当サイトはDigital Extremesが開発運営するF2P (基本無料)TPS「 Warframe 」の情報を取り扱う日本語Wikiです。. テンプレート Silent. None Galvanized Multishot NEKROS Warframe Builder. ベントキッド 3.5x とりあえずこんな感じのビルドとフレームで鋼lephantis第二形態相手に試し撃ちしてみました。ゴス移植(速度低下72%)でストンプの時以外減速させっぱなしにしつつ開いた弱点にフルオートで撃ち続けて大体1分15秒くらいで頭3本潰せたのでまぁ相性悪いって程ではないのかな? バルパファイラ Projectile Type This site has no official link with Digital Extremes Ltd or Warframe. Parvosシスター, VOIDレリック 感染体 3.37 Primary fire shoots 7 pellet barrages in a fully automatic fashion. You can view your mastery rank by pressing the ESC button and hovering over your avatar, the rank will show up right below your username. Internal Name Color Black White Red Green Blue Yellow Magenta Cyan Transparency Transparent Semi-Transparent Opaque. SEVAGOTH Burst Delay Advantages: High Slash Damage Slash damage – effective against health. 143 入手先 3% Projectile Speed It has excellent critical stats and good status chance, has 90% Slash Damage Slash damage, but has low base damage. フラグメント STALKER The Ghoulsaw is a heavy saw melee weapon used by Ghoul Rictus. Bubonico. The Bubonico's blueprint can be researched from the Bio Lab in the dojo. Amarast | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom. Bubonico is also too damn big. 9.29% Warframe用MOD エネルギーオーブが次に発動するアビリティの威力を50%強化する。 100,000: Health Conversion Warframe用MOD ヘルスオーブが累計3回まで装甲値を450強化する。ダメージを受けると3秒後累計回数を消費する。 100,000: Astral Autopsy アークウイング近接 … For simple responses, surround the phrase with single curly brackets ({}). タグ管理 About stims and synthula - General Discussion - Warframe Forums. The idea is to maximize its two fire modes. Projectile Speed グリニア EMBER SIZE. 13 Bubonico is a play on Bubonic plague, one of three variants of Plague best known as the cause of the Black Death . Bubonico Build 2020 (Guide) - The Plague Bomber - Warframe. The player is able to perform actions limited to secondary weapons, such as carrying objects or firing during. Crit Chance Bonus stacks multiplicatively with other sources of status duration. Rain down a triple volley of explosive disease bladders from a distance, then move in for the kill by unloading a multi-shot barrage of toxic barbs with primary fire. セファロン・スーダ Bubonic itself is dervied from Bubo, painful … VAUBAN INAROS bubonico Last-modified: 2021-05-26 (水) 09:35:54 これらのキーワードがハイライトされています: Projectile GRENDEL This weapon deals primarily Slash Damage Slash damage. This weapon deals … Projectile 木星 m/s Projectile Type This is the highest DPS build on here that doesn't use a riven that I could find. ケレス The Trumna is an Orokin-Era weapon created by the Entrati, a fully automatic rifle firing explosive bullets that builds charges on kills to allow use of the Alternate … Projectile Speed セドナ, Warframe Window. メニュー検討 GARA 2 The Bubonico is an Infested Shotgun Arm-Cannon that launches a barrage of Toxin blasts from its primary fire, while its Alternate Fire shoots three explosive Viral shots in a burst. This weapon deals primarily Slash damage on its primary fire and Viral on its Alternate Fire . Bubonic itself is dervied from Bubo, painful … DA: … This site has no official link with Digital Extremes Ltd or Warframe. GAUSS 13 The Bronco functions like a cross between a shotgun and handgun, that comes in a handy package to complement long range primary weapons. Utility 2.1 s Vox Solaris Imaru 14,252. If you have a Steam account and want to help me a little, go to the Steam … 3% That means for a Warframe Emblem, use no … They do say their names … 海王星 Find out more on our website. 無所属 If you have a Steam account and want to help me a little, go to the Steam … Damage Falloff No Exilus mod is required, use your preference. When you begin your Emblem project you should use a Canvas that's at least 8 times larger than your expected output. 奇妙な物 Mastery NEZHA 260. Rivenなしで使えばわかると思うけどそもそも今のショットガンの切断dotはペレット数で割られるせいでカスみたいなダメージしか出ないので大丈夫 同じ理由でHMもいらない. Total Damage A lot of them just show the power icon (Speed, Blessing, Banish, etc) but some, notably Octavia or Arcane buffs, are more obscure. 3.83 At the time of writing, it allows them to choose from a wide range of different weapons. アスレチック Medium Guide. Alarming Slow projectiles have travel time with heavy arcing. Crit Multiplier Ducats. The Spira are large Tenno throwing knives with high damage but low throwing speed. Multiplied consumption results in only three bursts before recharging. スティール・メリディアン ENDGAME IMMORTAL POWER: STR 244% (2% HP PASSIVE), INFINITE HP AND ENERGY, DUR 127%, BREACH SURGE Opt. Weapons; Asked by Sandpiper, 4 hours ago. 0.23 s VAZARIN Rubico Prime is a Primed variant of the revolver-style Rubico Rubico Sniper … There are several ways to make use of the Alternate Fire's high critical damage by adding flat critical chance bonuses: Bubonico is the second arm cannon added in. Ducats. The Battle of Buçaco (pronounced ) or Bussaco, fought on 27 September 1810 during the Peninsular War in the Portuguese mountain range of Serra do Buçaco, resulted in the … おすすめフレームビルド 27 Warframe Mastery Rank is a relative number that helps track the progress a player has made in the game. 15. AoE It is swung around as the sawblade shreds enemies apart, and can be uniquely ridden on. /Lotus/Weapons/Infested/LongGuns/InfArmCannon/InfArmCannon. Warframe Boss Locations and Drops List by TheNexusCloud. This site has no official link with Digital Extremes Ltd or Warframe. Fatal Acceleration helps with the rather annoying damage drop off and makes using … ナイトメア Possessing excellent … センティエント Lith A3 Relic (Common) Lith O1 Relic (Common) Lith K3 Relic (Common) Wiki. Rubico Prime guide by Gage updated 2 months ago. Accuracy アービターズ・オブ・ヘクシス The … The primary fire for high close range damage and secondary fire … おすすめ武器 This is a … Starting with bubonico for my First theory craft. Rain down a triple volley of explosive disease bladders from a distance, then move in for the kill by unloading a multi-shot barrage of toxic barbs with primary fire. 5% chance to enhance Critical Hits from Primary Weapons. Although this a Secondary Fire Status build the Primary Fire will melt anything in its way. Statistics Font Size. Boss: Councilor Van Dek Planet: Earth 土星 MADURAI 3.5x Requiemレリック VALKYR Warframe is an online action game that’s a hybrid of shooters and RPG games. Perfect Follow Through; doesn't lose damage when hitting multiple … - General - Warframe Forums The Ghoulsaw is a heavy saw melee weapon used by Ghoul Rictus. It may be linked to any page without asking for the author's permission. Catch latest news regarding the game. The game is … For the hunter, the apex of the sniper's art. The Bubonico has incredible base damage, status chance, critical chance, and almost as much AoE coverage as a Kuva Bramma. Join the Tenno and defend an ever-expanding universe. 256. ネクロロイド, 星系マップ グリニア Wikiの編集方法は Help や Wikiwikiサンプル を参照ください。. 3 Protector Warframe - Bastion “One who would rather defend than strike down a foe, Bastion creates a beacon of hope and strength on the battlefield” Default Coloration … Bubonico is a play on Bubonic plague, one of three variants of Plague best known as the cause of the Black Death . Fire Rate Trading Tax. 3.37 3.83 Builds by Warframe. Total Damage SARYN This weapon does not use ammo pickups; ammo regenerates over time. All artwork, screenshots, characters or other recognizable features of the intellectual property … Ammo Type Innate punch through allows hitting multiple targets in line. ASH 9 Bubonico extra large bullets Bubonico extra large bullets. 2.3x LOKI Ammo Cost Warframe Wiki Blog about latest Warframe Prices, Warframe Mods, and stuff. クバ・リッチ ニュー・ロカ, コンクレーブ New Build. ナビゲーション. Bubonico When you combine all of these benefits with … Disposition HYDROID Burst Count XAKU 金星 Domain ID : Not Available Host name, IP address:, location: United States ミッション攻略 Rain down a triple volley of explosive disease bladders from a distance, then move in for the kill by unloading a multi-shot barrage of toxic … センティエント アビリティ影響項目表 100 WARFRAME Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Status Chance My kinetic novel, Esper - Make You Live Again, is now available on Steam. The mastery points are gained by levelling up weapons, frames, companions, or Archwings. Introduced The leading Warframe trading platform for tenno, where you can buy and sell vaulted & unvaulted items along with Waframe sets, Parts, Weapons, Mods, … TRINITY 3 Forma Eidolon Bad Boy Hunter, BIG Damage. 天王星 MESA Update 30: Call of the Tempestarii; Update 29: The Heart of Deimos; Update 28: The Deadlock Protocol; Update 27: Empyrean; Update 26: The Old Blood; Update 25: The … 260. RHINO Auto Bubonico is a play on Bubonic plague, one of three variants of Plague best known as the cause of the Black Death. MOD強化はショットガンMODに対応。, プライマリファイアはクリティカル寄りの性能で、1.9mの貫通距離と毒ダメージを備え、切断の割合もそれなりに高い。 オロキン Bubonico is an Infested Shotgun that launches a barrage of Toxin blasts. VOLT Credit goes to … Projectile Type Welcome to the WARFRAME Wiki, a completely player-supported encyclopedia about the game WARFRAME. モア m/s For the hunted, a gateway to the next life. YARELI wikiwikiサンプル CHROMA Ping response time 18ms Good ping Video Games Consoles and Accessories Website Domain provide by not available. Advantages: High Puncture Damage Puncture and good Slash Damage Slash damage – effective against armor and health. Tekko Prime Blueprint. Arm Cannon Advantages: Very high status chance. m/s Wield your Warframe's tactical abilities, craft a loadout of devastating weaponry and define your playstyle to become an unstoppable force in this genre-defining looter-shooter. 7 (41 damage per projectile) !extend::vvvvvv:: !extend::vvvvvv:: !extend::vvvvvv:: !extend::vvvvvv:: 【連絡】次スレを立てる方は 『!extend::vvvvvv::』を5行に増やして下さい Garuda guide by … Explosion does not need direct line of sight to deal damage and will penetrate walls. ZEPHYR, コンパニオン Reddit community and fansite for the free-to-play third-person co-op action shooter, Warframe. 16.875 rounds/s Update 29.5 (2020-11-19) Replace Vigilante Armaments … OBERON STALKER Range Tromyzon Entroplasma | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom. Burst Rate Asterite | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom. Boss: The Jackal Planet: Venus Level: Fossa Faction: Corpus Drops: Rhino Warframe Blueprint Parts. WUKONG BANSHEE Auto All artwork, screenshots, characters or other recognizable features of the intellectual property … Warframe Builder. Trigger Type 9 INF 火星 HILDRYN Total Damage Fixed the Bubonico vibrating rapidly when displayed via Loadout in the Orbiter’s Personal Quarters display. 地球 エントラティ menu編集 All artwork, screenshots, characters or other recognizable features of the intellectual property … LAVOS 57% This weapon can be sold for … 57% Parazon, 敵勢力 Снаряд . Fire Rate All artwork, screenshots, characters or other recognizable features of the intellectual property … Type Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Shawzin, シンジケート [一覧] Polarities Reload Rate NYX プレデサイト 50% 75% 100% 125% 150% 175% 200% 300% 400%. ? 近接ビルドの勧め GARUDA EXCALIBUR エウロパ ●○○○○ (0.70x) Chroma ( Prime) Ember ( Prime) Equinox ( Prime) Excalibur ( Prime) その他 Exilus Polarity Slot Synthula, what are you doing here ? Bubonico uses shotgun mods. Cat's Eye can give your weapons an additive 60% boost to critical chance. Charm can guarantee orange crits as one of its possible effects. Electricity. Covenant can add up to +50% additive crit chance, or +200% on headshots, after absorbing enough damage. Warframe Wiki BUBONICO. The Atterax is a Grineer bladed whip used as a tool of execution. LIMBO 1 (9 damage per projectile) 無所属, コーデックス PROTEA 1 (143 damage per projectile) Status Chance Crit Multiplier フレームMOD解説 These powers can allow a Tenno to cast virtually … コーパス All artwork, screenshots, characters or other recognizable features of the intellectual property … The Bubonico is an Infested Shotgun Arm-Cannon that launches a barrage of Toxin Damage Toxin blasts from its primary fire, while its Alternate Fire shoots three explosive Viral Damage Viral shots in a burst. Votes. Granum Void Crit Chance TITANIA Radial Attack 3 ペリン・シークエンス Warframe Wiki. レッド・ベール Initial hit and explosion apply status separately. 3 Fixed the Bubonico having extra large projectiles if they hit scaled up enemies (Exploiter Orb). Very high … The thing is the same size as Wisp. Trigger Type This weapon deals primarily Puncture Damage Puncture damage. By Dinotree, March 22 in Art & Animation. … 感染体 0.5 s Accuracy ZENURIK NARAMON, MOD一覧 セカンダリ 作戦補給班 サンクチュアリ エリス 2,000. Followers 1. Warframe Weapon Tier List - The Best and Worst Weapons (2021) Warframe is a multiplayer online game played by millions of players every month. WISP UNAIRU Burst The arm-cannon does not have ammo reserves, and instead regenerates ammo. クイル Crit Chance Alternate fires a three round burst that explodes upon impact with a surface or enemy. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. MIRAGE センチネル 5 KHORA /r/Warframe has a wiki bot now! キャバット 100% damage up to 19 m50% damage at 41 m50% max reduction ... ここまでがあなたのコンテンツ (WIKIWIKIでは実際の埋め込み時に、Wikiのスキンに合わせて表示が調整されます) Reload Delay オストロン I made this video so that new players can see how the boss design in warframe has been changing throughout the past years. Fire Rate If arm cannons Bubonico/Shedu were on the left arm I could see myself using them more. Reload Time NOVA アビリティ影響項目表 クブロウ 毒棘の散弾と嚢胞の榴弾をばら撒く。 100% damage up to 0 m50% damage at 7 m50% max reduction 45. ソラリス連合 Ammo Cost Stance polarity matches Butcher's Revelry Butcher's Revelry. プライマリ ルドプレックス REVENANT 25 Снаряд . フォボス Highest critical chance and critical multiplier of all … This site has no official link with Digital Extremes Ltd or Warframe. Bubonic itself is dervied from Bubo, painful … DA: 74 PA: 62 MOZ Rank: 22 ペレットは螺旋を描きながら飛び、即着弾ではないが、散弾が有効となる距離で戦うぶんには問題にならないだろう。, セカンダリファイアは1発ごとに弾薬を3つ消費する榴弾を3連射する。榴弾は山なりの軌道を描き、着弾と同時に爆発する。 Our purpose is to create the most complete database about the game … コーパス HARROW #warframe #bubonico #catabolyst After doing the video on chroma and not mentioning his passive (some things gotta be kept till he's in game properly) i mentioned how the catabolyst was better than the bubonico, this is why. Warframe Patch Notes | FeverClan - Gaming Community. It is swung around as the sawblade shreds enemies apart, and can be uniquely ridden on. 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