by which a spacecraft could achieve apparent faster-than-light travel if a configurable energy-density field lower than that of vacuum (that is, negative mass) could be created. This deformation moves around, and there are no upper speeds dictated by general relativity. How would items consumed by an Alcubierre Drive warp bubble pass? The need for exotic matter raises questions about whether one can distribute the matter in an initial spacetime that lacks a warp bubble in such a way that the bubble is created at a later time, although some physicists have proposed models of dynamical warp-drive spacetimes in which a warp bubble is formed in a previously flat space. Artist's concept of a spacecraft using an Alcubierre Warp Drive. Found inside – Page 47[16][17] Mass–energy requirement If certain quantum inequalities conjectured by Ford and Roman hold,[18] then the energy requirements for some warp drives may be unfeasibly large as well as negative. For example, the energy equivalent ... I can't find any place that gives a number other than for a $10c$, 8 lightyear trip being something like 68 exajoules (off the top of my head, might be wrong). Alcubierre Warp Drive spacetime. Found inside – Page 29Nomenclature V(ψ) = energy density (eV/m3) n = electron probability density (electrons/m3) φ = phase of the scalar field J = current through a superconductor ... Alcubierre M. The warp drive: hyper-fast travel within general relativity. [17], In 2012, physicist Harold White and collaborators announced that modifying the geometry of exotic matter could reduce the mass–energy requirements for a macroscopic space ship from the equivalent of the planet Jupiter to that of the Voyager 1 spacecraft (c. 700 kg)[8] or less,[27] and stated their intent to perform small-scale experiments in constructing warp fields. But the requirement of exotic matter didn't go away, and in fact, subsequent studies demonstrated that any superluminal warp drive MUST use negative energy densities. [43], Hypothetical mode of transportation by warping space, Connection to dark energy and dark matter, Causality violation and semiclassical instability, Krasnikov (2003), p.13, "Moreover, by analogy with the Casimir effect, it is reasonable to assume that ρ in such a wormhole will be large (∼, Ford and Roman (1995), p.5, "...the Casimir effect may be useful as an illustration. But the Alcubierre drive and subsequent warp-drive models need to be powered by massive amounts of negative energy. Farnes' theory relies on negative masses that behave identically to the physics of the Alcubierre drive, providing a natural solution for the current "crisis in cosmology" due to a time-variable Hubble parameter. And there are a number of flaws with idea: 1 for example, the Alcubierre warp drive been! A model ��dj�c�n�T azW, Ȅ��Z��ELEW� ( �T�� [ ~�7aTOVՍu� * � [ �e�FdţTEnM�֪PU��d�'� emulation. Speeds dictated by general relativity ``, the negative energy across two paths. 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