* * *. Congress enacted the FLSA on June 25, 1938, and the first version of part 541, which the Department issued in October 1938, set a salary level of $30 per week for executive and administrative employees. The values presented are the highest and lowest estimates the Department believes are plausible. However, because the share is not more than 0.2 percent, even for the industry with the largest impact, we believe this final rule will not disproportionately affect any industries. The FLSA prescribes … Therefore, the gamma model and the linear model would produce similar results. The Department is not modeling employment growth between 2018/19 and the final rule's effective date because of uncertainty in the appropriate growth rates to project earnings and employment, and because of the relatively short period of time separating June 2019—the most recent CPS MORG data available at the time this impact analysis was developed—and January 1, 2020—the effective date of the final rule. Further, setting the HCE threshold at such a high level will result in significant administrative burdens, including the costs associated with the need to reassess, under the standard duties test, the exempt status of highly paid white collar workers, many of whom would remain exempt under that test. [78] Employers may incur additional costs, such as hiring new workers. In this final rule, the Department reaffirms its intent to update the standard salary level and HCE total annual compensation threshold more regularly in the future using notice-and-comment rulemaking. 2193(a)-(b). The Department estimated that total direct employer costs have an annualized value of $173.3 million per year over ten years when using a 7 percent real discount rate. Transfers due to overtime pay also decrease because wage growth raises workers' earnings above the earnings thresholds over time thus decreasing the number of affected workers. Labor demand elasticity is the percentage change in labor hours demanded in response to a one percent change in wages. Why Do Firms Pay an Overtime Premium? NELA, Smith Summerset, and other commenters questioned how the proposed rule would treat employees affected by the proposal whose employment ends before the end of a 52-week period. The criteria for determining exempt status for agricultural and transportation workers are detailed in Appendix A. The Department has (1) reviewed this final rule in accordance with Executive Order 13132 regarding federalism and (2) determined that it does not have federalism implications. The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) disagreed that the salary level test's primary purpose is to screen out obviously nonexempt employees, contending that statements to that effect in the Weiss and Stein reports were “not proposals for setting the long duties salary threshold” but “defending the salary tests against criticism,” and that the salary levels described in those reports as having “screening” functions were accompanied by the more rigorous long duties test. The Department did not propose any changes to the duties tests. For this reason, the Department declines to return to the 2016 methodology or to set an even higher salary level. The Fair Labor Standards Act or commonly known as FLSA, requires that most employees in the United States be paid at least the federal minimum wage for all hours worked and overtime pay at time and one‐half the regular rate of pay for all hours worked over 40 hours in a workweek. To be considered FLSA exempt, positions must meet certain standard tests related to their primary job duties and meet a minimum salary requirement. Later, between September 7 and October 17, 2018, the Department held listening sessions in all five Wage and Hour regions throughout the country, and in Washington, DC, to supplement feedback received as part of the RFI. Throughout the years, various stakeholders have submitted comments asking the Department to establish a mechanism to update the thresholds automatically. 165. To the extent they do so, that premium would be reflected in the data. Such levels are ill-equipped to help employers assess which employees are unlikely to meet the duties tests for the part 541 exemptions. Thus, changes in the standard salary level and HCE compensation tests will not affect these workers. The Department recognizes that, in addition to conferring minimum wage and overtime protections on newly nonexempt employees, an updated salary level clarifies and strengthens the nonexempt status of employees who fail the duties test and earn between the previous salary level and the new one (i.e., those who are and will remain nonexempt), and thereby reduces the risk that those employees will be misclassified as exempt. Many employer representatives maintained that the proposed rule's salary level resulted in a more appropriate number of employees who would become newly nonexempt—1.1 million in the first year—compared to the 2016 final rule, which would have resulted in 4.2 million such workers in the first year. (2019). There are three tests under the FLSA for exempt status, and an employee must meet the requirements of each test to qualify as exempt. [86] 09/13/2021, 161 There may be additional transfers attributable to this final rule; however, the magnitude of these other transfers could not be quantified and therefore are discussed only qualitatively. The median cost was $111,835 per lawsuit. These workers' earnings will increase by the difference between their current earnings and the amount necessary to satisfy the new salary or compensation level. Evidence is not available on how the adjustment towards the employment contract model differs between salaried and hourly workers. To the extent that firms respond to an update to the salary level test by reducing overtime hours, they may do so by spreading hours to other workers, including current workers employed for less than 40 hours per week by that employer, current workers who retain their exempt status, and newly hired workers. documents in the last year, 54 The Fair Labor Standards Act is designed to insure that wage earners are compensated for overtime hours and provides . The Department believes that potential misclassification of nonexempt employees as exempt is most appropriately addressed through compliance assistance and, if necessary, enforcement by the Department or private parties, rather than through an artificial increase to the salary level. duties of an exempt executive, administrative or professional employee identified in the standard tests for exemption. Therefore, the Department concludes the final rule will add little upward pressure to prices. While aggregation to the 262 3-digit Census codes is certainly possible, many of these industry codes contain too few observations to be reliable. The time between this rule's publication and effective date exceeds the 30-day minimum required under the Administrative Procedure Act (APA), 5 U.S.C. The Department's primary objective in this rulemaking is to ensure that the revised salary levels will continue to provide a useful and effective test for exemption. But the rule does not require employers to reduce scheduling flexibility. The 25.6 million EAP exempt workers remaining in the analysis are referred to in this final rule as “potentially affected.”. . This final rule would not have substantial direct effects on one or more Indian tribes, on the relationship between the Federal Government and Indian tribes, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities between the Federal Government and Indian tribes. See, e.g., Maryland Center on Economic Policy; Washington State Budget and Policy Center. Table 22—Direct Employer Costs by Region, Year 1. 219. [70] Others specifically proposed a higher percentage limit, including: WFCA (suggesting 20 percent); Small Business Legislative Council and TechServe Alliance (25 percent); ASTA (30 percent); National Independent Automobile Dealers Association (30 or 40 percent); and HR Policy Association and the Kentucky Retail Federation (50 percent). The Department calculated the ratio of net income (column (7)) less any deficit (column (8)) to total receipts (column (3)) for all firms by major industry categories. Currently, to determine whether an employee is exempt, employers must apply the duties test to salaried workers who earn at least $455 per week. The salary level test's usefulness, however, diminishes as the wages of employees entitled to overtime increase and inflation reduces the real value of the salary threshold. To the extent that employers respond to this rule by restricting employee work hours, this rulemaking could negatively affect the quality of public services provided by local governments and nonprofits. The Hotel Association of the Northern Mariana Islands referenced several CNMI-specific concerns, including that “[w]ages across all industries in the CNMI, including the hospitality industry, have been historically lower than their stateside counterparts.” The CNMI chapter of SHRM expressed similar concerns. Congressional Budget Office. Posted: (6 days ago) FLSA Duties Test The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is a federal law that was first enacted in 1938 to protect the rights of employees … 46 FR 3010 (Jan. 13, 1981); 46 FR 11972 (Feb. 12, 1981). Lastly, an estimated 101,800 employees who are currently exempt under the HCE test will be affected by the increase in the HCE total annual compensation level. Positions are exempt from the FLSA's overtime rules if they meet three requirements: the position is paid on a salary basis; and. To estimate adjusted hours worked, the Department set the percent change in total hours worked equal to the percent change in average wages multiplied by the wage elasticity of labor demand.[204]. The Department notes that employers may factor into an employee's salary a premium for expected overtime hours worked. See, e.g., College and University Professional Association for Human Resources (CUPA-HR); Council for Christian Colleges and Universities; Idaho Division of Human Resources. Nearly all the commenters on the HCE proposal were employer representatives, most of whom opposed the Department's proposal to increase the HCE compensation level to a level equal to the 90th percentile of all full-time salaried workers ($147,414). [246], Table 29—Number of Establishments and Employees by SBA Size Standards, by Industry and Employer Type. As discussed in greater detail below, however, HCEs must receive at least the standard salary amount each pay period on a salary or fee basis without regard to the payment of nondiscretionary bonuses and incentive payments. (1973). 216. By turns moving, sobering and shocking, this unprecedented account reveals these stories, the companies that profited the most from neoslavery, and the insidious legacy of racism that reverberates today. Background: The FLSA requires covered employers to pay "non-exempt" employees at least the minimum wage for each hour worked as well as overtime pay for all hours worked in excess of 40 in a workweek. The Department believes that the salary level in this final rule accomplishes that objective, particularly given the district court's implicit endorsement of the 2004 methodology. Fair Labor Standards Act: White Collar Exemptions in the Modern Work Place. Postal Service employees, Tennessee Valley Authority employees, and Library of Congress employees. AHLA and CUPA-HR asserted that board and lodging benefits are especially common for exempt employees in hospitality and higher education, respectively. See FLSA2008-1NA (Feb. 14, 2008). In 2004, to determine whether a worker met the duties test, the Department used an analysis performed by WHD in 1998 in response to a request from the GAO. minimizes the uncertainty and potential legal vulnerabilities that could accompany a novel and untested approach,” “avoids new regulatory burdens,” and sets a salary level that “accounts for nationwide differences in employee earnings and . To avoid underestimating these costs, the Department assumed that regulatory familiarization occurs at a decentralized level and used the number of establishments in its cost estimate; this results in a higher estimate than would result from using the number of firms. In recognition of these challenges, and to promote special salary level consistency across U.S. territories, the Department proposed setting a special salary level of $455 per week for the Virgin Islands, Guam, and the CNMI. and is subject … IZA Discussion Paper No. By region, direct employer costs and transfers as a percent of payroll will be approximately the same (between 0.010 and 0.013 percent of payroll). The table also presents the average number of affected employees per establishment using the method in which all employees at the establishment are affected. However, managerial costs generally decrease over time as the number of affected EAP workers decreases. Most employees of the federal government are covered by the FLSA but not the Department's part 541 regulations because the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) regulates their entitlement to minimum wage and overtime pay. [79], The Department also declines to adopt a lower salary level than the one proposed in the NPRM, as some employer representatives suggested. Employer representatives who supported the proposed level generally agreed with the Department's assessment that the 2004 methodology was faithful to the salary level's purpose of screening out only those employees who are obviously nonexempt, while avoiding a de facto salary-only test that would impermissibly replace the role of the duties test. 223. [87] 212. Employer adjustments are made in the first year the worker is affected and then applied to all future years in which the worker continues to be affected (unless the worker switches to a Type 4 worker). If a different week was chosen as the survey week, then likely some of these workers would not have worked overtime. Others stated that employees would lose benefits due to being reclassified as hourly workers. An appeal of that decision to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit is being held in abeyance. Such action is inconsistent with the section 13(a)(1) exemption. And the Department set a standard salary level that was similar to that of the long test. An approach that emphasizes salary alone, irrespective of employee duties, would stand in significant tension with the Act. Of these, 139.4 million will be covered by the FLSA and subject to the Department's regulations (84.7 percent). Transfer payments occur when income is redistributed from one party to another. [166] Table 17—Total Change in Weekly and Annual Earnings for Affected EAP Workers by Provision, Year 1. Terms of Use Site Map
Here is a guide from the Department of Labor on FLSA methods employees may take to recover unpaid minimum wage or overtime pay: (1) The Wage and Hour Division may … Therefore, the Department believes that its' decision in 2004 not to pair the higher short test salary level with the standard duties test was a necessary measure to maintain policy consistency and follow statutory requirements. 127. This is because the estimated new earnings only reflect their earnings in that week when overtime is worked; their earnings in typical weeks that they do not work overtime do not exceed the salary level. This estimate assumes that the average is concentrated in the subset of employees requiring more analysis to make a decision. Kantor Report at 2-3; see also U.S. Dep't of Labor, 28th Annual Report of the Secretary of Labor for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1940 (1940), at 236 (“[T]he power to define is the power to exclude.”). While the upper and lower bounds are likely over- and under-estimates, respectively, of effects per small establishment, the Department believes that this range of costs and payroll increases provides the most accurate characterization of the effects of the rule on small employers. Until the ACFR grants it official status, the XML The Agency's Response to Public Comments, C. Comment by the Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business Administration, D. Description of the Number of Small Entities to Which the Final Rule Will Apply, E. Projected Reporting, Recordkeeping, and Other Compliance Requirements of the Final Rule, F. Steps the Agency Has Taken To Minimize the Significant Economic Impact on Small Entities, G. Identification, to the Extent Practicable, of all Relevant Federal Rules That May Duplicate, Overlap, or Conflict With the Final Rule, VIII. GAO/HEHS. The Department determined that setting the standard salary level equivalent to the earnings of the 20th percentile of full-time salaried workers in the South and/or in the retail industry balances the risks and costs of misclassification of exempt status. The Department set the standard salary level at $455 per week, and made other changes, some of which are discussed below. The Department applied managerial costs to workers who (1) are reclassified as nonexempt, overtime-protected and (2) either regularly work overtime or occasionally work overtime, but on a predictable basis—an estimated 304,500 workers (see Table 13 and accompanying explanation). Thus, the impact of the 2016 final rule would have been the inverse of the “mismatch” the Department sought to correct. Likewise, in the Kantor Report, the Department stated the salary level tests “provide[ ] a ready method of screening out the obviously nonexempt employees,” and that employees “who do not meet the salary test are generally also found not to meet the other requirements of the regulations.” Kantor Report at 2-3. These other potential costs are discussed in section VI.D.iii. 2. Exemption Worksheet - Creative Professional Test. The Department does not exclude them from the analysis, however, because there is no data set that would adequately inform an estimate of the size of this worker population, although the Department believes it is a small percentage of workers. For the same reason, some commenters specifically requested the Department allow employers to credit the value of board and lodging towards the standard salary level. After excluding workers not subject to the Department's FLSA regulations and workers who are unlikely to be affected by this final rule (i.e., blue collar workers, workers paid hourly, workers who are subject to another (non-EAP) overtime exemption), the Department estimated there will be 47.6 million salaried white collar workers for whom employers might claim either the standard EAP exemption or the HCE exemption. These comments presented a range of views on the proposed rule, particularly the proposed increase to the standard salary level threshold. When multiplied by 101,800 affected workers and 52 weeks, the national increase will be $100.3 million in the first year. As a result, employees may work any number of hours in the workweek and not be subject to the FLSA's overtime pay requirements. 84 FR 10914 (internal citation omitted). Wages, Hours, and Overtime Premia: Evidence from the British Labor Market, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 56(3), 470-480. The Department has therefore engaged in this rulemaking to realign the salary level with its appropriate limited purpose, to address the concerns about the 2016 final rule identified by the district court, and to update the salary level in light of increased employee earnings. . Table 4 presents alternative standard salary levels calculated using pooled 2018/19 CPS data for each alternative approach considered. Additionally, the Department is mindful of the concerns the district court cited. The projected number of affected workers includes workers who were not EAP exempt in the base year but would have become exempt in the absence of this final rule in Years 2 through 10. Some commenters, including tens of thousands who submitted similar comments as part of a comment Start Printed Page 51234campaign (“Campaign Comments”),[32] As discussed in more detail in the standard salary level discussion below, consistent with past practice, the Department is declining to create special rules for the application of the part 541 exemptions to non-profits. 204. The Department also notes that the terms employee and worker are used interchangeably throughout this analysis. Type 1 workers will have no change in wages, hours, or earnings. However, OMB Circular A-4 states that multiple regulatory baselines may be analytically relevant. Among the options considered by the Department, the least restrictive option was taking no regulatory action. To lessen small sample bias, this rate was only calculated using CPS MORG data when these data contained at least 30 observations in each period. Some state laws have stricter exemption standards than those described above. With the exception of the 2016 rulemaking, prior part 541 rulemakings did not estimate managerial costs. Moreover, employers would normally maintain the records under usual or customary business practices. This was inflated to 2018 dollars using the GDP deflator. An unduly low level risks increasing employer liability from unintentionally misclassifying workers as exempt; but an unduly high standard salary level increases labor costs to employers precluded from claiming the exemption for employees performing bona fide EAP duties. Sector payroll costs and transfers, standard and HCE salary level test ( ). Worker is not part of the long test counts for this final rule for exemptions! Raised by employee representatives predicted that the salary level test ( s ) applicable to the print edition addressed... Commerce, for example, some numbers may not pay their employees be.... 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