my neighbors, I would never ever give them holiday wishes or birthday wishes and would apologize if I forgot and did it anyway. Found insideRegardless of how much it annoyed her that Cecelia didn't like her very much, Cat offered the woman the respect she deserved. “I wanted to ask if anyone knew what the boys were doing for their birthday coming up,” Cecelia said. It’s like telling a Met’s fan, congratulations on the Royal’s win. Wishing a Happy Birthday to the man who is not only the perfect … Found inside – Page 102When it comes to your social equals—those who aren't obliged to smile at you—wishing people joy on a holiday they don't celebrate is somewhat pointless. It's like the way little kids sometimes get confused on the birthday concept and ... So, for people that don’t know or forget, I’m not bothered at all. I don’t tend towards wishing people a certain type of day. But I am trying to mask it in a way that my like minded bigoted friends would agree with. I find my eyes rolling when we veer much off that mark. It is being nice or rude to wish someone who doesn’t celebrate a Happy ____? To your British friend (who lives in GB): I know you don’t celebrate it, but Happy Fourth of July. Numbers one through 39 are all great celebrations. Found insideI don't like showing people my work until it's perfect. I work best on my own. I don't like being called on in class. I feel drained after hanging out with friends, even when I have fun. I'd rather celebrate my birthday with a few ... To be a jerk? But I can’t imagine intentionally wishing her a happy birthday, knowing that she doesn’t celebrate. Once you hit the 40th, you are expected to have … Found insideChris and James didn't mind. They were happy to have a birthday celebration at all. It was the first they had ever had. No one really knew when their birthdays were. At the orphanage, just like with the Seven right now, ... Found insideI have celebrated my hundredth birthday, and I have never chased a woman in my life, and I have not ever been drinking. I have never played ... This will look like the ashram of a Charvaka, this will look like the garden of Epicurus. I’m sure he gets them back in the same spirit. But as described in the OP, the speaker knows that the listener does not celebrate / recognize the holiday, and that seems rude. They're the best day of the year. It isn’t a welcome comment. Found inside – Page xiv(For him “interesting” is a deceptive adjective: it can well mean he didn't like it!) So maths, science, and family are his passions, but he also enjoys music, theatre, food, wine, and sport even though this is not his personal forte. Found insideEmma doesn't have time to play. Lucy's playing with the other kids from their class. “This is a cool party,” Hassan says. Lucy nods. It almost feels like a fairy tale. Now it's time to eat. The food is laid out on a long table. Found inside – Page 143I am sure we can find fault in anyone, but to find a cause to celebrate is a testament to our belief and trust in God. People can't change without God's love evidenced in each of us. Not too long ago, at my eldest daughter's birthday ... Found insideThe house is quiet and still and there's a ray of sunlight on my pillow, so I lie there for a while like a cat on a carbonnet, enjoying its warmth. A few weeks ago, Dad asked me if I wanted a birthday party. I knew he didn't mean the ... Found inside – Page 224There is a Telangana proverb, “Even if you attach a lingam (icon of Shiva) to a man, that will not make him a devotee ... When young people celebrate their birthdays, they want cellphones as presents, but it says in Lamentations [3:27], ... I’m an atheist. I’m tempted to try and bring back the closing greeting of “Good morning” when leaving a store or counter. Found inside“Kaustubh bhaiyya doesn't like celebrating his birthday in a crowd. He likes to do it with a few select people. But our damned uncles and aunties insist that he celebrate it grandly. It's like they invite themselves to a party they ... Found insideA Story about What Money Can't Buy Deana Dutcher. Grandpa loves us more than anything, but he'd never say that. We just kind of know from the way ... If he didn't care, we could run around like wild animals and he wouldn't say anything. Maybe something tragic happened one year on their birthday & they don’t like to be reminded of it, or maybe they just don’t think it’s a big deal (everybody gets one, & only one birthday a year; since everyone gets one, is it that big of a deal?). It is being nice or rude to wish someone who doesn't celebrate a Happy ____? Happy birthday… I might get irritated that a store ween or whatever even knows my birthday (not having been directly told for some reason), but I think getting upset because you have a problem with your own birthday reminder is out of place. Found inside – Page 18Seasons and astronomical events do not repeat at the exact number of full days, so a calendar which had the same ... If that person, born on the 29th of February has celebrated seven birthdays in their life time they are 28 years of age ... Found inside – Page 42Blacks don't take kindly to those who mock their celebrations, even if out of ignorance. ... African-Americans to come together and behave like they do for other celebrative occasions, where they engage a lot of gut cracking, jive-talk, ... Found inside – Page 59I share the universal admiration for this modest man with tremendous productivity in research in many fields, ... Of John Wheeler, I wish only to remark here that if he hadn't been a great physicist, he would have been a great preacher. Found inside – Page 14PLANNING AND PRODUCING A PROGRAM OR PROJECT Good planning pays off If your Bicentennial club is primarily a ... Does your town have an historical society ; if not , why not ? ... You don't want to duplicate someone else's effort . Found insideIt kind of seems redundant for every single person on Earth to celebrate their birthday once a year for the rest of their lives. A birthday once a decade after you hitten seems like it would make more sense. Then again, I don't have ... Have a great day and an even better evening? Found inside – Page 103Hopkins , like many other people , is often vulgar when he tries to be jocular . It fits you like ze pa - a - per ... I don't think elderly maiden ladies are very keen about celebrating their birthdays . They only keep them once in four ... Or affectionately? Why would I not want a happy day? I accept the “have a nice day” just because we’re used to it. If someone wished me a Happy Canadian Thanksgiving, I wouldn’t mind. It’s like “No offense, but…” You know it’s not something the person celebrates, and you say as much, and then offer wishes?! Well, this could easily get tangled up in the “War on Christmas” theme, wherein not specifically wishing people “Merry Christmas” means you’re a Christian/ity-hating liberal trying to destabilize this great Xian nation. Found inside – Page 36I kind of wish it were true, but it's just the times you're traveling, and I'm different to you. ... Then there are people, who celebrate their birthdays, but their birthday doesn't mean anything to everybody else, and some people don't ... They're the best day of the year. Found insideIf she'd wanted people to know how bad she felt most of the time, she would have told them. “Nothing is wrong.” She didn't ... Because you don't look like a woman celebrating her eighteenth birthday.” Woman. He'd called her a woman. According to Psychology Today, introverts are typically shy and feel drained by social encounters, but that doesn't mean they never want to socialize. But, to me, that’s just like telling a devout Jew that they should eat pork, or Muslim that he should break his Ramadan fast to have lunch or come have drinks for happy hour, or when I’ve seen people tell atheists that they really DO believe in God they’re just angry at him. I never take offense, and I generally don’t even tell people unless it’s actually relevant for some reason. Which is a clear case of a majority being either lazy or arrogant enough to assume that everyone wants to be wished a Merry Christmas, regardless of their personal, religious or other preference. Found insideAfter another while, the first said: “I don't know, Abu Jasim; I think someone stole it. ... The time came when people celebrated their birthday, so Abu alQasim decided to have a bath that he rarely enjoyed, because he had to pay for it ... There's an expectation of birthdays. Found insideBut she wanted her daughter to have some understanding of what had happened over the past several months. Her tone softened. “No... people do not usually go to court when someone dies. But your father was a very successful businessman. I’ve not celebrated any of them for at least a decade, some even longer, so everyone in my immediate family is well aware of this. On EVERY business email? Wishing someone who doesn't celebrate a Happy ___, nice or rude. Found insideSome wives are not from outside the country, and when they get married, they don't have to spend time at the men's ... and those who asked for Second Uncle's help included those who celebrated their birthday, the old man's birthday, ... So I don’t do Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Valentines Day, etc. I'm not saying you don't know they don't celebrate it, or you forgot they don't … Found insideI get that Hailey feels like she doesn't have another choice, I get that she feels like she needs to be an adult before ... scared to take care of an Omega, of being fearful of how people mistreat and have mistreated her Omega siblings. Soon and forever. And, I love it when I get Bastille Day greatings. I think most other holidays, public and personal, are sufficiently… general and secular enough that no one’s going to take offense at having been wished a Happy Fourth or Happy Halloween or even a Happy Easter. But they live in the world and don’t expect people to conform perfectly to their beliefs; they wouldn’t take offense at a mistake. In short, how was in meant? It’s not the day, it’s the reason for the celebration that’s of issue. Found insidewere there. She enjoyed his flirting and the changes in him more than she liked to admit, and frankly couldn't understand how ... Of course this was him, the man of her heart. ... We've just popped out to celebrate Mother's birthday. Found inside – Page 237I guess I would agree with that latter statement because in a community like ours it can't be helped . ... When you have a client population whose cultural background , where people never thought about their birthdays until maybe they ... If they have made it clear to you that they wish to have their birthday ignored, then respect their wishes. That said, I do have some friends who just want to do something nice and maybe just don’t really get it. Lose it. If they’re curious why, I’ll explain, if not, I’ll leave it alone. Seriously? I consider myself Christian, but I don’t celebrate a lot of major Christian holidays, and several other holidays, for reasons that aren’t really relevant to this thread. Found insideIt feels like just yesterday we were celebrating your birthday.' I feel my forehead crease. I wish she wouldn't remind me of my age. It's safe to say that turning twenty-two here was not a personal highlight. Examples: Found insideI listen to some of her ideas for celebrating, which are far too grand: fancy places, sophisticated food, and a million people I don't know. That isn't the way I want to spend my birthday. We end up compromising: a smaller party right ... To your Jewish cow-orker: I know you don’t celebrate it, but Merry Christmas. I know they mean well, and some people just are a bit oblivious to things that are outside the typical worldview. After all, most people celebrate Christmas, and I can just say something like “Have a good one” and most people might even think I mean it as a response in kind even if it’s actually just a generic pleasantry. I think most of the Jews I know, both in my family and friends, would be mildly amused by a “Happy Rosh Hashanah” and appreciate the acknowledgement, but YMMV. Found inside – Page 181In the USA there are five national holidays that people celebrate in every American state . ... Some people do not put their names at the end of their cards because they want their name to be a secret . common holidays [ kɔmən ... Found inside – Page 139Some women struggled with how to celebrate their child's birthday as this mother who had an emergency cesarean birth vividly illustrated, “I can't stop seeing images ofa woman drugged and strapped down and being gutted like a fish. . I’m not saying you don’t know they don’t celebrate it, or you forgot they don’t celebrate it since the ‘wisher’ specifically states, “I know you don’t celebrate it”. I agree, if you know already someone doesn’t celebrate something, why talk to them as though you think it’s up to you to tell them to do so, and to make a point of telling them that that’s what you’re doing? I’m happy to answer honest questions about why I believe what I believe; after all, I wouldn’t have changed my beliefs without what I think is good reason. I totally get people being confused and curious when it was a new thing. Found insideFirst, keep in mind that there is no set way to celebrate annual holidays and birthdays. It will differ between people and events and how you feel is best to continue the celebrations. Do what you find meaningful and comfortable, not ... Once you hit the 40th, you are expected to have low-key dinners with a few close friends so you aren't reminded too heavily of the years that lay behind. Rubbing salt in the wound. My husband’s co-workers take great joy in celebrating the Fourth around their British co-worker, but they’re definitely being obnoxious. If it makes them feel better, I’ll accept it. Found insideWe know you'll like it here. ... Arthur Lehman and Stanley Szymalak celebrated their birthdays on the same d.iy. ... It has been rumored that Stanley was stopped at the guard house because his face didn't match the picture on his ... They may hate to have it rubbed in that they're getting older (either because . Found inside – Page 4you the kind of person who considers your birthday a special day and makes the most of it? Or did you stop really celebrating your birthday ... I now celebrate not only the day of my birth, but sometimes the entire week of my birthday! You are a special person for me. There's an expectation of birthdays. That said, for people that DO know… frankly, it’s really irritating. Someone wants to wish me a Merry Christmas or a Happy Easter, great! It’s disrespectful of people’s beliefs. Found insideOtherwise, they wouldn't have come to celebrate their birthday. After all, in the rural areas, how many people were there to offer their birthday wishes represented a person's influence in the village. According to the ratio. There are many reasons that people may hate their birthdays. On a business email? Found inside – Page 17She never told anyone when her birthday was, and she never wanted it marked by a celebration. My mother doesn't get older. ... She hoped this wasn't coming off like Victoria was some kind of crazy person, because it wasn't like that. Dude. The way it is described in the OP, I would call it rude. Yeah, when said by someone who knows the listener doesn’t celebrate the event, it’s passive aggressive. On Monday, I apologized to him for it, but he was cool and had not taken any offense. Right back atcha, Frank! I thought it was rude but want to hear your thoughts since I have to be together with both the sender & receiver & I’m sure it’ll come up. So, for instance, recently people would ask me what I was doing for Halloween, and I’d just say I don’t celebrate it. Found insidequestions: I wanted to be sure she found a project that would be motivating and exciting to her, not one that just ... sibling is spinning on how to celebrate their birthday, or a friend can't decide if he wants to have kids or not. Found insideI was happy that most of the people were wishing me, honestly all of us feel. I have seen people saying that they don't want anyone on their birthdays, but it's always opposite...nobody in the world love to be alone. Found inside“You can't let him get attached to a neighbor who's playful and has fancy friends.” “I'm not sure she has any ... “Speaking of the twins, we'll celebrate their birthday next month. ... “A man like you isn't meant to live alone, mijo. Found insideShe looked down, like she was about to be punished for her thoughts. “That's awesome! Then go for it.” “I can't.” “Why not? If it's about the money, I'm sure you can ... “Who doesn't celebrate their birthday?” Mindy whispered to Ginger. . Or maybe thinking they’re being clever with “I know you don’t Celebrate Christmas, but have a Happy non-denominational winter celebration” or whatever. Found insideThen Harold boasted, “Shejust wants people topay attention to her. Sheknows this is the weekend we celebrate Pop's birthday. And if she doesn't knowit,then she's too stupid to take out. She doesn't needan engraved invitation. OTOH if I went out of my way to say Merry Christmas while acknowledging they don’t celebrate it, I would expect them to be annoyed, and I would never do so. It’s weird, kind of like saying “I know you don’t celebrate this holiday, but you really should.”. To make a point? Found insideThe one thing they likely won't be doing is singing “Happy Birthday.” Why not? Because they don't want to have to pay the sizeable fee for a public performance. It is for this reason that most restaurants celebrating birthdays usually ... Found inside – Page 81When I met with her, not only did she reveal this as the source of the issues her team had with her, but she also talked ... The only reason I wouldn't go to someone's birthday party would be if I didn't like them, didn't respect them, ... Found inside – Page 54I looked around the room and saw another small group of ladies who were celebrating a daughter's baby shower. ... 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