The 2010 Strategic Concept attempts to address the increasingly complex threats facing the allies, including nuclear terrorism, cyber crime, and global climate change, as well as the institutional changes necessary . At their Summit meeting in Washington in April 1999, NATO Heads of State and Government approved the Alliance's new Strategic Concept. To protect peace and to prevent war or any kind of coercion, the Alliance will maintain for the foreseeable future an appropriate mix of nuclear and conventional forces based in Europe and kept up to date where necessary, although at a minimum sufficient level. NATO's Strategic Concept Should Initiate a New Partnership Policy The transatlantic allies must consider a new partnership differentiation that emphasizes societal … NATO will make full use of partnership, cooperation and dialogue and its links to other organisations to contribute to preventing crises and, should they arise, defusing them at an early stage. The interaction between Alliance forces and the civil environment (both governmental and non-governmental) in which they operate is crucial to the success of operations. Against the background of the desirability of developing and agreeing a NATO military strategy below the Strategic Concept that matches Europe's changed security environment, this Research Paper discusses the potential of NATO's Framework ... The group’s work will facilitate the development of the Alliance’s new Strategic Concept, which will aim to guide NATO’s activities in addressing current and future security challenges. NATO's current Strategic Concept was approved in 2010, at a time characterized by partnership relations with Russia, peace across Europe, and signals of democratic developments in the Arab world. Multinational forces, particularly those capable of deploying rapidly for collective defence or for non-Article 5 crisis response operations, reinforce solidarity. Taking into account the necessity for Alliance solidarity and cohesion, participation in any such operation or mission will remain subject to decisions of member states in accordance with national constitutions. Later in the day, all 12 experts met with the North Atlantic Council, NATO’s highest decision-making body. They will be maintained at the minimum level sufficient to preserve peace and stability. They will continue to fulfil an essential role by ensuring uncertainty in the mind of any aggressor about the nature of the Allies' response to military aggression. The revision of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's strategic concept offers an excellent opportunity to build an alliance capable of addressing the shared problems that its member states face. Alliance forces must safeguard NATO's military effectiveness and freedom of action. The Mediterranean is an area of special interest to the Alliance. NATO will need to continue reconfiguring its women, peace, and security agenda, and it must be broadened to apply to a wider array of policies and sectors in the next strategic concept. The Alliance's defence posture against the risks and potential threats of the proliferation of NBC weapons and their means of delivery must continue to be improved, including through work on missile defences. Key words:concept, strategic, declaration, defensive, summit … It enables a transformed NATO to contribute to the evolving security environment, supporting security and stability with the strength of its shared commitment to democracy and the peaceful resolution of disputes. I will also work with our allies to draft a new strategic concept for NATO that acknowledges the challenges of Russian aggression, democratic backsliding within NATO, and disruptive technologies . MILITARY CONCEPT FOR NATO STRATEGIC COMMUNICATIONS. By deterring the use of NBC weapons, they contribute to Alliance efforts aimed at preventing the proliferation of these weapons and their delivery means. Kamp, Karl-Heinz: The Need to adapt NATO's strategic concept, S. 7-14. It was prepared by NATO Watch, drawing on language and ideas from numerous reports, books and policy The Partnership for Peace is the principal mechanism for forging practical security links between the Alliance and its Partners and for enhancing interoperability between Partners and NATO. NATO has undertaken to consult with any active participant in the Partnership if that Partner perceives a direct threat to its territorial integrity, political independence, or security. The process was completed when NATO leaders approved a new Strategic Concept at the November 2010 Lisbon Summit. The existence of powerful nuclear forces outside the Alliance also constitutes a significant factor which the Alliance has to take into account if security and stability in the Euro-Atlantic area are to be maintained. “The world has changed, the threats have changed. The Allies have played a major part in the significant achievements in this field. The Alliance's forces must therefore be able to deter and defend effectively, to maintain or restore the territorial integrity of Allied nations and - in case of conflict - to terminate war rapidly by making an aggressor reconsider his decision, cease his attack and withdraw. There have, however, been further profound political and security developments since then. More, 10 Sep. 2010 - Speech by NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen at the Real Instituto Elcano, Madrid, 2 Jul. It has, therefore, a demanding agenda. The Allies take seriously their distinctive role in promoting a broader, more comprehensive and more verifiable international arms control and disarmament process. Patrick Warren writes that the new Strategic Concept document recognizes the many . Alliance strategy does not include a chemical or biological warfare capability. Mutually reinforcing organisations have become a central feature of the security environment. 1-1. Commodities and technology that could be used to build these weapons of mass destruction and their delivery means are becoming more common, while detection and prevention of illicit trade in these materials and know-how continues to be difficult. Berlin Information-Center for Transatlantic Security (July 2010). Strategic Concept. The dangers of the Cold War have given way to more promising, but also challenging prospects, to new opportunities and risks. NATO's Secretary General is reviewing a new Strategic Concept paper, recently completed by a group of experts. Agha H Amin. The principle of collective effort in Alliance defence is embodied in practical arrangements that enable the Allies to enjoy the crucial political, military and resource advantages of collective defence, and prevent the renationalisation of defence policies, without depriving the Allies of their sovereignty. The Alliance has been at the heart of efforts to establish new patterns of cooperation and mutual understanding across the Euro-Atlantic region and has committed itself to essential new activities in the interest of a wider stability. NATO refused to accept the proposal that its role had ended with the fall of the Iron Curtain and affirmed its deire to adapt to the new geography of the European security landscape. They are based on procedures for consultation, an integrated military structure, and on co-operation agreements. They can also provide a way of deploying more capable formations than might be available purely nationally, thus helping to make more efficient use of scarce defence resources. And the new U.S. administration has been underlining the centrality of working with allies and of repairing the transatlantic relationship. Third, NATO should bring its relationship with new, often global partners and key players like the EU and UN on a new level. In spite of welcome progress in strengthening international non-proliferation regimes, major challenges with respect to proliferation remain. At their Summit meeting in Lisbon, NATO leaders adopted a new Strategic Concept that will serve as the Alliance's roadmap for the next ten years and that reconfirms the commitment to defend one another against attack as the bedrock of Euro-Atlantic security. Officially, NATO members still assert collective defense is the alliance's primary task, despite the inclusion of two other core tasks — projecting stability and cooperative security/crisis management — in all three of its post-Cold War Strategic Concepts (1991, 1999, 2010). NATO - Official text: Active Engagement, Modern Defence - Strategic Concept for the Defence and Security of the Members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation … strategic concept NATO 2010, developed in the Lisbon summit declaration of 19-20 November 2010. The new NATO Strategic Concept will supply the answers and chart the alliance's course over the next decade or so. The world has changed since the end of the Cold War. The increase of the responsibilities and capacities of the European Allies with respect to security and defence enhances the security environment of the Alliance. An Interview with Major Agha H. Amin. Whether or not NATO has an institutional role in Asia remains to be determined, though Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has argued that NATO's new strategic concept must address the challenge . The aim should be to achieve an optimum balance between high readiness forces capable of beginning rapidly, and immediately as necessary, collective defence or non-Article 5 crisis response operations; forces at different levels of lower readiness to provide the bulk of those required for collective defence, for rotation of forces to sustain crisis response operations, or for further reinforcement of a particular region; and a longer-term build-up and augmentation capability for the worst case -- but very remote -- scenario of large scale operations for collective defence. The resulting tensions could lead to crises affecting Euro-Atlantic stability, to human suffering, and to armed conflicts. It offers an expanded political dimension for both consultation and cooperation. In this context NATO recalls its subsequent decisions with respect to crisis response operations in the Balkans. The OSCE, as a regional arrangement, is the most inclusive security organisation in Europe, which also includes Canada and the United States, and plays an essential role in promoting peace and stability, enhancing cooperative security, and advancing democracy and human rights in Europe. In parallel, NATO has successfully adapted to enhance its ability to contribute to Euro-Atlantic peace and stability. Sitting one level below the … Consultation: To serve, as provided for in Article 4 of the Washington Treaty, as an essential transatlantic forum for Allied consultations on any issues that affect their vital interests, including possible developments posing risks for members' security, and for appropriate co-ordination of their efforts in fields of common concern. Introduction In its Strategic Concept, NATO defines its purpose, identifies key threats to alliance security, and explains how—with a particular view to its armed forces—it seeks to deal with . They also tasked the Secretary General to convene and lead, with the involvement of the North Atlantic Council, a group of qualified experts to produce recommendations for the new Concept's content. The 1999 Strategic Concept is the sixth such document to be approved by NATO. that the overall size of the Allies' forces will be kept at the lowest levels consistent with the requirements of collective defence and other Alliance missions; they will be held at appropriate and graduated readiness; that the peacetime geographical distribution of forces will ensure a sufficient military presence throughout the territory of the Alliance, including the stationing and deployment of forces outside home territory and waters and forward deployment of forces when and where necessary. The forward-leaning part of the nuclear policy pledges to actively try to create the conditions for further reducing the number of and reliance on nuclear weapons, recommits to the ultimate goal of nuclear disarmament, and . They must also be prepared to contribute to conflict prevention and to conduct non-Article 5 crisis response operations. The aim in doing so will be to further reduce operational vulnerabilities of NATO military forces while maintaining their flexibility and effectiveness despite the presence, threat or use of NBC weapons. Through detailed programmes that reflect individual Partners' capacities and interests, Allies and Partners work towards transparency in national defence planning and budgeting; democratic control of defence forces; preparedness for civil disasters and other emergencies; and the development of the ability to work together, including in NATO-led PfP operations. NATO has been the most successful politico-military Alliance for the last seven decades safeguarding the freedom and security of its members against … In contributing to the management of crises through military operations, the Alliance's forces will have to deal with a complex and diverse range of actors, risks, situations and demands, including humanitarian emergencies. Issued by the Heads of State and on issues related to the NATO's New Strategic Concept. An introduction to the Alliance, Policy and decision-making, NATO s civilian and military structures, The Alliances role in peacekeeping and peace-support operations, Combating new threats and developing new capabilities, The opening up of ... Within this evolving context, NATO has played an essential part in strengthening Euro-Atlantic security since the end of the Cold War. The book serves as a relevant and timely study of the most pressing issues facing NATO today – including recent lessons gained. Gen. Massimo Panizzi, IMS Public Affairs and Strategic Communications Advisor 16 Sept. 2011 - Speech by Carme Chacón Piqueras, Minister of Defence of Spain at the Meeting of the NATO Military Committee/NATO Military Conference in Sevilla, Spain Meeting of the Group of experts on the new Strategic Concept at NATO Headquarters - 4 September 2009, Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre (EADRCC), NATO Public Diplomacy Division’s Co-Sponsorship Grants. Essentials There have been several attempts to address Strategic Communications in an Alliance context, including the publication of a North Atlantic Council endorsed NATO Strategic . Ukraine occupies a special place in the Euro-Atlantic security environment and is an important and valuable partner in promoting stability and common democratic values. NATO poses no threat to Russia. However, Alliance security must also take account of the global context. Solidarity and cohesion within the Alliance, through daily cooperation in both the political and military spheres, ensure that no single Ally is forced to rely upon its own national efforts alone in dealing with basic security challenges. Today, the calls for modernizing the 2010 Strategic Concept have gained traction. But those calls are met with concerns over whether this is the opportune time for a debate about fundamental strategy. Alliance forces will be structured to reflect the multinational and joint nature of Alliance missions. The size, readiness, availability and deployment of the Alliance's military forces will reflect its commitment to collective defence and to conduct crisis response operations, sometimes at short notice, distant from their home stations, including beyond the Allies' territory. In the 2022 NATO Strategic Concept, allies recommit to the shared identity and values laid out in the North Atlantic Treaty, but this quickly proves an empty … Our collective aim is to build a European security architecture in which the Alliance's contribution to the security and stability of the Euro-Atlantic area and the contribution of these other international organisations are complementary and mutually reinforcing, both in deepening relations among Euro-Atlantic countries and in managing crises. No European democratic country whose admission would fulfil the objectives of the Treaty will be excluded from consideration. These missions can be highly demanding and can place a premium on the same political and military qualities, such as cohesion, multinational training, and extensive prior planning, that would be essential in an Article 5 situation. It is the practical expression of effective collective effort among its members in support of their common interests. NATO's new strategic outlook must be broad enough given the . Strategic Concept of Employment for Unmanned Aircraft Systems in NATO Preface Aim. Speech
The Strategic Concept reaffirms the enduring purpose of the Alliance and sets out its fundamental security tasks. Capabilities for timely reinforcement and resupply both within and from Europe and North America will remain of critical importance, with a resulting need for a high degree of deployability, mobility and flexibility; that appropriate force structures and procedures, including those that would provide an ability to build up, deploy and draw down forces quickly and selectively, are necessary to permit measured, flexible and timely responses in order to reduce and defuse tensions. "China is not mentioned with one single word in the current Strategic Concept," said NATO SecGen Jens Stoltenberg. The fundamental guiding principle by which the Alliance works is that of common commitment and mutual co-operation among sovereign states in support of the indivisibility of security for all of its members. NATO allies and partners should champion, and resource, better implementation of the policy on protecting civilians, both during the drafting of NATO's new strategic concept and in other future planning. Its growing political role; its increased political and military partnership, cooperation and dialogue with other states, including with Russia, Ukraine and Mediterranean Dialogue countries; its continuing openness to the accession of new members; its collaboration with other international organisations; its commitment, exemplified in the Balkans, to conflict prevention and crisis management, including through peace support operations: all reflect its determination to shape its security environment and enhance the peace and stability of the Euro-Atlantic area. The proliferation of NBC weapons and their means of delivery remains a matter of serious concern. Read more. NATO must adapt to larger strategic shifts and their consequences—namely the rise of China and its implications for U.S. engagement in and around Europe. NATO's new Strategic Concept as a tool for survival Robert Helbig, School of International Service American University, Washington, D.C. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has been the cornerstone of the transatlantic partnership for the past sixty years. Yet, given the history and the nature of the military alliance, considering the place of Nato within the Euro-Atlantic security framework and preparing for a new strategic concept will not be an . Security: To provide one of the indispensable foundations for a stable Euro-Atlantic security environment, based on the growth of democratic institutions and commitment to the peaceful resolution of disputes, in which no country would be able to intimidate or coerce any other through the threat or use of force. The United Nations (UN), the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the European Union (EU), and the Western European Union (WEU) have made distinctive contributions to Euro-Atlantic security and stability. NATO is challenged by Russia, China, and the south. Well-trained and well-equipped forces at adequate levels of readiness and in sufficient strength to meet the full range of contingencies as well as the appropriate support structures, planning tools and command and control capabilities are essential in providing efficient military contributions. It is evident … Twenty years after the end of the Cold War, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has grown in size, but in many other ways has not fully adapted to the post-Cold War world. Deterrence and Defence: To deter and defend against any threat of aggression against any NATO member state as provided for in Articles 5 and 6 of the Washington Treaty. It provides a framework for confidence building, promotes transparency and cooperation in the region, and reinforces and is reinforced by other international efforts. To this end, the Alliance and the WEU have developed a close relationship and put into place key elements of the ESDI as agreed in Berlin. At their Summit meeting in Lisbon, NATO leaders adopted a new Strategic Concept that will serve as the Alliance's roadmap for the next ten years and that reconfirms … Can its new concept find a bala Important steps taken in this context include the incorporation of the WEU's Petersberg tasks into the Treaty on European Union and the development of closer institutional relations with the WEU. A new NATO grand strategy should ideally be reflected in an update to its 2010 Strategic Concept (SC), the political document that outlines the security chal-lenges facing the Alliance and its responses. "The Strategic Plan for the Defense of the North Atlantic Region (DC 6/1) … Based on common values of democracy, human rights and the rule of law, the Alliance has striven since its inception to secure a just and lasting peaceful order in Europe. The security of all Allies is indivisible: an attack on one is an attack on all. The NATO's New Strategic Concept LibGuide is a constantly updated web-based research guide bringing you the latest information (articles, news, videos, websites, etc.) By combining defence with dialogue, it played an indispensable role in bringing East-West confrontation to a peaceful end. To this end, NATO has established a programme of activities to assist aspiring countries in their preparations for possible future membership in the context of its wider relationship with them. 1-1. So it's time for an update to that Strategic Concept for NATO. Having completed their task, on 17 May they submitted to the North Atlantic Council their analysis and recommendations. At their summit in Brussels in June 2021, NATO leaders invited Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg to lead the process of drafting a new strategic concept, expected to be agreed at their next meeting in Spain in 2022. The Alliance should also be prepared to support, on the basis of separable but not separate capabilities, operations under the political control and strategic direction either of the WEU or as otherwise agreed. Furthermore, the new strategic concept will be given the green light. In November of 1991 at the meeting of Alliance Heads of State and Government in Rome, the new Strategic Concept was announced that would lead NATO into the 21st Century. The purpose of this paper is to examine U.S-NATO policy and analyze NATO's new Strategic Concept. 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