There have been numerous occasions where downstream areas have suffered as a consequence of ad hoc agricultural development activities upstream. Asia is the largest continent in the world, covering 17,139,445 square miles with a population of 4,406,273,633 people. South Asia. This book highlights various challenges and opportunities for water management and cooperation in South Asia. National policy frameworks were shared by the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. The average annual growth rate for the agricultural sector was 1.07% between 2013 and 2018. What emerges is a picture of lost opportunity - a continent well endowed to be self-sufficient in food that is systematically giving up its food sovereignty to foreign . The development of farming over the course of China's history has played a key role in supporting the growth of what is now the largest population in the world. Southwest Asia puts us in the . There are many adaptation practices in the production systems that have been proposed and tested for minimizing the effects of climate change. The Asian Development Bank committed to double its annual climate financing to USD 6 billion by 2020, of which USD 2 billion will be for adaptation, including through climate-smart agriculture. South Asia covers diversified climatic zones and experiences an array of climate change impacts. Its effects vary from region to region, and depend on the type of crops, time and mode of farming and rainfall, among other things. Contributed papers presented at various seminars. This study aims to highlight the status of agricultural R&D in South Asia and contends that creating an effective agricultural research and innovation systems is a vital element to ensure food security in this region. Many small-scale farmers in India and Nepal, hindered by a lack of awareness and availability of expert guidance, have seen a sharp decline in agricultural production, attributed to climate change. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 75% of the poor in East Asia and the Pacific and 83% of the poor in South Asia live in rural areas. In addition, irrigation of agricultural crops comprises 70% of global water use, and agriculture directly contributes to around 11% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (mostly through cattle). 1. 15. WLE is working to improve water quality and regulation for better food security, nutrition and livelihood security for North and Global South.75 For example, a vertical farm in South Korea stands at three-stories and a recent prototype estimates a building with 27 floors could provide food to 15,000 residents.76 Z-farming, exists in major cities of North America, Europe, Asia and Australia.77 The efficiency of UA will differ in developed and Many environmental factors constrain the production of major food crops in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. He used to cultivate seasonal crops – wheat, mustard and maize – but, in the past three years, production plunged, putting him in financial dire straits. In most Asian countries, agriculture is the biggest user of water and can reach up to 90% of total water consumption. D. 35 percent of the region's population is under the age of 15. These low levels can contribute significantly to the poor understanding of animal welfare. Read articles on Education, Inspirational, Art and General categories. This environmental impact of agriculture is the effect of various farming practices, and it can vary greatly depending on the country we are looking at. John Purchase, CEO of Agbiz, gave an overview of the major issues that are currently affecting agriculture in South Africa. The system has two units: a river-bank-based transmitter located at a point where water levels would rise to in a flood, and a house-based receiver unit, located in a nearby village and run by a ‘caretaker’. South Asian countries are expected to continue a strong growth trajectory in coming years--up to 6.7% is projected by the World Bank in 2021. However, a few countries in the region are continuing to face difficulties in reducing hunger sufficiently to meet the MDG and World Food Summit targets. In the South Asia, major rivers, like the Ganges and the Indus, are key to people's livelihoods and cultural heritage, but are among the most polluted rivers in the world. Conclusion . Your email address will not be published. Agriculture in ASEAN Agri & Food and horticulture are key sectors throughout Southeast Asia, accounting for a substantial share of the region's GDP and employing an important part of the workforce. Gain new insight on alleviating food insecurity in one of the poorest areas of the world! This book analyzes various facets of economic reforms in South Asia and their implications for attaining food security. For instance, Nepal's peace process is a model of civil war termination through a political settlement, while the Sri Lanka government's destruction of the LTTE left a trail of dead and displaced civilians. “As more than 80 per cent of Indian farmers belong to small and marginal landholding categories, the declines [in the yield] of crops would seriously erode their economic and financial conditions, affecting livelihoods,” Karthiayani tells Scidev.Net. Not only is the population growing, but crop yields and land productivity. Pathways for women's empowerment in agriculture in South and Southeast Asia 3 access to, and control of, land and water resources led by the Ministry of Women's Affairs. This is the summary report from the project. Ray followed the consultant’s ideas and within a few months saw a substantial increase in crop productivity. South Asia is also home to Sikhism and Jainism. With the increase in food requirement, the sustainability of upland agriculture has posed threats to downstream and coastal areas of river basins. In the United States, the mean farm size is 178.4 hectares. ©mario bonotto via 123RF List of top 12 issues South Asian countries will need to create 11.7 million jobs a year to provide opportunities to them . Between 2001 and 2003, GRAIN commissioned a series of reports from various countries in Latin America to examine the takeover of food and farming by transnational corporations. Priorities identified by AMS in their INDCs include: strengthening early warning systems and climate information services, improving Disaster Risk Reduction planning and implementation, improving watershed and water resources management, developing agricultural insurance schemes, improved livestock management including disease control, planning and policy measures, and fisheries, aquaculture and coastal management actions. Copyright © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. The volumes present options for action-all supported by easy-to-understand graphs, charts, and tables. AMS want SBSTA to create the evidence base for adaptation actions in the agriculture sector, and to develop models to achieve impacts at scale. Despite that, the underlying issues of agriculture faced globally are along the same lines. Northern Africa is the Sahara Desert, where lack of water is the major agricultural problem (and although there are wells, they will be running dry very soon). Contributed articles discussed at national consultations during 2001. This book is based on the findings of a long-term (2000-2014) interdisciplinary research project of the University of Hohenheim in collaboration with several universities in Thailand and Vietnam. The initiatives resulted in the adoption of new technologies, including high-yielding varieties (HYVs) of cereals, especially dwarf . Crop management strategies commonly adopted by Indian farmers to combat climatic changes, says Karthiayani, include crop rotation, use of drought-tolerant seeds, cultivating short season crops, shifting to new crops, legume intercropping, crop diversification and changing planting dates. “I used to cultivate only wheat and mustard in the winter season, but the consultant told me to additionally cultivate vegetables such as tomato, potato and beans in 40 per cent of the land,” says Ray. Many critical environmental issues are tied to agriculture, such as climate change, dead zones, genetic engineering . In this paper we review the published literature and assess the depth of recent research (since 2000) on crop x environment interactions for rice, maize, sorghum/millets . Farming communities arose sometime before 8000 bp in China, but how much earlier is not yet known.In general, people in northern China domesticated foxtail and broomcorn millets (Setaria italica and Panicum miliaceum), hemp (Cannabis sativa), and Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris), among other crops, while their contemporaries to the south domesticated rice. Rajasthan-based AgriBolo is one of a number of Indian start-ups trying to address these concerns. This book serves as an essential guide to academics, researchers, students, legislative liaisons and think tank groups interested in agrarian issues, agricultural economics and agricultural policy in emerging economies and particularly in ... The Association of Southeast Asian Nations emerged as a major player at the climate negotiations this year, particularly on agriculture. With respect to wheat yields, a recent study in the journal Climatic Change shows that in India, “1°C increase in average daily maximum and minimum temperatures tends to lower yields by 2 to 4 per cent each”. He also advised me to use drought- and heat-tolerant seeds for the cultivation of maize.”. Nearly 70 percent of the region's population is employed in agriculture and the majority of people in the region live in rural . Viet Nam on behalf of AMS articulate regional priorities in SBSTA in-session workshops on agricultural practices and technologies and adaptation measures in agricultural systems. Representatives of Ministries of Agriculture and Environment of ASEAN member states met in Bangkok, Thailand, to discuss coordinated effort at COP22 to articulate the common position. The issues around farm attacks are 'nuanced and complex' and a holistic approach is required to end the farm siege (South African Human Rights Commission [SAHRC] 2014:12). Below are 13 facts about poverty in Asia that everyone should know. Dhanush Dinesh is the Global Policy Engagement Manager at CCAFS. In South Asia, the coastal population depends on the lower part of the river basin for their livelihood such as agriculture and aquaculture. Partnerships are key to implementing and scaling up climate actions in agriculture. For instance, the 2015 Agricultural Extension Policy promotes the recruitment of women and establishes monitoring for gender targets. At COP22, AMS organized three side events, which highlighted the policies, processes and partnerships to deliver transformative actions in the agriculture sector in the region. Approximately 60 percent of South Asia's 1.8 billion citizens are involved in agriculture. Paresh Shirsath, science officer at the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), in New Delhi, says: “Most of the farmers in south Asia are smallholders whose reserves and adaptive capacities are less and hence they are most vulnerable to climate change.”. South Asia: Problems, Prospects and Pathways Glenda Strachan1 Arosha Adikaram2 Pavithra Kailasapathy3 Abstract This paper is the guest editorial for this Special Issue on Gender (In)equality in South Asia of the South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management. Analyzing the economic, demographic and ideological context in which water policies are framed and implemented, this book argues for an integrated framework in formulating and implementing water policies in South Asia. The AMS wants the Convention to further leverage the technology transfer mechanism for action in the agricultural sector, not only by facilitating access to technologies, but also supporting the matching of technologies to suitable contexts including agro-ecological zones, farming systems, social and institutional contexts. Such major problems as food shortages, rural unemployment, and social, economic and political discontent are directly related […] Considering the majority of the food in Asia is produced by small . The second, he says, is that agriculture for export in Africa is a problem only if it affects the supply base. Asia's agricultural sector faces challenges beyond food production, as climate change and changing lifestyles affect rates of nutrition and obesity, a senior official with the U.N. Food and. This book is a ready reference on recent innovations in dryland agriculture and reinforces the understanding for its utilization to develop environmentally sustainable and profitable food production systems. Examined in detail from a people-centric view, the topics in this volume include energy, land, biodiversity, water and the atmosphere. B. the region already has more people than China, on half the land area. Some 93% of farmed land is rainfed in Sub-Saharan Africa, 87% in Latin America, 67% in the Near East and North Africa, 65% in East Asia, and 58% in South Asia. Click to read more coverage of CCAFS events at COP22. 2 billion will be for adaptation, including through climate-smart agriculture. Ms Imelda Bacudo said, “this year’s ASEAN side events at COP22 showed that ASEAN countries are ready with the necessary policy frameworks, processes, and partnerships to advance climate actions in agriculture. while attracting more women. The international community and national agricultural research systems (NARS) recognize the importance of supporting smallholders in order to reduce poverty and promote the food security status of some of the most vulnerable groups in the world. Stocking in Grouper Fish Farming: The ideal water temperature for grouper fish farming should range from 27°C to 30°C and dissolved oxygen content at 5 mg/l. Indonesia and the Philippines account for most of the world's coconut production. Agriculture in South Asia is vulnerable to climate change. Contributed articles at two workshops. “ICAR-NIAP has taken [up] several research initiatives to address climate change issues in agriculture, field-level challenges in terms of lack of awareness among the farmers, and barriers to the adoption of suitable technology for mitigating and adapting to [climate changes],” Singh tells SciDev.Net. Asia's agriculture and food industries face unique challenges due to the needs in feeding the rapid increase in population. Pathways for women's empowerment in agriculture in South and Southeast Asia 3 access to, and control of, land and water resources led by the Ministry of Women's Affairs. Currently, agriculture is one of South Asia's biggest employers. Regional policy frameworks are in place in the form of the regional guidelines for CSA, approved by the AMAF. C. future population predictions for the region show growth rates holding steady. Enhancing resilience of Southeast Asian agriculture to climate change, Collaborations on Agriculture Climate Insurance in South East Asia, Common challenges, common solutions: Collective actions to enhance resilience of Southeast Asian agriculture. The strongest economies in South Asia . For context, compare that with the . Karthiayani believes that so-called climate-resilient crops are elusive; it is more important to implement measures that “adapt and mitigate the adverse effects of climate change”, he says. Building on the sound foundation of the work in 2016, the AMS have agreed to continue to work together and coordinate more closely during 2017 to further advance common priorities particularly at COP23. Includes a DVD entitled "Diversity and Food Sovereignty" a collection of three farmer-made films and their message. The subcontinent has a small elite of very wealthy people and a large and growing middle class. In general terms, accelerating growth in India has put South Asia on track to meet the goal, and East Asia has experienced a sustained period of economic growth, led by China. Climate change poses problems for the production of most crops cultivated in India, Nepal and other south Asian countries. At the same time, these food production systems themselves have a range of negative impacts on the environment. Meanwhile, in some mountainous regions of Nepal, climate change can have “positive impacts on yields, particularly on wheat”, according to a study in Environment, Development and Sustainability. The problems of agriculture are many, but the article below discusses a few of the most influential ones that end up governing the agricultural sector widely. Found inside – Page iDespite a growing dairy industry in India, farmers’ lack of access to organized markets and institutional credit remains one of the major hindrances in improving the scale and productivity of dairying. Kirti Gupta, a spokeswoman for the company, says it is assisting rural communities through its supply of climate-resilient seeds to farmers. Abstract. The New Delhi-based ICAR-National Institute of Agricultural Economics and Policy Research (ICAR- NIAP) carries out research and field-related activities on climate-resilient small-scale farming. Many of these activities are already being implemented and scaled up in the region, so there is plenty of good experience to learn from. Climate change poses problems for the production of most crops cultivated in India, Nepal and other south Asian countries. Even countries with higher level of literacy rate suffer from poor knowledge of animal welfare evidenced by the number of non-conforming practices still . “He advised me to cultivate marigolds between tomatoes and other vegetables, explaining that marigolds protect the plants [from parasitic nematodes] and at the same time I can sell marigold flowers in the market. Asia cannot feed itself and will require another $800 billion in the next 10 years to produce more food for the region, according to a recent report from PwC, Rabobank, and investment firm Temasek. These include: Issues relating to agriculture have been under discussion in the SBSTA over the past 5 years. In Asia this figure is lower still: 1.8 hectares in South East Asia and 1.4 hectares in South Asia. Agriculture, a century old practice, has rarely been questioned as it is a necessity for feeding the world's population. In Latin America it is 111.7 hectares. Intense farming and forestry in South and Southeast Asia have caused _____. Globally, there are an estimated 500 million smallholder farming households - representing 2.5 billion people - relying, to varying degrees, on agricultural production for their livelihoods. Agriculture still employs most of the working-age population across the region - close to 40 Found inside – Page 4When South Asian countries first began their push for post-independence development in the late 1940s, ... If in South Asia, with its ancient agricultural civilizations, there is land that is not presently under the plow, it is probably ... Now the UNFCCC and associated bodies should support the region to build on the regional cooperation efforts, to transform the agricultural sector.”. Human pressures together with changing hydrology and land resources have distinct impact on the production of food grain and resilience of ecosystems. It is recommended to have water salinity between 26-30% and pH 7.8-8.3. deforestation The use of remote sensing technologies, such as satellite images and aerial photography, has allowed geographers to predict where __________ may occur in South and Southeast Asia. In a small village in the Indian state of West Bengal, Badal Ray tends to his 1.5 acres of agricultural land. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, South Asian agriculture has a chance to become more inclusive — if certain development paradigms are realized. Agriculture in Asia . In comparison in Asia, 38% of the arable land is under irrigation. While more than 80% of the water consumed in Asia is used for agricultural purposes, 60 to 75% is lost to evaporation before reaching the crops. However, enforcement of these policies is This is why IFPRI, in collaboration with the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security and the Borlaug Institute for South Asia , organized a one-day stakeholder meeting on climate change induced salinity intrusion in coastal Bangladesh and India in Dec. 2018. For this greater linkages are needed between SBSTA and the finance, technology and capacity building mechanisms of the UNFCCC. The average farmer in Ghana uses only 7.4kg of fertiliser per hectare, while in South Asia fertiliser use averages more than 100kg per hectare. This book discusses various climate smart agro-technologies, their technical and economic feasibility across heterogeneous agro-climatic conditions, assessing farmers’ willingness to adopt those technologies, impact of climate smart ... The map shows the share employed in agriculture country by country. It Is Hoped That This Volume Will Become An Important Addition To The Existing Literature On Wto, As It Covers The Adverse Affect Of Wto On South Asia Which Has So Far Not Been Analyzed Exhaustively. “We have already facilitated several intra-regional efforts to respond to these challenges, but now countries are calling on the international community, particularly the UNFCCC to take cognizance of challenges and support the development and scaling out of solutions,” she explained. Study area. In fact, agriculture occupies nearly 40% of the earth's surface, far more than any other human activity. The region's diverse markets include some of the world's largest agricultural exporters such as Thailand and Vietnam, as well as innovative . Locust swarms form dark clouds over South Asia food security. Found insideWill Africa’s food systems generate sufficient jobs for the growing youth population? How can women be empowered within food system processes, from household decisions to policymaking? The meeting focused on three main issues: And he suggested a plan to deal with the problems. To combat this, ICIMOD has installed an early flood warning system, and established small check dams “to reduce the speed of water flow and minimise the erosive power of runoff”. Agricultural insurance was identified as a key theme for collaboration and regional processes were launched to facilitate collaboration. The Indo-Gangetic Plain is formed from the combined alluvial plains of the Indus, Ganges (Ganga), and Brahmaputra rivers, which lie in a deep marginal depression running north of and parallel to the main range of the Himalayas. The community-based flood early warning system works through a simple, low-cost technology which aims to be accessible to all. The resulting financial loss has driven many, like Ray, to take up part-time jobs or switch to other professions. WeOneTV Global, Block E, Kalkaji, New Delhi, Delhi 110019. In this volume leading historians and economists from India and the West consider some persistent features and variable forces which explain changes through their impact on different levels of decision-making in agriculture. benefit the entire South Asia region in the fight against climate change.2 Agriculture is a complex system encompassing many resources as well as different components of the ecosystem (for example land, water, air, bio-diversity, forest, and socio-economic system). Key Takeaways. The share employed in agriculture around the world today. Viet Nam on behalf of ASEAN member states makes first ever joint submissions on agriculture to SBSTA 44. Major challenges to CA adoption in South Asia are small land holdings (<1 ha), low technological reach to farmers, nonavailability of suitable farm implements for small farm holders, and the staunch conventional farming mind-set. With the increase in food requirement, the sustainability of upland agriculture has posed threats to downstream and coastal areas of river basins. Despite widespread economic success, Asia remains the worst continent for global hunger and contains more than half of the world's poorest people. To fight against the impact of COVID-19, the National COVID-19 Response fund was set up on 9 March 2020 . In sub-Saharan Africa however the average size amounts to just 2.4 hectares. “Countries in South East Asia face many similar challenges in their agriculture sector as a result of climate change,” said Ms Imelda Bacudo, Senior Advisor and Deputy Head of the Forest and Climate Change project under the ASEAN-German Programme on Response to Climate Change, which supports ASEAN CRN. While the sector remains a crucial component of the Cambodian economy - representing US$5.47 billion or 22% of GDP in 2018 - agriculture's contribution to the GDP has been on the decline for the past five years. In South Asia, the coastal population depends on the lower part of the river basin for their livelihood such as agriculture and aquaculture. Agriculture can have a massive impact on the ecosystems surrounding it. South Asia has almost one half of the world's poor even though it has only 20% of the world's population. This book brings together studies by administrators, agronomists, anthropologists, forest ecologists, geographers and jurists, who describe a variety of swidden systems and their effect on soil, forest, society, and economy. This book addresses an important topic of food security in South Asia with specific reference to climate change. Of the 1 billion food insecure people in the world, more than 30% are in South Asia. Farmers face up to climate risks in south Asia! If it has the base, the food to sell, it can benefit . This would facilitate the adoption of the river basin approach in managing water resources focusing on the South Asian region. Despite a period of marked economic growth . The 48-year-old turned to other employment to lift his earnings, working in the evening as a part-time driver of Toto rickshaws — popular vehicles in India that run on batteries. “I’m happy with my earnings now,” says Ray. Every month, through 2025, over 1.8 million young people in South Asia will reach working age. The international community and national agricultural research systems (NARS) recognize the importance of supporting smallholders in order to reduce poverty and promote the food security status of some of the most vulnerable groups in the world. South Asia is the most densely populated region on the planet. Partnerships with CCAFS, FAO, GIZ and GACSA were highlighted. The conference also marked the culmination of a major regional cooperation effort on climate change and agriculture, as Southeast Asian countries articulated their common priorities on agriculture within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) under the umbrella of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Copy. Found insideThis publication demonstrates the benefits of neglected and underutilized species, including amaranth, sorghum and cowpea, and their potential contribution to achieving Zero Hunger in South and Southeast Asia. Therefore, adaptation measures are required to sustain agricultural productivity, to reduce vulnerability, and to enhance the resilience of the agricultural system to climate change. Problems encountered in the downstream coastal areas include river desiccation, groundwater depletion, water pollution and sedimentation, salinization and salt water intrusion, soil erosion and nutrient depletion, and dynamic changes in the coastal wetland systems. Climate finance for the region is taking cognizance of the importance of the agriculture sector. A joint FAO and World Bank study which shows how the farming systems approach can be used to identify priorities for the reduction of hunger and poverty in the main farming systems of the six major developing regions of the world. Found inside – Page 18Training of agricultural extension service personnel: All extension service personnel need to be confident of their ability to solve farmers' problems, work together with all types of clients, and collaborate with other agencies or ... Soil Degradation in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia The severe problems of soil degradation and desertification in SSA and SA are attributed to the long-term use of extractive farming practices that fail to rebuild the soil with organic material and mineral nutrients that maintain soil productivity and prevent erosion. One day, while chatting with a passenger — who happened to be an agriculture consultant — Ray expressed his concerns about his crops. Mechanisms to ensure women’s involvement in developing and implementing adaptation strategies and financing and the development of principles and procedures to protect and encourage women’s access to national adaptation programs and projects are important. I argue that the main causes of food insecurity in Central Asia are structural or systematic: the causes are related to the political economy, including the role of the state in the rural economy; access to arable land; and, freedom to farm. 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