This assessment analyzes the market system for beans in the Sud-Est department of Haiti in March-April 2010. USAID gives additional US$11.3M COVID-19 fund to PH. USAID works to break down gender-related barriers to education so that children and youth in all their diversity—especially girls and women, and gender and sexual minorities including lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex (LGBTQI+) youth— have access to quality learning opportunities from pre-primary through higher education. PURPOSE AND USE OF THIS TOOLKIT Collaborating, Learning & Adapting, Learning. The Monitoring Toolkit consists of the latest USAID Program Cycle guidance, tools, and templates for monitoring USAID strategies, projects and activities. The Partner Toolkit provides additional guidance and tools to our implementing partners around specific safeguarding issues. Date Posted: May 22, 2014 Authors: Hamilton McNutt, Shelley Spencer, Marcella Willis Organizations: NetHope Document Types: Manual, Tool Donor Type: Non-US Government Agency Kabul, Afghanistan - The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) introduced a new toolkit for Afghan businesses, especially women-owned businesses, during a September 19, 2019 event in . The manual is organized into issues and includes helpful worksheets, best practice examples, resources and much more. This toolkit is a resource for organizations and individuals involved in recovery efforts in the period following an infectious disease outbreak, such as the Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak in West Africa in 2014-2016. The Partner Toolkit is composed of three sections, each devoted to a specific safeguarding area: (1) PSEA, (2) Child Safeguarding, and (3) C-TIP. USAID is committed to sharing data, information, knowledge, and supply chain best practices, and builds strong relationships with key partners like: African Society for Laboratory Medicine. In 2014, NetHope published the first edition of the Digital Payments Toolkit to help USAID Implementing Partners (IPs) navigate the journey from cash to digital payments. This toolkit, developed jointly by USAID's Business Growth Initiative and the GEP, is intended to help GEP partners design, implement, and monitor successful entrepreneurship development programs. Mini-grids can extend the socio-economic benefits of electrification in a timely and cost-effective manner. In addition to USAID-specific guidance, the Partner Toolkit includes references to external safeguarding resources that may be of assistance to our implementing partners as they seek to implement effective safeguarding regimes. Found insideThis book presents a comparative analysis of energy efficiency policies in developing countries. Found insideThis led the TKC Corridor Management Group to seek a partnership with the customs administrations of Botswana, ... According to the US Agency for International Development (USAID) estimates, reduced border delays created savings of $2.6 ... More than one billion people lack access to modern electricity services, with 80 percent living in rural areas. Found inside – Page 193PARTNERSHIP READINESS AND VALUE PROPOSITION TEMPLATES In this Annex we present tools for use by partners . The first is a " partnership readiness ” template that invites a potential partner to assess their institute's ability and ... Found inside – Page 82Can you give me a sense of exactly what USAID is doing , the extent to which USAID is supporting microfinance ... In addition to the $ 600,000 contribution from USAID , USAID's implementing partner has raised investment funds from a ... All staff at USAID are responsible for fostering an environment that embodies accountability, inclusion, integrity, dignity, and respect. Advancing Partners & Communities (APC) is a five-year cooperative agreement funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development under Agreement No. Effective safeguarding is a necessary enabling factor for our missionâit is not just what we do, but about how we do it. Achieving this mission requires USAID and its implementing partners to first and foremost âdo no harm,â and moving beyond that, integrate thorough and effective safeguarding regimes throughout our operations and programming to protect the very people we intend to help from any harm. USAID Child Safeguarding External Resources. USAID's West Africa Trade and Investment Hub co-invests with private sector partners with the potential to make a positive impact on the economy and leverage significant private investment. . A toolkit that helps create the most effective combination of energy efficiency policies and programs through a multi-step process focused on country-specific opportunities and resources. Found inside – Page 941Data Sheet USAID Mission : Program Title : Pillar : Strategic Objective : Status : Planned FY 2006 Obligation ... public - private partnerships and is widely disseminating its “ Toolkit to Improve Private Provider Contributions to Child ... Advancing Protection and Care for Children in Adversity: A U.S. Government Strategy for International Assistance. Child Safeguarding Toolkit; Counter-Trafficking in Persons (C-TIP) Toolkit; Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA . Found inside – Page 349n.d. Public-Private Partnership Toolkit.CD-ROM. Washington: International Finance Corporation. ... “Institutional Incentives within USAID: How Do They Affect Project Outcomes?” IRIS Forums Discussion Paper F5-1. This includes promoting respectful and healthy interactions with partners, beneficiaries, and other stakeholders and preventing sexual misconduct in our workplace and programming. This checklist is intended for use by USAID and implementing partner staff when developing or reviewing learning questions during monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) planning processes (i.e., USAID Performance Monitoring Plan and Project MEL plan development or implementing partner Activity MEL plan development). This book uses data to identify failures in efforts to build state capability in development, employs theory to explain why these failures are common and likely to persist, and builds on applied experience to offer a new approach to build ... Make a general inquiry or suggest an improvement. USAID developed this toolkit to support the implementation of the U.S. Strategy to Prevent and Respond to Gender-based Violence Globally. Social Impact, Inc. 2300 Clarendon Boulevard Suite 1000 Arlington, VA 22201 Tel: (703) 465-1884 Fax: (703) 465-1888 This Toolkit is prepared as part of a series on USAID Compliance Toolkits by Najwa Andraos, . Working with US Government-funded awards (grants and cooperative agreements) from USAID involving local partners (such as CSOs and NGOs) requires us to use different partnership templates specifically designed for USAID-funded projects. This conference proceedings presents national experiences of regulatory reform and trade in order to foster consensus-building on best practices. USAID Evaluation Toolkit Guidance, Tools, & Resources for Planning, Managing, & Learning from Evaluations Access financing, loan guarantees, advocacy, and other tools to identify and close deals. The toolkit is organized to inform users how to monitor development . USAID, under the USAID/DELIVER Project, developed the CS Indicators in 2009 to help in-country and global aid program managers, advocates and decision makers to measure and track countries' progress in improving access to contraceptives, particularly for those areas requiring more focused interventions. These businesses receive technical assistance before, during, and after their partnerships with the Trade Hub to ensure they can scale up and contribute . It helps education planners plan and make key decisions on the return to learning during and after education disruptions This new fund brings a total of US$39 million aid given by the USAID, US . During the event, a new Entrepreneurship Toolkit was launched. USAID INVESTMENTS Contact our advisors at Found inside – Page 84USAID has also developed the Entrepreneurship Toolkit to help partner countries, design, implement, and monitor successful development programs (USAID 2011). The Entrepreneurship Toolkit focuses on opportunity-based entrepreneurship ... Found inside – Page 14Who are the main partners and stakeholders involved in addressing these priorities? c. ... How well have previous programs, if any, with international partners (e.g., the World Bank, USAID, or the European Union) been implemented? How to Work with USAID; Organizations That Work With USAID; Find a Funding Opportunity; Resources for Partners. The United States has the largest consumer market in the world, with 325 million people and a GDP over $20 trillion. actions, strengthening design and delivery of competency-based training programs; and advocating for nutrition workforce recruitment, deployment, and capacity-building. Austin Associates and Management Systems International (MSI), would like to sincerely thank USAID not only for sponsoring the creation of this toolkit, but also for their hard work and guidance throughout its development. View the toolkit. For evaluation, separate pathways guide you to resources for Performance . In 2014, NetHope published the first edition of the Digital Payments Toolkit to help USAID Implementing Partners (IPs) navigate the journey from cash to digital payments. They display and guide you to a range of resources on each on these three topics. Featuring USAID, nethope, and Chemonics, this webinar includes the doing to promote following topics: these beneits • Speciic initiatives USAID is undertaking to encourage the use of e-payments by its partners • Tools and resources an organization can use to evaluate the appropriate use and costs of transitioning to e-payments in a speciic . Found inside – Page 148United States Agency for International Development (USAID). 2016. “Project Preparation Facilities Toolbox.” Power Africa, A US Government-led Partnership. USAID, April 2016. Available at sites/ default/ ... Social Impact, Inc. 2300 Clarendon Boulevard Suite 1000 Arlington, VA 22201 Tel: (703) 465-1884 Fax: (703) 465-1888 This Toolkit is prepared as part of a series on USAID Compliance Toolkits by Najwa Andraos, AUDIENCE . Effective supervision facilitates continual improvement of processes and results to achieve program goals. Family Planning 2020. The Distributed Photovoltaics Toolkit provides resources to support developing countries in addressing barriers to safe, effective, and accelerated deployment of distributed solar power. Pathways in this section follow major themes within topics, such as the use of performance indicators in monitoring. This course will provide a wealth of information aimed at building a basic . Found inside – Page 247MobilizingSupport from the Government and Key Development Partners The extended team contacted the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and informed the agency of the purpose of coordination. Welcome to the EV toolkit! Diversity and inclusion underscore our support of Technical Professionals, USAID, and the global health field. Found inside – Page 244... organizations and boundary partners about the links between the program actions, the boundary partners' actions and development changes. ... USAID. Available online at: (accessed October 18, 6. Nutrition Workforce Mapping Toolkit. Businesses & Investors. This competitive, transparent process helps countries meet their energy and climate goals and attract investment into their clean energy futures. It does not assume any level of prior knowledge of interactive radio from the reader. This resource is intended for use by USAID staff or implementing partners as they develop or review learning questions during monitoring, evaluation or learning (MEL) planning processes. Here, USAID staff and partners jointly create, share, refine, and apply practical approaches to more effectively ground programs in evidence and quickly adapt based on new learning and changing contexts, thereby maximizing development outcomes. AID-OAA-A-12-0073. The Gender and ICT Survey Toolkit provides a set of resources for obtaining a landscape assessment of gender and ICT, providing implementing partners currently operating and planning on-the ground programming with practical, well researched tools they can use to obtain data on women's access and usage of mobile phones and other connected devices. The Evaluation Toolkit: Curates the latest USAID guidance, tools, and templates for initiating, planning, managing, and learning from evaluations primarily for USAID staff members who are involved in any phase of the evaluation process. Found inside – Page 106Retrieved from http:// Summary_2016.pdf EUEI-PDF (2014) Mini-grid policy toolkit. EU Energy Initiative Partnership Dialogue Facility. The Role of Science, Technology, Innovation, and Partnerships in the Future of USAID provides an assessment and advice on the current and future role for science, technology, and innovation in assistance programs at USAID and on the role of ... USAID and its partners increasingly apply a "climate lens" to activities across their portfolios. distributed photovoltaics (DPV). USAID Projects 4 Acknowledgements The Business Growth Initiative (BGI) team comprised of Weidemann Associates, J.E. Customized toolkits gather information, resources and tools to help users understand complex global energy problems and design programs to effectively address them. APC is implemented by JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc., in collaboration with FHI 360. the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). USAID partners with the government and people of Afghanistan to ensure economic growth led by the country's pr ivate sector, to establish a democratic and capable state governed by the rule of . This toolkit is for USAID Mission staff and their partner national and local education officials, implementing partners, administrators of education institutions, and educators. As education systems rebuild, USAID is working with partners to mitigate learning losses, prepare for heightened uncertainty in global education, and equip education actors and . USAID is committed to achieving our mission of promoting and demonstrating democratic values abroad, and advancing a free, peaceful, and prosperous world through partnerships and investments that save lives, reduce poverty, strengthen democratic governance, and help people emerge from humanitarian crises and progress beyond assistance. This toolkit was prepared under the Mobile Solutions Technical Assistance and Research (mSTAR) project, United States Agency for International Development Cooperative Agreement No. Reach out to . Find opportunities to partner with USAID in advancing both business and development objectives. A Free Lean & Water Toolkit. . JULY 2014 This report was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development. The Toolkit does not supplant USAIDâs Automated Directives System (ADS) requirements or the terms and conditions in implementing partner contracts and grants. The EV toolkit offers information and guidance materials to support the safe, effective, and accelerated . Advancing Partners & Communities . Found inside – Page 234This mission is shared with the USAID, ensuring we have a common path forward in partnership as we invest in the shared security and prosperity that will ultimately better prepare us for the challenges of tomorrow. The Global Fund. Programs should also include a plan for regular refresher . This toolkit is a resource for development practitioners The consultant will work closely with the LHSS technical team, USAID/PMI HQ, and USAID Missions involved in this activity to develop the PSE toolkit in the following phases: Phase 1: Identify . You can use this checklist to assess the appropriateness of each learning . Found inside – Page 9110 Resources and Tools Websites – PPP Organizations and Units 1 Websites – Sector ... municipal PPP United States Agency for International Development ( USAID ) Economic Growth and Development . html ... Learn how you can get involved and lend a hand. Found inside – Page 1The book is organized around the authors’ seven-step model that has been tested in workshops and practice environments to help the evaluation implementers and managers make the best choices when faced with real world constraints. Found inside – Page 222... was originally developed for the United States Agency for International Development ( USAID ) in 1969. ... by using participatory techniques to involve staff , managers , partners and communities affected by the work . Prosper Africa can help. USAID Child Safeguarding Provisions (Grants). In this book, eminent authority Michael Quinn Patton shows how to conduct evaluations within a DE framework. Patton draws on insights about complex dynamic systems, uncertainty, nonlinearity, and emergence. This resource aims to increase awareness of IPV and land-related policies and programming and provides recommendations for activities and for monitoring and evaluation. and staff and externally to partners, implementers, or other stakeholders. in collaboration with Partners El Salvador and Due Process of Law Foundation . Found inside... USAID, and worldwide partner institutions to ensure that the geospatial tools developed by the SERVIR program strive ... It is defined in the toolkit documentation as consisting of four key steps: consultation and needs assessment; ... USAID Learning Lab hosts three toolkits to provide USAID staff and implementing partners with a curated set of resources to plan, implement and integrate monitoring, evaluating and CLA practices into their programs. USAID Toolkit For Monitoring and Evaluating Gender-Based Violence Interventions Along the Relief to Development Continuum. Implementing partners should make sure to regularly consult their safeguarding-specific award requirements to ensure compliance. Body. It provides users with information on entrepreneurship best practices, case studies . The World Health Organization estimates that as many as 30 percent of women have experienced this kind In addition to USAID-specific guidance, the Partner Toolkit includes references to external safeguarding resources that may be of assistance to our implementing partners as they seek to implement . USAID's Mobilizing Finance for Development (MF4D) self-paced course aims to equip both USAID staff and development practitioners with a fundamental understanding of finance and the tools and resources to mobilize capital investment for sustainable development outcomes. This . On January 12, 2010 a magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck Haiti, killing an estimated 222,653 people and wounding an additional 310,000. Return to Learning Toolkit emphasizes equity, inclusion, and safety across education and training programs. AID-OAA-A-12-00047, beginning October 1, 2012. Found inside – Page 84The WWF Partnership Toolbox, and other partnering tools available from WWF, are useful starting points for resources and ... Biodiversity Conservation:A Guide for USAID Staff and Partners provides basic information about designing, ... The Private Sector Engagement (PSE)Hub works to advance the Agency's cultural and operational transformation toward enterprise-driven development. Intimate Partner Violence and Land Toolkit Each year, millions of women are physically and sexually assaulted by intimate or domestic partners. Advancing Partners & Communities (APC) is a fiveyear cooperative agreement funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development under Agreement No. Found insideGeared towards those deployed to disaster sites as part of the response, this guide offers extensive information on how to make assessments and reports, coordinate with military in the field and participate as a member of a Disaster ... The toolkit comprises resources that provide practical guidance on how to design, implement, and measure concrete activities that improve diets and nutrition through food systems. The contents are the responsibility of Catholic Relief Services and do not necessarily reflect the views of Interaction, USAID or the United States Government. USAID Pakistan. Map-based software applications for 23 countries that integrate resource data and other geographic information systems (GIS) data for resource assessment. This toolkit provides practical guidance on good partnership practice, setting out key considerations through the different phases of assessment and selection of partners, to planning projects collaboratively, monitoring and supporting partners, and exit and. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is . Found inside – Page 236The Borderless Alliance was launched in 2012 with support of several partners, especially the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) West Africa Trade Hub. It provides a platform for the private sector to propose solutions to ... Everywhere USAID works, there is some degree of contextual A tool that tracks the conditions for clean energy investment on and off the grid, and provides information on 58 emerging markets in Africa, Asia and Latin America & the Caribbean. The toolkit presents a framework for analysis and recommends four research tools that - working together with local communities - USAID and its partners can use to prioritize interventions and improve resilience. The Partner Toolkit is composed of three sections, each devoted to a specific safeguarding area: (1) PSEA, (2) Child Safeguarding, and (3) C-TIP. CRM improves the effectiveness and sustainability of USAIDâs energy efforts. U.S. Agency for International Development, Counter-Trafficking in Persons (C-TIP) Toolkit, Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) Toolkit, Acquisition & Assistance Policy Directives, Indirect Cost Rate Guide for Non-Profit Organizations, COVID-19 Guidance For Implementing Partners, Preparing for a World Altered by COVID-19, Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) Policy, Fact Sheet: Preventing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, PSEA Implementation Considerations One-Pager, USAID PSEA Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), No Excuse for Abuse Video on IASC Six Core Principles, Flowchart: USAID Staff and Implementing Partner Reporting of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, OECD-Development Assistance Committee Recommendation on Ending Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment in Development Co-operation and Humanitarian Assistance: Key Pillars of Prevention and Response, Joint USAID-Department of State Report to Congress on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability, PSEA Implementation Quick Reference Handbook, PSEA Assessment & PSEA Toolkit for CSO Partners, USAID Child Safeguarding External Resources, Advancing Protection and Care for Children in Adversity: A U.S. Government Strategy for International Assistance, ADS 200mbt: Policy/Guidance on the Implementation of USAID Child Safeguarding Standards, USAID Child Safeguarding Clauses (Contracts), USAID Counter-Trafficking in Persons Policy, USAID C-TIP Standard Operating Procedures, USAID Guidance on Implementation of the C-TIP Code of Conduct, OMB Anti-Trafficking Risk Management Best Practices & Mitigation Considerations. The toolkit assumes that you are familiar with Lean methods. U.S. Agency for International Development, Counter-Trafficking in Persons (C-TIP) Toolkit, Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) Toolkit, Acquisition & Assistance Policy Directives, Indirect Cost Rate Guide for Non-Profit Organizations, COVID-19 Guidance For Implementing Partners, Preparing for a World Altered by COVID-19, Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) Policy, Fact Sheet: Preventing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, PSEA Implementation Considerations One-Pager, USAID PSEA Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), No Excuse for Abuse Video on IASC Six Core Principles, Flowchart: USAID Staff and Implementing Partner Reporting of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, OECD-Development Assistance Committee Recommendation on Ending Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment in Development Co-operation and Humanitarian Assistance: Key Pillars of Prevention and Response, Joint USAID-Department of State Report to Congress on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability, PSEA Implementation Quick Reference Handbook, PSEA Assessment & PSEA Toolkit for CSO Partners. It was prepared . It complements the Learning Questions checklist and is geared toward strategy-level learning. This toolkit provides guidance on the key elements to consider in desiging and implementing electricity sector reforms. Find out about career opportunities at USAID. GHSC-PSM took over data collection in . Found inside – Page 287Water Operator Partnership Facilitation Guidelines. Metro Manila, Philippines: USAID WaterLinks and AECOM International Development. WaterLinks. 2013. 10-Step promotion program toolkit: Helping service professionals improve water, ... The requirements of USAID grants. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) announced an additional US$11.3 million financial assistance to the Philippines to support the country's efforts to curb the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Found inside – Page 215Specifically , funding will support development of the tools and models to share best practices related to the key ... GH provided strategic leadership for the formation and continuation of several USAID partnerships to promote MCH ... Making the Journey from Cash to Electronic Payments: A Toolkit for USAID Implementing Partners and Development Organizations. The USAID Education in Crisis and Conflict Network (ECCN) developed the Safer Learning Environments Assessment Toolkit (SLE Toolkit) to support Implementing Partners to better understand the situation of learners and school personnel in complex and volatile contexts. Like other guides in this series, this Toolkit discusses key issues that need to be considered when development assistance is provided in religious contexts and identifies lessons that been emerged from USAID's experience implementing such ... Found inside – Page 75The objective is to deploy MAP -I-IT toolkit to Joint, Interagency, Intergovernmental, and Multinational (IIMM) elements (e.g. UsAID, DEA, Coalition Partners). . . . 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