There was no captain's sworn statement with this list, which was filed as an abstract. The Irish Famine caused the first mass migration of Irish people to the United States. "Passenger Lists from The Shamrock or Irish Chronicle, 1815-1816." Ports of … Passengers from … Sailed from Dublin to New York April 5, 1803. October 13th 1834, ship Canton from Glasgow / arr. July 1833 (& crew), bark Edward Reid sailed from Londonderry June (11th) 14th 1833 / arr. Ship Passenger Lists to Canada There are no comprehensive lists of immigrant arrivals in Canada prior to 1865 because shipping companies at that time were not required by the government to create and retain their passenger list manifests. Including ships from Liverpool, Glasgow, and Belfast to New York, Boston, and Wilmington. ), brig Thomas Hanford from Cork ? It records Irish, English, Scottish, and Welsh immigrants arriving at the main US ports. List of several ships and passenger lists; Irish Passenger Lists, 1803-1806; List of passengers to Philadelphia on board the BROTHERS of Philadelphia, sworn at Londonderry, 14 April 1804. Passenger Arrivals at the Port of Philadelphia, 1800-1829. The Passenger Lists leaving the UK (1890 to 1960) contain the following entries: Ramsdaille (2), Ramsdal (5), Ramsdale (184), Ramsdall (3), Ramsdan (1), Ramsdel (2) and Ramsdell (162), Ramsdem (2), Ramsdill (1), Ransdale (25), Romsdal (2) and Romsdale (1).. What information do these Passenger Lists contain? May 19th 1834, bark Lady Campbell sailed from Greenock March 22nd 1834 / arr. Passengers on the Hannah, September 11, 1764, traveling from Cork. Sites with Genealogical Source Material Irish Passenger Lists Many searchable sites with 1700 - 1800 Passengers Six pages. Passenger Lists. This list has been compiled by Edmundo Murray from Coghlan, Eduardo, El Aporte de los Irlandeses a la Formación de la Nación Argentina (Buenos Aires, 1982), with a written authorisation from Margarita O'Farrell de Coghlan. From Ireland and Liverpool to the US and Canada from 1849 to 1851. Find out more about Irish Canadian immigration history. White Star Line Passenger List. June 2nd 1834 (20? July 30th 1834, John Rodd, Master (no list, 15 pass. May 13th 1833, Peter Hamilton, Master (1 adt. J & J Cooke Line and the McCorkell Line. Irish Passenger Lists: Emigrants From Ireland To America And Canada View. Filling in the Gaps: Finding Pre-1865 Ships Passenger Lists to Canada (84 pages) by Lorine McGinnis Schulze July 16th 1833 (& crew), ship Pacific sailed from Liverpool (May/June?) Caroline Ferguson), ship Jennet from Bristol / arr. June 1st 1833, Thomas Russell, Master (1 adt./3 ch.,unnamed), bark Pallas of Cork, sailed from Cork ? These lists of Protestant and Roman Catholic emigrants from counties Carlow and Wexford intending to emigrate to British America (via Quebec) list only the head-of-household, with the numbers of persons within each family group. May 12th 1834, ship Quebec sailed from Glasgow April 1st 1834 / arr. October 1834 (no further information), brig William & Robert sailed from Liverpool August 19th 1834 / arr. September 1834, brig William from Londonderry / arr. R.M.S. St. Andrews, N.B. Many of these records are not indexed. ), brig Zephyr sailed from Ballyshannon June 7th 1834 / arr. This might help to explain the paucity of passenger lists in provincial records before 1832. Irish Passenger Lists 1803-1894, Npub, call #IR P046. no further information), James Lemon sailed from Londonderry September 20th 1834 / arr. Lists of Passengers Sailing from Londonderry to America on Ships of the J & J Cooke Line and the McCorkell Line. 1834, (brig) Thetis of Troon, sailed from Cork Ireland April 12th 1837 / arr. ), brig Luna from Dublin / arr. Nova Scotia | to Quebec, Ontario This index to 4.5 million immigrants who arrived in ports in what are now the United States and Canadian from the 1500s can be accessed in the ‘US Immigration Collection’. August 1833 (& crew), bark Greenhow from Liverpool / arr. 1833 / arr. Source: The National Archives, Immigration of Russians to the United States of America, 1845-51 (machine readable record). October 1834 (& crew), Katherine arr. August 17th 1833, brig Retrench sailed from London July 2nd 1833 / arr. The Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation (SOLEIF) was founded. The McCorkell Line one of the most famous Irish passenger shipping lines fro 1778-1897 to the United States and Canada. Boston Passenger Lists, 1820-1943. September 16th 1834, William Lawton, Master (no list, 21 pass. Over 60 passenger lists available. October 15th 1838, bark Caronge sailed from Londonderry ? Operated Handley Page Hermes, Vickers VC.1 Viking. The passenger lists in BT27 include long-haul voyages to destinations outside Britain and Europe. May 29th 1833, brig Neptune sailed from Warrenpoint April 9th 1833 / arr. 1833 / arr. For the port of New York, the database covers the years between 1846 and 1890. Irish Passenger Lists, 1847-1871. Irish Relatives and Friends, call #IR P025. Find your Irish Ancestors today with the Irish Family History Foundation online research service. However the Board of Trade passenger lists of vessels from 1890 to 1960 contain the names of the passengers departing to and as well as from English, Welsh, Scottish and Irish ports with final destinations outside Europe and the Mediterranean Sea. Our exclusive passenger list collection contains all long-haul voyages that left Irish and English ports from 1890 to 1922. June 4th/6th 1834 (& crew), bark Protector sailed from Londonderry April 19th 1834 / arr. St. John's, Nfld. Lists of Emigrants to America 1635-1776, contains lists of passengers, including Irish emigrants, who departed from English ports. Irish Passenger Lists 1803-1806: Lists of Passengers Sailing from Ireland to America Extracted from the Hardwicke Papers by Brian Mitchell (Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1995) This book identifies 4,500 emigrants in 109 sailings from Irish ports to USA between March 1803 and March 1806. from Dublin Ireland to Montreal 8 August 1850, Saint John, N.B. Other resources: There are many free online offerings of passenger lists. These are passenger lists for emigrants from Ireland to the United States and Canada, arranged in date order. Ocean Liner at Queenstown circa 1900. Convicts transported to Australia in the first half of the 19th Century numbered approximately 40,000. Immigration records, also known as "passenger arrival records," can provide genealogical information including: 1. 183-206. Irish Passenger Lists, 1803-1806: Lists of Passengers Sailing from Ireland to America by Brian Mitchell Altogether, some 4,500 passengers are identified in the 109 sailings recorded in this transcription of the Hardwicke Papers, a rare official register of passengers leaving Irish ports. Passengers on the St. George to London to Waterford to Maryland, October 7, 1677. This list has been compiled by Edmundo Murray from Coghlan, Eduardo, El Aporte de los Irlandeses a la Formación de la Nación Argentina (Buenos Aires, 1982), with a written authorisation from Margarita O'Farrell de Coghlan. On May 31, 1847, 40 ships lay off Grosse Île with 12,500 passengers packed as human ballast. November 26th 1834, ship Sir Robert H. Dick sailed from Liverpool November 10th 1834 / arr. November 8th 1833, James Whyte, Master (1 unnamed pass. Passenger List, Queenston To New York On "Teutonic", 1891. The creation and filing of lists of passengers was required under various shipping acts of the United Kingdom but those lists were retained at British and Irish ports. 100 passenger lists, transcribed by Alan Tupman. "Irish Passenger Lists 1847-1871" Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. Baltimore,1988 (ISBN 0-8063-1206-8). Key Irish genealogy records featuring Griffith's Valuation, censuses, wills, passenger lists, militia records, and more. May 10th/13th 1834 (& crew), brig Fenwick Keating sailed from Liverpool April 8th 1834 / arr. 1865. You may wish to join CAN-SHIPSLISTS-PRE1865. June 1833 (& crew), brig Zephyr sailed from Sligo (Ballyshannon) April 11th 1833 / arr. [There are no comprehensive ships passenger lists of immigrants arriving in Canada prior to 1865. July 11th 1834, James Greig, Master (no list, 20 pass. Names of Emigrants from the 1845-1847 Records of James Allison, Emigrant Agent at Montreal Quebec Canada, Ship Triumph from Dublin Ireland to Montreal May 1850, Ship Lady Agnes? 1833 / arr. 1834 / arrived late July or early August 1834 (& crew), brig Thomas Hanford sailed from Cork June ? Between 1772 and 1777, a wave of some 30,000 Ulstermen were forced to leave Northern Ireland by harsh rents and economic conditions, and sailed for the new world . 1833 / arr.September 28th 1833 (& crew), brig Thomas Hanford sailed from Cork August ? Condor sailed from Londonderry July 4th 1838 / arr. There is no single, standard format. The lists contain information such as name, age, country of origin, occupation and intended destination. The passenger lists are records mostly of passengers on ships from Irish and British ports to ports in North America, United States and Canada) (UK departure passenger lists, 1890-1960 to destinations outside Britain and Europe extracted from TNA series BT 27 ) Back to the top. My Ancestors My 1718 Migration ancestors were the Thornton family who are said to be from the Strabane Valley of County Tyrone. Don't leave without searching for your ancestors on Olive Tree Genealogy! Customs House Passenger Lists 1815, 1832, 1833-1834 & 1837-1838, Passengers to Nova Scotia on a variety of ships 1748, Officers, Seamen and Marines of His Majesty's Fleet on Lake Ontario, killed and wounded at Oswego on 6 May 1814, Peter Robinson Irish Immigration to Peterborough, Find Ancestors on Ships Passenger Lists of the Peter Robinson Settlement of 1825, The Petworth Emigration Project 1832-1837, Irish This book identifies, by townland and parish, the names and destinations of 1,922 emigrants and of 270 seasonal migrants (travelling to harvest work in England or Scotland) who departed Counties Antrim and Derry in the years 1833 to 1839.   Londonderry 1848 Ireland to St John, New Brunswick (J J Cooke Shipping Records) This is a mailing list for the discussion and sharing of information regarding ship passenger lists, immigration records, naturalization records and ships' lists substitutes for immigration to Canada before 1865. In The Journal of the American Irish Historical Society, vol. Irish Passenger Lists, 1847-1871. 1833 / arr. 1600-1799 ~ 1800-1810 ~ 1811-1824 ~ 1825-1830 ~ 1831-1845 ~ 1846-1847 ~ 1848-1849 ~ 1850-1900 ~ 1900-present. Irish American newspapers were diligent about reporting the great migration of Irish immigrants to America in the 19th and 20th centuries. May 10th/12th 1834, brig William sailed from Londonderry April 2nd 1834 / arr. records (Saint Albans Lists) | J.J. Cooke Shipping Agent Records | Filling in the Gaps 1850-1857. Irish Passenger Lists 1803-1894, Npub, call #IR P046. late June 1834 (& crew), brig Charlotte sailed from Cork May ? Ulster Ancestry undertake detailed ancestral research and family history research here in the Province of Ulster primarily in the Counties of Antrim, Armagh, Tyrone, Fermanagh, Down, Londonderry/Derry and Donegal. google_ad_client = "ca-pub-2718265230263770"; Irish Passenger Lists, 1847-1871: List of Passengers Sailing from Londonderry to America on Ships of the J. The best guide is at May 16th 1838 (& crew), brig Industry sailed from Cork ? Waterford, Cork, and Kinsale. Irish Passenger Lists, 1847-1871, call #IR P024. Twin Screw. August 1833 (& crew), brig William (of Fishguard) sailed from Cork May 31st 1833 / arr. June 30th/July 3rd 1834, Daniel Bowen, Master (no list, 152 adults, 14 children under 14 years, 16 children under 7 years, (12 infants) and 9 crew members), brig Lady Douglas sailed from New Ross April 29th 1834 / arr. Of course, St Patrick’s Day is widely celebrated in Canada, and Montreal proudly lays claim to … 1834 (3 unnamed adults; no further details), brig Matilda sailed from Cork March 19th 1834 / arr. "Passenger Lists from The Shamrock or Irish Chronicle, 1815-1816." Immigration records, also known as "ship passenger arrival records," may provide genealogists with information such as: one's nationality, place of birth ship name and date of entry to the United States age, height, eye and hair color profession place of These are passenger lists for emigrants from Ireland to the United States and Canada, arranged in date order. Ulster Ancestry is a series of free pages which you can use for your research purposes. A compilation of naturalization and denization records in the British colonies in America between 1607 and 1775. Records were compiled from published literature, then expanded and improved by the examination of original source materials. Smith. ← 20th century lists include even more details, giving the town or county of origin, and the names of other family members, destination, physical description, and more. August 1834 (& crew), brig Preston sailed from Sligo June 28th 1834 / arr. Janie Riley is an avid genealogist with a habit of stumbling on to dead bodies.   British Queen 1849 Ireland to St John, New Brunswick (J J Cooke Shipping Records) Passengers in 1679 on Encrease from Youghal, Cork. Search Ships An index of passengers who departed from Londonderry AND who bought tickets from 2 shipping firms in Londonderry: McCorkell and J & J Cooke. This is a list of 5800 Irish, sorted by surname, who emigrated essentially before the famine, some as early as the 1760's, to the United States and Canada (British North America). July 1833, schooner Susan Jane sailed from Sligo (Ballyshannon) May 16th 1833 / arr. June 13th 1834 (& crew), brig Sea Horse sailed from Galway April 29th 1834 / arr.  James Redden 1850 Ireland to St John New Brunswick (J J Cooke Shipping Records). September ? The National Archives of Canada (LAC) have copies of all the available manifests on microfilm, 1865-1935 (see the list of ports and years below). Irish immigration into Canada really escalated at the turn of the 19th Century immediately following the Napoleonic Wars. July 1833 (no list - 255 pass. Peggy sailed from Plymouth September 14th 1833 / arr. October ? The PASSENGER LIST of the COMMERCE --- 1803 August 2nd 1834, brig Eleanor Gordon sailed from Londonderry June ? They give the books were the lists can be found. unnamed), ship Wakefield from Liverpool / arr. 1838 / arr. The following is a list of Irish ships to America from the 17 th to the early 20 th centuries, obtained from Irish immigrant passenger lists. pass. 339 records matching Donegal. List of Passengers brought into the District of French's Bay from Foreign Countries in the Qr. Famine Migration to New Brunswick 1845 - 1852, List of Widows and Orphans from Grosse Ile (Canada), brig Symmetry sailed from Londonderry September 8th 1832 / arr. May 1833 (16 pass. Library and Archives Canada, n.d. RG 76-C. Department of Employment and Immigration fonds. This book has been considered by academicians and scholars of great significance and value to literature. August 21st 1833 (& crew), (ship) Providence sailed from Cork July 22nd 1833 / arr. Mitchell, Brian, Irish Passenger Lists 1847-1871 (Baltimore: 1988). In The Journal of the American Irish Historical Society, vol. As a general rule, prior to 1890, you are more likely to identify passengers at the port of arrival as opposed to the port of departure. Established as Flykeen Airways. Call No. The microfilm reference number refers to the set of microfilms presented to Australia in 1988. Extensive array of passenger lists from those of Irish nationality aboard "immigrant ships". Includes lists, names, and ships from the early 1600s through to the late 1800s. Ulster Ancestry is a series of free pages which you can use for your research purposes. August 1833 (& crew), bark Eweretta sailed from Londonderry June 22nd 1833 / arr. Irish Passenger Lists to USA and Canada ports. Pre-famine immigration from Ireland to Canada came mainly via shipping and industry. CAN-SHIPSLISTS-PRE1865 page. July 1833, brig Leslie Gault sailed from Londonderry (May/June?) Passenger Records 1819-1836, Poor Law Union Immigration from England to Canada 1836-1853, Passenger Books of J & J Cooke, Shipping Agents, People from the Fitzwilliam estate in Ireland who settled in Ontario, 1847-1855, A Story of Emigration: Southwest Wicklow (Ireland) to Ontario 1840s, Index of Names of Emigrants from the 1845-1847 Records of James Allison, Emigrant Agent at Montreal, Filling in the Gaps: Partial Ships Passenger Lists 1850-1855, Return of Emigrants Landed at the Port of Kingston Ontario, Canada 1861-1882, Emigrants from England in New York City Almshouse 1818-1830, Search most ships lists on the Internet going to 20,000+ Passenger Manifests in 20 Volumes plus numerous other passengers listed in Special Projects. late May 1833, brigantine Jane from Lenvick ? Return to Irish emigration main menu. National Archives Immigrant & Passenger Arrivals, call #Imm-073 Toronto: Ontario Genealogical Society, 1986. This is a list of 5800 Irish, sorted by surname, who emigrated essentially before the famine, some as early as the 1760's, to the United States and Canada (British North America). August 1834 (& crew), ship Sir Robert H. Dick from Liverpool / arr. Passenger and Emigrant Lists These are not searchable databases. Lists of Emigrants to America, 1635-1776, contains lists of passengers, including Irish emigrants, who departed from English ports. google_ad_slot = "2891145471"; OR Liverpool is a city and metropolitan borough of Merseyside, England, United Kingdom along the eastern side of the Mersey Estuary. BOOK: Irish Passenger Lists 1803-1806 Lists of Passengers Sailing from Ireland to America by Brian Mitchell; GPC 1995. The Grosse Île quarantine station now holds a memorial to the Irish. In the USA, official arrival records of immigrants were kept from 1820.  Charles Napier 1847 Ireland to St John New Brunswick (J J Cooke Shipping Records) 1838 / arr. Contains names of approximately 60,000 persons applied to leave Germany from late eighteenth century to 1900. Includes date & place of birth, residence at time of application & application date. These have been sorted by date and detail the document type for your convenience. October ? Although a small group of Ulster Presbyterians, also known as Scotch-Irish, emigrated and setup in Nova Scotia in the 1760s the first recorded Irish in Canada came as far back as 1536! 1834 / arr. September ? June 24th 1833, Reward of Youghall sailed from Cork May 1st 1833 / arr. Available now on and, Now available: This database identifies 604,596 persons who arrived in the Port of New York, from 1846-1851. June ? But her search into the past leads her to a dark secret. August 1833 (& crew), brig Silestria sailed from Belfast July 6th 1833 / arr. May 28th 1834, brig Breeze sailed from Dublin April 12th 1834 / arr. //-->,