She absolutely hated water or even getting her feet wet. He loved his walks and always came at 11 to tell me it was time to go to the mailbox. I’ve written before about how our cockapoo was able to scare off an intruder who was prowling around our front garden, and more recently Ziggy bark out to us about the presence of a large fox in our back garden – helping to save our cat from a sticky end! Adoption or rescuing a Cockapoo is a lot cheaper than purchasing from a breeder. Usually bred in 4 varieties or 4 sizes, a Cockapoo varies from. The most significant trait a cockapoo has is its personality. Add to that the fact that cockapoos are a desirable breed of dog that can fetch really high prices, and it means that sometimes people will end up with a cockapoo puppy with a whole host of health problems – a major disadvantage of having a cockapoo! Males grow to be about 52cm at the shoulder and females 46cm at the shoulder. Discover Cockapoo dog breed history, facts, personality traits and more. I finally know that all that barking at the front door even when no one is there is normal. For dogs, Nature AND Nurture will define their temperament and both will be the base cause of possible bad things about Cockapoos. These traits come straight from the Poodle. (NJ) My wife and I have a 4 year old cockapoo named Toby. We love him! They hate it when on rare occasions we have to leave them, them the rubbish bin gets it!The only other thing to mention is they do have sensitive tummies, and easily get upset if you change their food, or on longer car journeys.Other than that, they truly are wonderful, intelligent, loyal, loving, HIGH maintenance, best friends.Ps they have their ‘spa’ day every 5-6 weeks . A Cockapoo that gets the best of the gene pool can be an outgoing, easily-trained, people-friendly dog, who will probably love a good lap to curl up in at the end of the day. She did have ear and eye issues tho and near the end lots of lumps, bumps and warts. This is obviously a major time commitment. Be sure to keep your Cockapoo on a leash when it is out of your fenced yard. This can then quickly lead to them seeking out things to do, which may or may not be acceptable. Also, there are solutions out there to stop your cockapoo from barking! It's important take good care of Cockapoo dog in order to have a companion pet that can live a healthy life. Obese or overweight Cockapoo dogs may face more than one health problem as the extra weight creates an additional pressure on the dog's joints and may lead to various health conditions. The very first point to bear in mind is that dogs are like people in that they each have a unique personality and temperament. After all, no-one wants to go through the grief, the hassle and the stress of giving up a dog because they didnât look into everything fully at the start. Cockapoos are also sensitive to their owner’s moods, so scolding or negative … Dogs and cats are typically mortal enemies, but Cockapoos are actually one of the dog breeds that tend to take much lighter leanings toward their feline counterparts. Ultimately, if you’re weighing up the pros and cons of cockapoo ownership, and you’re trying to figure out if its the right breed of dog for you, I think it comes down to two questions: Hopefully, if you’re considering a cockapoo it also means you have the money (as they are quite a pricey dog). They need physical and mental exercise to be well-rounded, healthy and obedient. This price may vary depending on location, but it’s a pretty accurate estimate. The downside of this is that they just love to be around their owners – like really love to be around you. We did have problems with teeth and ears, and finally kidney issues at 11years old that got worse over the next few years. Take our cockapoo quiz! Some Cockapoos live even longer! Playful and affectionate, the Cockapoo makes a great family companion. They react to your emotional state. Health Problems. The Miniature Cockapoo weighs 13 to 18 pounds and ranges between 11 and 14 inches high. For example, some breeds are more prone to certain illnesses than others, leading to heartache and spiraling vet bills. One of the most noteworthy focuses to consider is the danger of potential medical issues. The Hypoallergenic Cockapoo. He may be shy, have toilet training problems or even be grumpy and short-tempered if he has never had a loving home before now. Doug, I’m so very sorry to hear about Murphy, but also in awe of the bond you had with him. The popularity boomed in the 1950s. Goldendoodles are prone to hip problems, eye conditions, and skin conditions such as atopy. Except I am pleased to say, at 7 years and 7 months they have had barely had any health issues. Cockapoo’s personality traits. Cockapoo Personality & Temperament. Sure some dogs can get up to mischief together, but the companionship and play often distract from destructive tendencies. But what people don’t always like to tell you is just how much grooming you have to do to keep that prized dog coat looking tip top. Required fields are marked *. When he's with us, Toby is a very sweet dog, we call him a cuddle bug. There is a myth that small dogs suffer more frequently from excessive barking – but this is not uniformly true. He was easy to potty train and extremely smart. So you know how I said earlier that I was building up to the bigger disadvantages of owning a cockapoo? The Maxi Cockapoo or Standard weighs at least 19 pounds and can reach 15 inches height. Compared to the Corgi Poodle Mix, Maltipoos have lower energy levels. When your cockapoo bites hard, you need to make a loud sound, like “uh uh” or “ouch” and then turn your back to him and walk away. Cockapoo coats require lots of grooming, I’m not talking about the weekly brushing you have to do. The main reason for cockapoos liking to swim seems to be because of the poodle heritage that they have. Hendrix is a gorgeous black Cockapoo for adoption in Calgary Alberta. Other than that, they both bark at nothing, can’t keep them out of water, love, love, love running around on our walks, and when they are not in water, they get on the trail of anything and are set on sniffing it out. Having another dog to spend time with is often a considerable behavior boosting presence for Cockapoos. Socialization should start once a puppy is fully vaccinated. A mix of a Cocker Spaniel and a Miniature Poodle, the Cockapoo carries a huge personality in a medium-sized body.. Discover Cockapoo dog breed history, facts, personality traits and more. If your Cockapoo’s barking does become too much, the good news is that this is one of those behavioural problems that are not typically too difficult to curb. All the best, and thank you so much for sharing your story. Bringing a new strange dog straight to their home base – could be just asking for a show of aggression. The Usual Disclaimers – Assume links are affiliate links which means I may earn a commission if you click and buy. Yet, in an ideal world you would be completely certain that a dog is right for you from the very start. These dogs are intelligent, easy to train, and eager to please, affectionate and loyal, have a sunny disposition, and get along well with other dogs and people – from children to the elderly. In my view, absolutely not. Cockapoos can have a slight tendency toward being territorial and protective of their home-grounds. Hated water and getting a bath but got accustomed to it. In fact, I try to write as many helpful articles as I can to help cockapoo owners solve these problems – so you’ll always find friendly advice here if you need help. However, they are the longest existing mixes, which gives breeders and potential owners a template of a Cockapoo’s nature and personality. They are also well-known for retaining a puppy-like attitude as they get older, unlike some other dogs that very quickly get grumpy or lazy as the years pass. However, just like in any different breed, if conditions are right or “wrong,” there can be conflict. Would i get another Cockapoo? Hopefully, if you’ve been reading attentively, you’ll see that most of these issues can be managed. However, in the present times the Miniature Poodle is used for developing these dogs and not the toy varieties, the reason being to … One of the outstanding features of the Cockapoo is its excellent temperament. Cockapoo owners need to ensure that their training is started at an early age and is followed through on to ensure that any Cockapoo behavior problems don’t present through adolescence. Any doubts? As it can be bred from a wide variety of parents, its appearance and size can vary greatly, as can its character traits. Another instinctive behavior in dogs is digging. As cited by the experts at VetStreet, Cockapoo’s personality will always come from two, dictating sources – one being the dog’s genetics and the other being their upbringing. In fact their coats mean that they are ideally suited to water as they are ever so slightly water repellant. Now, is this a major disadvantage of having a cockapoo? Known for being great with kids and other animals, these popular dogs enjoy walks, jogs, swimming, and interacting with their owners. Although the difference doesn’t sound significant, parentage plays a huge part in terms of temperament, appearance and even health issues. Entering into a loving family can help a troubled dog to find happier times but it can be hard work dealing with cockapoo temperament problems caused by an unhappy past. Thanks. A Cockapoo is a mixed-breed dog that is the cross between either Cocker Spaniel breeds ( American Cocker Spaniel or English Cocker Spaniel) and a poodle (in most cases a miniature poodle or toy poodle). It might just be because they might show a lack of trust or even aggression to those they don’t know when in public. Cockapoo Puppies. Description: The Cockapoo is a hybrid that is a cross-breed of a Cocker Spaniel and a Miniature Poodle and may demonstrate any combination of traits from those two breeds. Hybrids have become very popular in the past few years. They play a big role in the current designer dog trend. Start mouthing and biting. Has he lived in a suitable setting with a professional breeder or has he been forced to live through difficult times? Famous Cockapoo owners include Jennifer Aniston, Ashley Judd and Lady Gaga! What is the Cockapoo personality? The Cockapoo may also be particularly suscepitble. Our cockapoo is 14 years old and still plays like a puppy~everyday!! The Standard or Maxi Cockapoo should weigh more than 19 pounds and be at least 15 inches in height. Temperament & Behavior of a Mini Cockapoo. They need physical and mental exercise to be well-rounded, healthy and obedient. Generally, they're under 20 pounds and are somewhere from fluffy to scruffy in a variety of colors and markings -- … Check out our product picks for our cockapoo for more things that we like, use and recommend! The Cockapoo breed tends to be very loving and affectionate towards people, and they’re also entertaining and very friendly. We love: These fantastic Wahl dog clippers – they’ve never let us down when performing some DIY pandemic grooming on Ziggy! Activity Requirements:; The dog should be kept active, especially in doing anything with humans, and may be destructive if it becomes bored or is left alone for an inordinate amount of time. Leave a Comment Cancel Reply. This is a super happy dog. Poodles in particular are one of the smartest purebred dog breeds on the planet today. Perhaps not, but I’m building slowly here – don’t forget I’m biased, love cockapoos, and don’t want to scare you away from this breed just yet! Read More >>. Although you’re not likely to find any serious health problems with the Cockapoo, it is wise to know that there are many common dog illnesses that attack any dog, including the Cockapoo. He totally misses us when we leave and because of this, our trips out and about are very short!!! What exactly is the baseline Cockapoo temperament like, and what are some of the symptoms of Cockapoo temperament problems that can occur in the breed? You may need to speak to an expert if you canât find the root of the problem or if you think that he has some sort of deep-rooted issue that you arenât sure how to solve. Is a cockapoo intelligent? To really make up your mind about owning a cockapoo, you need to know the the disadvantages of having a cockapoo are. Active playtime and training will give your dog some extra exercise to work off any remaining energy so he doesn’t become bored and destructive. Because your cockapoo has suddenly decided that he doesn’t like the sound of some wind outside and is barking furiously by the window. If problems do arise, they are also typically reeled in relatively quickly with the proper corrective approaches. Repetition of this basic outline of the correction process is precisely the right remedy for most aggressive Cockapoo behaviors. Incorrect training approaches can actually cause more harm than good, so they should be avoided at all costs. The average Cockapoo personality is affectionate and easy going. The poodle part of their heritage means that most cockapoos shed very little and have lovely, soft, curly coats. These are: Do cockapoos bark a lot? A Cavapoo is a crossbreed between a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and a Poodle, whereas a Cockapoo combines a Cocker Spaniel with a Poodle. cockapoo temperament cockapoo temperaments white and black cockapoo apricot cockapoo cockapoo brown brown cockapoo pictures of a cockapoo cockapoo black puppies ... Puppies and dogs can provide companionship but JESUS is the answer to all your questions and problems. Your email address will not be published. Cavapoos are comparatively calmer Although they have their moments, compared to the Cockapoo, Cavapoo is a little laid back and does not have the same level of overly vibrant energy. Height at the withers: Males 25 - 38 cm Females 25 - 38 cm. Cockapoo are well known for barking and being one of the more vocal dog breeds out there. I’m an 80 year old young lady that loves cockers but am afraid to tryagain. Like people, sometimes, they really just want to talk! by Steve. Toy Poodle Personality traits and Temperament. Toy Poodles are also known as Pudle, Caniche or Barbone. They are very intelligent animals with a high sense of dignity. They carry themselves with an air of importance and love hunting. They are happy, lively and inquisitive, who are usually bright and quick to learn. Discover Cockapoo dog breed history, facts, personality traits and more. The Cockapoo is a social pooch. The experimentation of these hybrid or designer dogs has not been recognized by the American Kennel … The cockapoo complicates matters a little bit because it is a mixed breed. The Cockapoo is sometimes touted as being hypoallergenic, but all dogs produce dander (dead skin cells) and can cause allergic reactions to varying degrees. Cockapoo size depends on the dog’s parentage. The cockapoo really is a fantastic dog. It was hell, like having one of your kids in hospital. Making some simple changes such as taking him out for a walk more often of getting some company for him can turn out to be an easy solution a lot of the time. These puppies will not be true runts in the traditional sense. If the whole family is out all day long and he doesnât have any sort of company then this could be a problem. Behaviour & Personality They are intelligent, loyal and with good training and stimulation, make brilliant pets.Cockapoos are a blend of all the best qualities of Cocker Spaniels and Poodles, combining the outgoing personality of the Cocker Spaniel with the low-shedding qualities of the Poodle.. Why shouldn’t you buy a cockapoo? Cockapoo Puppies - Petland Independence, MO. Socialization should start once a puppy is fully vaccinated. She weighs more than 19 pounds and grows at least 15 inches tall. They have been a popular breed choice across the US and in other parts of the world ever since. Yes I would, but I am still getting over the loss of my best friend. How do you know when your cockapoo is getting old, Think Dog: An Owner's Guide to Canine Psychology, Cockapoo coped in a small house or apartment, enough exercise to help him burn off his excess energy, 9 Signs Your Cockapoo Loves You More Than Anyone Else. In a typical week, we’re out with our cockapoo for around 11 hours. Their adaptability is also quite remarkable, as they really can thrive in many situations where other dogs might typically have issues. Cockapoo Temperament and Personality. In the majority, a Cockapoo’s temperament is happy-go-lucky, with some added spunk in their step. The Cockapoo needs at least one good walk a day to keep it from becoming overweight and to socialize it. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Some people will tell you that these dogs are a bit clingy and needy. Cockapoos have an impressive lifespan of 10-15 human years. Naturally, these range from ridiculous excuses about him not matching the colour of sofa to heart-rending stories about cockapoo temperament problems getting him to settle in. Are Cockapoos good with cats? A well-socialized Cockapoo should have a happy, friendly temperament. Helps keep him interested and is great for his joints! The Cockapoo inherits these traits and is generally regarded as friendly to other dogs and puppies. These dogs are able to adapt to all types of living situations. However, keep in mind that dogs from a rescue may have health, behavior problems, or be older that will likely cost more in the long run. Cockapoos are the perfect size. Of course, this is not true of all cocker spaniels. The comparison of the Cockapoo vs. the Cavapoo breed is our most popular Cockapoo article. Cockapoo - designer dogs - is an old hybrid of ‘Cocker Spaniel’ and ‘Poodle’ dog breeds, popular since the 1960s.Cockapoo is an adorable small dog with a personality of a big clown. That said, It wouldn’t be fair to anyone considering the pros and cons of cockapoos to only present them with the good. This can result in a highly intelligent Cockapoo. Cockapoo Temperament. Just before talking about the disadvantages of cockapoo ownership, I don’t want you thinking that it’s all bad. Your Cockapoo will appreciate a 30-minute walk once a day as well as having some free time to run and play in a fenced backyard. In so many ways, it seems that the marriage between Cocker Spaniel and Poodle was a great one from the start. Our detailed guide to problematic. i had to put my cockapoo down about 2 months ago as had acute kidney disease. This teaches him that biting means no play time and no interaction with his human. Cockapoos really are excellent dogs due to a variety of great traits derived from their bloodline of Cocker Spaniels and Poodles. So is one of the main reasons you’re reading about the cockapoo breed is because you’ve heard that they don’t shed and are hypoallergenic? Like other behavior problems, a this dog digs due to boredom or anxiety, but because of fear for some reasons. Certainly, this dog seems to be very good at sensing when someone in his family might be in need of cheering up or when he might just add a bit of extra fun to the family home. A professionally-recommended process with a trainer for remediating aggression should be followed right away if aggression arises around your or any other children. Cockapoos are extremely sensitive animals, which is why they are good therapy dogs. Yes, Cockapoos are great for families with small children and other pets. Their friendly and loving nature makes them an excellent choice as a family dog. Like all dogs, however, proper training and socialization are needed to make them the best companions possible for family members of all ages. Many dogs simply turn out according to the way they are raised. All in all, these are loving and friendly dogs that are likely to very quickly become an important part of the family. A Cockapoo is attempting to escape … As a minimum, we walk out cockapoo for around an hour a day (split between a morning and evening walk). The reason why I’ve put it in this list of disadvantages of having a cockapoo is because this love of swimming can also result in lots of ear infections. If you are angry, upset, unstable, or otherwise insecure, your Cockapoo is bound to try to address those issues. Cockapoo health issues. Neurotic Problems Unfortunately, many cocker spaniels are bred by breeders who do not have a clue as to how to selectively breed for good temperament. They are very trainable and very smart. Start to become a bit more independent, stop being as responsive to your commands. Poodles are known to be water retrieving dogs, who retrieve fowl from lakes and rivers. Cockapoos can suffer from separation anxiety, The downside of this is that they just love to be around their owners – like, As a result, when you’re not around, they can often, Poodles and cocker spaniels, which are bred to make cockapoos, have a few genetic health problems. It is a cross dog breed of the sweet Cocker Spaniel with the curly Poodle – when you mix the Cocker Spaniel and the Poodle, you get something quite special.. This is especially true when they are left home alone and start to feel lonely as well as bored. However, you still need to remember that a Cockapoo puppies temperament could be affected by problems he has had in the past. Jo x. I just lost my love, my 5 year old cocker spaniel I desperately want another dog and was wondering if a Cockapoo would have less health issues and be a good dog. I’ve. A standard, or maxi, cockapoo is bred from a standard poodle. Unacceptable releases for pent-up energy and boredom might range from digging and other, undesirable “doggy yardwork” to even the chewing of things you don’t want chewed on. He is intelligent, eager to please, friendly, happy, and outgoing, pleasing anyone he interacts with. We have totally hoomanised them, if only they could talk! Perhaps the biggest problem that people find with this type of dog is that they can get bored easily. A toy poodle will breed a cockapoo that's between 6-12 pounds and less than 10 inches in height. Breed History. On average, small dogs live longer than larger dogs. Barking in the back yard until he gets all of the dogs going and my neighbors hating him is normal!! Many families also report that their Cockapoos are amazingly empathetic companions who cheer them up when they are feeling down. This means that good breeders will breed from dogs that are human orientated in order to get the cockapoo temperament just right: kind, loyal and eternally friendly. As with the physical traits of the Miniature Cockapoo, behavior and temperament comes from the parental breeds too. The good news is that this type of dog isn’t particularly prone to any specific health problems. Fetch by WebMD is an excellent resource for dog training and behavior issues. Behaviour & Personality They are intelligent, loyal and with good training and stimulation, make brilliant pets.Cockapoos are a blend of all the best qualities of Cocker Spaniels and Poodles, combining the outgoing personality of the Cocker Spaniel with the low-shedding qualities of the Poodle.. Why shouldn’t you buy a cockapoo? This is true, usually for Cockapoos, as well as it is for any other dog breed out there. My name is Chris and I am the co-creator of Oodle Life. We have a 7 1/2 month cockerpoo who has lots of attention during the day goes for walks ( maybe not for hrs ) but goes running in our garden ( large garden ) and we play with him regularly..but sometimes he can be snappy and Iâm a bit frightened he may become aggressive, any advice please as to deal with this situation…thank you, is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to and Cockapoo dogs are intelligent, loving, medium-size dogs whose parents are a purebred cocker spaniel and a poodle, or two cockapoo. Therefore, do not free feed, but give your dog two measured meals a day. The Cockapoo is a famous Poodle mix (or Doodle) that is loved for its friendly demeanor and fluffy, adorable looks.. She also had a heart murmur and the last couple years she was completely deaf. The cockapoo would never have taken off in popularity if it weren’t for its lovable personality. For dogs, Nature AND Nurture will define their temperament and both will be the base cause of possible bad things about Cockapoos. This ensures a confident and outgoing personality. The Cockapoo's size, color, coat type, temperament, activity level and health risks will vary depending on what traits an individual puppy has inherited from his parents. But, most importantly for allergy sufferers, the Cockapoo is unlikely to cause any unwanted and unpleasant reactions—being one of the best hypoallergenic dogs. In most states of the USA, there are incentives and support for rehoming animals with mild behavior problems. We also regularly do little things that help to keep us interested and motivated to keep to our dog walking routines. One of the most significant points to think about is the risk of potential health problems. In fact, I try to write as many helpful articles as I can to help cockapoo owners solve these problems – so you’ll always find friendly advice here if you need help. We love them, and they are suitable dogs for families, young children, seniors, and even appropriate small dogs for children with autism. Cockapoo Dog Size and Temperament. Owning a Poodle pros and cons. If ever there was a canine success story for achieving the best of both worlds, Cockapoos are it. I wish you all the best. Well, this is what we have started to do – more because we can’t seem to find a good groomer near us, than to save money. Temperament. This cocker spaniel and poodle mix receives the best of both worlds from its parents. The cockapoo really is a fantastic dog. In the world of Poodle mixes, most of these dog types are fairly new—some only becoming more popular in the last few decades. We want all Oodle puppies to be healthy and happy, have lots of fun and be part of the family. 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