daniel 10:12 explanation

These prophecies will soon be fulfilled, and God is revealing what they mean to those who obey Him. The first title points undoubtedly to an arrangement of orders and degrees among the angels, designating Michael as one of the most distinguished of the angel-princes; hence called in Jde 1:9 ἀρχάγγελος, also in Revelation 12:7, where he is represented as contending with his angels against the dragon. Daniel 10 Commentary; Daniel 11 Commentary; Daniel 12 Commentary; BILL MCRAE. Few passages in the Old Testament are clearer about the resurrection of the righteous being separate from the later resurrection of the unjust. (Think: What reasons might have motivated Daniel to make this choice?) Daniel 12 is a continuation of the angel’s words to Daniel. https://www.raystedman.org/old-testament/daniel/the-other-side-of-prayer Daniel 10-12 Daniel Specific Activities of the Nations Michael stands up Time of trouble Such as Never Was Before 1290 and 1335 Days Blessed Is He Who Waits. Daniel had devoted three full weeks to such a service Daniel 10:2-3, and it would seem from this that one object which he had in view was to make inquiry about the future condition of his people, or to learn what was his own duty in the present circumstances, or what methods he might use to secure the return of his countrymen to their own land. Three years after the desecration of the temple (December 164 B.C. We have already commented on his linen garment and the fact that his waist had a belt of gold from Uphaz, which may be the same place as Ophir. Then I praised the Most High; I honored and glorified him who lives forever. But Daniel was not asking for purification, but for strength. didst set thine heart to understand—what shall come to pass to thy people at the last times (compare Da 10:14). 9 Yet heard I the voice of his words: and when I heard the voice of his words, then was I in a deep sleep on my face, and my face toward the ground. C. Explaining to Daniel Future Happenings to Israel (10:10-11:1). Seleucus was assassinated in 175 B.C. Seleucus served as one of Ptolemy’s generals from 316-312 as Ptolemy and Seleucus defeated Antigonus in the Battle of Gaza, leaving Seleucus free to regain Babylon once again. Thus, he was left alone to gaze on this vision, but it had a devastating effect of him so that he had no strength left in him (8). The context for this event is in the last days as Daniel 10:14 sets this vision – “the vision concerns a time yet to come.” Moreover, the behavior of “little horn” of Daniel 7:24, 2 Thessalonians 2:3 (“the man of lawlessness”), and the “beast” of Revelation 13: 1 is so strikingly similar that these texts must all be speaking of the same king who will appear in the last days, “He will show no respect for the gods of his fathers… nor will he regard any god, but will exalt himself above them all” (Dan 11:37) just as the Beast in Revelation 13:6 opens his mouth “to blaspheme God and to slander his name and his dwelling place.” Indeed, he “will exalt himself above all,” exactly as 2 Thessalonians 2:4 says of the man of lawlessness, who “will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped.”. The last three chapters of Daniel (10-12) form one final vision and the most complete revelation Daniel received. I ask that because in the first year of his reign Cyrus gave … Therefore, we note the progress in revelation to Daniel from an interpreted dream to the highest form of revelation from the second person of the trinity himself. Chapters 10-12 of Daniel are a unit, a final revelation given to Daniel in the third year of Cyrus (10:1). But there was a matter of business that had to be dealt with first before he returned to the fray; he had to tell him what was written in the Book of Truth” (21). The visitor had to return to fight with the Prince of Persia, and when he would leave, the Prince of Greece would come (20b-c). ), with a large army, moved against Ptolemy IV (221-203 B.C. Antiochus IV made an edict proscribing all Jewish religious practices including the observance of the Sabbath, offering sacrifices, or observing food laws and festivals on pain of death (11:31). However, since the description of this “man” exceeds all ordinary angels and since his description shares in common four features with the “Son of Man” in Revelation 1:13-16, we would favor this being a Christophony, a pre-incarnate appearance of Jesus in the Old Testament. And he said to me, “O Daniel, man greatly beloved, understand the words that I speak to you, and stand upright, for I have now been sent to you.” The Vision on the Banks of the Tigris (10:1-4), B. 13. In general, Daniel 12 is addressing the Jews because Gabriel makes reference to "your people" and he's speaking to Daniel. However, many Jews, over the last 2000-years, have accepted Jesus as the Son of God and become Christian. That's the only way for a person to get their name in the Book of Life. who came to the throne being only six years old when his father died. Michael is thus the angel possessing the unparalleled power of God. Stand up, for I have been sent to you.”. Daniel strengthened third time . The events narrated in the first six chapters date from the year Nebuchadnezzar deporte "Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words.". king of Persia, a revelation was given to Daniel (who was called Belteshazzar). In this chapter we have some things introductory to the prophecy, in the eleventh chapter the particular predictions, and ch. The Bible was written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. A better view is that the predictions in verses 21-35 refer directly to Antiochus Epiphanes, but in verses 36 to 45 it directly refers to the Antichrist of the last days. Based on their experiences with territorial spirits, John Dawson, C. Peter Wagner and 16 others prepare you to defend your neighborhood against spiritual attack. Daniel 10 Daniel 10:12-13 "Prayer and Spiritual Warfare" Introduction Daniel is in heathen Babylon. Q. This one, who appeared to Daniel, was a ”man” (5a, cf. Antiochus IV’s route to the throne is unclear, but he assumed the throne under the pretense of ruling on behalf of his nephew who had been taken as a hostage to Rome. Copyright © 2021 Seed of Abraham Ministries,Inc. There are two separate resurrections occurring at two different times: one to everlasting life, and the other raised briefly to answer why they have never received Jesus as their Lord and Savior, only to be cast out into hell forever. In other places the Bible makes a link between dumb idols and demons (Deut 32:17; Ps 106:37-38; 1 Cor 10:20). 25:11–12; 29:10) that "the ruins of Jerusalem" (Dan. (10-11) The certain man introduces himself to Daniel. Antiochus IV set out to invade Egypt (11:25), in which he successfully captured Pelusium and Memphis, though not of Alexandria. Found inside – Page 20If you see these first verses in Daniel Chapter 12 as a promise , you really can find these verses to be the gospel in the Book of ... What it says is that the understanding of these verses will be closed up until the time of the end . The book of Daniel stands as a unique mix in the Old Testament, for while it begins with history, it makes a strong transition at chapter 7, where it contains visions of future events significant to the Jews. Chapter 10. 12.3.3-4), in which the Jewish people did not take too kindly to the Ptolemaic side, but when the Seleucid factions visited Jerusalem, they were well received as they promised to give the Jews their freedom to live by their own ancestral rules. This spirit of the kingdom of Persia, whom, after the example of Jerome, almost all interpreters call the guardian angel of his kingdom, is as little the nature-power of this kingdom as Michael is the nature-power of Israel, but is a spirit-being; yet not the heathen national god of the Persians, but, according to the view of Scripture (1 Corinthians 10:20. God heard the first day, though he sent not his angel to tell Daniel of it till three weeks after. Found inside – Page 283(3) The Interpreting Angel's Explanation (10:10–14) 10A hand touched me and set me trembling on my hands and knees. 11He said, “Daniel, you who are highly esteemed, consider carefully the words I am about to speak to you, and stand up, ... Hosea 3 Commentary Hosea 4 Commentary Hosea 5 Commentary Hosea 6 Commentary Hosea 7 Commentary. Some of the predictions about Antichrist are: (1) “He will also invade the beautiful land” (40), which is the land of Israel; (2) There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of the nations until then” (12:1b): and (3) there will be “Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth [who] will awake, some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt” (12:2) – a resurrection of two kinds of the dead to two kinds of eternal life. Daniel: Chapter 11 Timeline. A. Daniel 10:12 = Danel prayed for understanding, humbled before God. How did he make it to Daniel? But a Menelaus in 172 B.C., one not from a priestly family, offered an even greater bribe, so he replaced Jason. What struck me about this verse is that God listens to us, and our words make a difference. The NT was written in Greek with a sprinkling of Aramaic words. Against the idea of the subjection of Michael to the angel that spake, or the man clothed with linen, stands the further unfolding of the angel's message, the statement in Daniel 10:21 and Daniel 11:1, according to which the angel that spake gave strength and help to Michael in the first year of the Median Darius, from which we have more reason to conclude that the angel who spake stood above the angel Michael; see under Daniel 11:1. This victory put Palestine and much of Syria in Egyptian Ptolemaic control. The message that Daniel now received, however, was so heavy that Daniel fasted for “three weeks” (2), for he cut out all gourmet (“choice food,” 10:3) foods, all meat and wine, and he used “no lotions” until the three weeks were over (3). Daniel 12:10 Parallel Verses [⇓ See commentary ⇓] Daniel 12:10, NIV: "Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked.None of the wicked will understand, but those who are wise will understand." What are the seventy sevens in Daniel 9:24-27? The Antichrist is a major figure who will appear in the last days, but his end is sure and sudden. A soul that would obtain great things from God by prayer must be solemn and fervent in seeking God. The prince (שׂר) of the kingdom of Persia, briefly designated in Daniel 10:21 "the prince of Persia," is not king Cyrus, or the collectivum of the kings of Persia, as Hv. Daniel 10:12 -- On Hearts and Words. Thus, within the year, Sheshbazzar (Ezr 1:1-4, 11) led some of the Hebrew captives back home and he rebuilt the sacrificial altar (Ezr 3: 1-3). They focus in particular on the pressure two nations would place on Israel, but the twelfth chapter of Daniel assures that Israel  will be delivered in that final day. Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words. What is he still doing in Babylon? The evil angel resisted the message getting through to Daniel about what would happen to his people Israel in the future (14). His brother Antiochus III (223-187 B.C. ), the δαιμόνιον of the Persian kingdom, i.e., the supernatural spiritual power standing behind the national gods, which we may properly call the guardian spirit of this kingdom. Daniel 10:9 Yet heard I the voice of his words: and when I heard the voice of his words, then was I in … At the end of that time, I, Nebuchadnezzar, raised my eyes toward heaven, and my sanity was restored. Daniel 10:12 Parallel Verses [⇓ See commentary ⇓] Daniel 10:12, NIV: "Then he continued, 'Do not be afraid, Daniel.Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them." Daniel 10:8-13. for thy words—because of thy prayers.1. The Lord is quick in hearing the fervent prayer of a humble soul, though he doth not presently let them know it. It was because Michael was the prince of Israel, i.e., "the high angel-prince who had to maintain the cause of the people of God in the invisible spirit-world against opposing powers" (Auberlen, p. 289); and as such he appears also in Jde 1:9 and Revelation 12:7. This chapter relates the beginning of Daniel's last vision, which is continued to the end of the book. Daniel had just enough strength to confess his weakness. This time would have included festal anointing with oil as an indication of one’s joy and gladness at festival time. Daniel 10-12 Listen Another vision (Daniel 10) 1 In the third year of Cyrus king of Persia a thing was revealed unto Daniel, whose name was called Belteshazzar; and the thing was true, but the time appointed was long: and he understood the thing, and had understanding of the vision. viii, 9-13, 23-25, and who is very probably "the little horn" spoken of in Daniel 7:8, 20, 21, 25, while events of his reign are apparently described in Daniel 9:25-27, and undoubtedly so in 11:21-45; 12:6-7, 10-12. DANIEL 10-12 A. Hosea. OVER 100,000 COPIES SOLD! Now you can study the Bible with the faculty of the Moody Bible Institute! Imagine having a team of 30 Moody Bible Institute professors helping you study the Bible. Teaching Aim: To understand how God will introduce times of distress before he sends his final deliverance to all who belong to him. Daniel 12:1(NASB) Verse Thoughts Chapter 12 of Daniel, has been identified as one of the most important Old Testament passages, that relates to the great tribulation, which takes place, just prior to Christ's second advent - when He returns to set up His millennial kingdom on earth. Why do Daniel and Revelation give varying counts of 1,260, 1,290, and 1,335 days for the tribulation? Daniel closes his book with a promise to those who are wise: they “will shine like the brightness of the heavens.” Moreover, “those who lead many to righteousness [will] be like the stars for ever and ever” (3). Daniel 10:1-3. Then he said to me, “Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard; and I have come because of your words. The Prophecies About Israel at the End of Time (12:1-13), D. The Disposition of These Prophetic Words (12:4-13), I. But the angel picks Daniel up, stands him on his feet, and tells him to listen. Whoever bears this in mind, it … Daniel: On the Way to the Future. Daniel was also told that “violent men among your own people will rebel” (11:14b), which probably refers to the same incident mentioned by Josephus (Antiq. However, all will be resurrected to face the Lord, some to everlasting life and some to eternal torment. “At that time Michael shall stand up, The great prince who stands watch over the sons of your people; And there shall be a time of trouble, Such as never was since there was a nation, Even to that time. After he is finished speaking with Daniel he is returning to fight the prince of Persia and the prince of Greece who is coming. This was an awesome being of power, so great that ordinarily strong, valiant men were so frightened that they ran. * 1 In the first year of King Belshazzar of Babylon, as Daniel lay in bed he had a dream, visions in his head. – everyone whose name is found written in the future in linen ” ( 20a ) up stands. Sevens ” in chapter 10, the book of Daniel are being in. “ great vision and the message getting through to Daniel ’ s concerned... Holy spirit to work through his Word 10:12-13 `` prayer and Spiritual Warfare '' Introduction Daniel is daniel 10:12 explanation 2! Tells him to listen likeness of a revelation he received during the third of... Translation of Daniel are being unsealed in the future spoken so accurately and with heavy ;! City of Babylon as conqueror in October of 539 and established the Medo-Persian Empire for war and assemble great... Compare Da 10:14 ) the 6 o clock news this great vision the. Michael, the one who waits for and reaches the end of the book of are... 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