For many people of a certain age, Elia Kazan’s movie of conflict on the docks between a brutal union leader (Johnny Friendly, played by Lee J. Cobb) and a disillusioned dockworker (Marlon Brando) was their first introduction to the idea of a union and it was not a positive image. Found inside – Page 30-46“Regressive bargaining”—withdrawing an offer if the union is unable to meet the employer's time frame—has been upheld by the NLRB in White Cap, Inc. [325 N.L.R.B 220 (1998)], unless it is done specifically for the purpose of avoiding a ... However, "supposals" cannot be … So Ford hired the Pinkerton Detective Agency, known for its ability to destroy unions. COLLYER DOCTRINE - Applies when the National Labor Relations Board defers charges (ie. BACK PAY - Wages due for past services, often the difference between money already received and a higher amount resulting from a change in wage rates. Bad faith bargaining is the absence of these elements and in which there is no real intent of trying to reach an agreement. COMMON SITE PICKETING - A form of picketing in which employees of a struck employer, who work at a common site with employees of at least one employer is not being struck, may picket only at their entrance to the worksite. According to the Charging Party, the Respondent's chief negotiator has held national, as well as regional, positions in AFGE. In addition, the FLSA general requirement that the employee must be completely relieved from duty or else the time must be compensated as work time applies. GIG ECONOMY – The “gig economy” is "a labor market characterised by the prevalence of short-term contracts or freelance work, as opposed to permanent jobs". Found inside – Page 126Good - faith bargaining does not require the parties to make proposals and counterproposals ; it merely requires good ... Similarly , a majority of the Board held that so - called regressive bargaining or insistence upon terms which are ... This birthday was celebrated at workers' events around the country. Workers have a right to at least a 30-minute meal break for each 6 hours worked in a calendar day. A no-strike clause in a collective bargaining agreement is considered the quid pro quo for an arbitration obligation. That means they have no protection against unfair dismissal, no right to redundancy payments, and no right to receive the national minimum wage, paid holiday or sickness pay. Bargaining with the State examines the threats to liberty that arise through the power of government selectively to distribute benefits and favors to its citizens. The situation arises where a union and an employer have entered into a union-security agreement requiring workers to pay fees to the union. UNION DENSITY- The percentage of the labor force in an industry or geographic area or of total employment belonging to unions. SPLIT SHIFT - Any form of shift work where there are semi-regular work hours. RUNAWAY SHOP - A plant transferred to another location, usually another city, in order to destroy union effectiveness and evade bargaining duties. Rand and Bergoff were both indicted by the same federal grand jury for their roles in the Remington Rand strike. They can't use this information when classifying or assigning workers. Join the conversation via an occasional email, hundreds of thousands of dollars refunded to our retirees, In Defending Newsom, Dems Once Again Ignore Blue Collar Californians, Even Amid Give-Back Demands: Workers Can Still Safeguard Pensions, What Matters Most in a Democracy: Who Shows Up, Black People Acutely Aware of Structural Racism, Election Recall May Recall the Election Process, Growing Republican Chorus Slam Arizona’s So-Called “Audit”, Developers Crying to ‘End Exclusionary Zoning’ Is a Hoax, Los Angeles City Council Kick-Starts Path to Clean Energy, A New Understanding of Afghanistan Needed, Is Afghanistan FUBAR? UNPROTECTED ACTIVITY - Any conduct for which employees may be discharged or disciplined by an employer which is not protected by the NLRA. An employee’s comments on social media are generally not protected if they are mere gripes not made in relation to group activity among employees. EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES EMPLOYMENT COMMISSION (EEOC) – The Federal Government agency which administers most discrimination lawsuits. An administrative agency charged with administering the state’s collective bargaining statutes covering public employees. But with state governments like California facing increasing revenue shortfalls and an estimated 57 million gig workers in the United States noting a lack of employer protections and fair wages, the matter has shifted to the courts. What is "Regressive" Bargaining? Arguing that its menacing presence amounted to illegal protest activity against a “neutral” business under the National Labor Relations Act, Robb, who was appointed by President Donald Trump in 2017, sought a federal court injunction that could effectively outlaw Scabby across the country. Health & Safety
Mike Nichols directed Meryl Streep in this taut thriller about an employee of a plutonium company who stumbles on to some serious safety defects in the radioactive products. Management would counter, "We need to have a rule." Be prepared to propose a rule that the union can live with. It is a work meeting in which the parties consider a proposal, change the tone of the meeting, formulate a counter-proposal, or discuss and analyze what is happening at the table. Consequently, the UK Court of Appeal characterized Uber's description of the work relationship "a sham." Quote from the poem Bread and Roses by James Oppenheim:
Matewan (US, 1987)
Perhaps it would have helped to know that Johnny Friendly was based on an actual ILA leader who severely disciplined by the American Federation of Labor for his violent tactics. The law was named for Senator Carl Hatch of New Mexico. Ans. Employee Notice: Yes, the employee must notify the employer of the need for leave prior to day of attendance Obligation to Provide Certifications or Documents Supporting Need for Leave: Not specified. “RIGHT-TO-WORK” LAWS - A total misnomer. Either party may propose discussion of such a subject, and the other party may voluntarily bargain on it. EMPLOYEE STOCK OWNERSHIP PLANS - A form of compensation in which employees receive shares of stock in the company for which they work. Therefore, it is appropriate for parties to make clear that they have authority to reach a tentative agreement, subject to final approval (Mid-Wilshire Health Care Center, 337 NLRB 72 2001). The purpose of a defined benefit plan is to provide employees who retire with as much replacement income as possible for as long as they live. Five of those policies were found to be unlawfully broad, one was lawful, and one was found to be lawful after it was revised. CLAYTON ACT – A Federal statute passed in 1914 as an amendment to the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 which declared that human labor is not “a commodity or article of commerce”. The Act amends the Civil Rights Act of 1964. They see it as “a useful way to exert pressure on the union to act upon management’s final offer” and a “businesslike way of negotiating” according to Charles Loughran in Negotiating a Labor Contract: A Management Handbook. Your Committee was absolutely clear that SAHO's monetary concessions would cause great hardship for members. However, even in position-based bargaining the parties normally are expected to justify their proposals in terms of their interests by identifying the problems to which the proposals are intended as solutions. Here are some ways in which it does that, according to the EEOC: TRIANGLE SHIRTWAIST FACTORY FIRE - On March 25, 1911, the Triangle Shirtwaist Company factory in New York City burned, killing 145 workers. All covered employees are protected against being fired or punished for using or requesting their sick time (including threats, discipline, demotion, reduction in hours, termination, etc.). The National Labor Relations Board's General Counsel's Office, Division of Advice, has ordered dismissal of an unfair labor practice charge alleging bad faith "regressive" bargaining by a . Many worker centers are expanding not only in the city, but into the suburbs, rural regions, and southern states where there is a large concentration of Mexican and Central immigrants working in the poultry, service, agriculture, and meat-packing sectors. These agreements ensure elimination of all work stoppages for the duration of the project, through a project-long no-strike, no-lockout commitment, with binding procedures to resolve all disputes, assuring productive labor relations. Mike Judge’s contemporary comedy doesn’t really have anything to do with unions, but it does say a lot about the absurdity of the modern workplace, particularly the business office setting. PAID SICK LEAVE - MGL c.149, §§ 148C and 148D. (a) Q87. Found insideThe majority of Gould and Hurtgen emphasized that regressive bargaining was not per se unlawful and that in this case the employer used its harsher proposal only to press the union to reach an agreement.100 Gould, in a concurring ... Collyer Insulated Wire, 192 N.L.R.B. They also require: a calendar of on-going actions that involve ever increasing pressure and unpredictability on the employer; benchmarks to evaluate each action’s goals; and flexibility in the plan. Made 14 years earlier, F.I.S.T., directed by Norman Jewison and starring Sylvester Stallone, takes the basic outlines of Hoffa’s biography and fictionalizes them. But in one case, the discharge was upheld despite an unlawful policy because the employee’s posting was not work-related. Co-directed by George Abbott (also a co-writer) and Stanley Donen. AGENCY SHOP - A contract provision under which employees who do not join the union are required to pay a collective bargaining service fee instead. Employers are not required to compensate nursing mothers for breaks taken for the purpose of expressing milk. It stressed the freedom of industry to manage its business operations without union interference. 95–555) is a United States federal statute. The management rights clause automatically expires with the agreement if there is no extension (Racetrack Food Services, 353 NLRB 76, Dec. 31, 2008, and The Bohemian Club and UNITE/HERE Local 2, 351 NLRB59, Nov. 19, 2007). An employer can't discriminate based on these factors when recruiting job candidates, advertising for a job or testing applicants. EXPEDITED ARBITRATION - An effort to streamline the arbitration hearing by reducing both time and cost. BREAK TIME FOR NURSING MOTHERS - The Federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act which effective March 23, 2010 amended the Fair Labor Standards Act to require employers to provide a nursing mother reasonable break time to express breast milk after the birth of her child. 20 (1999) 325.]. regressive bargaining prevents a free flow dialogue. CANVASS - A method of talking individually to every member of a bargaining unit to either convey information, gather information on a survey, or plan for united action. While Moore has his critics, and his throw-it-all-up-there-and-see-what-sticks approach can be annoying, his central point is sound: that the big companies who decide to lay off workers and close plants or move plants overseas are not controlled by the economy – they are the economy. The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) developed the concept of constructive discharge during the labor union movement in the United States. ENDTAIL SENIORITY - The combination of two or more seniority lists (usually from a merger of different employers) into a single seniority list with the group of employees from one company being placed at the bottom of the new seniority list. Found inside – Page 56There may be tactical bargaining eddies in the strategic stream of these relational arrangements, but increasingly businesses are so conscious of the triviality of these regressive bargaining issues in the context of long-term planning ... Violations include - interfering with organizing, discrimination against an individual for union activity and bad faith bargaining. “RIGHT-TO WORK” STATES - States which have passed laws prohibiting unions from negotiating union shop clauses in their contracts with employers covered by the NLRA. In 1955, the CIO rejoined the AFL, forming the new entity known as the American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO). This includes helping workers combat wage theft through filings claims, collaborating with governmental agencies to assure enforcement of labor laws and wage theft claims, launching “direct action campaigns against specific employers and sometimes across particular industries, and engaging in leadership development and popular education”. to sustain the viewer though to the end. Employers can't require pregnant workers to pay higher health insurance deductibles than no -pregnant employees. NORRIS-THERMADORE RULE - When the union and the employer sign a written eligibility agreement, the agreement will control, and challenges will not be heard unless the challenges involve persons, such as supervisors, guards or other professional or confidential employees according to the Act or NLRB policy [119 NLRB 1301, 41 LRRM 1283 (1958)]. and OTHER LABOR RELATED TOPICS
However, regressive … Given that all workers in unionized workplaces enjoy the benefits of unionization, and since unions are legally bound to represent all workers, requiring the use of unions’ financial resources, unions have taken the position that workers who choose not to become members of unions must at least pay these fees in order to not become “free riders” - gaining benefits from union representation without paying a cent for them. An unfair labor practice (ULP) in United States labor law refers to certain actions taken by employers or unions that violate the National Labor Relations Act of 1935 (49 Stat. The parties in dispute therefore have a strong motive to submit reasonable proposals because if they submit something blatantly unreasonable, the arbitrator may decide to award the case to the opposing side. ELECTRONIC AUTHORIZATION CARDS - The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has made union organizing by email and social media a reality. Workers are free to join unions and bargain collectively to help improve their lives. Rick Perry, Congressman Mark Foley (intern sex scandal), and Congressman Billy Tauzin. The NLRB’s general counsel, Peter Robb, (Robb, the NLRB’s general counsel, operates independently of the board and is a veteran management-side lawyer who worked with the Reagan administration to bust the air traffic controllers’ union) had launched a legal assault to ban Scabby from a nonunion construction site at a Staten Island supermarket. Such leafletting at health care facilities does not require a ten-day notice as it would for an informational picketing or a strike. The manufacturer, D.E. Countless Silicon Valley business models have been built under the guise of gigs, Uber, Lyft and DoorDash are among the best known cases, which is ironic considering that for all of their high-tech pretensions, at the core both are taxi and food delivery services. ZOPA - An acronym which means a negotiation’s Zone of Possible Agreement. BROADBANDING - The replacement of a salary schedule or pay classification system that has numerous salary grades or levels with one that has only a few "bands" that each carry wider pay-range spreads. All companies that employ 15 or more people are subject to this law. If a Union challenges a unilateral change that the employer made or an illegal declaration of impasse (private sector), and the NLRB or state agency rules in behalf of the Union’s charge – the order from the agency is usually that the employer return conditions to the status quo ante. The differences between the Molly Maguires and a true union are significant: Connery’s group is a secret organization, and they are comfortable with using violence to achieve their ends. Often there is also an implied threat that this is the only way to save jobs and the company, etc. c. 149, secs. Somehow, Sayles completed the project, with its massive cast and spectacular battle scenes, for under $4 million. MASTER CONTRACT - A union contract covering several companies in one industry. Under this balancing test, an employer might be able to restrict an employee from wearing an entire outfit covered in union decals, assuming it had a neutral uniform policy. For example, a "sit-down" strike is not protected because it consists of taking over the employer's property and preventing it from running the business; a partial strike is the refusal to do some but not all assigned work, such as the refusal to work overtime. The AFL–CIO was formed in 1955 when the AFL and the CIO merged after a long estrangement. The Molly Maguires, led by Jack Kehoe (Sean Connery), is a sort of proto-union that is at war with the mine owners in pursuit of better pay and working conditions. Such a practice is often criticized for transferring jobs to other countries. While Alberta's recently elected New Democratic Party government is likely to address a number of long-standing issues in Alberta labour laws - such as unconstitutional prohibitions on strikes, incorporating the Rand formula, shortening the period between certification . 8. FMLA also applies to all public sector workers and workers in all public and private schools. The union shop is legal, except in so-called “right to work” states. In one part of the act, for example, there is a provision that an injunction prohibiting a strike cannot be issued unless the local police are either unwilling or unable to prevent damage or violence. The Pregnancy Discrimination Act requires employers to treat pregnant women the same way they do all other workers or job applicants. The National Labor Relations Board will, under this doctrine, refer resolution of such an issue brought before it to arbitration if the issue is arbitrable under the collective bargaining agreement. Pride is a 2014 British historical comedy-drama film written by Stephen Beresford and directed by Matthew Warchus. A union steward, for example, may not ignore a grievance which has merit, nor can that grievance be processed in a perfunctory manner. CARD CHECK AGREEMENT - An agreement in which the employer agrees to recognize a union as the official bargaining agent of its employees once a third party verifies that a majority of the entire group of employees has signed union membership cards; typically, the employer also agrees to begin negotiating for a first contract as soon as it recognizes the union. The higher bargaining power of the richer households may allow them to avoid paying bribes altogether, making bribery regressive. This differs from an unfair labor practice strike. Board decisions are significant because they establish precedent in novel cases such as these. the mayor), and the state dislocated worker unit. The management’s main concern was to crush any hint of a union. Part of the agreement was a 3% Cost-of-Living Allowance for 2020-21, with retroactive pay to July 1st, 2020. Taylor proposed time and motion studies of jobs to enable managers to set standards for more efficient production. IMMIGRATION AND NATIONALITY ACT (INA) - requires employers who want to use foreign temporary workers on H-2A visas to get a labor certificate from the Employment and Training Administration certifying that there are not sufficient, able, willing and qualified U.S. workers available to do the work. SYMPATHY STRIKE - A concerted work stoppage by employees of Employer A to express sympathy for striking employees of Employer B and to exert indirect pressure on Employer B. TAFT-HARTLEY ACT or LABOR MANAGEMENT ACT (LMRA) of 1947 - An amendment of the NLRA which added provisions allowing unions to be prosecuted, enjoined, and sued for a variety of activities, including mass picketing and secondary boycotts. The parties however may agree to a longer period of time (but never less time) to give such notice which usually is found in the contract’s duration clause. I understand and agree that this card may be used to establish majority support among the employees in the unit in which I am employed and obtain voluntary recognition from my employer without an NLRB election and/or to obtain an NLRB election.” The NLRB will accept 30% of the employees’ signatures on cards or petitions as the necessary “showing of interest” required to conduct an election. CONCERTED ACTIVITY – An action taken by a group of employees in order to improve their working conditions or benefits. In effect, this decision outlawed secondary boycotts. BLACKLIST – A list of union members, sympathizers or activists that is circulated among employers to advise them of the union activities of job applicants. It also applies to the federal government, employment agencies, and labor organizations. VOLUNTARY SUBJECT OF BARGAINING (or Permissive Subject of Bargaining) Subjects of bargaining other than those considered to be mandatory (see mandatory subject of bargaining). 4. Employer-provided health insurance plans must not treat pregnancy-related conditions any differently than they do other medical issues. FRINGE BENEFITS – Negotiated contract provisions other than wages and hours; for example, health insurance, welfare fund, pensions. The basic requirements of the duty to bargain as outlined in Taft-Hartley Section 8(d) defines the duty as: The performance of the mutual obligation of the employer and the representative of the employees to meet at reasonable times and confer in good faith with respect to wages, hours and other conditions of employment or the negotiation of an agreement or any question arising thereunder, and the execution of a written contract incorporating any agreement reached if requested by either party, but such obligation does not compel either party to agree to a proposal or require the making of a concession. LOCKOUT - Action by the employer to prohibit employees from entering the workplace during a labor dispute or employee strike. An agreement can have an automatic renewal provision, in which case the bar also would be renewed. MERIT INCREASE/PAY FOR PERFORMANCE – An increase in wages given to an employee by the employer to supposedly reward good performance on the job. GRANDFATHER/MOTHER CLAUSE - An exception in a contract article that either exempts or continues a prior benefit to those covered employees who were employed prior to the negotiation of that article. COALITION BARGAINING - When one or both parties engaged in collective bargaining represents a group of entities, e.g. Danbury Ambulance Service, 368 NLRB No. The movie suggests that the “accident” may have been murder, but the case has never been solved. BOYCOTT – A boycott is collective pressure on employers by refusal to buy their goods or services. ALEC members, speakers, alumni, and award winners are a “who’s who” of the extreme right. However, the authority of both representatives may be limited – or subject to final agreement of the union membership (through ratification) or management’s board of directors (or other body). At the same time, the movie fails to explore the vast power differential between the two purported “enemies” of the little guys – as always, management holds most of the cards. The issue involved whether registered nurses and other construction foremen, team leaders and lead workers in various fields of work were essentially supervisors, and therefore not employees. WORK-TO-RULE - A tactic in which workers agree to strictly follow all work rules, even those which are usually not followed. The Supreme Court by a vote of 9-0, held that the union was subject to an injunction and liable for the payment of treble damages. Public employee - a prohibited subject of bargaining - when one or both parties nonetheless situation arises where remedy! Working 12 hours a day, every day of Acme company by organizing against its supplier! Insurance PLANS must not treat pregnancy-related conditions any differently than they do all other workers job. 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