Their doubts have set in motion a lively and important debate, and this book is designed to introduce American readers to the terms of that discussion. The revised edition of "The Obstruction of Peace," Aruri's classic account of Oslo and its collapse. We often hear the talking point "no country on Earth would tolerate rockets raining down on its civilians." What special skill does Barnabas bring to the blessed mother service In the story the lady's juggler? Many people want Gaza and the West Bank to be turned into a new country - Palestine. How many generations more before they realize the people who initiated these battles are long gone? Neither it is about who should take responsibility for their actions. What they are doing is not Jihad because murder and bloodshed can only take you away from God. Yossi Alpher explains how Israel entered its current situation of growing international isolation, political stalemate, and gathering messianic political influence. Hamas fires missiles from civilian buildings, Hamas establishes its headquarters inside schools, kindergartens and institutions where there are innocent civilians and children. All this will fail for the reasons so powerfully and eloquently stated in this book. As a Sponsor, you can attend all 12 Symposium sessions, the 2 bonus sessions plus watch the 2 films. Using the Geneva Accord as a springboard for a discussion of the issues surrounding the supposedly unsolvable problem of Isreali-Palestinian peace, one of America's most respected Jewish peace activists, Michael Lerner, looks at the ... These are documented acts by UN Mission reports, independent journalists, and by admission of Israeli soldiers. As of 2021, Israel is dominated by right-wing parties opposed to the creation of a Palestinian state. It started in 1920 after Britain took over the region following the collapse of the great Ottoman Empire in World War I. Israel's 11-day campaign may have been more discriminate than its 50-day battle against Hamas and allied groups in the summer of 2014. In addition, the holiest site in the world for the Jewish people is the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. In order to understand how the people of Israel hold the solution to this ongoing conflict, we need to understand their role, and the feedback they receive according to the realization . Acts of terrorism in today's Palestine headline the news almost daily, as homicide bombers blow themselves up in public places in Israel, slaughtering and maiming innocent Israeli citizens. Palestine vs. Israel Persuasive Essay. It is Biblically incorrect to speak of the land of Israel as "Palestine.". Israel-Gaza violence: The conflict explained. Firing rockets indiscriminately is a war crime. Several peace treaties and efforts have gone by yet we stand no closer to peace. A strong military is most powerful when it exercises restraint, rather than when it uses that might to justify killing civilians. Kushan Niyogi. History is the eyewitness; those who entice war or massacre get registered in books forever as villains. 1. Found insideThe best country-by-country assessment of human rights. The human rights records of more than ninety countries and territories are put into perspective in Human Rights Watch's signature yearly report. This was almost all migration of people, both Jewish and Arab. What God in which part of the world is happy with such deeds? Israel-Gaza violence: The conflict explained. That fact established, we cannot stop the UN conversation here. Israel-Palestine conflict – who is right, who is wrong? The concept of self-preservation or a "zero-sum" game does not work in our global village or by any moral compass. Whereas, the United Nations Security Council and General Assembly have passed numerous resolutions since UN Resolution 181, the Partition Plan . All Israel will someday turn to the Lord Christ as a group. Hamas must immediately cease such acts. Israel says it's needed to keep Hamas and other militant groups from importing arms. 1) Original Inhabitants: This is the strongest case for the Palestinians and goes back to how the Palestinians lived in the British Mandate of Palestine for at least 800 years as the consistent majority of people in the territory. The "Palestinians" may have acted. Before Israel's creation, Palestine willingly accepted some 700,000 Jewish refugees escaping World War I and the Holocaust. The conflict was between Israel and Jordan, Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon, though in the 1960's and 70's the PLO hijacked some planes and attacked some airports. On this issue His Holiness has demanded justice on both fronts. Hamas's actions and Israel's repeated claim that Hamas is the root cause of all this fighting proves only one thing -- force cannot create peace, at least not lasting peace. With great regret it must be said that today it is the ill fortune of many Muslim countries that they are no longer united. Israel is one of the most well-equipped and updated countries with current technology, military services, and intelligence. Netanyahu, Israel's right-wing prime minster, may soon be forced from office if he cannot broker a coalition in parliament; while Hamas would like to increase its role in Palestinian life over the . Righteous Transgressions examines these questions by comparatively studying four groups: the Jewish settlers in the West Bank, the ultra-Orthodox Shas, the Islamic Movement in Israel, and the Palestinian Hamas. In 1948, the Gaza Strip had a population of less than 100,000 people. This is as absurd and bigoted as claiming that a boycott of a self-defined Islamic state like Saudi . This should be a no brainer but for some it is difficult to accept. The Muslim leaders and so-called clerics are not righteous or God fearing and as a result those under their influence are being entirely misguided. Question: Which side is right in the Israel-Palestine conflict? Therefore, not only has unity been lost, but great cruelties and injustices are being perpetrated. Today, Ahmadi Muslims enjoy generous religious freedom in Israel while facing increasing persecution in Palestine. Since Israel's creation, the United Nations has passed at least 42 Resolutions against Israel for violating international law -- 17 of which were passed before Hamas existed. 6-21 May 2021. Palestine has not been, nor is it currently, a nation. Status. Israeli opposition leader . Registered users can ask questions, leave comments, and earn points for submitting new answers. " This is the question Daniel Sokatch is used to answering on an almost daily basis as the head of the New Israel Fund, an organization dedicated to equality and democracy for all Israelis, not just Jews, Sokatch is supremely well-versed on ... Israel's 'nation state' law is just as racist as critics said it would be A lawsuit proves that critics of the "nation state" law were right to call the bill racist. The Thin Green Line: From Intractable Problems to Feasible Solutions in the Israeli- Palestinian Conflict by Leon S. Sheleff This book is an attempt to offer an understanding of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from an Israeli perspective, ... Every such innocent death creates 30 more soldiers ready to kill and die. The superpowers of the world must interfere if it is not. Found insideOriginal, authoritative, and important, The Hundred Years' War on Palestine is not a chronicle of victimization, nor does it whitewash the mistakes of Palestinian leaders or deny the emergence of national movements on both sides. The Muslim world should follow his example of principled leadership precisely because he implores and acts with justice in all fairs -- even with those persecuting his community. Your email address will not be published. If we truly want peace -- and all sides at least profess to want peace -- we must come to the negotiation table accepting 9 facts about the Israel-Palestine conflict. 3. âIf Muslims want peace in Palestine, then they must unite in peace worldwide. Sabina Hashmy profiles Naftali Bennett, the far-right, anti-Palestinian, settler-champion accused of war crimes who is set to become Israel's new leader.. After twelve years, four elections and a slew of corruption charges still being heard in court, Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu looks set to be ousted from power by a coalition government headed by his one-time ally and now . Today is National Voter Registration Day! They have love and reverence for the land and consider it to be an intrinsic part of their identity. Rather than ignoring these unjust acts, Israel must own up to these war crimes and immediately cease such acts. There are also the Christian Monuments such as the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and the cities of Nazareth and Bethlehem. Israel said late Saturday that Palestinian militants in Gaza fired a rocket toward Israel that was intercepted by Israeli air defenses. -. IE 11 is not supported. Hello everyone, welcome to my Blog "Rational Words". In December, the magistrate court in Krayot, near Haifa, rejected a petition for access to education by Palestinian citizens of Israel living in Karmiel, citing . The only control the people leading this war has now is on the duration until which they can extend this war in their lifetime. Israel continued to deny Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza married to Palestinian citizens of Israel the right to nationality by enforcing the discriminatory Entry to Israel Law. The irony is only two types of people will ignore the above guidance -- "heartless Zionists" and "Hamas terrorists.". No one is guiding such youths or the wider Muslim Ummah (community) that such cruelty is neither righteous nor just. Israel represents to Jews the guarantee that even if the situation in their current Diaspora country turns sour, they have somewhere to go. Whereas, negotiations between the State of Israel and the Palestinian National Authority still have not achieved a just and lasting peace for the Palestinian people; and. Because the Resolution passed, Israel had the Right to Declare a State, which they did. It cannot on one hand claim legitimacy by citing the United Nations decision to create Israel, and then ignore UN enforcement to hold Israel accountable to international law. If the end goal is peace, then we must acknowledge some realities of the Israel-Palestine conflict without polarizing one another. 4) Population Exchanges: Just as Palestinians left the British Mandate of Palestine, Jews were forced to leave the Arab World in roughly the same numbers. Former leader of Jewish settler group is infamous for making incendiary comments about the Palestinians. None of these displaced persons were ever allowed to return to the homes or communities from which they were displaced and the Palestinian refugee population has continued to grow . Live. The Jews decided to agree with the Partition even though the Arabs refused. In The One-State Condition, Ariella Azoulay and Adi Ophir directly challenge this belief. The suspect and two victims are receiving hospital treatment. The Human Right to Dominate investigates the Israel/Palestine conflict to account for how human rights -- generally conceived as a counter-hegemonic instrument for righting historical injustices -- are increasingly being deployed to further ... Israel is the terrorist state backed by the America and was created by capturing land of our brothers in Palestine but sooner or later they will become part of history because war with them will take place no matter how much some Muslims deny it Palestine issue can be only resolved through war Israel doesn't understand language of peace history has proved it quite often This is essential to be able to draw a profound conclusion regarding the current situation, which is discussed in section three by addressing two questions: A) What are the chances for peace? B) Who plays a major role in this context? We have to be honest with ourselves. Israel and Hamas have agreed to a ceasefire, bringing to an end 11 days of bombardment, the heaviest flare-up since the 2014 Gaza War, that has left over 240 people dead and threatened to destabilise the volatile region. Date. Rational Words is my attempt to learn, understand and explain the logic, science, and rationality behind things around us that have the potential to make influence. How can a soldier live with his head high after killing a harmless, unarmed innocent child or a woman? 0:00 / 4:00. Right of Return. – Everything you need to know. The Land of Israel is NOT Palestine. As international awareness of the apartheid nature of Israel grows, Omar Barghouti offers a manifesto for winning Palestinian civil rights. Israeli Perspectives on the Two-State Solution. It will take decades to change it but will change if America begins to tread the path of peace with justice and equity. If we cannot find a middle ground in dialogue, how can we expect Israel and Palestine to find a middle ground during war? A teacher walks into the Classroom and says If only Yesterday was Tomorrow Today would have been a Saturday Which Day did the Teacher make this Statement? Unfortunately and remarkably, Israel has asked and the United States has agreed to veto all 42 of these UN Resolutions. 2) Atrocities have no Statute of Limitations. If Palestine wants to be a state, just stop the violence towards Israel, stop the children hatred towards jews, stop wasting all the money in attacking Israel, and stop imagening and dreaming for a full palestinian state with no Israel as their neighbor. Iron Dome and the comparatively fewer civilian Israeli casualties acknowledged, firing rockets at a civilian population is by definition a war crime. The Israeli Justice Ministry Sunday said it was postponing a hearing in a long-standing land ownership case that could see the eviction of Palestinians from . By the end of this book, the reader should be in an excellent position to go out and work for peace with justice for all peoples and states in the Middle East.”-Professor Francis A. Boyle, legal adviser to the Palestinian delegation to ... •. For now a hardening has come upon Israel (Romans 11:25). Since Israel's creation nearly seven decades ago, the world has witnessed the same violence again and again. Jerusalem holds Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock, the third most holy sites in all of Islam. We are not savages; we are a civilized intelligent race of this planet. The question is not about who is right or wrong. To Israel and Palestine His Holiness has advised. Biden says he spoke with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu amid the days long outbreak of violence that has killed dozens. But what is Hamas and who is representing the . His Holiness the Khalifa of Islam, Mirza Masroor Ahmad, leads the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. This is a massive number considering Palestine's Muslim population in 1947 was only around 1.2 million. This question is a source of huge contention that divides Jewish communities, political groups such as J Street and AIPAC, and . After all, peace is what we're after, right? Likewise, the Muslim world must recognize the right of Israel to exist. Caused by. 9. âAmerica must play fair, and so must worldwide Muslim leadership. 3) Jewish Nationalism: Jews have lived in other nations under other governments for two millennia and were either actively or passively discriminated against. The 2021 Israel-Palestine Symposium costs are greater than these fees will cover. Storming of the al-Aqsa Mosque by Israeli police. In stories on Israel/Palestine, however, media outlets regularly draw attention to whether Palestinians and their supporters recognize an Israeli "right to exist." I used the media aggregator Factiva to search for "Israel's right to exist" in material the New York Times , Wall Street Journal and Washington Post have run between . Because all wars end at the end. With major contributions from a range of international experts, including Edward W. Said, Noam Chomsky, Ilan Pappe, Alain Gresh and Norman Finkelstein, this volume examines the Palestinians’ right of return. These Palestinians assert that Israel should not be allowed to profit from this seizure of territory. There are Palestinian moderates. Israeli Actions in Gaza. The History of the Palestine-Israel Conflict. This guarantee of a homeland has actually been used in various waves such as the Post-Holocaust refugees, the Mizrahi Exodus, Operations Joshua and Solomon in Yemen and Ethiopia, and the Russian Immigration in the 1990s. Hopefully the majority of us can build a strong enough middle ground to neutralize both extremes and finally get what we all want -- peace. This is necessarily a heated question and so it will be impossible to get an unbiased answer. Before lambasting Israel, Muslim majority nations should lead by example and establish peace with each other. In order to understand how the people of Israel hold the solution to this ongoing conflict, we need to understand their role, and the feedback they receive according to the realization—or lack of realization—of their role. The second wave of COVID19, by Gods or Government ? (2 weeks and 1 day) Location. They are fighting an inherited war filled with hate and anger carried across generations with the added interest that accumulates . This further establishes point two above that Hamas is not the root cause of this conflict. Photo: AFSC. The solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict lies in the hands of the people of Israel. 1) UN Resolution 181: In 1947 the UN Partition Plan, which was passed into law split the British Mandate of Palestine into a Jewish and Arab State. Can’t the superpowers of the world or organizations like the UN make a strong decision to stop this massacre? In identity-based conflicts, what a person learns can become whom a person learns to hate. This book explores the unique position occupied by educators during protracted ethnic conflict. Let us stop leaving behind hate for our children to carry forward after we leave this world. Having elected Hamas, Palestine must be accountable to Hamas's war crimes. Support this important and timely program by becoming a Sponsor today. In full disclosure my analysis is as a human rights lawyer and a member of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community--a 125-year-old worldwide Muslim organization that arrived in Palestine in 1920. The Israelis would never accept the Palestinian refugee diaspora right of return to Israel, because doing so would essentially change the nature of Israel to a Jewish minority state. * From FALLEN PILLARS: U.S. Policy towards Palestine and Israel since 1945 and WARRIORS AGAINST ISRAEL: How Israel Won the Battle to Become America's Ally 1973, both by Donald Neff. The Jews decided to agree with the . In RIGHT TO EXIST, Yaacov Lozowick, an Israeli historian, describes his evolution from a liberal peace activist into a reluctant supporter of Sharon. In Jerusalem, occupied territory illegally annexed by Israel its responsibilities toward living... Part of the apartheid nature of Israel is dominated by right-wing parties opposed to the is. 'S war crimes and immediately cease such acts Hamas establishes its headquarters schools. To hate control the people of Israel a source of huge contention that divides Jewish,. 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