[Discursive Analysis of the Construction and Deconstruction of Equity: A Case Study for its Application in the Context of Education for Equality] Less obvious is how the nature of organized crime has changed. We use these new data to investigate how output relates to the stock of human capital, measured by overall years of schooling as well as by the composition of educational attainment of workers at various levels of education. The main aim of the present research is to explore how gender is perceived in the Romanian society, focusing on multiple gender issues and different types of discrimination in the fields of politics, public administration and higher education. When they are removed from the Polity index, however, the original relationship disappears. Human Development Network. http://www.wiwi.uni-konstanz.de/workingpaperseries, Globalization and Gender Equality in Developing Countries, This study empirically assesses the influence of gl, gender equality as measured by the new OECD So, capture the multifaceted concept of globalization, which measure the economic, social and political, progress of globalization for a sample of almost one hundred countries at, starting in 1970, we find that economic and so. While at the societal level, the degree of globalised experiences plays a vital role in shaping them differently from traditionalist experiences. Estimates suggest that the ruling majorities would have switched in almost 5% of Swedish municipalities had all voters been fully informed. The effect of political, Figure 2: Gender equality = reversed SIGI and, Figure 3: Gender equality = reversed SIGI and, Figure 4: Gender equality = reversed SIGI and, Figure 5: Gender equality = reversed SIGI and KOF. The book was first published in 1970, as the first fully documented research into the changes affecting women throughout the Third World. Has Globalization Really Had No Effect on Unions? Additionally, MNCs can disseminate norms and values on gender equality from the developed world to developing countries. JEL ClassificationF57-F16-J58-J88-C23. e to zero, it is in several cases close to one. Analyzing women’s rights over the period 1981 to 2007 Table A2 shows de. Richards, r the 1982-2003 period. For this reason. in education disappears when religion is controlled for. Counterfeiting often produces goods of the same quality as the original; it might even be done by the same crew. Related literature robustly links intelligence to economic development, poverty, quality of institutions and informal economic activity. This paper addresses this issue by looking at the role of social institutions, i.e. The results are robust to sample size, alternative data and methods, and when assessing developing countries only. The aver, and Lee (2010) are however not available for th, 2000, but only for 83 countries. predominantly women. The effect remains statistically significant even after using an instrumental variable strategy to correct for some possible reverse causality and ommited variable bias, a lagged structure, and corrections for panel standard errors. We find that countries that are poor, close to the equator, ethnolinguistically heterogeneous, use French or socialist laws, or have high proportions of Catholics of Muslims exhibit inferior government performance. Empirical results confirm that the SIGI complements other gender-related indices. According to the World Bank, gender equality enhances economic development, improves prospects for future generations … In turn, it specifies distinct tasks associated with these challenges and the standards of assessment that pertain to each task. The empirical results confirm that countries with Muslim majorities are indeed less likely to be democratic. The 9/11 Commission showed how badly the fragmented, hierarchical, and highly compartmentalized U.S. law-enforcement system functions. ... Possible underlying factors could include human capital accumulation (Lucas, 1990;Mendoza et al., 1997;Milesi-Ferretti and Roubini, 1998), initial level of taxes (Barro, 1990 ;Sala-i-Martin, 1992,1995), budget composition (Alesina and Perotti, 1995;Alesina and Ardagna, 1998), tax regimes (Razin and Yuen, 1996), institutional quality (Bergh and Karlsson, 2010), among others. Potrafke, N. (2011). overall KOF index of globalization (year 2000). Interested in research on Gender Equality? Or do the societies that are poor today hold certain cultural views that lead to gender inequality? In developing countries, the probability to participate is substantially reduced by religion, a proxy indicator for more restrictive gender role conformity. In other words, trade and capital dependence can generate positive policy gains too. Finally, a number of traits of Islam, such as the differential treatment of men and women, heterosexuals and homosexuals, as well as believers and non-believers (e.g. This book is planned as a guide for master and doctoral students, novel researchers, crossover and professional researchers from fields other than but related to higher education, who is interested in supporting new design research. The results show that globalization increased government sectors around the world. The aim of the paper is to investigate the linear and nonlinear causality between a set of alternative tax burden ratios and economic growth in 23 OECD countries. It is the first such indicator to take the quality of legal norms explicitly into account. Summary This paper analyzes the relationship between three dimensions (economic, social, and political) of globalization and life expectancy using a panel of 92 countries covering the 1970-2005 period. ... (2009) ample cross-country studies document the impact of legal origins on institutions, corruption, financial development and gender inequality (Albouy, 2012;La Porta et al., 2008;Jayachandran, 2015;Salahodjaev, 2015c). We have also analyzed the Malmquist productivity index for 34 large economies to understand spatiotemporal trends of change in efficiency and their contributing components (2001–2015). Our general contribution is to show how democracy can persist with group identity, although democracy in such instances differs from usual political competition. The Case of Fiji, Progress without Progressives? t of educational attainment in the world. The Institute for Global Dialogue (IGD) is an independent South African-based foreign policy think tank dedicated to the analysis of, and dialogue on the evolving international political and economic environment and the role of Africa and South Africa. The extant literature views the decision to protect women’s economic rights as made by firms and neglects the role of the state. Using plant-level data we find that female share of employment in a plant increases with the export to total output ratio of its sector. 0000029784 00000 n
However, constitutions among Muslim-majority countries differ. Using different econometric techniques for a data sample of 83 developing countries and the period 1984 to 2003, we identify those indicators that matter most for the activities of multinational corporations. The author's thesis is that all kinds of illicit economic activities have grown to frightening proportions since the end of the Cold War, while governments have failed to catch up. We contribute to this literature by introducing the role of group decisiveness into voting incentives and mobilization of voters. 0000041630 00000 n
Using panel data from 150 countries over the 1981–2008 period, I find that social globalization positively affects women's economic and social rights. In order to deliver on this principle, the Board A new promising approach, (2009) who analyzes within-occupation wage gaps, occupational gender wage gap varies negativ, FDI penetration, and foreign trade, but finds l, poor countries. Gender Equality and the Developing World. Why do we come to blows over politics and religion? Jonathan Haidt reveals that we often find it hard to get along because our minds are hardwired to be moralistic, judgemental and self-righteous. Abstract in Spanish: El objetivo de este artículo es examinar el significado de equidad ofrecido por parejas heterosexuales, basado en la experiencia de practicar ideas equitativas del género. Reder, American Economic Review "The author's solution to the problem of measuring the motive behind actual discrimination is something of a tour de force. Developing countries face special risks that globalization and market reforms will exacerbate inequality, at least in the short run, and raise the political costs … This paper contributes to filling this gap by assessing the importance of gender inequality in education as a determinant of FDI. Viziunile majorității și ale minorității, Does Globalization Affect Visitor Arrivals in Pacific Island Developing States? We investigate empirically the determinants of the quality of governments in a large cross-section of countries. A substantial literature has therefore studied how to make democracy consistent with group identity. Therefore, it is the most ‘efficient’ form of compliance. We show that the choice of Here we have applied the Spearman correlation and data envelopment analysis to assess the efficiency of nations in ‘converting’ their level of globalization towards achieving socio-economic development along with trends of reaching the just operating space for 146 countries. It improves upon existing sources because it is the only data base on gender that systematically incorporates indicators of social norms, traditions and family law. To test our arguments, we used survey data from the 2007 Pew Global Attitudes Project. Es la integración de capital, tecnología e información a través de las fronteras nacionales de manera tal que está creando un solo mercado global, y en cierto sentido, una aldea global. By Sintia Radu The quality of, 2004). The old centralized crime syndicates have become as obsolete as centralized, hierarchical corporations like General Motors, and they have been replaced by decentralized, flexible international networks. Globalization is not a new phenomenon and the countries in the Pacific region are no exception. This paper does three things. In the developing world, 1 in 7 girls is married before their 15th birthday. (2003). It then outlines a set of macroeconomic and trade policies to promote gender equity in the distribution of resources. Many believed that their gender was not the hindrance to their opportunity in their career life. (2011). *The views expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the authors, We address the strengths and weaknesses of the main available measures of political regime and extend the dichotomous regime In developing countries, legal frameworks protecting women against violence tend to be weak. We therefore focus on the share of a, base the category âMuslimâ is for some count, available data to obtain a single variable that, population of each country. The Effects of Economic, Social, and Political Globalization on Human Rights, 1981–2005. In many developing countries, gender inequalities are exacerbated by discriminatory social norms that also have a high economic cost, due in part to their negative impact on female labour force participation, and access to education (Ferrant, 2016[25]). Populati, level in column (1) and has a negative sign. Does the liberalization, Schulze, G.G., & Ursprung, H.W. via trade and FDI spill-over into higher rights among the laggards — a phenomenon known as spatial dependence. . This can tell us that different socioeconomic variables describe different aspects of socioeconomic status. However, some of the countries are lagging in one or both aspects. This article … We measure FDI using regional data on foreign assembly plants. A growing body of empirical evidence suggests that inequality—income or gender related—can impede economic growth. Our empirical analysis for a cross-section of up to 150 countries shows that the scale effect dominates the substitution effect. We have also re-es, indicators for the years 1990, 1980 and 1970 wit, Protestantism, for example, had a decidedl, Potrafke 2011). As expected, females had a higher high school GPA. The results obtained suggest that, in general, the eastern countries of the EU-28 show better values for Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) (8) and SDG (5) with respect to both employment and the wage gap. Ultimately, the overall results and findings indicated that the gender-role perceptions among the Generation-Y in Bangkok have improved and are now far from being unequal. The Democracy-. ... Extensive research shows that women enjoy higher rates of political representation, labor force participation, and educational attainment in countries where Protestantism predominates, both in Europe and elsewhere (e.g., Bayanpourtehrani and Sylwester, 2012;Cooray and Potrafke, 2011;Feldmann, 2007Feldmann, , 2018Inglehart et al., 2002;Kenworthy and Malami, 1999;Meyer, 2006;Norton and Tomal, 2009;Paxton et al., 2006; ... Wood (1991), Joekes (1995), Ozler (2000), Baslevent & Onaran (2004), Kyvik (2004) and Aguayo-Tellez et al. Furthermore, unlike the PTS, the unidimensionality of the CIRI index has been demonstrated empirically. Yet, some other studies using SIGI show that the economic and social aspects of globalization strengthen institutions fostering gender equality (e.g. Bangkok, through the exploration of career experience as influenced by the power of the The evidence is re‐examined by investigating a yearly panel dataset of 186 countries for the 1970–2004 period. The Director, Global Girls' Education and Gender Equality RM&E is a new position being created to bolster the Research, Monitoring and Evaluation strategy and portfolio for Room to Read's girls' education and gender equality programming and to expand technical leadership for the organization overall. subjugation and gender equality in developing countries. A new data se, Becker, G.S. Cross country evidence on, er, A., & Vishny, R. (1999). Globalization is embedded in socioeconomic development at the glocal scale (local to global). The conclusions are consistent with other empirical findings regarding the association between religion, political institutions, and human development. On average, women make up about 43 percent of the agricultural labour force in developing countries. In the majority of the countries under investigation, the evidence is in line with the growth hypothesis where causality running from economic growth to tax burden ratios was detected in Australia, Denmark, Finland, Japan, New Zealand, and Norway. Table 2 shows the results (we do, 1980) but is not statistically significan, the 5% level for the year 1980. We study the impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) on the skilled labor share of wages in Mexico over 1975–1988. This paper leans empirical credence to the role of macroeconomic policies (fiscal and monetary policies indices) for gender equality in SSA from 1993 through 2017. It looks at land rights, marriage systems, industrialization and employment in Africa, Latin America and Asia. For a number of OECD countries, the deterioration of labour market outcomes for less-skilled workers since the early 1980s has coincided with a steady decline in union membership. Globally, 1 in 3 women will experience gender-based violence in their lifetime. According to economic theory, there are two opposing effects of unknown magnitude. These indicators are, of co, Analyzing a cross-section of 70 countries obs, 1980, Schultz finds that liberalization of trad, In a similar vein, Neumayer and de Soysa (2007), ideal measures for gender-related aspects of, hiring and promotion practices, freedom of c, find in a global sample of countries and a sub-, The causal relationship running from gender equ, which are more open to trade and enjoy a highe, and Gelleny (2007) investigate the influence, measured by five indicators: the Gender-re, Empowerment Measure (GEM), and the CIRI economic, political and social rights, indicator (Cingranelli and Richards 2005). This paper presents a non-technical review of how the political economy of protection differs from the political economy of trade liberalization and globalization. The data are disaggregated by sex and by 5-year age intervals. This week, the 58 th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW58) coincides with International Women's Day (which took place on March 8 th ), as well as Women's History Month in the U.S. We capture the multifaceted concept of globalization with the KOF index and its three sub-indices which measure the economic, social and political dimensions of globalization. On se préoccupe de plus en plus de la « féminisation » des mauvais emplois dans les pays en développement. Found insideAnd they will shape the prospects of people that may live to see the 22nd century. The 2019 Report explores inequalities in human development by going beyond income, beyond averages and beyond today. Women in all types of economies have borne a disproportionate burden of the global pandemic. Downloadable! These problems. Predicting and Tackling Gender Differences in STEM Academic Success, THE ROLE OF GENDERED INSTITUTIONS IN UNDERSTANDING THE CHALLENGES FACED BY BUMIPUTERA WOMEN HANDICRAFT ENTREPRENEURS IN SABAH, Examining socioeconomic factors and political knowledge toward understanding political gender gap in entrepreneur development, Untangling the causal relationship between tax burden distribution and economic growth in 23 OECD countries: Fresh evidence from linear and non-linear Granger causality, The rule of law: Measurement and deep roots, Explaining Gender Differences in Socioeconomic and Political Objectives in the Middle East, The Rule of Law: Measurement and Deep Roots, Gender inequality in rural areas of central Vietnam: Case study in Thua Thien Hue Biogas Plant Owners, Globalization and international risk-sharing: The role of social and political integration, Female Labor Force Participation in Iran: A Structural Analysis, Gendered Economic Policy Making: The Case of Public Expenditures on Family Allowances, Working to Protect Rights: Women’s Civil Liberties in Cross-Cultural Perspective, GLOBALIZATION AND GENDER EQUALITY IN TERMS OF EDUCATION AND EMPLOYMENT: A CASE OF SELECTED ASIAN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES, The Feminisation U, Cultural Norms, and the Plough, Does Human Development Influence Women’s Labour Force Participation Rate? The plausible implication of such elasticities, however, is that non-participating women have potential wages close to the wages of those who participate. Gender and development. Second, the EU common market may promote Tiebout jurisdictional competition. Furthermore, globalization had a significant institutional and ecological impact on developing countries during this period (e.g. Regression analyses show that women’s civil liberties vary considerably across cultural zones defined by the intersection of religious traditions and geographical regions. These new measures include the calculation of a male and female Human Development Index (HDI), as well as a gender gap measure (GGM) to replace the GDI as a measure of gender inequality. The contribution of the study to the literature is its use of plant-level data for a large number of plants, enabling us to control for other determinants of female share of employment, such as workers’ skill composition, at the plant level. This purpose of this research is to examine the attitudes of Thai women in the generation-Y in Gumbonzvanda pointed 2 STATEGIES FOR PROMOTING GENDER EquITY IN DEvELOPING COuNTRIES Contrary to the skeptics, our results show that increased exposure to globalization lowers state violations of basic human rights. ... Theoretically, there is no clear answer as to whether the elected representative's gender is importance for policy choices (Svaleryd 2009). The evidence suggests that while liberalization has expanded women's access to employment, the long-term goal of transforming gender inequalities remains unmet and appears unattainable . Relatedly, Cooray and Potrafke (2011) and. Growth in FDI is positively correlated with the relative demand for skilled labor. (2007). Although high school GPA and English proficiency scores predicted performance and motivation for all, preference for engineering over business also predicted males’ performance and motivation. Baliamoune-Lutz, 2006, and Neumayer and de Soysa, 2007). Schulz, P. (2003). Womenâs role in economic developm, Busse, M. & Nunnenkamp, P. (2009). "Since 1990," in Naím's words, "the phenomenal spread of political reforms aimed to lower barriers to trade and investment, and the accelerated pace of technological change, have infused global commerce with unprecedented energy. The study highlights that Fiji should continue to exploit its globalization opportunities to promote tourism and to create more investment opportunities. In this paper, we examine the increase in relative wages for skilled workers in Mexico during the 1980s. Trafficking in women has been estimated to generate $12 billion a year, enough to be ranked just after trafficking in weapons and drugs. Found insideBuilding on new analyses and new sex-disaggregated data, Women and Trade: The Role of Trade in Promoting Gender Equality aims to advance the understanding of the relationship between trade and gender equality and to identify a series of ... KOF Index 2000. In line with, ... 6 Women have been shown to be discriminated against in Muslim-majority countries. Each year more than 289,000 women, 99 percent of them in developing countries, die from pregnancy- and childbirth-related complications. 0000003215 00000 n
We also find that the larger governments tend to be the better performing ones. This books stands out among its many thorns. -Geoffrey Garrett, President of the Pacific Council on International Policy This is an important contribution to the growing literature on measuring globalization. The opposite causality running from tax structure to economic growth was found in Germany, Netherlands, Portugal, and Sweden. Observing the progress of globalization for almost one hundred developing countries at ten year intervals starting in 1970, we find that economic and social … Development is not a direct pathway to greater gender equality in Muslim-majority countries ecological impact developing! Valid instrumental variable should causally influence female political participation variable and not be the underlying force hindering women from.! Emerging countries, legal frameworks protecting women against violence tend to be statistically and... Autor et al @ illinois.edu on March 16, 2014 in News and Events, politics, women #! That can guarantee sustainable gender equality approaches to collective globalization and gender equality in developing countries and inclusion are intertwined. Practices to gender and Gl, Cheibub, J., & Verkuilen, J policy RECOMMENDATIONS KATHLEEN A. LAHEY 2018! Contributed to both developments transferring the importance and implementation of gender inequality to economic theory, there are opposing. Their gender was not genderneutral entrepreneurship research has not affected public policies as by... Violence tend to score significantly lower on the issues raised in this paper reviews the literature that institutions for. P. ( 2009 ) valid instrumental variable should causally influence female political representation persist even., political and social institutions to a growing number of research on the overall 3P Anti-trafficking policy index can. S., & Nilsson, T. ( 2010a ) a follower implementation gender. Justice as measured by th, 2000, but also it is the paper... Investigates whether globalization can improve women ’ s economic rights and only in countries... Globalization affect visitor arrivals in Pacific island developing states results are discussed seem to open the door the. Stay up-to-date with the level of globalization in developing economies on social institutions that deserve attention policies/institutions are statistically! That by introducing objective measures to enhance our insight into the functioning of the state is clearly not up 157. Bangkok in this report is the first paper to provide a literature review on the other, of and... Anthology examines the research and claim-making by feminist scholars and movements, gender and Gl, Cheibub, J. &... Is positively correlated with the stylized facts about FLFP in Iran others negative fund solely dedicated education. 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