The following photos will allow you to identify indoor plants. Wu, Z. Rhododendron indicum. Rhododendron indicum Sweet, Hort. ... Rhododendron … - When Sweet undertook the transfer of the Pontic azalea to Rhododendron in 1830, he was unable to retain the Linnaean trivial name as an epithet. Preferred name: Rhododendron indicum. Found inside – Page 512Chapter III , New hybrid Rhododendrons , gives lists and more or less description of new hybrid Rhododendrons created and raised by various English and Dutch workers . ... Rhododendron indicum Sweet var . obtusum Max . ( Japanese . ) ... Pinterest. (2003). Rhododendron is a genus of shrubs and small to (rarely) large trees, the smallest species growing to 10–100 cm (4–40 in) tall, and the largest, R. protistum var. Basic information. Smithsonian Institution. Facilitated by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Found inside – Page 3205in English: western azalea Rhododendron ponticum L. Europe, Turkey. ... Nakai; Rhododendron hannoense Nakai; Rhododendron indicum (L.) Sweet; Rhododendron indicum (L.) Sweet var. eriocarpum Hayata; Rhododendron indicum var. simsii ... Azalea indica L.;A. macrantha Bunge; R. macranthum (Bunge) D. Don; R. indicum var. 皋月杜鹃 ( 学名 : Rhododendron indicum )为 杜鹃花科 杜鹃花属 下的一个种。. At ordinary times they can be potted plants, used to decorate the environment, and so on. homotypic … Corolla broadly funne1–shaped, bright red to scarlet, occasionally rose–red, 30–50mm; tube half the length of corolla, glabrous. Rhododendron indicum (L.) Sweet. Rhododendron indicum (L.) Sweet ‘Happy Days’ Evergreen shrub up to 2 m tall with lanceolate to oblanceolate leaves, up to 4 cm long, hairy on both surfaces, margins … 皋月杜鹃 R. indicum. Tsutsusi. This species is accepted, and its native range is Japan. The file may contain a single sequence or a list of sequences. The name Rhododendron × pulchrum applies to cultivated plants. Found inside – Page 39... baurii) Rhododendron eriocarpum (Ericaceae), satsuki, maruba tsutsuji (= fifth-month bloomer) one of the parent species of satsuki azalea, a round-leafed group of Japanese azaleas Rhododendron indicum cvs. (L.) Sweet (Ericaceae) ... Abstract. różanecznik japoński, azalia japońska (Rhododendron japonicum (A. (2008). R. simsii in its wild form is rare in gardens and of course very tender. At Wakehurst Place, Sussex, there is a plant raised from seeds collected by Forrest, but under what number is not known. Most of the seeds of R. simsii sent home by Forrest appear to have come from cultivated plants. Rhododendron indicum (L.) Sweet. Rhododendron indicum. Developed as a cultivated ornamental in Japan, now widely grown throughout the world as numerous cultivars known as azaleas. 杜鵑花屬 Rhododendron. Summer and winter leaves different. Smithsonian Institution. These species occur on the southernmost four islands of the Japanese island chain. 皋月杜鹃 ( 学名 : Rhododendron indicum )为 杜鹃花科 杜鹃花属 下的一个种。. China Southeast, 0.6 cm; base narrowly cuneate; margin sparsely and finely crenate-serrate; apex obtusely pointed; abaxial surface sparsely red-brown strigose; adaxial surface shiny-strigose. SERNA/Guaymuras, Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Rhododendron canescens (Michaux) Sweet is a deciduous shrub commonly known as Piedmont azalea or sweet azalea. S 6 - 15 feet Butterfly bush Buddleia officinalis N,C,S 20 feet Chinese hat plant Holmskioldia sanguinea C,S Variable Copper leaf Acalypha wilkesiana C,S 15 feet AbeSta 8.jpg 426 × 568; 203 KB. Suringar) różanecznik katawbijski (Rhododendron catawbiense Michx.) Commonly known as evergreen azalea, Rhododendron indicum is an attractive shrub with shiny, deep green leaves that display a … variegata (Variegated Chinese azalea, Azalea indica variegata). The flower has a sweet fragrance and is yellow with a dark yellow blotch on the upper petal. 214. ColPlantA (2021). China North-Central, 杜鵑(Rhododendron simsii Planch. 66 species. IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID) Publication Sweet's Hortus Britannicus: or, A catalogue of all the plants indigenous or cultivated in the gardens of Great Britain. Found inside – Page 7Rhododendron indicum ( L. ) Sweet This is the Azalea macrantha of the trade and the Satsuki of the Japanese . Of all the plants grown at Glenn Dale , this is the most nearly evergreen . The narrow pointed leaves persist in many cases 2 ... Found inside – Page 135Azalea indica Aiton , Hort . Kew , Ed . 2 , 318 ( 1810 ) in part , not Linnaeus . Azalea indica Sims , in Bot . Mag . , Vol . 36 , t . 1480 ( 1812 ) . Rhododendron indicum ( L. ) Sweet var . ignescens Sweet , Brit . Flow . It is said that the species originated in China, but it is unknown in the wild. 3G / 10" Arachis glabrata 'Golden Glory' Golden Ornamental Peanut, Perennial Peanut. Rhododendron canescens ("Sweet Pinxter … Inflorescence 1–3-flowered. Published on the Internet at and Subsections ; Brachycalyx; Tsutsusi; Rhododendron section Tsutsusi (spelled Tsutsuji in some older texts) was a subgenus of the genus Rhododendron, commonly referred to as the evergreen azaleas. 2. Flora of China 14: 1-581. Leaves dimorphic, chartaceous; spring leaves narrowly lanceolate to oblanceolate, 2–3 x 0.8–1 cm, 2.3–3 x as long as broad, apex acute, base cuneate, margin remotely crenate–serrulate, ciliate, upper surface with scattered bristles, lower surface paler, with setose bristles restricted to midrib; summer leaves 10–18 x 3–5mm, otherwise as for spring leaves; petioles 2–4mm, clothed with adpressed chestnut–brown setose hairs. Waray hini subspecies nga nakalista. Species. Tsutsuji, Rhododendron indicum Tsutsuji, Rhododendron indicum (Blunt-leaved azalea, Azalea obtusa). China Southeast, 잎은 어긋나고 가지 끝에 모여나는데, 넓은 피침(披 針: 곪은 데를 째는 침)꼴이며 잎가는 민틋하고 가지와 함께 갈색털이 난다. Growing Oncidium hybridum in autumn. IPNI Life Sciences Identifier (LSID) Publication The British flower garden: containing coloured figures & descriptions of the … luteum; Phonetic Spelling ... fragrant yellow flowers. (2003). Brit., ed. & Raven, P.H. (family Ericaceae). ツツジ園 園内では他に、ガビハナミズキ、ザクロ、ガクアジサイ、タイサンボク、ヒメタイサンボク、キミガヨランなどが開花しています。 Ecological speciation is an important factor in the diversification of plants. Rhododendron indicum Sweet. Found inside – Page 31037 ; 7 CFR 319.37–19 ( c ) ) by revising the list of rhododendrons that may enter this country from Europe , Japan , and Siberia ... W. W. Smith Rhododendron hirsutum L. Rhododendron indicum Sweet Rhododendron intermedium Tausch . The distribution of the woody species Rhododendron indicum, which grows along rivers and is able to withstand water flow when rivers flood (i.e. Edinburgh Rhododendron Monographs Comprehensive listing and description of all described Rhododendron species American Rhododendron Society Rhododendrons – Species and cultivars from project Diarsipkan 2016-07-02 di Wayback Machine . Contact us about this record. Rhododendron indicum är en ljungväxtart som först beskrevs av Carl von Linné och som fick sitt nu gällande namn av Robert Sweet. Published on the Internet at and Sweet: Type species; Rhododendron indicum Sweet. Map & Directions. Provisional checklist of vascular plants for the Korea peninsula flora (KPF): 1-660. Japan (Honshu, Kyushu), endemic. Phone: 352-400-6324. Brit. Gard. Then the seedlings with another non chilled seedlings were transferred to two growth chambers which wereregulated to 20h day length and kept at 25°C constantly or at 25/18°C alternately (day/night temperature). Most … [1] yakushimanum (Nakai) Kitam.) Found inside – Page 171A Rhododendron arboreum Sm. A Rhododendron brachycarpum D. Don ex G. Don E Rhododendron ferrugineum L. A Rhododendron indicum (L.) Sweet A Rhododendron × intermedium Tausch E Rhododendron luteum Sweet A Rhododendron maximum L. A ... Digital Image © Board of Trustees, RBG Kew It has 5 stamens that are 2 inches long and extend beyond the 3/4 inch corolla. RHODODENDRON SUBG. (L.) Sweet. formosanum Hayata Rhododendron chaoanense T. C. Wu & P. C. Tam Rhododendron calleryi Planch. GRIN link : Rhododendron indicum (L.) Sweet ; NCBI link: Rhododendron indicum; The Plant List link: Rhododendron indicum (L.) Sweet (Source: KewGarden WCSP) … Dvojno ime. Catálogo de las plantes vasculares de Honduras. According to Sweet, in … Espermatofitas: 1-1576. Growing Rhododendron indicum in autumn 4. Images; Distribution; Synonyms; Other … 2. Facilitated by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Rhododendron indicum (L.) Sweet (Satsuki azalea). Found inside – Page 25Rhododendron ( $ Eurhododendron ) hypoglaucum , Hemsl . , n . sp . Frutex fere omnino glaber , ramis floriferis crassiusculis cortice ... Rhododendron indicum , Sweet , Brit . Fl . Gard . ser . 2 , t . 128 ; DC . Prodr . vii . p . A Checklist of the Trees, Shrubs, Herbs and Climbers of Myanmar Contributions from the United States National Herbarium 45: 1-590. Care for a Rhododendron Indicum. Rhododendron amoenum Planch. Species ; See text . © Copyright 2017 International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. & Raven, P.H. History at Camden Park. Found inside – Page 31037 ; 7 CFR 319.37–19 ( c ) ) by revising the list of rhododendrons that may enter this country from Europe , Japan , and Siberia ... W. W. Smith Rhododendron hirsutum L. Rhododendron indicum Sweet Rhododendron intermedium Tausch . The bloom is tubular in shape and measures 2 inches across. Li Rhododendron annamense Rehder … An evergreen shrub, sometimes a dense bush from 3 to 6 ft high, sometimes low and more or less prostrate; young shoots slender, stiff, clothed with flattened, appressed, bristle-like hairs pointing towards the end of the branch. Spring leaves (those on the lower part of the shoot) elliptic, oblong-elliptic, or ovate, up to 2 in. Found inside – Page 2299Nepal: lahare chimal R. dauricum L. English: daurian rhododendron China: man shan hong, yeh tu chuan R. edgeworthii ... Nakai; Rhododendron indicum (L.) Sweet var. eriocarpum Hayata) English: Sims's azalea, red azalea China: du juan hua ... China South-Central, Edition: 2d ed. See text. © Copyright 2017 World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. Rhododendron indicum (sweet indica azalea)—This slow-growing evergreen azalea is often used in creating bonsai. "Rhododendron indicum (L.) Sweet in Flora of China @" eFlora. Commonly known as evergreen azalea, Rhododendron indicum is an attractive shrub with shiny, deep green leaves that display a hint of red during the winter. The big, bright red blooms, decorate the landscape in mid-spring. Chrysanthemum indicum bloom from August-October. Brit. This name is reported by Ericaceae as an accepted name in the … decumbens D. Don. On this page Created with Sketch. Rhododendron indicum (L.) Sweet : Details; Images (2) Synonyms (10) Accepted Names (2) References (5) Subordinate Taxa; Specimens; Distributions (4) Group: Dicot … Rhododendron flavum; Rhododendron indicum var. Myanmar, Kew Backbone Distributions You … Found inside – Page 18117 All the plants which used to be called azaleas some botanists now call rhododendrons : so the R. pulchrum above is , in fact , a hybrid from Azalea indica , and is the plant called Rhododendron indicum Smíthü in Sweet's Hort ..., Kew Names and Taxonomic Backbone 3 mm, densely shiny brown strigose; style 2.3(–4.5) cm, longer than stamens, glabrous. Web. 杜鹃花属 Rhododendron. Pl. EPPO Code: RHOIN. The record derives from Tropicos (data supplied on 2012-04-18 ) which reports it as an accepted name (record 50060751) with original publication details: Brit. Fl. Gard. 2: , pl. 117 1831 . Full publication details for this name can be found in IPNI : . They have predominantly outcrossing and entomophilous flowers with weak self-incompatibility (Tagane et al. The distribution of the woody species Rhododendron indicum, which grows along rivers and is able to withstand water flow when rivers flood (i.e. Rhododendron pulchrum Name Synonyms Azalea indica var. Rhododendron indicum. It mentions 102 … 240000001862 Rhododendron indicum Species 0.000 description 1; 241001454295 Tetranychidae Species 0.000 description 1; ... around 1960. Rhododendronに属するサツキの生態や形態の特徴を解説するページです。ZUKANはユーザーによる解説投稿と観察データの写真を使い、すべての種類の生きものを網羅して解説していきます。 ... Rhododendron indicum (L.) Sweet. giganteum, reported to 30 m (100 ft) tall. Rhododendron - Genus name indicum - Species name (L.) Sweet - Authority: meaning, in this case, that the species has been described by Linnaeus and then revised by Sweet. 일본에서 들어온 식물이며 키가 30∼90㎝ 가량 자란다. 'Rhododendron simsii' from the website Trees and Shrubs Online (treesandshrubsonline. This name is the accepted name of a species in the genus Rhododendron (family Ericaceae ). The record derives from Tropicos (data supplied on 2012-04-18 ) which reports it as an accepted name (record 50060751) with original publication details: Brit. Fl. Gard. 2: , pl. 117 1831 . Found inside – Page 110Rhododendron ovatum , Pl .; ex Maxim . in Mél . Biolog . Bull . Acad . Sc . Pétersb . vii.338 . ( = Azalea ovata , Lindl .; Benth . Fl . Hongk . 201. ) * Rhododendron indicum , Sweet . ( = Azalea indica , Linn .; Benth . Fl . Hongk . 1830. Science Press (Beijing) & Missouri Botanical Garden Press (St. Louis). Found inside – Page 73Ericaceae Azalea , Rhododendron Plants have a spreading habit and species include those that are tree - like such as ... and those that are short in stature like Rhododendron indicum Sweet . and Rhododendron kaempferi Planch . Rhododendron indicum Sweet. Recommended citation. Notes. Found inside – Page 31037 ; 7 CFR 319.37–19 ( c ) ) by revising the list of rhododendrons that may enter this country from Europe , Japan , and Siberia ... W. W. Smith Rhododendron hirsutum L. Rhododendron indicum Sweet Rhododendron intermedium Tausch . The International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Selected Plant Families 2021. Rhododendron indicum (Linnaeus) Sweet, Hort. In the Japanese archipelago, a riparian azalea, Rhododendron indicum (L.) Sweet, which belongs to the subgenus Tsutsusi, is known; it grows on exposed rocks along … Summary. Sweet is the authority, that is, the person(s) responsible for the name. Linea Pink Rhododendron single stem (27 MYR) liked on Polyvore featuring home, home decor, floral decor, flowers, artificial flowers, living room, fake flowers, flower stem, artificial flower arrangement and faux flowers. [Sweet], ed. Rhododendron indicum (L.) Sweet is an accepted name This name is the accepted name of a species in the genus Rhododendron (family Ericaceae ). Myanmar, Kew Backbone Distributions Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, MO & Harvard University Herbaria, Cambridge, MA., 2005. R. indicum. Plant Availability. Tam Rhododendron bellum W.P. Oxford, FL 34484. For more information on Indica Azaleas see Rhododendron indicum Sweet. decumbens D. Don. The record derives … Rhododendron indicum (L.) Sweet 'Happy Days' Evergreen shrub up to 2 m tall with lanceolate to oblanceolate leaves, up to 4 cm long, hairy on both surfaces, margins … OverviewCode created in: 1996-10-28. London Found inside – Page 25Rhododendron ( $ Eurhododendron ) hypoglaucum , Hemsl . , n . sp . Frutex fere omnino glaber , ramis floriferis crassiusculis cortice ... Rhododendron indicum , Sweet , Brit . Fl . Gard . ser . 2 , t . 128 ; DC . Prodr . vii . p . & Paxton Azalea ×rawsonii (Loudon) Paxton Rhododendron indicum var. Authority: (Linnaeus) Sweet. Inflorescence 1–2–flowered; pedicels 5–10mm, clothed with brown strigose hairs. Image Gallery. Found inside – Page 25Rhododendron ( $ Eurhododendron ) hypoglaucum , Hemsl . , n . sp . Frutex fere omnino glaber , ramis ... Rhododendron indicum , Sweet , Brit . Fl . Gard . ser . 2 , t . 128 ; DC . Prodr . vii . p . 726 ; Maxim . Rhod . As . Or . p . Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Watts after an illustration by Miss Drake from Sydenham Edwards' 'The Botanical Register,' London, Ridgway, 1834. Biological aspects were observed in the laboratory and damage is described. Rhododendron indicum (L.) Sweet is the same as Rhododendron indicum. syn. Satsuki azaleas are evergreen azaleas from Japan that originated as natural hybrids between Rhododendron indicum, a plant that occupies mountainous stream sides,and R. eriocarpum, an inhabitant of the alluvial plains at the base of the mountains. Sweet. Found inside – Page 69Reseda lutea , L. G. 8 . Rhamnus alnifolia , L'Her . H. 5 . Rhamnus crenata , S. & Z. H. 5 . Rhododendron Indicum var . F. 2 . Rhododendron Indicum , Sweet . F. 2 . Rhododendron rhombicum , Miq . F. 2 . Rhododendron Vaseyi , Gray . ... Rhododendron indicum 'George L. Taber' Southern Indica Hybrid Azalea, George Tabor Azalea. Cite this page: breynii Planch.;R. Trees or shrubs, terrestrial or sometimes epiphytic; indumentum various (see Seith & Hoff, 1980), with peltate scales, glabrous, or sometimes with trichomes. Cite taxon page as 'WFO (2021): Rhododendron indicum. Found inside – Page 110Rhododendron ovatum , Pl . ; ex Maxim . in Mél . Biolog . Bull . Acad . Sc . Pétersb.vii.338 . ( = Azalea ovata , Lindl .; Benth . Fl . Hongk . 201. ) Rhododendron indicum , Sweet . ( = Azalea indica , Linn .; Benth . Fl . Hongk . 201. ) ... Fang & G.Z. Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Rhododendron … Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe gestures. Found inside – Page 25Rhododendron ( $ Eurhododendron ) hypoglaucum , Hemsl . , n . sp . Frutex fere omnino glaber , ramis floriferis crassiusculis cortice ... Rhododendron indicum , Sweet , Brit . Fl . Gard . ser . 2 , t . 128 ; DC . Prodr . vii . p . macranthum (Bunge) Maxim. Rhododendron subsect., Kew Names and Taxonomic Backbone Espermatofitas: 1-1576. Found inside – Page 770... Japanese azalea - Rhododendron molle subsp. japonicum japansk azalea - Rhododendron indicum kamtjatka-azalea ... azalea - Rhododendron viscosum sweet azalea - Rhododendron arborescens western azalea - Rhododendron occidentale yellow ... Rhododendron balsaminiflorum (Carrière) T.Moore Rhododendron balsaminiflorum Carriere Rhododendron brachycarpum Zucc. ignescens Sweet Rhododendron indicum var. Yoichi W(1), Kawamata I(2), Matsuki Y(3), Suyama Y(3), Uehara … : Azaleastrum albiflorum (Hook.) Ovary densely covered with adpressed shining brown hairs; style glabrous. Missouri Botanical Garden. Rhododendron bicolor P.C. Useful plants Found inside – Page 69Reseda lutea , L. G. 8 . Rhamnus alnifolia , L'Her . H. 5 . Rhamnus crenata , S. & Z. H. 5 . Rhododendron Indicum var . F. 2 . Rhododendron Indicum , Sweet . F. 2 . Rhododendron rhombicum , Miq . F. 2 . Rhododendron Vaseyi , Gray . R. indicum is the familiar evergreen azalea; R. luteum, R.periclymenoides, and R. Authority: (Linnaeus) Sweet. Mogg Farm. ; R. "ColPlantA. Saved by Miya Botra II. it is a rheophyte) … Rhododendron indicum is an Azalea Rhododendron species native to Japan S W Honshu Shikoku Kyushu Yakushima.4Contents1 Taxonomy2 Cultivation3 Gallery4. Rhododendron indicum (L.) Sweet, although often given as the scientific name for this group of plants, has had little or no part in the parentage of the indicas. Found inside – Page 54Rhododendron canadense ( L . ) Torr . , rhodora Rhododendron canescens ( Michx . ) Sweet . ... Rhododendron gandavense ( K . Koch ) Rehd . , Ghent azalea Rhododendron hirsutum L . . . . . . . Rhododendron indicum ( L . ) Sweet . luteum (Sweet) G. Don Česká jména: pěnišník žlutý (Mareček 2001) Čeleď: Ericaceae Juss. Azalea indica L.; A. macrantha Bunge; R. macranthum (Bunge) D. Don; R. indicum var. Variegated azalea, Rhododendron indicum Sweet var. Found inside – Page 31037 ; 7 CFR 319.37–19 ( c ) ) by revising the list of rhododendrons that may enter this country from Europe , Japan , and Siberia ... W. W. Smith Rhododendron hirsutum L. Rhododendron indicum Sweet Rhododendron intermedium Tausch . 학명은 Rhododendron indicum SWEET. Images; Distribution; Synonyms; Other Data; … The leaves are spirally arranged; leaf size can range from 1–2 cm (0.4–0.8 in) to over 50 cm (20 in), exceptionally 100 cm (40 in) in R. sinogrande. )與皋月杜鵑 Rhododendron indicum (Linn.) 2.0 2.1; Mga sumpay ha gawas An evergreen … Rhododendron canescens ("Sweet Pinxter Azalea") along with Rhododendron austrinum ("Orange Azalea"/"Florida Flame Azalea") are among five Rhododendron species found in Florida and are the two most well known." Spesies Rhododendron indicum sendiri merupakan bagian dari genus Rhododendron. Japan (Honshu … Variegated azalea, Rhododendron indicum Sweet var. : Azalea flava Hoffmanns., Azalea pontica L., Rhododendron indicum var. Rhododendron indicum - (L.)Sweet. A. pontica. The vast majority of Rhododendron species are native to the eastern Himalaya and southeast Tibet, along with the islands of Java, Sumatra, Borneo, New Guinea, and the Philippines. Sweet Almond Verbena, Incense Bush, Sweet Almond Bush. (L.) Sweet. 2.1 Species; 3 References; Rydb. Botanically, Mucuna Pruriens is also called Velvet Bean, Cowitch and Cowage in English and KAUNCH BEEJ in Hindi. Chang, C.S., Kim, H. & Chang, K.S. Study species. Mga kasarigan. 이다. Rhododendron scabrum G.Don: チチジ、サックワンバナ: ケンチャヤシ: ヤシ科: Howea belmoreana Becc : コウヨウザン: スギ科: Cunninghamia lanceolata Hook. Engl. Gray) J.V. Rhododendron subsection Tsutsusi is a subsection of the genus Rhododendron, in section Tsutsusi, subgenus Azaleastrum, consisting of 66 species of Azaleas. Bot. Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Watts after an illustration by Miss Drake from Sydenham Edwards' 'The Botanical Register,' London, Ridgway, 1834. Listed only in the 1857 catalogue [T.89/1857]. On this page Created with Sketch. org/ articles/ rhododendron/ rhododendron-simsii/ ). You will need to log in before your comment is sent! Found inside – Page 69Rhododendron Indicum , Sweet . F. 2 . Rhododendron rhombicum , Miq . F. 2 . Rhododendron Vaseyi , Gray . F. 2 . Rhododendron viscosum , Torr . F. 2 . Rhus Canadensis , Marsh . E. 8 . Rhus cotinoides , Nutt . E. 8 . Published on the Internet at and long and 1 in. The gender of the epithet was changed to match that of the genus, hence Rhododendron indicum. Growing Cyclamen persicum in autumn 5. Found inside – Page 110Rhododendron ovatum , Pl . ; ex Maxim . in Mél . Biolog . Bull . Acad . Sc . Pétersb.vii.338 . ( = Azalea ovata , Lindl .; Benth . Fl . Hongk . 201. ) * Rhododendron indicum , Sweet . ( = Azalea indica , Linn .; Benth . Fl . Hongk . DESIGNPOST. Found inside – Page 69Rhododendron Indicum , Sweet . F. 2 . Rhododendron rhombicum , Miq . F. 2 . Rhododendron Vaseyi , Gray . F. 2 . Rhododendron viscosum , Torr . F. 2 . Rhus Canadensis , Marsh . E. 8 . Rhus cotinoidos , Nutt , E. 8 . A Project of the World Flora Online Consortium. (2005). Found inside – Page 69Rhododendron Indicum , Sweet . F . 2 . Rhododendron rhombicum , Mig . F . 2 . Rhododendron Vaseyi , Gray . F . 2 . Rhododendron viscosum , Torr . F . 2 . Rhus Canadensis , Marsh . E . 8 . Rhus cotinoides , Nutt , E . 8 . IPNI - The International Plant Names Index. różanecznik indyjski (Rhododendron indicum var simsi (L.) Sweet) różanecznik jakuszimański (Rhododendron degronianum var. Found inside – Page 680Rhododendron indicum : Sweet , R [ obert ] . [ Rhododendron indicum var . ignescens . ) ( In his British flower gar den . . . ser . 2 , II . 2 pp . , pl . 128. 1833. ) Sweet , R [ obert ) . ( Rhododendron indicum var . Smithii . ] ... The following are 5 flowers growing in autumn. 1.6 cm; stamens 5, unequal, 1.6–2.2 cm, shorter than corolla, filaments puberulent at base; ovary ca. A Checklist of the Trees, Shrubs, Herbs and Climbers of Myanmar Contributions from the United States National Herbarium 45: 1-590. : Cascade azalea, white-flowered rhododendron, white rhododendron. Desiderataum to Loddiges’ … 343. Rhododendron indicum adalah spesies tumbuhan yang tergolong ke dalam famili Ericaceae. calycina Lindl. 1915 County Rd 245S. Science Press (Beijing) & Missouri Botanical Garden Press (St. Louis). Azalea indica Linnaeus, Sp. 343 (1830). BHL POWO . ColPlantA (2021). 1857 catalogue [ T.89/1857 ] in the genus Rhododendron ( family Ericaceae ) ×rawsonii ( Loudon Paxton! 3.01 MB log in before your comment is sent developed as a cultivated in! 7Rhododendron indicum ( L. ) Sweet an easy-to-care-for flower that sprouts tight packs of tiny flowers that have a fragrance. Name can be found in IPNI: http: //, Kew Names Taxonomic. Laboratory and damage is described C. Tam Rhododendron calleryi Planch indicum Taxonomy ID: (! Analysis suggests two origins for the Korea peninsula Flora ( KPF ):.. 54Rhododendron canadense ( L. f. otakumi T.Yamaz., Ericaceae, St. Louis, MO & Harvard University Herbaria Cambridge... The Yarrow is an evergreen … Phylogeographic analysis suggests two origins for the Korea peninsula Flora ( )... Either a list of database accession numbers, NCBI gi numbers, gi! Inches long and extend beyond the 3/4 inch in length 2–4 mm, lobes ovate to orbicular, c.lmm.... Usually low and prostrate, though sometimes up to 2 m ( 100 ft tall! Ecological speciation is an evergreen … Phylogeographic analysis suggests two origins for Korea. Shoots densely red-brown strigose ; style 2.3 ( –4.5 ) cm, shorter than corolla, glabrous cultivated! Evergreen or semi-evergreen shrub 3 to 8 ft high in the diversification of plants and profiles. Pink shell Azalea is a member of the World as numerous cultivars known Azaleas... Cite taxon Page as 'WFO ( 2021 ): 1-660: // only in laboratory... Honshu Shikoku Kyushu Yakushima.4Contents1 Taxonomy2 Cultivation3 Gallery4 Page 680Rhododendron indicum: Sweet Brit..., George Tabor Azalea ponticum L. Europe, Turkey collected by Forrest, but it is unknown in 1857... Number is not known Forrest, but it is said that the species originated in China, but under number! Slightly exceeding the corolla, filaments puberulent at base ; ovary ca Sweet var Care. Upload a file from your local disk highly Popular and striking Plant, so. 1.7–3.2 ( –4.5 ) × ca: // '' indyjski ( Rhododendron indicum Sweet shape and measures 2 across. 6–8 mm, densely red-brown strigose ; leaf blade papery, narrowly lanceolate or oblanceolate, 1.7–3.2 –4.5., Hort 122Double - flowered Azalea indica L. ; A. macrantha Bunge ; R. macranthum Bunge! In yellow or white flowers with yellow pollen is the Azalea macrantha of the genus Rhododendron family... )为 杜鹃花科 杜鹃花属 下的一个种。 red blooms, decorate the environment, and the Satsuki of shoot. The Japanese gender of the genus Rhododendron, in section Tsutsusi, subgenus Azaleastrum swipe gestures strigose hairs, on... & chang, K.S indyjski ( Rhododendron japonicum ( a, Perennial Peanut suringar ) różanecznik (. Simsii in its wild form is rare in gardens and of course tender. In shape and measures 2 inches long and extend beyond the 3/4 inch in length 2 m ( 6ft ). Corolla, glabrous, … 학명은 Rhododendron indicum Taxonomy ID: 75581 for... 杜鹃花科 杜鹃花属 下的一个种。 clad with appressed, flattened, forward-pointing hairs and impotence in.! Origins for the Korea peninsula Flora ( KPF ): 1-660 ' Southern indica Azalea... Weak self-incompatibility ( Tagane et al Zhang Yue-Jiao,4 and Hong De-Yuan5 ABSTRACT section brachycalyx Sweet … OverviewCode created in 1996-10-28. ( 1810 ) in part, not Linnaeus: 15 Popular varieties & Care Tips … OverviewCode created in 1996-10-28! To Loddiges ’ … Rhododendron indicum ), biljna vrsta iz porodice.! Tiny flowers that have a Sweet aroma Azalea indica variegata ) Tagane et al provisional of! ) 꼴이며 잎가는 민틋하고 가지와 함께 갈색털이 난다 Bunge ; R. indicum var strigose hairs indicum Taxonomy ID 75581... 1000 Arten eine vergleichsweise große Gattung indicum Taxonomy ID: 75581 ( references. Length of corolla, filaments scabrid below '' 7G / 14 '' Rhododendron indicum, Sweet ) G. Don jména! Beskrevs av Carl von Linné och som fick sitt nu gällande namn av Sweet! ) × ca Azalea pontica L., Rhododendron indicum, Sweet, R [ obert ] the browse button upload. By touch or with swipe gestures, white Rhododendron or sequences in FASTA format and Climbers of Myanmar Contributions the.: Azalea indica L. ; A. macrantha Bunge ; R. macranthum ( Bunge ) D. Don ; R. macranthum Bunge... The length of corolla, filaments scabrid below, 1.7–3.2 ( –4.5 ) cm longer. Ncbi gi numbers, or sequences in FASTA format indicum adalah spesies tumbuhan yang ke. Potted plants, used to manage Parkinson ’ S disease and treat erectile dysfunction, oligospermia, and it its! Up to 2m ; young shoots densely red-brown strigose, glabrescent 5–10mm, clothed with strigose! 1.7–2 × ca has reddish-purple flowers … Rhododendron indicum … Rhododendron indicum,,! C. Wu & P. C. Tam Rhododendron calleryi Planch B. simsii, 7. macranthum, d ; Distribution ; ;! Of Trustees, RBG Kew http: // and http: // '' Loudon ) Paxton indicum... Sweet f. otakumi T.Yamaz., Ericaceae sequences in FASTA format tsutsuji, Rhododendron indicum Linnaeus... To Loddiges ’ … Rhododendron flavum ; Rhododendron indicum ( L. ) Sweet var the may... Japan S W Honshu Shikoku Kyushu Yakushima.4Contents1 Taxonomy2 Cultivation3 Gallery4 Yakushima.4Contents1 Taxonomy2 Cultivation3 Gallery4 데를 째는 침 ) 꼴이며 민틋하고... Ke dalam famili Ericaceae brown hairs ; style glabrous 피침 ( 披 針: 곪은 데를 째는 )... Flattened chestnut–brown setose hairs Azalea Rhododendron ponticum L. Europe, Turkey 173RHODODENDRON Rhododendron indicum adalah spesies tumbuhan yang tergolong dalam. Tube half the length of corolla, glabrous scabrid below the 1857 catalogue [ T.89/1857 ] the website Trees Shrubs. Et al ) × ca Azalea pontica L., Rhododendron indicum is an easy-to-care-for flower that sprouts tight packs tiny. Seeds of R. simsii sent home by Forrest, but under what number is not known of! 3.01 MB Peanut, Perennial Peanut 680Rhododendron indicum: Sweet, Brit 3205in English: western Azalea Rhododendron Sweet... 1–2–Flowered ; pedicels 5–10mm, clothed with brown strigose hairs shrub 3 to 8 ft in... Simsi ( L. ) Sweet var riparian Azalea Rhododendron indicum )为 杜鹃花科 下的一个种。! 100 ft ) tall tight packs of tiny flowers that have a Sweet fragrance and is now cited as indicum! Cylindrical pod approximately 1/2 to 3/4 inch corolla peninsula Flora ( KPF ):.... Cm, shorter than corolla, filaments scabrid below this highly Popular and striking Plant, and its range! Online ( treesandshrubsonline be potted plants, used to manage Parkinson ’ S disease and treat erectile dysfunction oligospermia. T. C. Wu & P. C. rhododendron indicum sweet Rhododendron calleryi Planch cortice... Rhododendron indicum … pulchrum. Fick sitt nu gällande namn av Robert Sweet from cultivated plants: pěnišník žlutý ( Mareček 2001 ) Čeleď Ericaceae. Indica var the Sweet Pinxter Azalea is a member of the Ericaceae or heather family,!: 1-590 ( $ Eurhododendron ) hypoglaucum, Hemsl but it is said that species! Low-Lying streams 2005 it was reduced to a section of subgenus Azaleastrum Pinxter … Care for a indicum. 6–8 mm, lobes broadly elliptic, 1.7–2 × ca MA., 2005 - pink ( )! Forrest appear to have come from cultivated plants or oblanceolate, 1.7–3.2 ( ). Indicum is an easy-to-care-for flower that sprouts tight packs rhododendron indicum sweet tiny flowers that have Sweet... A Sweet aroma omnino glaber, ramis... Rhododendron indicum var som först av... Canadense ( L. commonly used to decorate the environment, and its native range is Japan 째는... In 2005 it was reduced to a section of subgenus Azaleastrum, of... Orbicular, c.lmm long e.amenam ) ; Franchet, Pl... found inside – Page 25Rhododendron $! Catalogue [ T.89/1857 ], narrowly lanceolate or oblanceolate, 1.7–3.2 ( )... ( 6ft 7in ) chestnut–brown setose hairs a section of subgenus Azaleastrum, of. 15 Popular varieties & Care Tips × ca yellow pollen evergreen … Phylogeographic analysis suggests two for! Česká jména: pěnišník žlutý ( Mareček 2001 ) Čeleď: Ericaceae.! × 2,448 ; 3.01 MB 1000 Arten eine vergleichsweise große Gattung L. Rhododendron (! 16Rhododendron indicum ( Blunt-leaved Azalea, white-flowered Rhododendron, in section Tsutsusi, subgenus,... 1–2–Flowered ; pedicels 5–10mm, clothed with brown strigose ; style glabrous that tight! Of this highly Popular and striking Plant, and is now cited as R. var! List because of its flowers, … 학명은 Rhododendron indicum ( L. ) Sweet flowers have! ( Bunge ) D. Don ; R. macranthum ( Bunge ) D. ;... List of sequences Online ( treesandshrubsonline forward-pointing hairs ( 披 針: 곪은 째는! Franchet, Pl... found inside – Page 16RHODODENDRON indicum ( L. ) Sweet ) Hybrid Azalea Azalea! Papery, narrowly lanceolate or oblanceolate, 1.7–3.2 ( –4.5 ) × ca luteum ( )... The file may contain a single sequence or a list of sequences dari genus Rhododendron, Rhododendron... Or white flowers with rhododendron indicum sweet pollen stamens 5, unequal, 1.6–2.2 cm longer! Xiao-Feng,2 Ding Bing-Yang,3 Zhang Yue-Jiao,4 and Hong De-Yuan5 ABSTRACT section brachycalyx Sweet … Rhododendron indicum adalah spesies tumbuhan yang ke. - cultivated species, and it gets its name from its sweet-smelling flowers Arachis 'Golden! Treat erectile dysfunction, oligospermia, and impotence in men ( Lindl. Pinxter... White flowers with yellow rhododendron indicum sweet Azalea Rhododendron species native to Japan S W Honshu Shikoku Kyushu Yakushima.4Contents1 Cultivation3! Board of Trustees, RBG Kew http: // and http: // '' as indicum. Species occur on the upper petal enter to select throughout the World as numerous cultivars known as Azaleas adpressed! Deep rose pink or rose color ( Ridgway ) tergolong ke dalam famili Ericaceae corolla broadly funne1–shaped bright.
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